
When, when, WHEN!?

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Aug 15, 2008
So, I posted a few weeks ago that BF was acting super shady about his e-mail, he left a post it with the address of a jewelry store out in plain sight and then was mysteriously "late" every Thurs. night for the past few weeks (Thurs. are the only late night this jewelry store is open). Needless to say I am 99.9% sure he''s in the process of ring shopping.

Knowing this is driving me INSANE! I wish I had no clue. Last Saturday morning he got out of bed really early and told me he''d be right back, to put a favorite song of ours on the Ipod. I was like, IS THIS IT?! OMG! I started to bug out. Turns out he went to pee

Then, earlier this week I made us a really nice, relaxed dinner with candles, wine, etc. Afterwards I was sitting on the couch and he came and knelt before me and started saying all these sweet things. Again I was like, holy crap, this is it?!?! Then, he hugged me and asked if we could watch TV.

I need to stop torturing myself like this, it''s driving me insane! I have upped my workouts, which helps. Any other distraction techniques???
Gosh you poor thing! I bet you just can''t contain yourself! All I can really say is try not to get too excited everytime the boy does something, but then I''d probably be doing the same thing. lol
Aww, what an exciting time!!! Maybe treat yourself to a pedicure or massage and really pamper yourself right now? And a magic manicure never hurts...
lol, I feel ya on this. SO and I live together and I know the ring is in his possession (has been since Monday) so I keep feeling like it may happen at any time! He knows I want a pretty private proposal (no restaurant, etc) and he feels the same way so I think it will happen at home. I also told him I would love for our dogs to somehow be involved, lol. I don''t know, I have this feeling that it may happen this weekend but I really haven''t got a clue if it will. Just try to relax and enjoy the fact that you two have come this far and are at the point to take the next step. I think of it that way and it it comforts me. Good luck coping, I know it''s hard!
Shouldn''t knowing that he''s ring shopping make you feel less insane?
I mean, you''re not wondering if you''re on the same page, or waiting for him to ''catch up'' with you. You know that you have an engagement pending. This should be happy news!
Date: 3/11/2009 1:49:58 PM
Author: musey
Shouldn''t knowing that he''s ring shopping make you feel less insane?
I mean, you''re not wondering if you''re on the same page, or waiting for him to ''catch up'' with you. You know that you have an engagement pending. This should be happy news!
Made me more crazy.
How exciting! He''s probably feeling a little mushier than usual cos he''s got the proposal on his mind...enjoy this time! Oooh I just thought of a distraction technique...I always thought the man deserves a little sumptin nice for spending so much cash on a rock. You could think of something nice to get him (doesn''t have to be expensive) as an engagement present. That''ll give you something else to focus on!
go get a mani pedi... just in case!
Date: 3/11/2009 12:55:29 PM
So, I posted a few weeks ago that BF was acting super shady about his e-mail, he left a post it with the address of a jewelry store out in plain sight and then was mysteriously ''late'' every Thurs. night for the past few weeks (Thurs. are the only late night this jewelry store is open). Needless to say I am 99.9% sure he''s in the process of ring shopping.

Knowing this is driving me INSANE! I wish I had no clue. Last Saturday morning he got out of bed really early and told me he''d be right back, to put a favorite song of ours on the Ipod. I was like, IS THIS IT?! OMG! I started to bug out. Turns out he went to pee

Then, earlier this week I made us a really nice, relaxed dinner with candles, wine, etc. Afterwards I was sitting on the couch and he came and knelt before me and started saying all these sweet things. Again I was like, holy crap, this is it?!?! Then, he hugged me and asked if we could watch TV.

I need to stop torturing myself like this, it''s driving me insane! I have upped my workouts, which helps. Any other distraction techniques???
*snort* Ok, I know it might not seem funny to you, but that is highly amusing, and EXACTLY the sort of thing I''ve thought when J was doing something completely normal and downright unromantic but I thought he was going to say something really sweet or special. Sometimes I really do think guys live on another planet.
Date: 3/11/2009 1:55:23 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/11/2009 1:49:58 PM
Author: musey
Shouldn''t knowing that he''s ring shopping make you feel less insane?
I mean, you''re not wondering if you''re on the same page, or waiting for him to ''catch up'' with you. You know that you have an engagement pending. This should be happy news!
Made me more crazy.
6.gif made me more crazy too! Wondering if you''re on the same page makes you feel insecure, but wondering when he''ll propose makes an LIW crazy (I''m just speaking for myself here)!!!

Go get a mani/pedi...if your instincts are a little off then at least you''ll have gorgeous nails.
Date: 3/11/2009 1:05:26 PM
Author: ladypirate
Aww, what an exciting time!!! Maybe treat yourself to a pedicure or massage and really pamper yourself right now? And a magic manicure never hurts...

