
Who''s Got The Money?

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Jan 26, 2003
In the matter of duelling forums I have a question. (Anyone? Anyone?)

Who has the money? Which forum has the most consumers who spend money on jewelry? To me this is more than a moot point. If a forum drives off members and those members are jewelry buyers and they migrate...what happens?


Jan 26, 2003
I can't believe no one has an opinion about this! Who spends most on jewelry: men about to propose or older people with more disposable income who look at things besides a solitaire? Which forum (DT, PS, or DCC) has more readers looking for each type of purchase and, thus, spending most?


Nov 10, 2002

I think people on this forum are more interested in buying their own diamond or learning the technical details of diamond cut. There is not as much social chatting going on here and that is more diamond talk's role amongst the forums. I think the posters here just choose which forum they want to post on or post on all three forums but do not really care what the difference between the forums are. If they post on all forums they have access to all vendors so it doesn't really matter.

Rank Amateur

Feb 26, 2003
The money comes from the vendors who advertise on the site. It is the vendors whom the site needs to keep happy. I imagine the actual consumer $$ spent per visit is very hard to track. As long as the vendors perceive that they are getting their money's worth that's what matters.

That and having an captive audience of Unverified Users to whom you can target your marketing.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming of the minutae of culets and girdles!


Apr 4, 2003
I can only speak from personal experience. If I am "driven" off a forum you can bet the farm that any vendor who contributd to my "demise" will never get another cent of my business. Furthermore, IMO if a vendor is honourable & sees that power hungry imbeciles are arbitrarily banning consumers, it would seem to me that said vendors would tire of such unfair action. After all, each consumer that gets the boot is a potential customer.
I agree that there is a lot of "chit chat" on DT that is not jewelry related. This isn't necessarily a "bad" thing. It's just part of the dynamics of the posters. However, if you look at the profiles you see that the majority of the posters are newcomers. Whilst I appreciate any feedback, I do not want an unqualified consumer giving me technical advice etc. After all, I wouldn't listen to the bagger at the market if he told me how to partition my hard drive.
Just MHO.



Jan 26, 2003
This issue has been raised here before, Aprile. Someone here (Sibelius?) suggested that those of us who were banned boycott all vendors who continue to advertise on Diamond Talk.

When the issue was first raised I stated I was against a boycott of the vendors who advertise on Diamond Talk. I have always had great experiences with Jan and Brad (Diamond Brokers of Florida) and I did not want to let "politics" come between us.

I cannot have the same relationship with a vendor who advertises on Diamond Talk now, though. By definition that vendor is supporting someone who harmed me.

Since no one wants to hear constant complaints about Diamond Talk here, what can a consumer do *EXCEPT* vote with his feet, i.e. refuse to patronize the vendors who support Diamond Talk?

A refusal to patronize someone can be done in silence or loudly, depending on one's goals.


Apr 4, 2003
I agree on both counts AGBF. While I wouldn't support an "across the board" boycott of vendors who either/or support,advertise or post on DT, I would not have a problem telling a vendor who was involved in any way w/an unfair action against me (or another consumer), to take a hike. My surprise is that any vendors are even left on DT. After the way their peers have been treated, if I was a vendor I would have to wonder about the integrity of the site/admins. Kinda creepy.



Nov 10, 2002
Rank Amateur


Jul 22, 2002
On 5/13/2003 3:13:15 AM pyramid wrote:

Rank Amateur


With all due respect, surely, you have too see that you have a "fondness" for girdle talk.

That said, it was I who suggested the boycott. I did not say to participate - just that is was the only way to "voice" your opinion.

As far as the money, I would think that the "engagement" ring business is a fairly steady one. And - profitable! If I were in the fine jewelry trade, those searching for an engagement ring would be my target. Also, that person may become a client for life. Although he could not find a stone for my anniversary rock, intially, I contacted the jeweler who sold us my original e-ring - and wedding bands - and anniversary band -and gold chain, etc.

