
Who is the better shopper?

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Aug 15, 2008
Who is the better shopper out of you and your BF? Meaning, who has the patience to sift through merchandise, examine/try it on, figure out if it''s a good buy, etc? I know in my relationship I am hands down better at this. BF readily agrees. Which makes me wonder how he''s doing with the ring shopping right now (I know he''s actively shopping).

He made a veiled joke the other day that he wishes I could help him with every shopping purchase. When I said I would he responded "Not everything, unfortunately for me. There are some secret shopping things that are just for me".

Which is awesome and frustrating all at once! I am biting my tongue from saying, "What''s your budget?" and running with it. Unfortunately we agreed he''s going to go this one alone. Which leaves me hanging out and wondering how he''s doing!
I think we''re both good in different ways. We both have a tendency to be impatient, but I''m always the one saying "Do we really need this? Can this money be better spent?" and he''s the one who won''t buy something unless it''s perfect. I''m always the one who says, "Well it''ll get scratched/broken/bumped/etc. anyway."

My FF is also doing the ring thing by himself, but I think he''ll do an excellent job. He has great taste, and expects perfection.
Me for sure. No ifs ands or buts about it. Unless we''re talking video games. In which case he takes the cake in the shopping department.
I love shopping! Grocery stores, clothes, electronics, books, anything! I spend a lot of time researching and I will drive all over for the best deals and prices. SO is more of a "I buy what I want" person, with little regard to practicality or price. Pretty sure when we get married, I will be the household grocery shopper. I LOVE to do the shopping (therapeutic for me!), and I get much better deals and healthier food.

I will mention, however, that in the book "The Happiness Hypothesis", the author cites research that says people who are decisive and by what they want with little regard for price are happier on average than people that weigh every price and option. The frugal shoppers save a little more money on average, but apparently money doesn''t equal happiness :)
I''m better but I''ve trained him well to where he''s almost got me beat!
LOL, my hubby doesn't even take the time to try clothes on. He just looks for his size and brings them home
With jewelry, I normally pick two or three and let him choose which one to buy. If not, he'd most likely just go into a jewlery store and tell them he is looking for a ring or watch or whatever and take whatever they recommended!!!
He is. I have no patience. When I shop, I''m usually on a mission, so I''ll walk through the store and do a once-over to determine whether what I''m looking for. If not, I''ve moved on within 2 minutes.
The man.
He always finds good deals, is very patient, detail-oriented (he''s a Virgo), careful, has very good taste (again--he''s a Virgo! Very clean and impeccable taste), and always takes into consideration what the giftee would like, not what he would like to give.
Date: 3/16/2009 3:25:13 PM
Author: ImpatientOne
LOL, my hubby doesn't even take the time to try clothes on. He just looks for his size and brings them home
With jewelry, I normally pick two or three and let him choose which one to buy. If not, he'd most likely just go into a jewlery store and tell them he is looking for a ring or watch or whatever and take whatever they recommended!!!

Ha this is hilarious to me because I am the one siting outside the men's dressing room WAITING for him to find clothes that fit him to his specifications- sleeves can't be too short, shirts can't be to tight, pants have to fit JUST right... he has to buy shoes that only match with his jeans, and if they don't, NO WAY.

Although in the right store I will take just as long...
MY DH! He''ll look for sales, bargains, coupon clip, etc... me, I''m lazy, and if it is well worth the money, I''ll spend extra for quality. DH, he just loves to find a deal... me I''m happy waiting, because I am impulsive, and I 100% of the time WILL SPEND MORE MONEY. So I just NEVER go shopping, because I CANNOT LEAVE EMPTY HANDED.

There is something seriously wrong with me.
My BF is better at it I guess...

He''s the one who''s really into researching, researching, and more researching... Sometimes he drives me a little bit nuts because I''m much more impulsive... if I find something I like, I''ll generally go ahead and get it after maybe just a couple hours of sanity checking...

BF will go ahead and research a purchase for months... (this worries me slightly because I think he''s planning to start seriously shopping this summer... if it were me, the ring would be purchased in a week, but I can see him taking 6+ months.)
I''m totally the research person, which is why I found this site. He''s definitely an impulse buyer - for example last summer bought a mustang convertible because the guy said it was a good deal - I never knew he was buying it and showed up to pick me up for lunch in it!!
He''s a darn nut - so I didn''t want him to spend a ton of money on something that just has a lot of sparkle without knowing what he''s looking at. He didn''t know what inclusions, feathers or clouds were, cut, clarity, etc.....
So to help him out, I picked out a bunch of settings that I liked and hooked him up with Mark Turnowski who I know won''t steer him wrong. Hopefully soon, I''ll see how he made out
I''m definitely the better shopper. FF is impulsive and tends to buy things in the moment because he wants them whereas I research everything to death to ensure I''m getting the best deal (hence pricescope!!).
I''m also the one in the supermarket with the coupon carrier. FF walks around and would swear he doesn''t know me when I pull out all my coupons in the aisles!!!
Although I agree with Freke...put FF in a video game store, and he''s like a little kid.
Me, except for anything tech-related. He has a strong technical background so its easier for him to understand some of the more complicated specs. Not that I can''t make a good showing on those things by myself, but it makes him feel useful to have something to do
99% of the time, I am the better shopper--he gets pulled in by all the deals and sales, whether they''re for things we usually buy or NOT (hence the issue--"look what I got, it was ON SALE!" "yeah, but neither of us eats that..."). With a few choice things like Wii games or computer games, he''ll research every tiny bit of info that exists in the world. But he impulse-buys lots of other stuff, whereas I do extensive research on almost everything I buy, so in this case, I win.
i am, because i worked in retail for so long, i know what to look for more often than he does. plus, only a few things have to be name brand for me, where he insists on name brand some some items.
But, when it comes to jewelry, he is pretty meticulous and keeps my style in mind so he does a good job
I''m so much better! This actually scares me because I have a feeling he wants to pick out the ring himself and I''m crazy picky. People call me "eagle eye," not because I have good vision, but an eye for detail. I always buy my own gifts because he doesn''t take notes very well.
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