Or a manicure... for awesome handshots...
haha, I know you''re saying that you''re obsessing, but I can detect your sheer giddiness from the tone of your post! I''m so excited for you!
Date: 3/11/2009 3:49:49 PM
Author: sammyj
Date: 3/11/2009 1:55:23 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 3/11/2009 1:49:58 PM
Author: musey
Shouldn''t knowing that he''s ring shopping make you feel less insane?
I mean, you''re not wondering if you''re on the same page, or waiting for him to ''catch up'' with you. You know that you have an engagement pending. This should be happy news!
Made me more crazy.
6.gif made me more crazy too! Wondering if you''re on the same page makes you feel insecure, but wondering when he''ll propose makes an LIW crazy (I''m just speaking for myself here)!!!
Okay, I will accept my minority status and fade into the background
there was a lot of LIW craziness in my pre-engagement life, but it honestly got a lot easier once the ring started coming together. Maybe because we shopped/chose/bought together?
How exciting! Make some engagement chicken this weekend, just in case!
Date: 3/11/2009 12:55:29 PM

Knowing this is driving me INSANE! I wish I had no clue. Last Saturday morning he got out of bed really early and told me he''d be right back, to put a favorite song of ours on the Ipod. I was like, IS THIS IT?! OMG! I started to bug out. Turns out he went to pee

Then, earlier this week I made us a really nice, relaxed dinner with candles, wine, etc. Afterwards I was sitting on the couch and he came and knelt before me and started saying all these sweet things. Again I was like, holy crap, this is it?!?! Then, he hugged me and asked if we could watch TV.

It seems like he''s the one torturing you!
Personally, I think a manicure would just heighten the stress and anxiety because then you''d be staring at pretty nails with no ring on your finger. But by all means, get the manicure away. In addition though, if you have time maybe you could try to find a good "chicklit" book to sink into. I find that when I''m reading a fun book, it takes my mind off of other things.

My 2 pennies.
I''m with those who said knowing he was going to propose soon made them even crazier! I don''t know how I survived the last month (not to mention how I didn''t totally spoil the whole thing somehow).

I am so excited for you IrishEyes!
Yes, for some reason having an official engagement much closer is making me much more anxious. I am not sure why, honestly, the engagement, wedding part will be fun, but I can''t wait to just marry this man - that''s what I''m really excited for.

Last night as we were falling asleep somehow we were talking about our relationship and I said something like we are opposite in some ways, but so compatible in all the right ways and we make such a great team. His response was "Yeah, your dad thinks so too" WHA?! Very strange. He and my parents have a good relationship, not sure if they''ve spoken about a proposal but that definitely got my spidey senses going.

As for the manicure/book idea, thanks ladies! I went to the gym again last night and that is really helping, plus I''ve lost 2 pounds, woo hoo! I am reading a good book which also helps. We''ll see how things progress. Thanks for all the support
Date: 3/11/2009 12:55:29 PM
So, I posted a few weeks ago that BF was acting super shady about his e-mail, he left a post it with the address of a jewelry store out in plain sight and then was mysteriously ''late'' every Thurs. night for the past few weeks (Thurs. are the only late night this jewelry store is open). Needless to say I am 99.9% sure he''s in the process of ring shopping.

Knowing this is driving me INSANE! I wish I had no clue. Last Saturday morning he got out of bed really early and told me he''d be right back, to put a favorite song of ours on the Ipod. I was like, IS THIS IT?! OMG! I started to bug out. Turns out he went to pee

Then, earlier this week I made us a really nice, relaxed dinner with candles, wine, etc. Afterwards I was sitting on the couch and he came and knelt before me and started saying all these sweet things. Again I was like, holy crap, this is it?!?! Then, he hugged me and asked if we could watch TV.

I need to stop torturing myself like this, it''s driving me insane! I have upped my workouts, which helps. Any other distraction techniques???


i think he''s messing with you, irish! i mean - why else leave the jewelry store info right where you can see it? he sounds like a joker - and ergo a good catch - to me! i love guys with a sense of humor! i think it''s a very safe bet that he intends to propose - and propose SOON! but he''s just working it - and you - for his own amusement for a bit. funny guy!

hmmmm - so...if that''s the case - how to pay him back in kind?

he asks for a romantic song on the ipod - you put on something by the village people. he kneels down in front of you - you say - "oh! are we sitting on the floor?" and get down immediately next to him. and suggest the two of you meet up immediately after work every thursday; at least it will make you chuckle watching him desperately coming up with reasons why you *shouldnt* be there!

this guy''s having way too good a time! call his bluff a little!

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