
When people make a fuss over your ring?

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Dec 4, 2006
I have been engaged for almost 3 months and I am still not sure how to handle a certain situation. I have been working as a medical receptionist since I got my E-ring and have found many times a day the patients I am helping make a fuss over my ring. I am never sure how to respond, I say thank you of course but if someone says how beautiful or unique it is and they are at a distance do people normally automatically offer a closer look. I usually don''t show them the ring by moving my hand closer but sometimes people react as though I am being rude by not offering a closer look. How do all of you fabulous PS''ers respond when ppl make a fuss over your rings?
I always offer my hand because I know that when I say something like that about a person''s ring, I really want to see it up close, too!

I agree with Poptart - I don''t have my ring yet but if I say someone elses ring is gorgeous it translates into ''let me see it up close and personal!!''

Being the jewelry fanatic I am, I DEFINETLY want to see it up close if I make a fuss, I just get so worried people will think I am being "showey" I guess if they were of that mindset they wouldn''t make a fuss in the first place????
You are right - they wouldn''t ask if they didn''t want to see. Have fun showing your beautiful ring off!!
Now is it possible that you show us a pic of your ring? Thanks ..
My two superficial loves/addictions. I love this pic and how you see right through the diamond!

It is really a lovely ring.If it was my ring I would proudly show it.No worries.Sometimes people are just admiring it and want to see it close. I find nothing wrong with it.If you are lucky they won''t ask you again just the first time .Some may be looking to buy so they always look for ideas.As long as it does not disrupt your work, just be proud of it and be happy its on your finger.Thanks so much for sharing it...
I used to make a joke about it b/c it made me uncomfortable but now I just smile and say thank you and change the subject.
Date: 3/17/2007 2:00:27 PM
Author: DiamondSmitten
Being the jewelry fanatic I am, I DEFINETLY want to see it up close if I make a fuss, I just get so worried people will think I am being ''showey'' I guess if they were of that mindset they wouldn''t make a fuss in the first place????
You spy a ring you admire and you say, "Wow, that''s a beautiful ring!" and the person holds their hand out to you and says, "Thank you!" Do you think they''re a showoff?

I''m more inclined to think if they DON''T hold out their hand at that point, they''re being STINGY!!!! lol
lol I agree!! There aren''t that many large beautiful diamonds round here but there are some lovely coloured gemstones. I always grab a good look!!

DS your ring is stunning!!!
Hum, I just say thank you.
I show people and give a genuine "thanks, I love it too."
Unless it is obnoxious or snarky, I would be flattered and leave it at that. New bling ALWAYS gets attention, and if possible, if you are not made uncomfortable, just smile and say, "Aren''t I lucky? I really love it too!" and then change the topic!

I am okay when I get compliments as long as I do not feel unsafe or that it is overboard...if another woman notices my ring and makes a general comment, I usually just aknowledge it and move on to another subject.
I think that although halos are popular on PS, in my area at least, I''ve never seen one IRL. Maybe they are just facinated to see your ring since it''s something they''ve probably never seen before. Show it off, girl!
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