
when was the last time you received a traffic ticket?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
for what type of violation? how much did it cost ya?.. :bigsmile:
I've never had one! :bigsmile:
Its been years, I think maybe around 1989 I had backed out of a driveway and hit the car parked across the street, I think the citation was for unlawful backing..heck I cant remember and I couldnt tell you how much it cost it been too long ago.....I have been very lucky.
I've only received one - I was 20. I was driving from western TX to central MO, a 14 hour trip. Needless to say, it was for speeding. It was expensive for my college income, $150. Dad told me to pay it and be thankful I didn't get the electric chair instead. :lol:
Mine was in college (a long time ago) and was a few hundred because I was doing about 100.

DH had one in December and it was $175 for about 10 miles over the speed limit.
I've had three tickets - all for speeding - and all in 1985. I don't remember the cost, but I did have to meet with a counsellor who was half my age :bigsmile:
I've never had one unless being back late for the parking meter counts as a traffic violation.
Nevah! :bigsmile:

Good thing you didn't ask when was the last time I deserved a parking ticket! :wink2:
The last one I received was 7 years ago for speeding. I think I was going 10mph over the speed limit and the ticket was around $125 or so at that time. I've received 3 tickets total - 2 speeding and 1 for no seatbelt.
Not since I retired. I'm never in a hurry anymore.
I get parking tickets frequently. I live in a super liberal town where they want to do away with cars, streets, etc. and force everyone to walk or ride a bike. Yet they keep installing things like speed bumps and roundabouts where they are completely unnecessary, so that tells me they will never turn down that federal tax money that comes from things like gasoline that people put in their cars. :rolleyes:

ETA: I don't get speeding tickets anymore since I don't drive on the highway and you can't speed anywhere here due to all the bikes and pedestrians sharing the road along with constant construction and horribly planned and implemented infrastructure in general. :bigsmile:
I have only had 2 in my life. Both for speeding. The most recent one was 2 years ago. I don't remember the circumstances, but I went to traffic court and the officer didn't show. The judge was a bit of a hard a$$ and since he couldn't enforce the ticket he made me pay the $25 in court costs.

The one before that I got on a trip back from my grandparents house. I was doing 83 in a 75. I got home and completely forgot about the ticket and my license was almost suspended, but somehow they were lenient and I got away with just paying the ticket. I do remember that they gave me info over the phone because they told me that if I got pulled over in the next couple of days the records would show my license was suspended!!
A long time ago, probably '85 or '86 - it was for speeding.
*CROSSING FINGERS* I've never been pulled over! :bigsmile:
1989 in a small town speed trap.
The speed limit went from 35 to 55 outside of town, just after a stop sign.
I usually just accelerated to 55 slowly from the stop sign with no issues.
Clocked 46 at 550 feet from the speed change sign.
IL law at that time said that they can ticket at over 500 feet from a speed change sign.
Was going to fight it but talked to a friend of a friend who got caught in the same spot and lost in court.
The had it measured out to the foot and the judge always upheld them.
Not long after that 1/2 the Police force of 6 was arrested for corruption and the other 1/2 quit.

Cost $75
I got caught on a speed camera about 2 years ago. It was on a stretch of road in North London that keeps going from 40 to 50 to 40 to 50, etc., so at some point I was in the 40 zone and still doing 51 without realizing. It cost me £60 and 3 penalty points. That was the only time I've ever gotten a ticket.
isaku5|1335714450|3183422 said:
I've had three tickets - all for speeding - and all in 1985. I don't remember the cost, but I did have to meet with a counsellor who was half my age :bigsmile:
:o ...and they didn't take away your license?
Last ticket was a couple of years ago, for speeding. Was reduced to a $50 parking ticket, because I had such a "good record" (aka, a couple other ones that had also been reduced from speeding tickets to expensive parking violations).
I've never received a traffic ticket.
€80 (and 2 penalty points) for a speeding ticket, nearly 2 years ago.
5 years ago...going 80 in a 55 :shock: , 5 points and $300. Yikes. I was dumb when I was in college.
We have red light cameras where I live and I just got a ticket in the mail. $65 boo!
Asscherhalo_lover|1335737871|3183606 said:
We have red light cameras where I live and I just got a ticket in the mail. $65 boo!
only $65 bucks? in Ca. your looking at least $400 bucks.
4 years ago - seatbelt violation in NY. In NY it is a primary violation - you can be pulled over for not having your seatbelt on. It included points, so I went to court. That got rid of the points, but I had to pay the ticket and court costs.
19 years ago, I was a Senior in HS on my way to school. Doing 80 in a 55, trooper knocked it down to 65 in a 55. Don't recall the fine. Just a couple days short of my 18th birthday, had to talk (lie) my way out of a minor w/tobacco ticket too. That same year I got a seatbelt ticket.
Friend sent me this after his 3rd ticket....then he got rid of his Porsche.

1-Canada ticket.jpg
I get them on a pretty regular basis! :naughty: I have a bit of a lead foot as they say, always for speeding. I got one several months ago, and for the first time I told my husband that I refused to do traffic school this time. He was not particularly happy about that but frankly I just couldn't face it one more time. This was my third ticket in our town in 7 years. Our insurance went up $300 per year so it wasn't really worth it. I should have spent the day at traffic school.

In my defense, we have a highway patrol office in our small town and they are always out with their radar guns. My last ticket was for 55 in a 45. I was on a down hill grade that even with my cruise control on it is hard to stay at 50.
Dancing Fire|1335742159|3183636 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1335737871|3183606 said:
We have red light cameras where I live and I just got a ticket in the mail. $65 boo!
only $65 bucks? in Ca. your looking at least $400 bucks.

It's only $65 because it comes from an automatic camera. If you get one from an actual police officer it's much more. Are yours $400 for automatic tickets or from an officer? That's crazy!
Asscherhalo_lover|1335751972|3183716 said:
Dancing Fire|1335742159|3183636 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1335737871|3183606 said:
We have red light cameras where I live and I just got a ticket in the mail. $65 boo!
only $65 bucks? in Ca. your looking at least $400 bucks.

It's only $65 because it comes from an automatic camera. If you get one from an actual police officer it's much more. Are yours $400 for automatic tickets or from an officer? That's crazy!
i don't think we have cameras inside our city limit,but there are signs posted "$375" for a red light violation,so $375 + other garbage fees = over $400.
Four or five yrs ago, for speeding. Doing 63 in a 45 zone. The cop who stopped me was the most gorgeous black fellow -- wasting his time on the police force, he shoulda been in Hollywood. Just as I was thinking, "S--t, why am I not 30 yrs younger & 30 lbs. thinner?" he said he would put down the speed at 54 so my insurance wouldn't go up, though I did get points on my license. I wanted to say, "Thanks! How about dinner??????" :twirl:

--- Laurie