If I could snag an established older client in process - great. I think the money is in the first time buyer. Diamonds are expensive - and our society finds "engagement" rings somewhat of a necessity. Plus, the possibility of future business (with wedding bands, etc) is gravy.

As far as which forum generates the most $ for the vendors, don't know. But, Pricescope, without a doubt, has more talent these days.


Feb 26, 2003
In my opinion, the one who buys
Depends on the time of year
Before the Xmas holidays
All ages will appear..

But when the spring time blossoms
Thoughts turn to love and such
Guys start looking for engagement rings
For the one they love so much!


Aug 25, 2000
I don't think who has the money its more like who spends it

I think we are talking the same?

My thoughts on who spends it.

Older people ~ Not really , what they start buying at their age is considered inheritance and they usually have accumulated enough jewelry at that time. Some of my best and richest customers disappear after retirement.

These are not set in stone answers but the majority for me. Not saying the older retired people don't do it , but its a smaller %.

Women ~ Are bigger buyers of jewelry then you think. They are also the ones that drive the male into submission on purchases. If it was not for the women the males would not go near a store.

Young kids 19 to 24 (makes me sound old) ~ This is the big bucks, I don't know where they get the money but they sure come up with it.

You also have a group that worked hard starting a business thought their late 20's and early 30's and have money to spend and are catching up with purchases.

The more I post the more this question is a multi faceted one


Mar 5, 2003
On 5/14/2003 9:35:53 PM Iceman wrote:
The more I post the more this question is a multi faceted one


It does have many facets. But if you tell me it's warped, I'm not agreeing with that opinion.


Oct 30, 2002
Women ~ Are bigger buyers of jewelry then you think. They are also the ones that drive the male into submission on purchases.

Hey! I resemble that remark!

Actually it is interesting to note that my guy came pre-programmed with jewelry buying genes long before I met him. Lucky for me his mother and step-mother are both huge jewelry lovers. He is always telling me what sort of new bauble his dad got his step-mom...I think last year it was a new anniversary ring of some sort. She has a huge 3c diamond rock, though I have to say the cut does not look that impressive...I didn't tell anyone that though.

So when I first met him--2 months later for my birthday he got me gold and silver earrings, I think about 4 pairs! And then he asked me...'would you wear diamond earrings if I wanted to get them for you'. Can we say YES?
I got them that Xmas. So he definitely has a love of buying jewelry though he has slowed somewhat in the last few years...saving up for the big purchase this year which was the ring though I did get a diamond horseshoe pendant about a year ago.

So yes I guess he would not go near a jewelry store if it wasn't for women, as it was women who trained him to like to shop and buy jewels....but there's no male submission here!! Not on jewelry anyway.


Jul 22, 2002
On 5/14/2003 9:35:53 PM Iceman wrote:

I don't think who has the money its more like who spends it

It has been my experience that the 23-30 year old DINKS spend quite a bit. Those same dinks have children in their 30's (perhaps late 20's). That seems to curtail spending (and time to shop).

Spending habits pick up in the 40's. Spending is usually put on hold w/ kids in college.

For me, the people that spend the most on objects are between 45-60 years.

Ice is right about older people. They are my best *source* of objects. They are trying to de-aquisition. But, I don't start seeing that until 65 or so.


Jan 26, 2003
I just saw an ad (in "The New Yorker"?) about women who have substantial wealth...and I thought of this thread. I also saw the cover story of this week's "Business Week".... It is about how far ahead of males females have gotten in education. According to "Business Week" (should you want to take their word on education!) this is self-explanatory since girls mature before boys and thus get a head start in school. Funny that they didn't mature earlier in the past ;-).


Nov 25, 2002

On 5/12/2003 10:20:23 PM AGBF wrote:
This issue has been raised here before, Aprile. Someone here (Sibelius?) suggested that those of us who were banned boycott all vendors who continue to advertise on Diamond Talk.

When the issue was first raised I stated I was against a boycott of the vendors who advertise on Diamond Talk. I have always had great experiences with Jan and Brad (Diamond Brokers of Florida) and I did not want to let "politics" come between us.

