
Who do you dress to impress?

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Dec 29, 2004
Not sure if this question has been done here before, so I thought I''d bring up the topic!

Do you dress to impress...

- Women? (you love it when they notice how fashionably pulled together you are.)
- Men? (you love it when they notice how hot you are!)
- You? (you don''t notice if anyone notices you or''re just looking nice for you)
- Everyone? (you like to look good for EVERYBODY!)
- No one? (dress to impress? bah.)


Oct 18, 2004
I think I dress to impress myself. My husband compliments me sometimes but sometimes I am not sure if he is just saying that to be nice or he really likes what I am wearing.

I have learned though (through countless mistakes) that if I don''t love something when I buy it to take it back because I am never going to.


Apr 22, 2004
I usually dress to impress myself. I only buy and wear what I like and am comfortable in, although on rare occasions, I do sometimes just throw on some wierd combos when I''m in a blah mood and don''t feel like impressing anybody including myself.


Oct 30, 2002
definitely me.

i don''t really dress to impress anyone else...i know i want to look good and i take the steps necessary to achieve that, and i figure that if i think i look good, i probably look great, because aren''t we always our own harshest critics???


Sep 16, 2006
i dress the way that makes me feel good, and i feel good when i''m well put together and stylish. if people notice me then that makes me feel good too. i''m sure a lot of people love walking down the street (or wherever) looking fabulous. i''m pretty girly so i love the process of getting all gussied up.


Dec 29, 2004
Most of the time, I don''t dress up for anyone. But when I do dress up it''s for me, as I don''t think I am going to impress anyone in terms of being a fashionista. I would, of course, like to impress my hubby but sadly, it''s lost on him most of the time anyway.

If I WERE a bit of a fashionista, I would say that I would dress up to impress women. It doesn''t do anything for me to get a compliment from a man, but it''s nice to get compliments from women...mostly because they "know what they are doing"

Probably most of us would say we dress up for us. So then I''ll ask...whose compliments mean more to or women (minus your sig other, of course!)


Nov 19, 2004
I dress for the occassion. For example, if I am interviewing I dress to impress the interviewer. If I go out with my fashionable girl friends I try to be fashionable myself. At work, I dress for me with an eye to management. I might think I look great in some jeans and a fitted sweater but that's probably not the look my boss who wears a suit wants to see on me.

As far as the compliments from men vs women. I agree, women notice the clothes. I think men focus more on...well, the attributes of women and if those womanly attributes are shown off well enough then they like the clothes--fashionable or not.


Oct 30, 2002
compliments from women mean more to me, i find that most men have no idea what 'fashion' really is so a compliment from them typically means nothing other than 'that outfit looks FLATTERING on some portion of your body' opposed to 'the colors work really well together' or 'those jeans are awesome' or whatever. greg likes to give 'points for enthusiasm' aka even if someone should seriously NOT be wearing that he gives them points for 'trying' to rock it and i am like NO! spandex bad! under any circumstances. so yeah, don't put too much credence in men's opinions. hahha.


Oct 18, 2004
I have to say, I tend to be a little...suspicious of men complimenting me. Women usually don''t have an ulterior motive. Men do. :)


Nov 18, 2004
I dress for myself. Have to say compliments from my girlfriends mean a lot. I don''t care what the guys think, but do love when hubby compliments me on a new outfit, etc...


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/20/2006 5:09:24 PM
Author: Mara
compliments from women mean more to me, i find that most men have no idea what ''fashion'' really is so a compliment from them typically means nothing other than ''that outfit looks FLATTERING on some portion of your body'' opposed to ''the colors work really well together'' or ''those jeans are awesome'' or whatever. greg likes to give ''points for enthusiasm'' aka even if someone should seriously NOT be wearing that he gives them points for ''trying'' to rock it and i am like NO! spandex bad! under any circumstances. so yeah, don''t put too much credence in men''s opinions. hahha.
So does this mean if I wore spandex with a fanny pak, you''d refuse to meet up again when I am SJ next? C''mon...I''ll even compliment your bbag! (but would a compliment from a woman mean anything from spandex wearing fannypacker with a possible raspberry beret?)



