
When is the last time you pulled out your oven, to clean under & behind it?


Apr 30, 2005
I did that today for the first time in, I must confess, 21 years.
I didn't take pics but OMG it was gross. :knockout:

I'm a clean freak and do this for my fridge annually, but I just didn't think ovens would get yucky down there.

We had to do that when there was a terrible odor emanating from around the stove. Turns out a baby mouse had gotten electrocuted slipping through some wires in the back and was still wedged in there. Yuck!!!!
October 2019, first time since it was installed when I moved into the house in Oct 2006, as part of the preparation to register my kitchen as a food business with the local council.

DK :))
Have moved ones that had not been moved in over 30+ years.
When we renovated the beach kitchen in 2018. So not too bad lol.

In Brooklyn in 2018 too because we had a gas mishap due to the Con Ed workers messing something up in the street so we had to get them to come into our home and fix it and the oven was pulled away from the wall. Not too bad there either. But there were many cat toys behind the oven that we were able to retrieve haha.
I think it was in January, because I was installing cute linoleum squares over the hideous pattern left by the previous owner.
Mine is built into a cabinet. I clean the drawer at the bottom of the oven.
Mine is built into a cabinet. I clean the drawer at the bottom of the oven.

Same here. It's only 3 y/O, so. Should be ok anyways (I hope)
Boy... the word "never" comes to mind... :lol:
A year ago when I had the gas line repaired.

Ours also has that bottom "warming drawer" that I discovered pulls all the way out and exposes the floor underneath.

Previous stove had a gap under it just big enough for the broom. Swept under it weekly.
Built in. The last one was not built in so it got pulled out as often as the fridge which was at least every few years or when one of the kids lost something under there. I take the cover off the front of the fridge and can reach in pretty far with a duster so it still only gets pulled out completely every few years.
I try to do it at least once a year. It is surprising how much dust collects there!
My double ovens are attached to the wall as well, so no way for me to pull them out. My stovetop is mounted on top of the center island as well, so nothing to pull out and clean. I should pull my fridge out to see what’s going on behind there because my dog is constantly losing small balls or treats in the gaps under and on the sides of the fridge.
At least 5 years...I think about it randomly every so often when I walk by it, on my way, to do something else. I mean, the intent is there.
Um, never. Anywhere I have lived. I am sure my current one is fine though since I bought my home in 2018 and the kitchen was completely renovated prior to the previous seller putting it on the market. So, new cabinets, appliances, etc.
It wasn't that long ago. We have one long haired chihuahua. Bleh!
Never, and I don't want to look!
I did that today for the first time in, I must confess, 21 years.
I didn't take pics but OMG it was gross. :knockout:

I'm a clean freak and do this for my fridge annually, but I just didn't think ovens would get yucky down there.


Never. I'm too afraid.
lucky mine in build in and would require way too much know how for me to know how to do it
i should clean behind the fridge and freezer but we have a pigeon pair and they would probably fall on me
but like Missy, i know there are alot of Borris' ping pong balls back there

When I replaced it 2.5 years ago.

At least 5 years...I think about it randomly every so often when I walk by it, on my way, to do something else. I mean, the intent is there.

Well, it's the thought that counts. Right? :twisted2:
But of course, I am ever so earnest and sincere for those fleeting seconds.
Never. I'm too afraid.


Last night I said to my SO, "The one place in the house that was the dirtiest, is now the cleanest."
I was at it for hours.

I had to heat the grease on the floor with a hair dryer and use Rubbing Alcohol and a zillion paper towels to remove it. :knockout:
Worked like a champ though.
I don't buy most commercial cleaning products that reduce the work.

Besides also cleaning the walls ... UGH! ... :sick: I also took all the panels off the back of the stove and cleaned 21 years of accumulated dust inside, and a bit of food/grease.

Dust is the mortal enemy of electronics.
Actually heat is, but dust build up (especially when air vents clog) prevents air circulation.
Also, when dust covers the electronics it becomes a layer of insulation, trapping heat.
I try to do it at least once a year. It is surprising how much dust collects there!

It IS surprising.

I thought since there was no fan, like a fridge has, not much dust would be drawn in.
But then, since warm air rises cooler air (along with dust) must be sucked in from underneath to replace the rising warm air.
At least 5 years...I think about it randomly every so often when I walk by it, on my way, to do something else. I mean, the intent is there.
I'm gonna go with this... :shifty:
Scared to pull it out from wall as it is gas and don’t want to pull out gas hose. Don’t know how long that hose is. I have pulled it out about 8 inches before and removed lots of pet dander, lint and unknown foodstuffs that rolled under and fossilized. Tiny bits of kid and pet toys too. Going to see if the warming tray slides all the way out.Thank you TooPatient for the tip. That would be ok as I can then access floor. Fridge is another story. It cannot be moved as it is in a niche and a cabinet is in the way for it to slide out. We had to remove the kitchen door to get it in the house. So I know it is crusty, linty, furry, greasy, etc underneath and the back side coils covered in crap making it less efficient.Could not even hook up to the water line to the ice cube maker. I HATE MY KITCHEN! Don’t get me started. All appliances have been replaced- Dish washer more than once- and foresee the fridge going next. Used those opps to clean under them.
Never. We rent, so I think I'd feel differently if we owned the house. But for now, that falls under the list of things like cleaning the skylights and scrubbing the grout on the floor tiles that the landlord can take care of if he's so inclined.

We've powerwashed the garage, installed a nicer kitchen facet, fixed the garbage disposal when it was broken, and cleaned out a whole lot of sludge that was under the roof deck clogging the drain, so I think we've earned enough good renter karma for now!
I’ve only had built ins for the last 30+ years, so never.
We had to replace the oven because it stopped working a few months ago so it got cleaned a few months ago. Behind the refrigerator and the washing machine get pretty yuck too but they don't have the same layer of grease grime around the areas that the oven did....