
When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or office


Dec 27, 2013
When someone has lots of pictures of themselves in their house or office. I am referring to walls of their house or office covered in photos of themselves. No pictures of the grandkids. No pictures of them with family or friends. Just the person alone or maybe an accomplishment photo. (Ex. Posed whole receiving an award)

Have you noticed this with anyone you know? What kind of impression does it give you?

(Pictures of PS members posing with their bling or hand shots are excluded from this question. I'm all for a wall of your bling! :naughty: )
Re: When someone has a shrine of pics in their home or offic

Omg, YES. Pics of a frightening male coworker of him with all kinds of guns and knives. Wallpapered his cubicle. He threatened several of the managers (all women, like me). He eventually got mad at me and I left that job because HR told me the best they could do was move my office to a spot where I could see him coming.

I left that job after taking 2 weeks to consider my options.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

Rockinruby|1457316094|4000793 said:
What kind of impression does it give you?

It gives me the impression that this is a person with lots of pics of her/himself on his/her walls.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I would be forever grateful for all the comedy material that this individual had given me...for the rest of my life. My husband and I would have such a good time with this....
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

kenny|1457317514|4000805 said:
Rockinruby|1457316094|4000793 said:
What kind of impression does it give you?

It gives me the impression that this is a person with lots of pics of her/himself on his/her walls.

Re: When someone has a shrine of pics in their home or offic

azstonie|1457316691|4000797 said:
Omg, YES. Pics of a frightening male coworker of him with all kinds of guns and knives. Wallpapered his cubicle. He threatened several of the managers (all women, like me). He eventually got mad at me and I left that job because HR told me the best they could do was move my office to a spot where I could see him coming.

I left that job after taking 2 weeks to consider my options.

Azstonie, that sounds very scary! :nono: It sounds like you made a good decision to leave considering HR was no help. Ugh! :wall:

House Cat said:
I would be forever grateful for all the comedy material that this individual had given me...for the rest of my life. My husband and I would have such a good time with this....

That's a great way to look at it. :dance: Too funny! :D
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

First thing I think is narcissist.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

Depends on the situation, my wife has put pics of her and myself in our new place but there's also pics of family and friends etc. So I don't feel like it's a narcissistic thing for us, I think she has literally just hung every frame she could.

Then there's my best mate's dad, he's a soloist and has his gig posters all around his house where his pic takes up usually at least 50% of the poster. Everyone thinks he's 'full of himself', even his own kids :roll:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

RR, I don't know why you don't think it's cool that I have my own personal shrine to myself. Jeez. :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, I don't think I know anyone who has a wall of photos/awards dedicated to themselves aside from kids I went to grade school with. (Their parents were responsible for those, I'm sure.) I want to hear more about your experience with someone who "has a ton of self pics in their home or office!" :naughty:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

monarch64|1457324472|4000857 said:
I want to hear more about your experience with someone who "has a ton of self pics in their home or office!" :naughty:

Maybe she's friends with a Kardashian ;))
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

Matata|1457325986|4000869 said:
monarch64|1457324472|4000857 said:
I want to hear more about your experience with someone who "has a ton of self pics in their home or office!" :naughty:

Maybe she's friends with a Kardashian ;))

I hope not. I can't be PS friends with anyone connected to that mess, sorry.

(That sounds so mean! Not my intent, promise.)
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

StephanieLynn|1457319346|4000823 said:
First thing I think is narcissist.

Me too.

Second thing I think is: Stay FAR AWAY.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I don't have preconceived notions. I would get to know the person before making any judgments. I have learned a long time ago you just cannot *accurately* judge a book by its cover. I didn't get to be over a half century old without gaining some wisdom. :read:
But as with everything YMMV. This is just my point of view.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I suppose if I knew them enough to know that they had grandkids, family, and friends, and none of those things were being displayed along side their selfies, I would probably assume that they are narcissistic.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I think it would depend on the individual and the circumstances - you are certain the person is taking photos of him/herself and framing them? Do the photos depict the person at different ages and in different environments? Does the person live alone, without a spouse/partner, so photos of him/herself is actually documenting the life lived alone (even if there are friends/relatives who live elsewhere)?

