
Who's a musician?


Jul 27, 2010
Musician being an incredibly loose and operative term, but who on Pricecope is musically inclined? Be it vocally, instrumentally, percussively...

I play guitar and privately sing, played piano over 10 years ago. I hadn't picked up the guitar in months and started playing today, a truly wonderful feeling. So I was wondering who else on PS has an instrumental/vocal getaway? :))
This thread hasn't been done for a long time--it's always a good one, though.

I am a grandmother was a concert violinist and pianist. My fiance plays several instruments, including guitar, drums, piano, and bass...he has taught musical theory and composition and has fronted many bands. He was the #2 tenor in his state when he was in high school.
I wouldn't say that I'm a musician, yet, but I am learning to play bass, and I like to sing (took some lessons, but not confident enough to sing in public). My DH is a guitarist/bassist and has been playing for over 20 years.
I love this thread! I took piano lessons for 14 years from 4-18 years old. I quit when I graduated high school. My parents live far from me, thus my piano is far from me and I can't play nearly as well as I used to. I've almost forgotten to read music! My brother taught me to play guitar, but I only know several chords.
monarch64 said:
This thread hasn't been done for a long time--it's always a good one, though.

I am a grandmother was a concert violinist and pianist. My fiance plays several instruments, including guitar, drums, piano, and bass...he has taught musical theory and composition and has fronted many bands. He was the #2 tenor in his state when he was in high school.

I double-checked before posting it, last thread was in 2005! How incredibly musical! Bless you for being a pianist-- my left and right brain didn't work together well enough to play with both hands!
I guess then I should post that my grandmother was a conductor and piano teacher, my mom plays piano/didgeridoo/drums (I have an interesting family...) and SO plays guitar in a hopefully-soon-to-be-popular band.

Lil Misfit said:
I wouldn't say that I'm a musician, yet, but I am learning to play bass, and I like to sing (took some lessons, but not confident enough to sing in public). My DH is a guitarist/bassist and has been playing for over 20 years.

Keep on playing and singing! You know that quote:
You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth."
— William W. Purkey

Lanie said:
I love this thread! I took piano lessons for 14 years from 4-18 years old. I quit when I graduated high school. My parents live far from me, thus my piano is far from me and I can't play nearly as well as I used to. I've almost forgotten to read music! My brother taught me to play guitar, but I only know several chords.

My college roommate had a piano that folded out. Weirdest thing ever to see a flat piano, but where there's a will, there is certainly a way!! Reading music is such an acquired skill that it's almost too easy to forget once you stop practicing. They're pretty cheap, perhaps this way you can practice again!
I've played flute for nearly 15 years (since I was 10) and can't wait until the cash flow is better so that I can start back up with my private lessons with a pro flute player ::)
I'm a classically trained pianist and violinist, although I don't play the violin anymore. I'm also a singer (soprano). I play the guitar really badly. My FI has a doctorate in music.
Both my hubby and I. He plays guitar, has been playing most of his life. I play piano and drums. And I'm trying to learn bass and guitar. Since I play piano, it helps with the guitar playing. I got the concept of it, now I need to make my fingers go where they're suppose to go. I mainly pick at the strings. I also want to learn cello and koto.
I am! Piano, hammered dulcimer, and vocals (classically trained mezzo-soprano). Nothing in the world give me more joy than singing.
I'm a soprano, and I specialise in contemporary classical music (opera and concert). I trained as a composer, but kept singing and acting while I did so, and then "gave in" and went to music college as a postgrad. It's a good and fun life, if a little unpredictable at times...! :errrr:
DH is a musician. He plays bass guitar professionally but is trained on the guitar. He said many times that he's never been happier than he is when he's playing.
Lil Misfit|1308794799|2952516 said:
I wouldn't say that I'm a musician, yet, but I am learning to play bass, and I like to sing (took some lessons, but not confident enough to sing in public). My DH is a guitarist/bassist and has been playing for over 20 years.
Similarly to you,I just adore to sing,but I'm way too shy and self conscious to sing in public.I would love to learn to play the guitar,so I'm looking around to see if one of my musicians friends can teach me :lol: One of my bestfriends is incredibly talented.His band just got a record deal with a minor label,and I'm just so happy for him.He play the drums,the piano and the guitar.He also write their music and lyrics.
I played piano for about 15 years, and sang in choirs throughout school. Now I lead worship at church 3 weeks out of the month. Although I don't take piano lessons anymore, I help my 2 kids who have both been taking piano lessons for about 2 years.

edited for typos.
I used to play clarinet and alto sax but was never good enough to consider myself a "musician." I've thought of taking it up again, but my DH and many of our friends are professional musicians, so I'd have VERY high standards to live up to!
This is great. we have some talented PS'rs.
interesting thread! I am a pianist. I have been playing since I was around 4-5 years old. I stopped taking lessons in college but recently started again. I also have perfect pitch!
I've been a singer all my life and had a stint in the state opera back a zillion years ago.

I still perform, but mostly in sketch theater/musical comedies. My voice doesn't have to be "great" (thank goodness) but it has to be strong. Still working on that.

I'm toying with picking up piano again. I was one of those kids who had to be cajoled OFF the piano. I had to stop lessons when we were in a financial rough spot...I'd love to start again!
Im a vocalist, songwriter and producer. I was signed to an independent label with major distribution 3yrs ago, but before the group I was in hit the road, (due to band member entanglements and egos), our group quickly dispersed and so did the contract. :blackeye:

Anywhoo, I haven't performed since then. I will jump on the bandwagon again soon. ::)
Vocalist going to seed here. Started late but had almost 4 years of classical, with a bit of belt thrown in. I found belt a bit tricky after all that classical, since it is pretty much polar opposite technique-wise, but more useful I suppose.

I haven't done a whole lot with it lately, although I have performed with bands and in various choirs - one of them a very high-powered acapella chamber choir. I've also been in one local professional summer stock production of "Sound of Music" as one of the extra nuns of Nonnberg Abbey. Fun, but it gave me insight into the theatre life, and having seen it I would not aspire to it.

I feel kind of bad at times, not singing much anymore. I come from classical roots on both sides - dad sang lieder/light theatre and a cousin of mine on my mother's side was a dramatic soprano who sang with the likes of Tucker and Corelli. But I started late, did it strictly for fun, and life goes ways we don't foresee, so....
I don't really think of myself as a musician, but I love music !!!
Sang in church choir.
Clarinet in elementary, middle school and high school.
Picked up guitar in my 20's.
Always loved the flute though.
So I bought one about 10 years ago, and a music book and
taught myself.
Now I play traditional Irish music on
tin whistle and wooden flute.
LOVE :love: :love: :love: