
Who is your dream President?


Sep 16, 2007
Many people are bemoaning our presidential choices. If you could pick anyone, who would you want as president?

Elizabeth Warren is my pick.

But if we need an alive president I agree, Warren.

I keep trying to post a picture of Spock because he's logical, honest, and believes in living long and prospering. Every time I post an attachment of his image, it shows as a picture of my cat, who would probably agree he'd make a dreamy POTUS.
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
Queenie60|1458950117|4011127 said:
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
The best post WWII President.. :appl:
Obama and J. Carter is fighting each other for the title of being the worst post war President ... :wink2:
Dancing Fire|1458953106|4011147 said:
Queenie60|1458950117|4011127 said:
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
The best post WWII President.. :appl:
Obama and J. Carter is fighting each other for the title of being the worst post war President ... :wink2:

Obama will win that one!!!


Queenie60|1458953413|4011150 said:
Dancing Fire|1458953106|4011147 said:
Queenie60|1458950117|4011127 said:
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
The best post WWII President.. :appl:
Obama and J. Carter is fighting each other for the title of being the worst post war President ... :wink2:

Obama will win that one!!!
It is a close race b/t Obama and Carter. I still remember the Carter yrs... :knockout:
Ronald Regan. As said earlier. I agree. I also believe his wife was a great First Lady. They made a great team.
In addition to your dream President (alive or dead), who would you pick from someone currently active in politics?
I wanna see the first woman Prez. in office, but I don't want 4 more yrs of Obama policies.
kenny|1458942009|4011079 said:

But if we need an alive president I agree, Warren.
I'm with you Kenny.
Clint Eastwood.

Sheriff Joe
liaerfbv said:
In addition to your dream President (alive or dead), who would you pick from someone currently active in politics?

I would vote for Rudy Giuliani.

I asked my dh and he thought about it and said Paul Ryan. Maybe.

I agree with those who said Ronald Reagan was a good leader.
I also agree with those who said Carter was an awful president. :knockout:
Dancing Fire|1458957848|4011181 said:
I wanna see the first woman Prez. in office, but I don't want 4 more yrs of Obama policies.

Yes, my biggest problem with HC is her healthcare plan. I'm still following Nikki Haley--I can't stand her voting record on abortion, but people do change their minds. Obama used to be against gay marriage, so... if NH would flip on abortion, she might fall into my "dream" category.
amc80|1458967504|4011224 said:
Sheriff Joe
I'd vote for him. I saw something on Facebook about Mike Rowe and John Taffer running together on a dream ticket. I'd go that route nonsense take no shit common sense roll up your sleeves and get it done type guys.
Can't think of anyone I consider a "dream."
Those of you who are Warren fans, do you think she regrets not running given Clinton's many negatives presently?
Warren may have missed her opportunity to be the first female prez.
liaerfbv|1458941634|4011076 said:
Many people are bemoaning our presidential choices. If you could pick anyone, who would you want as president?

Elizabeth Warren is my pick.
I don't think Warren regrets not running. Clinton has negatives, but they are the same negatives she's been battling for years which haven't seemed to affect her political aspirations. I think Clinton was the presumptive nominee no matter who ran against her, but I love how far Bernie has gotten.
liaerfbv|1458941634|4011076 said:
Many people are bemoaning our presidential choices. If you could pick anyone, who would you want as president?

Elizabeth Warren is my pick.
Elizabeth Warren is mine as well
Dancing Fire|1458953106|4011147 said:
Queenie60|1458950117|4011127 said:
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
The best post WWII President.. :appl:
Obama and J. Carter is fighting each other for the title of being the worst post war President ... :wink2:

This post and the ones that follow up with who they think is the worst president is a synopsis of My Life Discussing Politics in My Neighborhood. I'm the only democrat in my neighborhood. Any discussion of current politics devolves into rants about which Democrat president was the worst. It's hilarious! I feel like all the Republicans I run into, whether IRL or online, just can't stop complaining! When did republicans turn into such whiners?

My dream presidential ticket would be Elizabeth Warren, Pres and Corey Booker, VP.
Condeleeza rice and Colin Powell teamed.
I kind of echo what Missy said

Current living people I wish Rudy Giuliani was running for president. He demonstrated exactly what a leader should be after 9/11.

