
what''s your most memorable moment of DH on wedding day?

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Mar 21, 2008
time to get gushy, ladies!

please share your most memorable moment of your husband (or even if he wasn''t officially your husband just yet) on your wedding day.


Mar 21, 2008
mine was his speech to me when he said, "Even after 8 years together, every day keeps getting better and better."
we''ve actually been together 7 years, but who cares? it was really sweet.

I also liked it when he kissed my forehead when I met him at the altar and that we held hands during the whole wedding ceremony.


Sep 30, 2007
I too liked his speech. I know he hadn't planned it so it was just whatever came out of his mouth and basically talked about how he had not been in a good place prior to being with me and i saved him from himself, things like that. I guess it made a lot of people cry, I was already crying from the other speeches at that time so nobody could tell I was too :)

Also he NEVER dances and he was totally ripping up the dance floor that night. He kept coming up to me saying "I never dance like this but I feel so good I could dance all night!" I should mention he rarely drinks which probably played a large part in his dancing shoes


Mar 21, 2008
ah smurfy, you reminded me of another thing! DH is also not a dancer and the dj put on "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake and DH had to dance it all alone, which he did trying to make it all sexy with lots of pelvic grinding. I was laughing so hard! it''s funny how you give some men a little alchol and they think they''re god''s gift to the dance floor.

ok, I''m bad at this game. everything is too memorable.


Jul 21, 2008
I loved DH''s reaction to my father''s speech. My dad is a pretty great orator. His speeches are always well written and thought out. My father actually cornered us both in the two days leading up to the wedding to ask us the 5 things we loved most about/reasons we wanted to marry each other. Even though I tell DH those things all the time, hearing them from my father and then hearing my father''s view on it really made DH cry. My father also told some funny stories about DH and me so DH''s emotions went from tearing up to laughing hysterically in one 5 minute span. Some of my favorite candid photos from the wedding came from those few minutes. Whenever I look at those pictures I can''t help but grin.


Sep 30, 2007
Date: 12/16/2009 9:48:28 AM
Author: noelwr
ah smurfy, you reminded me of another thing! DH is also not a dancer and the dj put on ''SexyBack'' by Justin Timberlake and DH had to dance it all alone, which he did trying to make it all sexy with lots of pelvic grinding. I was laughing so hard! it''s funny how you give some men a little alchol and they think they''re god''s gift to the dance floor.

ok, I''m bad at this game. everything is too memorable.

Now I have an image of my dh pelvic thrusting to sexy back..oh


Feb 6, 2009
Mine was his surprise to me. He sat me down on a chair on the dance floor and then played the guitar and sang my favorite song to me. It was like we were the only ones in the room, but then he laughed and I looked behind us and everyone was holding up candles.
It was my favorite moment of the reception!


Aug 17, 2007
Our last dance - it felt like it was just the two of us dancing - the entire room melted away.


Apr 25, 2008
His vows.

We never write sappy stuff. Ok. We''re bad at telling each other how we feel other than "I love you" every once in a while.
Hearing his vows blew me away. Absolutely one of the best moments of that day.


May 20, 2008
Definitely when DH was close to crying during the ceremony, especially when we had a moment to remember his father.

Apparently people were only looking at me, because a lot of people told me I was crying the whole time. Uhh, no, I was watching DH try and holding back tears! Apparently nobody noticed DH


Sep 27, 2008
Seeing my husband for the first time when my dad and I walked down the aisle.

We had breakfast together with a ton of people that morning and went to our rehearsal and then didn''t see each other until it was time to get to the ceremony. My day got progressively worse as it came closer to the wedding: The hair salon was in NO WAY prepared for us (even though we told them the number of people) and we were running very late, one of my sisters who left her BM dress back home still didn''t have a dress and wasn''t interested in finding one; she also left all my makeup and jewelry back home with her dress; the resort photographer crashed our hair appointments and then my room when I was getting ready; none of the BMs showed up in my room to pick up their bouquets or their presents, except my maid of honor...and when we finally got in line for the processional, I saw that my FG was wearing CROCS!!!!!!!!!!! I was in tears right up until I started walking with my dad.