I cannot have the same relationship with a vendor who advertises on Diamond Talk now, though. By definition that vendor is supporting someone who harmed me.

Since no one wants to hear constant complaints about Diamond Talk here, what can a consumer do *EXCEPT* vote with his feet, i.e. refuse to patronize the vendors who support Diamond Talk?

A refusal to patronize someone can be done in silence or loudly, depending on one's goals.

AGBF: Two far as who has the money, I think it's PS. I didn't really learn of DT until after I had been a regular reader of PS, and I honestly found their forum very rudimentary compared to the quality of posts and helpful input from members on this board.

I respectfully disagree, though, with the notion of boycotting vendors who advertise on DT. Following your example of Brad & Jan....the fact that they advertise there is not expressly an endorsement of DT per se. It is an acknowledgment that there is some viable market of potential diamond buyers that need to be made aware of DBOF's existence. To my (very limited) knowledge, B&J haven't participated in bashing customers in any way. They have not suggested banning anyone. They may even not personally agree with it. It's seems unfair to penalize a vendor whose simply trying to operate a successful business based on the actions of the DT moderators alone.

This doesn't mean you cannot vote with your feet....or more accurately, your internet browser. If readers instead boycott DT (or any other forum that practices draconion practices), it will become cost prohibitive for vendors to advertise there. Who wants to spend advertising money pitching to an empty room? No one.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect jewelry vendors to spurn a potential market that could be substantial, but it's totally reasonable to refuse to patronize the offending site. If there is no meaningful traffic.....meaning those who have $$ to will be cost prohibitive for vendors to advertise there.

Just my humble opinion.


Jan 26, 2003
On 5/21/2003 4:49:54 PM aljdewey wrote:

"I respectfully disagree, though, with the notion of boycotting vendors who advertise on DT. Following your example of Brad & Jan....the fact that they advertise there is not expressly an endorsement of DT per se. It is an acknowledgment that there is some viable market of potential diamond buyers that need to be made aware of DBOF's existence. To my (very limited) knowledge, B&J haven't participated in bashing customers in any way. They have not suggested banning anyone. They may even not personally agree with it. It's seems unfair to penalize a vendor whose simply trying to operate a successful business based on the actions of the DT moderators alone."

You appear to me to be very wise, aljdewey. You may be right about how best to deal with Diamond Talk. I will have to give it more thought.

I trust Jan and Brad completely to sell me good diamonds and gemstones at fair prices. They are very ethical people and very friendly, kind people, too.

I do not want anyone to think he is at risk if he buys from them.

I cannot stay at the computer any longer, though. It is a big night here. I have to visit the local middle school for the first time since my daughter is about to make the leap from elementary to middle school.



Jul 22, 2002
On 5/21/2003 5:24:50 PM AGBF wrote:

On 5/21/2003 4:49:54 PM aljdewey wrote:

I trust Jan and Brad completely to sell me good diamonds and gemstones at fair prices. They are very ethical people and very friendly, kind people, too.

I do not want anyone to think he is at risk if he buys from them.


Curious, is Jan or Brad a member of Diamonds After Dark?


Nov 25, 2002

On 5/21/2003 5:24:50 PM AGBF wrote:

You appear to me to be very wise, aljdewey. You may be right about how best to deal with Diamond Talk. I will have to give it more thought.

I trust Jan and Brad completely to sell me good diamonds and gemstones at fair prices. They are very ethical people and very friendly, kind people, too.

I do not want anyone to think he is at risk if he buys from them.

I cannot stay at the computer any longer, though. It is a big night here. I have to visit the local middle school for the first time since my daughter is about to make the leap from elementary to middle school.

Awwwwww......AGBF.....thanks a heap....(blush).

I've never had the pleasure of dealing w/Jan or Brad personally, but I've heard nothing but glowing testimonials about them and their business ethics. I intend, though, to give them a whirl on a future purchase.

P.S.....what a wonderful, confusing time. Kids undergo so many changes at this stage from elem to jr. high. Best of luck!
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