
What''s a reasonable response time for vendors?

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Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
I finally decided on a hair and makeup artist and had a good trial. Up until then, her response time for e-mails was excellent. Since then, I had to follow up on an e-mail after 5 days of no response, and again on a second e-mail recently after 7 days of no response. The second time was for her to review the contract so I could sign it. You would think she''d be interested. She never picks up the phone, so calling doesn''t work. What''s a reasonable response time to expect? Should I just forget about this and find someone else? I spent good money on the trial and felt like I could work well with her, so I''d hate having to start over. My second-choice stylist is unfortunately no better in response time.
Please keep in mind that this is a very busy season for vendors...esspecially MUA and hairstylists...trials are time consuming.
Ugh, Kim ... sorry. That is so entirely frustrating. My initial response was 24 hours. I think that it is a reasonable expectation for a vendor to respond to you within a 24 - 48 hour period, unless otherwise stated or discussed. Even if she is busy, 5 days and 7 days ... That''s like 2 weeks!! She doesn''t check email?? I think that it is only courteous to respond to your clients or prospective clients within a reasonable timeframe and 2 weeks is not it.

Since you like her so much and have already invested your time and money, I would say keep her on your list but start researching other possible options with vendors who appear to have a better response turnaround time and similar quality of service.

Have you read any reviews on this particular stylist? If she has positive reviews and/or was recommended it might be worth your while to tough it out but if not, ditch her. After all, you don''t want to be the bride waiting around on your wedding day for her to show up, right?

Good luck and I hope that it works out!!
Italia, thanks, that''s a good point. I guess I''d have appreciated her telling me that she wouldn''t be checking e-mail regularly during such and such period of time.

Sparkalicious, thanks for your input. She does have positive reviews, and I did like her during and before the trial, so I think I''ll stick it out for a little while longer and see how it goes. To clarify, it was two separate e-mails for which she had a slow response time, one was 5 days, the other 7 days. All of my other vendors respond within 24-72 hours, so I thought it was reasonable to expect the same from a hair and makeup artist. Thanks again!
I would also expect a 24-48 hour turnaround time. Regardless of whether it's a busy season or not, this is a business they're trying to run, and they should treat prospective customers accordingly. They need to find time in their day to respond to business emails and/or voicemails. 5 days is too long.

It's fine for them to be too busy to respond, but they should be aware that they'll lose business because of it (which may be a non-issue if they're really too busy for it anyway).
I would call her and let her know that you responded via email and see if that improves her response time. I have to say 5-7 days is a little long, but if this person has good reviews and you like her and her work, I will give her the benefit of doubt and be sure to let her know what your expectations are. That might help out a little. I can imagine this must be frustrating, I am sorry you have to deal with this.
I haven''t picked a MUA yet, but what I''ve noticed is the vendors that don''t really "need" to be involved thruout the whole process, just aren''t. They probably have other day time jobs. However, not being responsive when you''re talking about the contract, is a bit odd.

KimN, tiny TJ: sorry...

If you are waiting on E-pics to be finished, how long would you wait, to write your photog an email, inquiring about delivery time? We had ours done on Monday the 2nd, he told me the next day that he was beginning to edit them, and it has now been a little over 2 weeks. He doesn''t do "sneak peeks", but he does edit every single picture before he''ll let you see any. He''s VERY big about not sending out mediocre product. He wouldn''t even tell me price points over the phone, because his booklet is a big selling feature of his business. This is why I''m worried to write an email... I don''t want him to think I''m not grateful for all the time he devotes to the pictures.

I thought about maybe writing an email that said we are trying to figure out a Sunday to put the announcement in the paper, and was wondering when he thought we might be able to choose a picture?
Any advice?
Thanks, musey, teapot, and meresal. I''m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and continue to try to work with her for now. But I agree that if vendors want to keep business or get new business, they need to respond promptly to customers. It''s really not that much to ask.

meresal, I think you should definitely e-mail him soon asking when he thinks you might be able to choose a photo for your announcement. I don''t think it would sound ungrateful at all. You would just be asking for his timeline. Saying it the way you wrote it in your post would be fine IMO.
Date: 3/18/2009 9:40:45 PM
Author: Italiahaircolor
Please keep in mind that this is a very busy season for vendors...esspecially MUA and hairstylists...trials are time consuming.
No trial takes 7 days to complete, it''s not good enough. I would find another stylist. What if your wedding is a busy time? You need to know you can count on her to be contactable if you need her.
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