
What's your favorite forum?


Aug 15, 2004
Mine is Colored Stones.

It is a quickly moving forum. And I feel like when I post asking for input, I get it. Some consider it a vicious forum, and I agree that newbies entering looking for admiration of their newest purchase may find criticism more frequent than kudos, but I appreciate the honest, no holes barred approach. I feel there are many folks there who have a good amount of knowledge of the unique nature of colored stones. Give it to me straight. That's what I look for. :praise:
That's my favorite, too. Some of the commentary can be, ummm, blunt :eek: , sometimes, but in general it's not personal, which I like.

EDTA: The rule for the Colored Stones forum is: If you don't really want opinions, don't post something with a heading which includes the phrase: What Do You Think of_____? Because you will definitely hear what people think!
This one. I like Hangout.

I enjoy RT and SMTB and BWW too.
colored stones is where I read most often, because I just gravitate towards colored stones more anyway. I agree that there is a lot of academic discussion, which I like. I also like that if I did have a question about what to look for in a certain gemstone i.e. quality, 'top' color, accepted inclusions, treatments, etc, it would be answered or someone would link to a good reference, show examples, etc. People seem to be quite free and honest with their advice.

ETA: I also check SMTB and hangout
OK then. Here's the skinny on your avatar. Not be be mean or anything, but it's not so good really. In fact it is SO inferior that I feel bad for you and will take it off your hands for just a bit more than the $150 dollars you MIGHT get for it.

Trust me Uppy, I'm offering to do you a favor.....

(so, how's my approach working??)
Hangout is my favorite...such diversity of topics! I learn, I laugh, I cry...
ksinger|1312478940|2984134 said:
OK then. Here's the skinny on your avatar. Not be be mean or anything, but it's not so good really. In fact it is SO inferior that I feel bad for you and will take it off your hands for just a bit more than the $150 dollars you MIGHT get for it.

Trust me Uppy, I'm offering to do you a favor.....

(so, how's my approach working??)
Well, I really don't think I could let it go for less than $200. :naughty:

and fess up, your favorite forum is Around the World 8-)
the PS politic forum.
Tied between RT and Hangout, I think: my favorite conversations are the ones about the sociology of jewelry, and those tend to be pretty evenly split between the two forums. I SHOULD like CS, as that's where the bulk of my collection is, but I've never gotten into it ... probably because I found PS at the same time that I got obsessed with diamonds, and that's mainly what I've been buying for the last five years: all my colored stone projects are basically setting projects, and I bring those here. But if CS is as active as you say, perhaps it is time to diversify ....
My favorite is Hangout. I love the variety of topics, thoughts, and opinions shared. I think it gets more traffic than FHH, so I tend to post there most often.

It's funny, I often feel guilty that I mainly post/read in the cafe sections, not in the forums (fora?) where PS originally began.

Apparently, I'm feeling long-winded, so if you feel like reading on, go for it... :cheeky:

FHH has become a parents' forum (in my opinion, anyway) which is great, but it's hard for me to relate since I'm not a parent. I enjoy reading the threads and I post there occasionally, but not often.

I also love SMTB and CS. It's fun to see different projects that people have done.

RT has changed so much since I first joined 4.5 years ago. I like reading the various threads, but it's just not the same forum it once was. I'm not AT ALL discounting the great advice that particular posters give though. They're very helpful and I think that's great that they spend time offering help and advice.

I occasionally go to BWW and LIW if I have a few minutes.
RT... well, as it used to be. The discussions that make me pull out the textbooks are few and far between these days, and I miss them!

Hangout, too. There's always *something* in here that's good for a laugh - or a cackle - ::)

I've been lurking on CS - just can't seem to get into coloured gems as I do diamonds, and at the end of the day given $1000 I'd rather buy a small diamond than a larger, statistically awesomer coloured gem, so I guess that says it all. I *love* some of the finished pieces there, though - far more diversity than in Ering-centric SMTB.
Yssie|1312490388|2984294 said:
RT... well, as it used to be. The discussions that make me pull out the textbooks are few and far between these days, and I miss them!