Mar 20, 2006
I agree with IslandDreams... totally depends on the occasion!

Most of the time, I just dress for comfort... but I try to incorporate enough comfortable items that are also "stylish" into my wardrobe so that even when I''m just throwing on my old favorite coat and bag, it still looks fairly pulled together. When I''m counseling, I stick with neutral and basic... since after all, the therapy is supposed to be about my client''s personality, not mine!

My FI LOOVVVEEES when I dress nicely (since I''m sometimes kinda raggedy in the evenings, when he sees me the most!
), so if we''re going out to dinner or something, I''ll play around with different looks, knowing it makes him happy when I put in some effort.

But even at my most casual, I''ve come to realize that when my outfit is at least semi-coordinated, I feel better about myself... so I''ve definitely gotten better about that over the years. Still, I stayed at a friend''s house the other night and put on my big baggy sweatshirt and old Levi''s and sneakers again the next morning without even thinking... then stopped at Burberry on my way home. The sales staff were definitely NOT impressed, to say the least!!


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 11/20/2006 6:17:23 PM
Author: TravelingGal

So does this mean if I wore spandex with a fanny pak, you''d refuse to meet up again when I am SJ next? C''mon...I''ll even compliment your bbag! (but would a compliment from a woman mean anything from spandex wearing fannypacker with a possible raspberry beret?)

it starts going downhill with spandex
but even remotely entertaining the correlation of you and a ''fannypacker'' is downright SCARY!
i had no idea.

upgrading mama

Aug 28, 2005
hmmm.. my hubby :)

I like it when he compliments me.


Aug 15, 2006
Date: 11/20/2006 5:09:24 PM
Author: Mara
compliments from women mean more to me, i find that most men have no idea what ''fashion'' really is so a compliment from them typically means nothing other than ''that outfit looks FLATTERING on some portion of your body'' opposed to ''the colors work really well together'' or ''those jeans are awesome'' or whatever. greg likes to give ''points for enthusiasm'' aka even if someone should seriously NOT be wearing that he gives them points for ''trying'' to rock it and i am like NO! spandex bad! under any circumstances. so yeah, don''t put too much credence in men''s opinions. hahha.
Yeah, definitely. If I was really dressing to impress my husband . . . well, it would be quite a sight. I mean, I like it when he thinks I look good (and he''s so complimentary most of the time), but the effort I put into being fashionable (as opposed to "hot" or whatever you want to call it) is mostly for myself and other women.


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 11/20/2006 6:17:23 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 11/20/2006 5:09:24 PM
Author: Mara
compliments from women mean more to me, i find that most men have no idea what 'fashion' really is so a compliment from them typically means nothing other than 'that outfit looks FLATTERING on some portion of your body' opposed to 'the colors work really well together' or 'those jeans are awesome' or whatever. greg likes to give 'points for enthusiasm' aka even if someone should seriously NOT be wearing that he gives them points for 'trying' to rock it and i am like NO! spandex bad! under any circumstances. so yeah, don't put too much credence in men's opinions. hahha.
So does this mean if I wore spandex with a fanny pak, you'd refuse to meet up again when I am SJ next? C'mon...I'll even compliment your bbag! (but would a compliment from a woman mean anything from spandex wearing fannypacker with a possible raspberry beret?)

LOL. All it would mean is that some crazeee looking woman likes my bag. hahahaa.

Yeah. NO IDEAS thank you. I'll still sit with you if you wear the raspberry beret because you could definitely work it, but if you even THINK spandex or fannypack (thinking of both together makes me feel slightly faint)... oh I can't even go on.


Jun 17, 2005
I wear what I like. Sometimes it is something very in, but it has to suit my body and my lifestyle. Some of the runway stuff is ridiculous and I cannot imagine a real person wearing the stuff.

It is nice if someone who''s style you admire notices what you are wearing...the details you have put together.

I think men notice the overall stuff, and what you exude, they may not care that this is this season''s IT belt or bag...they respond to the overall look and how you carry it. My hubby just knows what he likes and is pretty vocal about what he does not, though he rarely complains. He tends to like how I dress except if I wear heels and there is lots of walking or I am dressed up and wearing something less than covered all over and it is cold out.