I have seen "brag" walls but mostly in offices where (presumably) the person is displaying their connections, accomplishments, and work history through photographs. I see nothing wrong with this per se, though it is not something I would ever do myself.

Otherwise, the only walls of photos I've seen in homes are those comprised of multiple persons spanning generations, representing family and friends of the homeowner(s).

If I saw a wall of photos of only one person in that person's home, depending on the actual photos and how I feel about the person, and whether they actually live alone or not, I might feel inspired by their decision to document themselves, or I might feel a bit awed about their travels/accomplishments, or I might feel glad the person has a hobby, or I might feel sad about his/her desperate need to display proof he/she exists in this world... it all depends on the circumstances.

[I know many individuals with digital photo libraries of selfies on their smartphones, but I can count on one hand the number of people who actually make a point of showing any of them to me.]
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I'd be curious to see what happens when they see a reflection of themselves in a body of water - would they fall in and drown? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

My (thank you) EX Sister in law had more pictures of herself than 10 people around her house, posed, glamour shots, I thought it was narcissistic and egotistical - as she was.. people may feel differently but that is the only person I ever knew that had lots of pictures of themself.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

My MIL has pics of her and her 3 sons and grandkids but none (or very few) of her 3 DILs. Hmmm what do you think that means? :cheeky: :lol: :halo:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I've never known anyone do that, only people who have lots of family photos at work, some of which might include the person. But not lots just of one person.

I have no photos at home that are only of me. They're of family and friends and might include me.

I dated a guy once who lived alone and he did have a framed photograph of just himself on one of his shelves. I thought it was odd and narcissistic. Maybe it's not, but I've lived alone too and I wouldn't have dreamed of putting a photo just of myself up. I can see myself anytime I choose! Also, I don't think I've ever seen anyone have photos of just themselves in their home, with the exception of a graduation photograph or a wedding photo, and even the latter would generally be one of the couple.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I think the same thing when there are awards, certificates and trophies all over the walls and flat surfaces -it's one thing if you are a kid...
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

StephanieLynn|1457319346|4000823 said:
First thing I think is narcissist.

Thank you for your input. This is what I'm wondering... :errrr:

jordyonbass said:
Depends on the situation, my wife has put pics of her and myself in our new place but there's also pics of family and friends etc. So I don't feel like it's a narcissistic thing for us, I think she has literally just hung every frame she could.

Then there's my best mate's dad, he's a soloist and has his gig posters all around his house where his pic takes up usually at least 50% of the poster. Everyone thinks he's 'full of himself', even his own kids :roll:

It sounds like your wife has a normal balance of things out in your new place Jordy. It doesn't seem narcissistic that she enjoys hanging up a variety of framed pics. :dance:

That's pretty funny about your best mate's dad though! :lol:

monarch64 said:
RR, I don't know why you don't think it's cool that I have my own personal shrine to myself. Jeez. :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, I don't think I know anyone who has a wall of photos/awards dedicated to themselves aside from kids I went to grade school with. (Their parents were responsible for those, I'm sure.) I want to hear more about your experience with someone who "has a ton of self pics in their home or office!" :naughty:

I'm now thinking that your own personal shrine of jewelry collection photos would be pretty cool! :D

This person doesn't have their parents to thank for their collection. They have created it all on their own. Lots of obsessive behavior with forcing people to take their photo on their iPad/iPhone. Seeking out friends or acquaintances who have nice cameras (more than one person put off by it) to harass them into taking photos. Highly irritated if they don't want to comply or are busy. If someone agrees then wanting to direct the person they got to take the photos into moving to multiple places/backgrounds to get the best photo. Taking up a lot of their time. More than a normal "hey, can you take a quick pic of me" type thing. :wall: I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but wondered if anyone had run into this before. I bet you are sorry you asked now Monnie! :lol:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

monarch64|1457335978|4000898 said:
Matata|1457325986|4000869 said:
monarch64|1457324472|4000857 said:
I want to hear more about your experience with someone who "has a ton of self pics in their home or office!" :naughty:

Maybe she's friends with a Kardashian ;))

I hope not. I can't be PS friends with anyone connected to that mess, sorry.

(That sounds so mean! Not my intent, promise.)

