
Why does my diamond have a hole and is this ok?


Nov 4, 2020
Hi my boyfriend and I recently picked out an engagement ring together I think it is one from the 1940s it's 0.65 carat but when we got it home I noticed with my naked eye I can see a hole in it.I can see my finger through it etc.Is this ok ?The ring we managed to get for £1000 and is platinum is this a good price?I keep noticing this hole now .Thank you20201103_174038.jpg20201103_171830.jpg20201104_212629.jpg
As @Roselina and @Karl_K wrote it's a culet and you see them in old cut diamonds. Your engagement ring is lovely! Here is a thread you might find interesting. Congrats on your engagement!

Thanks im finding it hard not to keep staring it as I can see it from about 10 inches away does it devalue the ring?The ring is valued at £2,250 though we only paid as £1,000 I am also worried the jeweller might not take it back as we are in lock down for a month and I'm really not sure...Any advice ?
Your ring is beautiful and I don't think a culet in an old cut diamond would detract at all from the value as a culet is perfectly normal in antique stones. Some are larger than others but as far as I know, true antique diamonds always have them. And also love the setting of your ring. Really beautiful and classic. If it were my ring I'd be thrilled and not consider returning it.
Thank you I just feel a bit fixated by the hole as it seems so obvious and can be viewed from afar and can see my skin underneath it .It is from the 1940s x
well if you don't like it, that's a different story. I thought it was just that the culet concerned you because you thought it was a defect, which it isn't. If you don't like it, then maybe you should return it.
It’s one of the hallmarks of an old cut stone, that’s what I love about them and look for. I had a stone that was slightly transitional not just old and I got rid of it because it didn’t have what you describe as the hole. You also seem to have gotten a good price. BUT, truly if this is going to bother you then you may want to consider returning and getting a modern round brilliant where you won’t have that at all. It’s just a matter of taste. If you want an antique then rock that because it’s so pretty!
@Shopoholic -

Just to be clear, it's not a hole. It's solid diamond, it just doesn't have a point. Modern round brilliants have a pointed bottom, but old cuts have a flat facet at the bottom.

It's a different look, but definitely *not* a 'hole'.
It looks lovelly to me
i hope you feel ok about it
Just say to yourself i have a beautiful vintage engagment ring and a cutlet is completly nornal
maybe stop looking at in under magnification and just admire it on your finger

I have a ring i wish i had never looked at under a loup
Thanks hopefully it will grow on me I dont have to look under a loup to see it as can see it all the time just with my eyes as normal.Will need to decide if it is a deal breaker. Thanks so much for advice it is a beautiful ring I just wish I hadn't noticed it x
It’s nice that you will give it some time. But don’t force yourself to wait too long for it to “grow” on you. You don’t have to like it. It just may not be for you and that’s ok. You just don’t want to miss your return window. You should have something that makes your heart leap, not something you wished you didn’t notice. Good luck on finding the right stone for you!
That's a lovely antique old mine cut. Very coveted by some. Like me!
I happen to love them :love:
They are definitely different than MRB(master round brilliant)
Check out some threads on new and old cuts that can be found all over here on Pricescope.
It's okay to like new cuts or old cuts. You just need to find out which is the you cut. You'll know when you do.
As others have said, it's not a flaw. It's part of an old stone. I buy pretty much exclusively old-cut stones, because that's what I prefer. However, if you find that it's not to your liking, it's definitely a character aspect of the stone that would stand out. I think you have to decide whether or not you like it. Nice older cut stones are getting fewer and fewer, but you have to like the flavor of the diamond.
Beautiful stone! It looks like it can share lots of stories. :kiss2:
I’m glad you love your ring. It’s a beauty.
I'm glad you're keeping it! I think over time you'll appreciate that you have something very special and it's not a flaw. Think of it as an extra facet :)