May 9, 2006
I dress to impress my managers at work.

If I am going out with my friends, I dress down, because I don''t want to attract male attention. If I am going out with FF and his friends, I dress up, particularly in something that is ''flattering''; I want his ego boosted.

I have recently discovered that the right heels can make even jeans look ''pulled together''.


Jun 11, 2005
On this topic, I would say on a daily basis, I dress for myself. I love to get dressed up for my hubby if we are going out for special evening cuz he notices and says so. If I am going out with DH and some friends of ours who are so fun to be with,so I play it down a little to not look too va-va voom. We have a different set of friends who are real conservative and I dress accordingly without not being fake. Just a different version of me...if that makes any sense.

With girlfriends, I dress a different intrepretation of sexy without the kind of sexy appeal I save just for my hubby. I have so many facets to my personality that everytime I dress it is another side of me.

I LOVE dressing very sexy for my guy. I love the way I feel, the way it makes me look and that translates in the way I carry myself. Any time a woman is confident, that is sexy. Irregardless of size, body shape and even clothes. It is in the manner she translates her confidence.

For me, the mom of 9, that rocks! I may not be tiny, but I still have it!



Jan 2, 2006
i started to pay attention to my clothes more when i started teaching high school. last years clothing styles left me cold, so i just kept 2003/4''s clothes going. but this year''s clothes are sooo cute! Lane bryant/macy''s plus, and JC Penney have such cute stuff.

i started watching "what not to wear" and i could see that the jeans i selected were 90-s, passable but odd. i noticed that they kept directing people to the cute jacket and the boot cut jeans. so guess what i went and bought? several cute suede jackets and black boot cut jeans for school. black birkenstock cutie shoes called "maria"

I do NOT like where the wasitbands sit these days. i am high-waisted and shaped ike a pear, which makes it worse.

now i dress to impress high school girls. i am getting a lot of compliments from fellow teachers. Some of my fellow teachers are aslo caught in a time warp, several still have 80s hair, several still wear 80s shoes and 80s -90s jeans. I am noticing that they are paying more attention to their clothes.

i do not dress like a high school girl, but rather, less like an adult "dork". more in fashion. I am catchng on!

pearls are really in fashion right now where i live.


Jun 15, 2006
I am so not a fashionista, in part because I am a student who spends most of my time at home on the computer, then I dress for comfort!

When I go out with hubby and/or friends I put effort into looking nice. I steer away from jeans, usually slacks or a skirt and a nice top. I''m pretty classic as far as clothes go.

As for dressing for hubby, as long as I smell good he couldn''t care less what I have on. He digs the smell of fresh soap and good perfumes. I could wear sweats all the time and as long as I smelled good it would be alright with him.


Aug 12, 2005
This thread is so interesting. For myself, I think I''ve always dressed to impress myself (comfort, personal style, and all that), and secondly other women!
I''ve been interested in fashion and jewelry since I was old enough to watch pageants on television, and my mother (who was in pageants and was a model and very into fashion) got me a subscription to Seventeen and Vogue when I turned 12. Even when I was little bitty, though, I remember always having to be "dressed" as in matching little girl fashion jewelry and handbags to my outfits for trips to the grocery store or mall with Mom! LOL! My father''s nickname for me was "fashion plate", and I just grew up loving clothes and looking forward to bi-annual shopping trips for school clothes. I really pored over fashion magazines in high school, and was waaaay into couture and reading Vogue when my friends were like, "OMG, I would NEVER wear that!" To me, they just didn''t UNDERSTAND!

I went into college as a freshman with a declared major in radio/t.v./film, and left with a BS in fashion merchandising. I spent my teens and twenties working retail and just recently left that career for a "normal" office job with 8-5, M-F hours due to my father becoming ill 2 yrs. ago.

I have very basic, classic taste for myself in clothing and jewelry, now, and its funny because I always pictured myself in NY or Paris on the cutting edge of the industry! Sad to say, you can take the girl out of the Midwest, but you can''t take the Midwest out of this girl! Before I got married (to a pretty conservative guy), I always threw caution to the wind when dressing for special occasions and went with whatever I felt like wearing because I knew I could carry it off (
diamondfan), but now that I''m representing half of a couple when attending special events in my DH''s industry, that isn''t a good strategy, lol! I remember signing yearbooks in high school inviting my girlfriends for margaritas on the beach courtesy of cabana boys and stating that I would be the one dripping with diamonds and maraboo-trimmed (tacky)mules!!!