I believe Ronald Reagan was good leader.
Maria D|1459092449|4011686 said:
Dancing Fire|1458953106|4011147 said:
Queenie60|1458950117|4011127 said:
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
The best post WWII President.. :appl:
Obama and J. Carter is fighting each other for the title of being the worst post war President ... :wink2:

This post and the ones that follow up with who they think is the worst president is a synopsis of My Life Discussing Politics in My Neighborhood. I'm the only democrat in my neighborhood. Any discussion of current politics devolves into rants about which Democrat president was the worst. It's hilarious! I feel like all the Republicans I run into, whether IRL or online, just can't stop complaining! When did republicans turn into such whiners?
Since Obama became Prez... :tongue:

Our Prez. is no longer the most powerful man in the world.
He threw Netanyahu under the bus.
Let Putin poke his finger at his nose whenever he feel like it.
Fighting Mother Nature instead of ISIS.
Releasing dangerous terrorists from Gitmo.
Disastrous Iranian nuclear deal.
The biggest spending Prez in history.
More Americans on welfare than ever.
Median household income down since he became Prez.
Slow job growth, only about 220k per month.
Obamacare Disaster.
I don't think anyone could get much done with the clowns in Congress right now.
Dancing Fire|1459124084|4011878 said:
Maria D|1459092449|4011686 said:
Dancing Fire|1458953106|4011147 said:
Queenie60|1458950117|4011127 said:
Too bad there's not another Ronald Reagan. That person would be my pick.
The best post WWII President.. :appl:
Obama and J. Carter is fighting each other for the title of being the worst post war President ... :wink2:

This post and the ones that follow up with who they think is the worst president is a synopsis of My Life Discussing Politics in My Neighborhood. I'm the only democrat in my neighborhood. Any discussion of current politics devolves into rants about which Democrat president was the worst. It's hilarious! I feel like all the Republicans I run into, whether IRL or online, just can't stop complaining! When did republicans turn into such whiners?
Since Obama became Prez... :tongue:


But you're going all the way back to Carter! Newsflash DF - Obama can't run again, your nightmare with him his over. Just let your mind slip back to the good ol' days of GWB and bask in those memories. :angel:
i LOVE OBAMA! but if I can't have him anymore I would love to see Elizabeth Warren as President. We need someone who can continue to block Congress from passing tax cuts for the rich.
I think Obama has done a great job as president. I respect his Spockian approach (intellectual, factual, analytical). Other dream presidents... Kang and Kodos, maybe? :naughty: seriously though, even though I'm not American, your election results affect the rest of the world, so I'm watching the primaries closely. My American FIL supports Trump, which really upsets me. Trump is anti women, anti minorities, against non-Americans, and I'm all of these. I can't believe my FIL can support Trump and not connect this with the fact that he's essentially endorsing hatred against people like me, the woman who married his only son.. :((

I'm Canadian and I've been thrilled with Justin Trudeau so far. He's got a a very positive approach for women, minorities and Millennials (I fall into all three categories) and it finally feels like we have a 21st century leader. :appl:
Rudy Giuliani is low on my wish list. He was notoriously thin-skinned, hot-tempered, and self-aggrandizing (seeing him in action at borough "Town Meetings" was frequently cringe-inducing); even the Wall Street Journal issued an editorial criticizing him, in his pre-mayoral days, for being a grandstanding U.S. Attorney. Giuiliani was indifferent, putting it charitably, to race relations in our diverse City. I mean, I can see why he wouldn't want to break bread with Al Sharpton, but there were certainly other clergy (e.g., Rev. Daughtry), elected officials and representatives, and community leaders who could have provided good insights and served as a useful resource for him as Mayor (had he been inclined to listen) and for us, the collective City. As a prosecutor, I was appalled that he released the arrest record (including the sealed juvenile delinquency offense) of Patrick Dorismond, the unarmed 34th Street Partnership security guard who was fatally shot after work by an undercover narcotics officer, and accompanied the release with distortions and shabby excuses -- including a Trump-like, shoot-from-the-hip "he was no altar boy" when, in fact, Dorismond had been an altar boy & attended the same Catholic high school as Giuiliani. Snapshot of those 2000 events here:,9171,41921,00.html

As Mayor, Giuliani surrounded himself with "Yes men", and brooked little-no disagreement, was a poor negotiator. In contrast, Mayor Bloomberg never seemed to take criticism or disagreement personally; he invited different perspectives, and wasn't so invested in himself that he couldn't change his mind on an issue. That's the kind of executive temperament I want to see in a President.

For those who believe -- as seen in the recent Should Hillary have left Bill? thread -- that how one conducts one's personal life cannot/should not be separated from their merit as an elected leader, Giuiliani had more than one affair while Mayor. His wife, Donna Hanover, learned of his intention to end the marriage because he confided that at a news conference... where he also spoke glowingly of his mistress, Judith Nathan. He subsequently did not repudiate, or seemingly seek to rein in, his divorce attorney Raoul Felder's rabid, public attacks on Donna Hanover (hiring Felder as his lawyer is telling in and of itself.) Self-absorbed and dismayingly insensitive to his children's feelings about the marital split, his adulterous behavior, he (unsuccessfully) sought, pre-divorce, a court order that would have guaranteed Ms. Nathan entree to Gracie Mansion and essentially force his kids to visit with her in their own home.

That he had the NYPD provide a "security detail" (i.e., chauffeur services) to Ms. Nathan even before he broadcast the affair at the May 2000 news conference, and other expenses related to his wooing of Ms. Nathan were charged off to obscure City agencies' budgets, sticks in the craw of this NYC taxpayer.