But as soon as I saw him, I knew that he would make it all better. And the first thing he did was take my hand and not let go...we held hands during the whole ceremony. After the ceremony as we were walking down to the beach to take pictures, he was still holding my hand and he recited the entire blessing of the hands to me (because the priest skipped it in the program), but he did it from a 1st person view (i.e. These are the hands of my best friend, young and strong, and full of love for me on our wedding day, as we promise to love each other today, tomorrow and forever....)

I was stunned that he memorized the words because I picked that blessing, but I was so happy that it was skipped, because it was so much better to have him tell me those things. It really centered me and made me realize that it didn''t matter that all those people failed, because he never did. And he didn''t care about my makeup or jewelry, just me.

Sorry, I just wrote a whole''s a picture of us walking to the beach after the ceremony...



Nov 5, 2007
I loved loved loved his vows. They were so special, and they made even his manly groomsmen cry.

That, and when he busted out Michael Jackson moves during "Billie Jean." I was impressed, the man can dance! LOL.


Nov 19, 2004
When he put the ring on my finger. Honestly, it was so emotional, that I reached over and gripped his arm because it was so overwhelming that I really needed the physical contact. The photographer got a great shot of that moment. I will never forget that moment.


Feb 15, 2007
Our ceremony. He looked right into my eyes the entire time, and he was *almost* tearing up for most of it, and his look was just . . . indescribable.
My heart melts every time I think about it.

The first thing my bridesmaids said after the ceremony was a chorus of "OH MY GOSH! We''ve never seen him look at you like that! It was amazing!"



Jan 28, 2008
After the photos and before the ceremony started, our families/bridal party were all in one room, being nutty. DH took my hand and we went into this little back room at our venue, and we sat there, just the two of us, and talked and played that game where you hold your hands under the other person''s and try to slap their hands before they move them (does that make sense?). We were both laughing like crazy and it really took the nervous edge off that moment. Somehow DH knew that I/we needed to be alone just then.
Also, our photographer snuck into the room behind us and snapped a few pictures - those are some of my favorites!


Nov 16, 2008
oh gosh. i have so many. one favorite is how we kept whispering back and forth during the ceremony how hot it was in our church, and how we both were on the verge of busting up laughing through most of it since we have issues being very serious like that. nervous laughter of course.

my true favorite is when i was talking to some friends, and he apparently was "searching everywhere for his wife." well, he wanted to dance, had a few drinks in him, and decided to come find me, picked me up, put me over his shoulder, and carried me to the dance floor. i just loved it! and then, i was dancing with him, he got distracted and walked to talk with someone, so i was just standing there in the middle of a circle of friends. so all these relatives started coming up and dancing with me, one at a time. seriously the best thing ever!


May 4, 2009
It''s so hard to pick one moment. I have a few...
- I was taking pictures and hadn''t seen DH yet (and we hadn''t seen each other all week because it''s a Jewish custom not to see each other the week before the wedding). As I was taking pictures, my mom came over to tell me DH was about to come in to see me for the first time. I didn''t know which door he was coming in, but then suddenly I see him RUNNING all the way from across the room over to me - he was *so* excited to see me. And seeing the look on his face when he told me how beautiful I looked was so incredible.

- As I was walking down the aisle DH and I were looking at each other the entire time - I was crying because I was so happy and he and I just wouldn''t stop looking at each other. And I love remembering the smile he gave me when I reached him and met him at the end of the aisle.

- After the ceremony was over, our Jewish custom is to go to the "yichud" room for a few minutes to spend time completely alone with each other. We got in there and it was silent. We just looked at each other like we couldn''t believe we were finally married. He told me how happy he was and we shared our first "married kiss" (because of another custom, we didn''t kiss under the chuppah at the ceremony). That time alone together before going out to the reception was so special and he told me everything he was feeling and it was so special to hear his words.

- Our last dance - it was to our song from the whole time we dated and I had always imagined us dancing to it on our wedding day. He kissed my forehead and sang the words to me in my ear as he held me while we were dancing. It felt like we were the only ones in the room. It really was one of the most magical moments of my life.


