
Which gift are you especially excited about giving?


Jan 21, 2008
Good for you!

That's going to be a beautiful set! Very simple, very elegant, and I really like OEC diamonds! She'll be thrilled!


Mar 29, 2009
O, i am so excited to give my mom, the leather journal i bought for her. She is a writer, and it will be good for her to get back to writing. Than, its so silly, but i bought my SO, C, a flip folder. He cant fold clothes right, and it he has to lay everything out in the middle of the floor to fold it, this will cut his time in half. :lol: ... O, and than his squid in a can, he loves it, i hate it, but its Christmas


Apr 28, 2008
A Burmese ruby ring for mom. Pre-embargo, of course.


May 23, 2010
Jessie702|1292920151|2802573 said:
O, i am so excited to give my mom, the leather journal i bought for her. She is a writer, and it will be good for her to get back to writing. Than, its so silly, but i bought my SO, C, a flip folder. He cant fold clothes right, and it he has to lay everything out in the middle of the floor to fold it, this will cut his time in half. :lol: ... O, and than his squid in a can, he loves it, i hate it, but its Christmas

Squid in a can? :-o

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I can't wait to see my daughter's face when she unwraps our big present to her this year - a red Ladybird Smart-Trike. She's 19 months old and goes nuts when she sees similar ones in the shops or other kids with them. It has a detachable parent steering handle so I'm still in control for the first year or so!

Only problem is... I had it shipped direct to MIL's where we are supposed to be for xmas, and they are a 4 hour drive from here and the snow forecast is looking BAD. ;(

Otherwise, I have ordered my husband some really good bottles of Absinthe - they're en-route from Germany but whether they will get here in time I don't know (snow again...)

Also made all the grandparents and parents boxes of marzipan fruits and chocolate truffles - nightmare finding the right size of gift box, but eBay came up trumps in the end. I know the grandparents will be over the moon.


Sep 16, 2009
I'm excited about giving DH his Kindle. He'll be getting a kindle case on Christmas morning, and the actual kindle when it finally ships. Our country has been sold out since late November so I missed my chance to get one for Christmas morning. He has no idea that he's getting it. I keep on saying how "silly" they are and "nothing can replace paper books" whenever he sees a reader in the store. Its my twisted way of building up the surprise. He's been asking for one for ages, so he's going to be happy and surprised.


Jan 30, 2008
iLander|1292939499|2802689 said:
Jessie702|1292920151|2802573 said:
O, i am so excited to give my mom, the leather journal i bought for her. She is a writer, and it will be good for her to get back to writing. Than, its so silly, but i bought my SO, C, a flip folder. He cant fold clothes right, and it he has to lay everything out in the middle of the floor to fold it, this will cut his time in half. :lol: ... O, and than his squid in a can, he loves it, i hate it, but its Christmas

Squid in a can? :-o

Yes, please let me ditto that: :-o

Sounds absolutely ghastly. Clearly, you love this person A LOT!! ;))


Aug 31, 2005
movie zombie|1292909456|2802489 said:
i took 16 red holiday gift bags and wrapped five presents to put into each: hand puppet [really cute from costco], crayons, coloring book, beach play set, and playing cards like old maid]. took hours even with hubby helping to cut the paper to size. stuffed said bags with some extra red glittery tissue paper. i delivered them today to a child care center associated with a local womens' center that assists with domestic violence where they will be given to age appropriate [3+ years] children. i left the gift tags blank so that the mothers can write a personal note to their child and have a gift from them to their child. this is absolutely hands down the best gift i've ever given to myself.


THIS I love!! Good for you...I always "adopt" a family every yr and this yr it was a family from a domestic violence shelter. One child didn't ask for toys..he only asked for winter boots. That tugged at my heart so much. Got him great boots and a little extra ;-)


May 23, 2010
ksinger|1292941528|2802728 said:
iLander|1292939499|2802689 said:
Jessie702|1292920151|2802573 said:
O, i am so excited to give my mom, the leather journal i bought for her. She is a writer, and it will be good for her to get back to writing. Than, its so silly, but i bought my SO, C, a flip folder. He cant fold clothes right, and it he has to lay everything out in the middle of the floor to fold it, this will cut his time in half. :lol: ... O, and than his squid in a can, he loves it, i hate it, but its Christmas

Squid in a can? :-o

Yes, please let me ditto that: :-o

Sounds absolutely ghastly. Clearly, you love this person A LOT!! ;))

You KNOW that can does NOT smell good when you open it! :errrr:

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
atroop, it was only after i'd put the bags together [i had already called the center and asked if they could use gifts] and i poked around their website some that i discovered i could have adopted a family. i told this to the person i left the bags with and she said not a problem, that in reality i had adopted 16 families.

this will be an annual event for me. i may even increase it to 20 for next year. i'm also thinking of buying eggs for them to have to color at easter.......


ps can you imagine being a child and wanting those boots?! it brings tears to my eyes. i'm so glad you got them for this child!