Currently I would say that my "tacky" side is totally me, without worrying about who I "have" to impress, and the "classic" side of me is the one who dresses to "impress" other women/not be offensive. Sometimes I think it''s realistic, and sometimes I think its downright sad!


Jun 17, 2005
Monarch, I can be a bit flamboyant but not too much so now. (one of my accessories maybe) I am 40 though I do not look it, my hubby is in a conservative field and I need to be aware of that. And there are certain trends I will never do, like gauchop pants (no offense to anyone who likes them!). I used to go to nursery school dressed in mules (those plastic glitter filled dress up kit ones) and a marabou boa and a little plastic purse with flowers on it, dripping with costume beads and dangly earrings made of rhinestones. I thought I was quite the looker! Now, I mix things up. I will wear a Chanel jacket with jeans and a t shirt, and a funky bag, or I will wear an Hermes bag with more casual stuff. I do not want to age myself by what I wear, but have a sense of what looks right on me whether I am dressing up or down. I love fashion too, and I get a real kick out of some of the more extreme stuff I see sometimes, no one in MY neighborhood is sporting that stuff!


Jul 27, 2005
I dress to look less short and dumpy, period.
First and foremost, I try to make sure that what I have on is flattering. I think that's always my priority when I get up in the morning and decide what to wear. I have a complex about my body type and am constantly thinking about ways to look taller and shapelier. Usually means shoes with a slight heel and nothing puffy or baggy. After that, I dress for whatever circumstance I've got goin' on. If it's for work, I dress for me -- something casual yet up-to-date, and non-attention-seeking as I work in an occasionally dangerous urban area. If it's for a night out with DH, I dress partly for him and partly for me. DH likes to see me look "put together," in his words -- which usually means something current, sophisticated, and fitted (but not tight). It really irks him when I look shapeless. I really enjoy dressing up for nights out with him and feeling feminine and stylish, and knowing that he likes how his wife looks. For dates with my girlfriends, I'll dress partly for me and partly for them. I'm definitely conscious of how my friends dress and that's reflected in my outfit, i.e. if I'm with people who live in jeans, t-shirts, and flip flops, then I leave my heels and skirts at home. If I'm with 'girlier' girlfriends, I'll take it up a notch and wear jeans tucked into boots and a cute sweater. Peer pressure and the need to fit in? Well, yes and no. I guess I just don't feel the need to make a big bold statement through what I wear -- I don't feel a desire to stand out but yet I do like to look current and feminine.

Not a very concise response, but TG your question as a lot more complicated than it seemed!


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 11/22/2006 11:51:09 PM
Author: diamondfan
Monarch, I can be a bit flamboyant but not too much so now. (one of my accessories maybe) I am 40 though I do not look it, my hubby is in a conservative field and I need to be aware of that. And there are certain trends I will never do, like gauchop pants (no offense to anyone who likes them!). I used to go to nursery school dressed in mules (those plastic glitter filled dress up kit ones) and a marabou boa and a little plastic purse with flowers on it, dripping with costume beads and dangly earrings made of rhinestones. I thought I was quite the looker! Now, I mix things up. I will wear a Chanel jacket with jeans and a t shirt, and a funky bag, or I will wear an Hermes bag with more casual stuff. I do not want to age myself by what I wear, but have a sense of what looks right on me whether I am dressing up or down. I love fashion too, and I get a real kick out of some of the more extreme stuff I see sometimes, no one in MY neighborhood is sporting that stuff!
Good for you! I will probably never be of Carrie/Sex in the City status, or 9ct. diamond status, BUT I have to say I can spot style and a well-dressed male or female 10 miles away...I definitely try to dress for my age range (getting waaaay too close to 30, lol)/socioeconomic status, but I do pride myself on being pretty darn stylish for what my size and budget allow. To me, the epitome of "good taste" is knowing what you can carry off/look fabulous in, and wearing it well without either that sense of "I don''t quite know if this is right" or "I paid so much for this I don''t care if it''s wearing me or I''m wearing it!" Ya know?
I just love people watching, and not for the sport of making fun of people, but more for the "wow, she/he looks GREAT!" factor! You know those last-page-of-Glamour magazine "Do''s and Don''t"s? Mmm, I relish those moments.


