
What to do with e-ring in Hawaii?

What would you do?

  • Wear it on the beach

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • Hide it in the rental suite

    Votes: 7 29.2%

  • Total voters


Jul 25, 2011
missy said:
This might be a stupid question but could you perhaps open a bank safe deposit box for the time you are in Hawaii? I would definitely not want to hide it in the hotel room. Just too risky IMO and since the hotel doesn't have a safe for guest's jewels this might be a suitable option. I also would not want to wear it on the beach. It would be difficult to have fun in the sand/sun/ocean knowing I was trying to protect my ER. I never wear it when we are engaged in activities like that- it would detract from my fun. Just my .02.

Enjoy your wonderful trip and come back with lots of pics please!!!

Interesting idea, missy! I have no idea if this is feasible or not, but I will look into it.


Jul 25, 2011
Cehra and DivaDiamond007, thank you for the different perspective! You can probably tell I am a terrible worrywart ;))

I am much more afraid of losing the ring than damaging it since, as you say, scratches are just part of life! And any really bad dings could probably be polished out since the ring is platinum.

Has anyone tried the ring snuggies from Claire's? I am thinking this may be the easiest way to keep the ring snug on my finger while out frolicking.


Jan 11, 2006
You can find a clever place to leave it in the condo. Just think about it. Maybe in the coffee filter part of the coffee maker or somewhere like that. It is insured so it is covered regardless of what you choose. But I think the chances of you damaging or losing it on the beach and in the water is greater than someone stealing it in the condo since you are not having daily housekeeping. There are many good places to hide something. Just make SURE your fiance sees where you hide it in case you hide it so well that you forget! :lol:


Apr 4, 2008
LittleRiver, sorry I scared you! :love: I just love your ring! It isn't just some random stock Stuller setting with acme prongs like I used to have...or the giant monster halo Tonka truck I used to own... you have a Mark Morrell. Sigh! :love: The beauty of that ring is all in the satin finish and flawless liquid metal appearance. Oh, it is so beautiful! :appl: I would hate for it to get all scratched up in the sand. Sand scratches can be deep and cause pits or gouges if you dig in the sand or build sand castles. But if you're just frolicking, wear and enjoy!!!

I love those ring snuggies from Claire's! Might have to try some out! Maybe you could put it on a strong chain and wear it around your neck otherwise? Lots of people lose rings in Hawaii especially because the waves are so unpredictable and can knock everything off your body if you're not careful, depending on the surf. Plus, in the water your fingers shrink, the rings get slippery due to the water and one jolt - bye bye! Maybe the ring snuggies would help, though!

Sorry to scare you, though! If it's insured, wear and enjoy! I always do. If it's on a strong chain around your neck, you should be fine as well. Don't worry! You're going to HAWAII!!!!!! PARADISE!!!!!!! It is SOOOO nice this time of year.... not too hot, just PERFECT. Oh, I envy you!!!!!! I can smell the plumeria already... Aaaahhhh! Calgon, take me awaaaaaay!!!!!!! Where is my hula emotie? :loopy:


Jul 25, 2011
Ok, I showed FI this thread and she thinks I'm nuts :rodent:

I think I will play it by ear once we get there. But, just in case, I'm ordering a dry pak that I can wear around my neck/waist *and* the plastic ring snuggies. It is good to have options!

Bliss, thank you for the kind comments about my ring. Your positivity is infectious! I love it!!


Mar 13, 2004
Cehrabehra|1320589507|3055161 said:
Just wear it! Life is too short to worry about all of this. It's insured so you're covered. As far as damage to the ring, life is FILLED with things that will scratch it up and that's just life... those are memories you are engraving into your ring... As for it slipping off in the water, I agree that getting another smaller band just to hold it on is a great idea. If any of my unsizable rings ever get too big for me, that's what I plan to do.


Rings will get scratched up eventually, nothing a little polishing or buffing couldn't fix. I always wear my wedding set, at the beach, in the pool etc.


Jul 25, 2008
I think the danger of damage at the beach is much higher than it being stolen from your rental unit, if you take some reasonable precautions against theft, specially since it isn't a hotel.

I would be worried not only about the ring slipping off, but sand damaging the beautiful finish or a prong getting damaged (worst case scenario, but...). I don't think the beach is a good place for fine jewelry.


May 7, 2007
I found the ring snuggies rather uncomfortable (coincidently, I purchased them when I was in Maui!). I suggest cutting off the sticky part of a bandaid and wrapping it around the bottom of the shank!

I hope you have an awesome time!


Jul 25, 2011
Just wanted to update this thread! We are back from Hawaii -- truly the most beautiful place on earth! More importantly ;)) the ring is back on the mainland, safe and sound. I decided to wear it on the beach since I did not have a secure place to leave it at the rental. Better to have it on my finger where I could see it was still there! Incidentally, I noticed most women were wearing their e-rings on the beach. I would have been sad not to have mine!

I did use a "ring snuggie" to keep the ring on since my fingers shrink in the water. For those who haven't tried one, a ring snuggie is basically a plastic tube that slips over the underside of the ring shank. What is neat is that you can put the snuggie on after the ring is on your finger. So if your fingers are like mine, where the knuckle is bigger than the part of your finger where the ring sits, you can size the ring down to the tightest possible fit around your finger -- which in my case is too small to fit over my knuckle. There was no way the ring was coming off!

Mahalo for all your help! :wavey:




Mar 24, 2011
Imdanny|1320526696|3054741 said:
No I don't have any advice about traveling with jewelry, I just want to say I live in Hawaii. We have far less crime where I live on a neighbor island than on the mainland. Far less. Not close to comparable when it comes to violent crime. I KNOW you probably didn't mean it this way but your title made me think of some exotic place with high crime. Honolulu is a big city and certain precautions apply there, certain precautions apply everywhere, but This is actually a low crime place and f you come to the neighboor idlands you can wear whatever you want. Nobody is going to mug you. Plenty of women wear wrings. It's just another state in the US. IF you don't want to bother with it, just leave it at home. Otherwise, it's no big deal. Thank you for choosing Hawaii! Have a great time!

Lucky you live Hawaii!! I lived in Maui for about a year, and my sister has lived upcountry for about 7 years and I have to agree that you can feel very safe there. The housekeepers at the hotel that I worked at were extremely honest and in the year I was there, the housekeepers turned in money, jewelry, cameras and other valuables on numerous occasions. Most people I met there care about their jobs so much that they wouldn't risk losing their job over stealing.

I agree that the biggest risk is having your ring on the beach. One of those pouches or a dry bag/box seem like a good solution.
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