Mar 29, 2009
iLander|1292942269|2802743 said:
ksinger|1292941528|2802728 said:
iLander|1292939499|2802689 said:
Jessie702|1292920151|2802573 said:
O, i am so excited to give my mom, the leather journal i bought for her. She is a writer, and it will be good for her to get back to writing. Than, its so silly, but i bought my SO, C, a flip folder. He cant fold clothes right, and it he has to lay everything out in the middle of the floor to fold it, this will cut his time in half. :lol: ... O, and than his squid in a can, he loves it, i hate it, but its Christmas

Squid in a can? :-o

Yes, please let me ditto that: :-o

Sounds absolutely ghastly. Clearly, you love this person A LOT!! ;))

You KNOW that can does NOT smell good when you open it! :errrr:

Yes, i love him a lot, i HATE seafood. He says it taste good, so i buy him a few cans.He eats it out of the can raw :errrr: :nono: He likes all the different ways them come, like In their own Ink, in a Garlic oil sauce, and your right, it smells so bad. As soon as he opens the can, the whole house smells like a fish market, and i have to open EVERY door and Window, bt if it makes him happy, ill get it for him.


Jan 23, 2008
I was really excited to give whitby her gift.

She is a HUGE dog lover and I had a pillow made for her with pictures of her dogs and a nice saying on them. IDK if she's willing to let me share her picture on here, but I'll ask her and if so I'll post a picture of it.

I had another amazing friend create a painting for my old childhood friend after her bird passed away. I love the painting (I would post it as well but I'm not sure she wants me to post her work) and she's painted it from one of the pictures I took off of FB. My gf has NO CLUE that she's going to be getting this and I'm thrilled to give it to her.

My grandma collects dolls and I got her a really cute precious moment doll in a Christmas dress with a goose that I know she's going to love.

I didn't do much gifts this year because I have immigration fees that I will have to pay but I did what I could with what I had, and I must admit, I'm really pleased!


May 21, 2009
luv2sparkle|1292887579|2802159 said:
My son wanted to get his girlfriend a locket for Christmas. I sat and helped him find one, and I found this one on Etsy. It
was the only one available. I loved it, he did not. So I ordered it for myself. Well, today they both came in, and his was less
than what he hoped for. This one was AWESOME!!! I love it. It has little seed pearls next to the lobster claw clap. His wouldn't
close once he opened it. I love love love this piece, but I told him he could have it to give to his girlfriend. It came packaged
so adorably. This lady closed her shop until after the holiday, but I am going to see if she has different ones.

I am so excited for my son to give this to his girlfriend. I hope she loves it as much as I do. I think it is unique and wonderful.

i think i know this locket! is it from seller briguysgirls (otis b)? i bought necklaces for each of my bridesmaids from her & was very impressed w/the quality & they all loved them! i've coveted that locket--it's in my "favorites." your son's girlfriend will love it. my DH's first gift to me was a locket for our first christmas together & i treasure it so.

as for what i'm most excited to give...i bought my mother a few gifts & shipped them off. then i had a :idea: moment. she has started collecting belleek pottery (my mom is always collecting something) & so i purchased her a belleek bell/christmas ornament. she's already opened it b/c i wanted her to be able to put it on the tree this year & she loved it! she called to thank me right away & then texted like 3 other times "thanks. i love it. it's on the tree!"
i also spur of the moment bought DH a seiko watch on monday. i already bought his "main" gift but he knows what it is & i hate not surprising him. i saw this watch online & i thought "oh he'll love that" so i ordered it. now, i'm questioning whether or not he will love it, so i'm excited to give it to him & see his reaction.


Jan 23, 2008
So I got permission to post the picture she made for me.