Hangout, too. There's always *something* in here that's good for a laugh - or a cackle - ::)

I've been lurking on CS - just can't seem to get into coloured gems as I do diamonds, and at the end of the day given $1000 I'd rather buy a small diamond than a larger, statistically awesomer coloured gem, so I guess that says it all. I *love* some of the finished pieces there, though - far more diversity than in Ering-centric SMTB.
RT used to be so interesting. My fav now is Hangout.
Family Health and Home now that I have Twins :D :D
It's close but probably in this order, starting with most fav:
Rocky Talk
Color Stones
Hangout for sure, although I've been lurking in RT a lot lately, and checking out SMTB more than usual. I've been getting a smidge obsessed with diamond buying again so I think that's why I've gravitated to those two lately. :eek:
I usually check CS first and I spend most of my time there. Colored stones are my true love, not diamonds.

I always stop by the Jewelry forum, but it is very slow. Hangout gets a fair chunk of my time and I try to stop by Healthy Living as well, since I am trying to (these chocolate covered, hazelnut filled wafers by my hand aren't helping).
I visit RT, SMTB and Healthy Lifestyle the most. I check out CS and Hangout quite a bit too.
Hangout and SMTB. :bigsmile:
Hangout, SMTB and Colored Stones
I check and post in RT daily. I don't really subscribe the to "good old days" mentality :cheeky: , it is what it is and changes a lot as the participants change. Ultimately, it is a place to help lost young men buy diamonds and that is a fun job. I like to teach.

The FHH. It is a parents forum largely, as Zoe said, but being one I have lots to ask about and share!

Then I pop into Hangout less frequently, and lurk in colored stones for the eye candy and education.
Dreamer_D|1312518826|2984613 said:
I check and post in RT daily. I don't really subscribe the to "good old days" mentality :cheeky: , it is what it is and changes a lot as the participants change. Ultimately, it is a place to help lost young men buy diamonds and that is a fun job. I like to teach.

The FHH. It is a parents forum largely, as Zoe said, but being one I have lots to ask about and share!

Then I pop into Hangout less frequently, and lurk in colored stones for the eye candy and education.

On further consideration - one aspect of the Good Old Days I really don't miss at all is the Everyone vs. DBL dynamic. I've always enjoyed David's posts, and it's nice to read what he has to say without having to skip every other post in the thread.

I suppose yellow has indeed mellowed :cheeky:
Any of the Koi Birthing forums. Those are good. MUCH better than PS.

Have you guys checked them out?

Hangout because of all the interesting topics.
I''d say Colored Stones and SMTB!

I love the honesty and candidness of CS! I have learned a great deal. SMTB because I Love the photos of the of blingy beauties.
I love Rocky Talk--it's the first one I check.

Colored Stones is also fun.
Colored stones - so much great eye candy and a lot to learn about! I like the variety in the setting styles, since most of these are non-wedding jewelry and people tend to be more creative. It's also a place where you'll get truly honest opinions, as others have mentioned. The odd thing is that I'm kind of like Yssie, in that I won't spend more than a certain amount (usually about $200) on a colored stone, but I'd easily spend a lot more on a diamond. As much as I love colored stones and reading about them, I can't get over this mental block to buying them.
Hangout! So many interesting dilemmas!
CS, SMTB, RT in that order. I find that CS has a lot of variety and many active participants.
Definietly CS. I am afraid to gravitate far away from it till I take a course in diamonds... I did not even knew it was considered cruel. I thought all PS forums were like it. (And if it is cruel - I like it! This cruelty taught me not to buy from B@M stores and not-so-honest jewelers).

I must admit I am a little bit afraid of Hangout. I do not participate in many forums, and do not know how argumentative they may be, so there is nothing to compare to. Some posts on the Hangout seem somewhat ... forceful to me, and I have to remind myself that it is all posted, not said.

I like Jewelry Pieces but it is less frequented it seems.
jstarfireb|1312584071|2985063 said:
Colored stones - so much great eye candy and a lot to learn about! I like the variety in the setting styles, since most of these are non-wedding jewelry and people tend to be more creative.

Me too although I'm more of a lurker there than a poster. After looking at all the creative styles from some of the popular CS vendors, most e-ring designs look positively boring to me. But it's easier to be creative when you don't havve to match a wedding band.