Sep 3, 2008
When we were saying our vows and he started to cry. ETA- I should mention that DH is not an emotional person, and our wedding day is the only time I have seen him cry. So I guess it takes something really big to do it.


Apr 28, 2008
The way he was looking at me when I walked down the aisle to him. I will never forget that. It was like a blend of awe, happiness, love, and pride.

Also, the way we never took our eyes off one another during the whole ceremony. We kept staring at each other and whispering back and forth. Both my mom and MIL asked me at the reception what in the world were we talking about? Just whispering sweet little nothings to one another.


Jul 5, 2007
Two moments I remember: DH and I wrote our ceremony together, so we were both very aware of what was supposed to happen during the ceremony (which I think made it even that much more surreal that it was all happening). Anyway, after we signed the marriage certificate, we were supposed to walk down the steps to hug our parents. DH got confused, and he grabs my hand and says "No! We're not done yet!" thinking I was trying to leave the ceremony or something. This is the point where we both remembered that there were 100 people watching, because everyone started laughing because they could hear his very loud stage whisper. I love getting to that point on the audio recording. You can't hear DH, but you can hear the laughter from the congregation.

My other favorite DH moment from the wedding was when I looked next to me on the dance floor and saw that he was doing the electric slide. It had been a pretty big point of contention, and I said that while it's not my favorite song, it gets people on the floor. DH was NOT a fan of playing it at all. The dance floor was totally packed, and there on the edge was DH, an electric slide natural (I have never seen him do it since, and I probably never will again).

ETA: Okay, one more - his vows. I'd sent him back for revision the night before, and in his fashion, he came back with them PERFECT. He had me laughing and crying.


Mar 2, 2009
Haha, when I called him from my limo to make sure everything at the church was ok, he chided me saying that weren''t supposed to talk before the wedding, and "have your people call my people! That''s why we have people today!"


Aug 2, 2009
I am not married yet, I''m a LIW, but reading all of this makes me want to get married EVEN MORE!


Dec 29, 2006
I love everyone''s stories. I have a few favorite moments but one is of our last dance. Sumbride (who hasn''t posted on PS in a long time) sent me a CD of a song that she knows my husband and I love (it''s not on the radio or anything). We danced to that song with our close friends and family circled around us. Neither one of us are dancers, but it was the best feeling to dance to that song with my husband. The lyrics fit us perfectly, and they mean a lot to us.


Jul 28, 2007
So many moments that get me all teary just thinking about them. The look on his face when I walked into the chapel, him whispering how beautiful I looked, us holding hands like our lives depended on it, the list goes on.

But, I think the most special moment was his speech. Of course him referring to me as his wife was so exciting, but he looked him in the eyes and thanked me for waiting so long for him to get married (we were together 13 years before we got married). It just touched my heart in a special way and I will never forget it. Every second of every day, it was worth the wait!!


Apr 28, 2006
Two things:

The mayor messed up and introduced us as Mr. and Mrs. hisname even though I was keeping mine. He kissed me a long time to keep me from getting upset.

Dad had an envelope with cash that he gave to my husband as "he was supposed to take charge of me now". Husband handed the envelope to me in less than a second because, "she is her own woman, I do not control her".


May 2, 2008
I will never forget the look on DH''s face when I was saying my vows to him. There was so much love, pride, intimacy, and soulfulness in that look, and I could tell he was biting his lip a little to keep from crying. The photographer actually managed to capture it, and eventually I''m going to frame that picture for myself to always remind me that he really does love me that much.


Dec 16, 2009
mine was after the ceremony, we were in the midst of taking pro pics and while the photographer was gathering people or taking other photos we just stood there together, hugging, saying we did it, we are married, this is so awesome, that was so great, i wish we could do it again, your my wife, your my husband, yay this is awesome, we are married, etc etc etc. it was sooo great, - and to our surprise the photographer''s assistant snapped a ton of photos of us doing this and they are some of the best ones in our bunch.
It was the happiest moment ever -
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