Aug 12, 2005
Date: 11/22/2006 11:52:41 PM
Author: KristyDarling
I dress to look less short and dumpy, period.
First and foremost, I try to make sure that what I have on is flattering. I think that''s always my priority when I get up in the morning and decide what to wear. I have a complex about my body type and am constantly thinking about ways to look taller and shapelier. Usually means shoes with a slight heel and nothing puffy or baggy. After that, I dress for whatever circumstance I''ve got goin'' on. If it''s for work, I dress for me -- something casual yet up-to-date, and non-attention-seeking as I work in an occasionally dangerous urban area. If it''s for a night out with DH, I dress partly for him and partly for me. DH likes to see me look ''put together,'' in his words -- which usually means something current, sophisticated, and fitted (but not tight). It really irks him when I look shapeless. I really enjoy dressing up for nights out with him and feeling feminine and stylish, and knowing that he likes how his wife looks. For dates with my girlfriends, I''ll dress partly for me and partly for them. I''m definitely conscious of how my friends dress and that''s reflected in my outfit, i.e. if I''m with people who live in jeans, t-shirts, and flip flops, then I leave my heels and skirts at home. If I''m with ''girlier'' girlfriends, I''ll take it up a notch and wear jeans tucked into boots and a cute sweater. Peer pressure and the need to fit in? Well, yes and no. I guess I just don''t feel the need to make a big bold statement through what I wear -- I don''t feel a desire to stand out but yet I do like to look current and feminine.

Not a very concise response, but TG your question as a lot more complicated than it seemed!
Kristy, I think that''s completely and absolutely what personal style and fashion are about. I think what many women (and men) get wrong about fashion is dressing for other people and not considering what complements their own body type/personal style, or even developing their own personal style at all, if that makes sense. I think that if your style is well-developed, and mainly has a theme, and you dress for the most part in styles and colors that flatter you, you can do no wrong. I''ve known girls who''ve had tons of style and shopped at K-Mart who looked fabulous every time I saw them, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, known women who had beaucoup bucks and not a smidge of personal style who looked like drag queens on a bender.
Then again, sometimes I look at the latter and think, well maybe she''s just having fun and doesn''t really give two s#$ts about what anyone thinks? Fashion is just what you make of it, and one of those pleasures in life that you really can''t take tooooo seriously, I guess!


Jun 17, 2005
Date: 11/23/2006 12:13:09 AM
Author: monarch64
Date: 11/22/2006 11:51:09 PM

Author: diamondfan

Monarch, I can be a bit flamboyant but not too much so now. (one of my accessories maybe) I am 40 though I do not look it, my hubby is in a conservative field and I need to be aware of that. And there are certain trends I will never do, like gauchop pants (no offense to anyone who likes them!). I used to go to nursery school dressed in mules (those plastic glitter filled dress up kit ones) and a marabou boa and a little plastic purse with flowers on it, dripping with costume beads and dangly earrings made of rhinestones. I thought I was quite the looker! Now, I mix things up. I will wear a Chanel jacket with jeans and a t shirt, and a funky bag, or I will wear an Hermes bag with more casual stuff. I do not want to age myself by what I wear, but have a sense of what looks right on me whether I am dressing up or down. I love fashion too, and I get a real kick out of some of the more extreme stuff I see sometimes, no one in MY neighborhood is sporting that stuff!
Good for you! I will probably never be of Carrie/Sex in the City status, or 9ct. diamond status, BUT I have to say I can spot style and a well-dressed male or female 10 miles away...I definitely try to dress for my age range (getting waaaay too close to 30, lol)/socioeconomic status, but I do pride myself on being pretty darn stylish for what my size and budget allow. To me, the epitome of ''good taste'' is knowing what you can carry off/look fabulous in, and wearing it well without either that sense of ''I don''t quite know if this is right'' or ''I paid so much for this I don''t care if it''s wearing me or I''m wearing it!'' Ya know?
I just love people watching, and not for the sport of making fun of people, but more for the ''wow, she/he looks GREAT!'' factor! You know those last-page-of-Glamour magazine ''Do''s and Don''t''s? Mmm, I relish those moments.