Friends with a Kardashian!?! :shock: Only if they lavish me with gifts in the form of Cartier Love bracelets and such! :naughty: Otherwise my DH will leave me. He can't bear to stay in the room when KUWTK is on! :snooty:

The good news is that it is safe to be PS friends with me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :wavey:

Gypsy said:
StephanieLynn|1457319346|4000823 said:
First thing I think is narcissist.

Me too.

Second thing I think is: Stay FAR AWAY.[/quote]

Gypsy, this is what I'm wondering. A few people are saying stay far away from this person, but I normally don't go by what others say. I like to make my own choices about people, but am kind of thinking this could turn into a personal safety issue. That's why I wanted some PS input as well.

missy said:
I don't have preconceived notions. I would get to know the person before making any judgments. I have learned a long time ago you just cannot *accurately* judge a book by its cover. I didn't get to be over a half century old without gaining some wisdom. :read:
But as with everything YMMV. This is just my point of view.

Missy, I appreciate your point of view. That's why I asked because PSers have so many different pov which I think helps me balance it out, I know the person fairly well. However, I grew up with a very expanded view of what is normal. I sometimes tolerate more than the average person because "normal" to me sometimes is a little more skewed than the average person. My DH is worried that this person could be unsafe or at the least unhealthy for me to be around too much.

momhappy said:
I suppose if I knew them enough to know that they had grandkids, family, and friends, and none of those things were being displayed along side their selfies, I would probably assume that they are narcissistic.

Good input Momhappy. Thank you. :wavey:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

Yeah Rockinruby I don't think it's narcissistic since pics of us makes up only a small number of pics around the house. Surely other couples have pics of themselves, family and friends around their homes!

When we moved in we decided to turn the garage into my own 'man-cave' space instead of trying to fit my boat inside. I have my own dedicated sections for my fishing gear and music gear and I was thinking about putting up a photo wall with pics from touring experiences, gigs and fishing trips. But after reading this thread I'm not so sure! :errrr:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

jordyonbass|1457409818|4001334 said:
Yeah Rockinruby I don't think it's narcissistic since pics of us makes up only a small number of pics around the house. Surely other couples have pics of themselves, family and friends around their homes!

When we moved in we decided to turn the garage into my own 'man-cave' space instead of trying to fit my boat inside. I have my own dedicated sections for my fishing gear and music gear and I was thinking about putting up a photo wall with pics from touring experiences, gigs and fishing trips. But after reading this thread I'm not so sure! :errrr:

No, it doesn't seem narcissistic at all Jordy. It sounds pretty normal to me. I think photos are meant to be enjoyed. Plus they represent some of our happiest times and beautiful connections with friends or family.

What I'm talking about is quite different. :doh:

Btw, I like the idea of doing a wall with your photos from fishing trips and gigs. Especially some pics with your Dad because you live so far apart. :dance:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

My other half's father had LOTS of pictures of himself....all over the walls.

Yes he was absolutely a narcissist, but in his heyday he was also a well known violinist too. so yeah he liked looking at pictures of himself.

His practice room (to which his kids called the Mausoleum) was FULL of pictures of himself. As was the rest of the house but this area took the

I will say that while the man wasn't the greatest father, he wasn't a total sh*tbag of a human. And of course he loved women and the charm always came out.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

Arcadian|1457445344|4001496 said:
My other half's father had LOTS of pictures of himself....all over the walls.

Yes he was absolutely a narcissist, but in his heyday he was also a well known violinist too. so yeah he liked looking at pictures of himself.

His practice room (to which his kids called the Mausoleum) was FULL of pictures of himself. As was the rest of the house but this area took the

I will say that while the man wasn't the greatest father, he wasn't a total sh*tbag of a human. And of course he loved women and the charm always came out.

This sounds exactly like my best mate's father, except for the violin part since he's a guitarist. Oh and also the well-known part :bigsmile:
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

I came across this only once. This person's house was FILLED with pictures of herself. She was my ex sister in law and was the most narcissistic person I had ever met. Everyone saw it but her husband. That is until he divorced her. Then he wondered how he could be so blind. She put herself above everyone else. Above her husband, above her kids, the whole world centered around her. Glad she is no longer in the family. I feel bad for her kids though because she is very neglectful mother.
Re: When someone has a ton of self pics in their home or off

Yes! My own father!! :wall: :lol: :lol: