
Wheee! I LOVE being Married!

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Nov 30, 2005
I''m back from Hawaii! Kona Village was beautiful, the ceremony was perfect, and being a newly wed is the best thing in the world!

I''ve got to run, so I''ll write more later and just leave you with some pics!

DH and I on the Beach just after the ceremony!

Me with my parents

340-2C7V3284B.JPG looked beautiful...more pics please---i loved hawaii
Indie! You look gorgeous and happy. Congrats Mrs. IndieJones!
wow you look radiant in those photos Indie!! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
i love how your DH is barefoot on the beach...were you barefoot too? those flowers are beautiful as well.
Beautiful pics!!!
Ahh so gorgeous!!! CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh, you look so good! I LOVE your dress!!!! With all the drama, I''m so glad you ended up with such a great dress!!!

Now come back and post more pics.
Congratulatios Indie! The pics are wonderful and your dress is really lovely!
so picturesque!
you look beatiful indie!

congrats and thanks for sharing!
Indie, you look so beautiful and happy! Congrats!
Your dress is PERFECT and I really love how you did your hair, very beachy! Congrats!
indie, congrats!!! i''m so jealous! the more i plan this wedding, the more i wish i''d just done a quickie version. i feel like i''ve been planning forEVER and still 6 mo''s to go!

I love your it the original choice? For some reason i remember another. YOu look fab!! more pics please :)
aww you guys look so happy, mega congrats, love the island weddings!!
Indie, you look AMAZING!!! Love the bouquet! Hubbie''s outfit matched nicely.
You guys look sooo happy!! Congrats and best wishes!!!
Indie! I am so happy that everything went perfectly! You look radiant, happy and relaxed in your pics. Can''t wait to see more.
Well, I wasn't so relaxed at the very start.
That morning I woke up feeling very excited and happy... until breakfast.We made the mistake of sitting with my family and my mother started going on about prepping for the wedding and I started to get very tense. When she left the table for a bit I mentioned that she was stressing me out, but my sister said that it wasn't mom that I was just stressed about the wedding. I promptly started to cry.
Kinda horrified my sister and the look on her face was so funny that I was shortly crying and laughing.

Right before the ceremony I was waiting by myself and getting increasingly worked up. Finally my father came to escort me.
Note look of panic mixed with joy. I almost cried right about here.

Then I saw DH and the panic and stage fright vanished. The entire rest of the ceremony I never saw a single thing other than his face. I''m told we had an excellent musician.

Even after the ceremony I was still pretty focused on him, but both families seem just as happy as we were!

DH would not be pleased if I posted his image on a forum, so I''m limited even with blur.

The bouquet was wonderful! Yellow roses and orchids that matched his yellow ginger perfectly.

I had planned to spend more time on my hair, but it was increadibly windy that day so I said what the heck and just scrunched it dry. I love my hair!

The wind died down just as the ceremony started and didn''t pick back up again nearly as badly afterwards. We did have a few sprinkles during the black sand photos.
This is a picture of us on the black beach right next to our private hale(hut) during what was supposed to be sunset.

EVERYONE was barefoot and I have the photo to prove it!

His father is the one with the flower on his big toe as he apparently stubbed it right before I came out and was gushing blood everywhere!

Yay Indie! Congratulations! I love the pictures. You, your husband, and your family look very happy!
The dress is not any of the ones I originally thought of. I ended up having a 2-piece dress custom made for me by a local 'salon'. Unfortunately it's not actually on totally right during the wedding. It was supposed to be a little higher in the chest and a little lower in the back. Well... DH didn't complain. I'm not sure he ever looked past the neckline that night!

My sister's attempts to fix it right beforehand had left it a little loose during the ceremony itself so here's a pic of my mother tightening it up.
I'm looking at my new DH by the way.

Congratulations! You looks so happy!
Well, that''s pretty much it for the professional photos for the moment. As soon as I can access the website on my mac so I can properly blur DH, I''ll post some more. But for right now I''m limited to a pc at school!

After the pictures on the black beach we were ferried to the bar next to the outdoor ''reception'' area. It was raining a bit so we joined the family at the bar for a drink.

I must have been far more tightly wound than I thought, because once it was all over I unwound pretty dramatically! By the time we sat down and I had my second glass of white wine things became a bit blurry. By the third glass I had lost my shoes (while not moving from my seat) and had cheerfully flipped off my mother and then everyone else other than DH. Fortunately my new in-laws just saw that as a sign that I was assimilating perfectly into their family (Did I mention they''re Sicilan/Irish?).
It was less the wine and more the relief.
So while the dinner is very hazy, but I''m pretty sure that everyone had a wonderful time, the table was lovely, the food was great, the cake pretty in yellow and white, and I''m even reasonably certain it was the right flavor of vanilla and lemon too!

Thing is the relief is carrying on after the wedding. I remember the thread on if you feel different afterwards. Well, we''re both more relaxed with each other, more confident, more understanding, unbelievably happy, and just generally even more in love than before the wedding!
A good vacation did wonders too!
I can''t say enough how wonderful this type of small destination wedding is!
Heck, we even went snorkeling just a few hours beforehand!
I love the fact that he''s just as excited and happy about being husband and wife as I am! This is the best time of my life!

Ok, I lied... one more picture!
This is us signing the Wedding Certificate! YaY!!

congrats indie!!! I love the pic of you two walking away from the camera on the sand, and the one w/all the feet in the sand... that is so awesome!!!!!
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