I loved when Sharon Stone wore to the Oscars her hubby''s shirt backwards with a broach one year and paired it with a designer skirt, and then another year wore a top from the Gap with a skirt on the red carpet. Fashion is about mixing it up, knowing what looks good on you, pairing things that may be funky but they work. Sometimes you need to play it safe, and no one wants to look like a fashion victim on the other hand, but it really is all about how you carry yourself and how you present yourself. I have seen women in my neighborhood in head to toe labels (designer Garanimals) and look AWFUL, and I have seen women who went to H and M and vintage stores and put together an outfit that is amazing. It is all about your own sense of style and what works for you. I do like it if someone admires something of mine, but the overall is more important to me. I totaly agree with things sometimes wearing the person rather than the other way around and it becomes almost more costumey than real...


Aug 12, 2005
YES, DF, I think you have hit the nail on the diamond-encrusted head here! It''s all about the "wearer" and her sense of confidence/style.

I gleaned this from your post: you can wear a basic t from "you name it" store with a designer label skirt/pant/bag, and "funk" it up with your own accessories, and call it your own fabulousness...LOVE it.
Obviously there are many different adaptations of the above formula that are still dead-on... and that''s what''s so great about fashion, and that j''en sais quois (please forgive my dreadful french spelling--such a sad trait of mine!)


Jul 24, 2005
Great question TG - it really got me thinking.

I think i dress for 1. myself - i like to know i look good because then I feel confident about meeting people etc
2. my husband - he loves it when i dress differently from the usual and he knows that its for him

3. the occasion - whether its work or social, formal or casual

I have recently realised that at the age of 36 I have finally developed my own style amd I am very comfortable with it. I have basic staples I wear and I use highlight colours and accessories like shoes, handbags and scarves to ramp it up. I''m short and dumpy
, but I know that what I wear works with my body shape to elongate it (and narrow it!). I was in a DIY store last week in basic black pants and boots with a baby pink roll neck and a black gilet, and the woman at the checkout said ''oh I noticed you when you came in - your sweater looks wonderful beacuse it sets off your long dark hair, I wish I could put things together like that'' and it really , really gave me a boost

Funnily enough my husband has been going thru his own makeover and I have been helping him and encouraging him to try different things (after 16 loooong years waiting for this moment I have been fairly restrained), and he is now feeling so much more confident about himself. He likes to get my ''approval'' for his outfits, and he actually enjoys clothes shopping now.

If we''re confident we look good, nothing can stop us!


Jun 17, 2005
Date: 11/23/2006 4:05:39 AM
Author: monarch64
YES, DF, I think you have hit the nail on the diamond-encrusted head here! It''s all about the ''wearer'' and her sense of confidence/style.

I gleaned this from your post: you can wear a basic t from ''you name it'' store with a designer label skirt/pant/bag, and ''funk'' it up with your own accessories, and call it your own fabulousness...LOVE it.
Obviously there are many different adaptations of the above formula that are still dead-on... and that''s what''s so great about fashion, and that j''en sais quois (please forgive my dreadful french spelling--such a sad trait of mine!)

Well, I have learned that while I like my dh to like my style, he really is not one to notice a lot. He of course likes certain looks and things I own more than others, but overall is not one to make a lot of comments...I think overall he likes my taste. My bigger issue is that though I am turning 41 in December, I really look younger. I am often drawn to very classic clothes, but since I look younger than my age, I worry I am dressing "too old". I do also wear easy casual stuff, but when I dress up I have to make sure that while something is elegant and timeless and classic, it does not look too mature for me. I do lean towards more Audrey Hepburn type stuff when I dress up, and tend to mix up the more fun stuff when I go casual. I have Van''s sneakers with pink skulls and crossbones on them, my kids think it is funny, but I like that I could go with a trend for 35.00 and not worry too much!
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