Debbie even painted it in a more cartoonish style than she works with because my gf loves anime and because the bird has died, we wanted it to have more of a "happy" feel to it. I'm posting picture of Polly, the painting of Polly, and the painting "greenie" is the style debbie normally paints in. I am so happy with the painting and over joyed to give it to my gf! I'm also attaching the photo of Polly that she used to create the painting from!

ETA: the pictures went up in reverse order! So at the bottom is the inspiration photo, the painting of Polly is next, and then her usual style is her Greenie painting.





Feb 8, 2003
dragonfly411|1292857398|2801691 said:
I think I am most excited about my mom's gift. I got her a wood cased poker set. She doesn't have a set of her own, but she loves to play. She plays online a lot. It has 300 chips, cards and dice.

I think second for me is the grill set I got SO.

Fun! I found a cute poker set at Boarders and almost bought it, but my kids don't want to learn. lol I did get a set of chips for super cheap. Maybe I'll give them to my cat so he can play with them. lol


Apr 23, 2008
My brother is a nerd, and makes little things at work to launch stuff at his co-workers with. (Thankfully, they throw stuff back.) And I found this book called Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Spitball Warfare. It's all stuff to make to throw things, made out of things you normally find in an office setting. He's going to go NUTS.

I am also buying Micah a sit and stand baby piano thing. He looooves music, so this is totally going to make his day.


Mar 8, 2010
I'm giving my dad an ipod touch for christmas. We're going to pre-load it with a ton of songs he likes, and games I know he enjoys. Fi and I, as well as my brother, all have droids (and have recently switched from iphones) so I know of several games that he likes. Whenever we are together, at least one of us is not allowed to have our phones, because my dad wants to play angry birds or some game or another.


Apr 2, 2006
vintagelover229|1292960919|2803054 said:
So I got permission to post the picture she made for me.

Your friend will love this!


Jan 9, 2006
Imdanny|1292919715|2802568 said:
Good for you!

That's going to be a beautiful set! Very simple, very elegant, and I really like OEC diamonds! She'll be thrilled!
Thanks so much, buddy! :wavey: It's 'her' to a tee!


Sep 17, 2010
I'm thrilled about this:

I'm giving my niece (husband's sister's daughter, I'm an only child) an emerald ring! I bought the ring is 2003ish in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in an antique shop just up the way from the Rijksmuseum. It's a lovely ring, but it's not really my style anymore and I haven't worn it in many years and it's too nice (and has too much history) to dismantle it for the parts. The emerald isn't the best in the world, either, but it is lovely nonetheless. The ring itself dates to 1920, so it's a lovely vintage piece. The emerald is oval shaped with two small diamonds on either side of it set in 14kt yellow gold. See attached photo. She is turning 14 this year and this will be a very special gift for her. I'm sure she'll be on PS before we know it! :tongue:



Mar 30, 2009
I love the bird paintings!


Sep 1, 2009
Such wonderful, thoughtful gifts!

I was SOOOoooo excited to give this gift to my grandparents for their b-days. We just gave it to them Sunday!

My grandparents just got new carpet and fresh paint (first time in 30+ years :-o ) in their house. FI and I helped with the painting (only fair since it was my idea in the first place!) and Grandma talked about wishing she had a smaller (flat) tv instead of the big thing (32 inch CRT) they had in there. She didn't know it, but I had already suggested a family b-day gift for them!

Grandma & Grandpa have their b-days the end of November so they were right in the middle of paint/carpet stuff. My mom & aunt & us (FI & me) all contributed and I found a GREAT deal!
FI & I hadn't seen the new carpet yet so we arranged to visit this last Sunday to see everything now that it is done. My family met in a parking lot and all drove into their driveway at the same time. My little cousin ran in first to give Grandma a single red rose while Grandpa got pulled in from the garage. We got them sat down in the living room and I set a wrapped package on their laps "from all of us for your birthdays!" -- they were shocked. They unwrapped and found this cardboard box but couldn't figure out what it was. "CD mount?.... No... LCD mount? What's LCD?" Then my brother and FI came in from the kitchen carrying the box with the brand-new 37 inch HD LCD. It took a second for them to notice (still trying to figure out what the mount is for) and then big smiles and absolute shock.

We got the old one out of the house (took to another family member who was thrilled to get that one!) and hung the swiveling, tiltable wall mount with their new TV!

The house looks great and their livingroom looks brand new! (new carpet, new paint, piano is gone, new tv)
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