
What one thing scares you more than anything else?


Jun 26, 2007
I am afraid of heights.
About 20 years ago I got stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel, and I was gripped with fear.
Ever since then, I hate to be in high places with rickety railing. If there is a solid wall, I am OK.
Several years ago, DH and I were at the Grand Canyon. In some areas there is no rail. OMG---it really freaked me out.

I am really surprised that so many people are afraid of insects!


Mar 31, 2018
I’m terrified of bugs..BUT grasshoppers, crickets, palmetto bugs and praying mantis bugs scare me to death.


Mar 23, 2013
I don't like snakes at all. I have nightmares about snakes. My fear nightmares usually involve snakes and being covered in them. I thought you weren't supposed to have nightmares as an adult... I do a few times a week.


Feb 23, 2013
I had a near death experience when I was at Jones Beach when I was sixteen. They pulled me out of the water...The
people on the beach thought I was dead. I saw some things that I shouldn’t have seen because I was face down in the water. It was a very calm experience while being fully aware of everything around me. That’s all I will say because people will think I lost it..haha

Ooooh, I love to hear about near-death experiences!

I've been fascinated with the "afterlife" since being a very young child (under five years old). My grandmother died and I was so excited to go to the service so I could see where she went. My parents (and other grandmother) couldn't tell me what happened to her, and I was certain I'd learn this at her funeral. Innocent child, LOL!

Children weren't allowed to attend the funeral and I was so disappointed that I missed my chance to find out what happened to my gran. Little did I know that I'd have been even more disappointed had I attended and still been unable to find out any answers.

Back on topic: I have zero "irrational" fears/phobias. My sister is deeply arachnophobic.


Dec 29, 2017
Spiders over the size of tiny and cute....totally irrational behavior. It does not help that they apparently love me and I have found them on my person more than anyone I know. Makes me jumpy - is that my hair brushing against me or a spider? I look like a idiot smacking myself :shifty:


Jan 22, 2014
I’m afraid of anything that will kill me and I think that’s normal.
If I saw a shark in the water I was swimming in I’d be terrified but seeing a shark from a boat or through thick aquarium glass, no problem.
I have an unusual dislike/fear of going down stairs covered with patterned carpet. I have brain damage (and a seperate adrenal issue) that affects my interpretation of patterns that recede ie down a flight of stairs. My brain tells me I am falling down the stairs and so I then have a panic response and get that awful rush of adrenaline and nauseous feeling. I have to fight the response because I’m not actually falling. If I were to act to “try and save myself from falling” I would in fact be falling down the stairs.


Jul 7, 2013
I don't like to go to places where I cannot see well in the dark even with a good torch.

DK :(2


Aug 18, 2013
Losing the people I love.

This isn't just a vague, altruistic, "I really love my family" kind of thing. Both my parents went out one day, seemingly healthy, and never came back.

If DH goes somewhere and is significantly late, I'll have him dead, buried, and me 'alone for the rest of all time' by the time he walks in the door. And if he has his cell phone turned off...well, let's just say - it can get ugly. He knows this is a real and illogical fear for me, tho, so makes allowances.

I also hate mice and rats - I go back and forth on which one is worse.

And I dislike flying, despite doing it a lot. I was in an 'air incident' in my late 20's, and it took decades for my 'blind terror' to subside to 'hate', to subside to 'dislike'. Thirty years ago when I'd fly - say from Australia to London - my pulse would hit 140 when the doors closed, and subside when we landed. It was utterly exhausting. I would spend most of the 22 hour flight standing at the back of the plane. I wouldn't - couldn't - eat or sleep. I remember one flight to England, the flight attendant brought around food and I tersely declined. DH said to me:

"You have to eat something - this is going to take hours and hours!"
Me: "I can't - I'm BUSY!"
DH: "Doing what?"

I felt like I couldn't disengage with the process for a second - it was exhausting and brutal. I'm way better now and just dislike it, but suffice to say - I haven't been home to Australia since 2009. I was planning to go early next year, but Covid was on my side with that one! Yay pandemics! :roll:


Apr 2, 2006
Heights, though I love flying and have been in all sorts of aircraft (including small private planes, small helicopters, and gliders).

But what really scares me most is not to be discussed here.


Jun 8, 2008
Religious people.

Religious people don't scare me. It's the fervently religious "my religion is the best religion listen to me do what I tell you" people that scare me. You know- the pro life people who think they have the right to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. But I know I need to keep my mouth shut now. So I will. People who believe in religion (no matter the religion) do not bother me at all. However, those who are on the extreme of the spectrum and who are self righteous and who think they have the right to tell others how to be. Those people scare the you know what out of me. :/ No, you know they anger me more than they scare me actually.


Jun 8, 2008
Losing the people I love.

This isn't just a vague, altruistic, "I really love my family" kind of thing. Both my parents went out one day, seemingly healthy, and never came back.

If DH goes somewhere and is significantly late, I'll have him dead, buried, and me 'alone for the rest of all time' by the time he walks in the door. And if he has his cell phone turned off...well, let's just say - it can get ugly. He knows this is a real and illogical fear for me, tho, so makes allowances.

I also hate mice and rats - I go back and forth on which one is worse.

And I dislike flying, despite doing it a lot. I was in an 'air incident' in my late 20's, and it took decades for my 'blind terror' to subside to 'hate', to subside to 'dislike'. Thirty years ago when I'd fly - say from Australia to London - my pulse would hit 140 when the doors closed, and subside when we landed. It was utterly exhausting. I would spend most of the 22 hour flight standing at the back of the plane. I wouldn't - couldn't - eat or sleep. I remember one flight to England, the flight attendant brought around food and I tersely declined. DH said to me:

"You have to eat something - this is going to take hours and hours!"
Me: "I can't - I'm BUSY!"
DH: "Doing what?"

I felt like I couldn't disengage with the process for a second - it was exhausting and brutal. I'm way better now and just dislike it, but suffice to say - I haven't been home to Australia since 2009. I was planning to go early next year, but Covid was on my side with that one! Yay pandemics! :roll:

I was going to write this last night but I didn't. This is my worst fear. Death of my loved ones. Especially my DH. I can be very morbid and losing my beloved Francesca last year and Fred at the beginning of this year didn't help. Frankie was only 10 years old :(. And it started a cascade of worry. Specifically about losing more loved ones. Especially worrying about my DH. I do the same exact thing. If he is late returning home my imagination goes wild. I didn't know anyone else was like this. @mrs-b I love you. Just wanted to say that. That is all. No, one more thing. Please take good care of yourself! XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
I’m terrified of bugs..BUT grasshoppers, crickets, palmetto bugs and praying mantis bugs scare me to death.

Roaches are the scariest to me. The freaking scariest. I mean like jump on the table screaming for my dear life terrified. When I first saw one (Freshman year of college) I screamed so loud the RA heard me from down the hall and well suffice to say it was a very unhappy beginning of my great fear of bugs. One time when I was in graduate school (early 20s) I saw a big roach in my apartment at 3 in the morning. I tried killing but it escaped. The little F***er. I was terrified to stay there by myself with the roach somewhere on the loose. In my tiny apartment. And I mean tiny. It was no more than 500sf. I called my dad and he hung up on me. I called my best friend Tom who lived in Queens at the time (I was in Manhattan) and he took a cab to come over and sleep on the floor so I wouldn't be alone. That is a true best friend. And to this day we are best friends. Over 35 years later.


Jun 8, 2008
I am afraid of heights.
About 20 years ago I got stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel, and I was gripped with fear.
Ever since then, I hate to be in high places with rickety railing. If there is a solid wall, I am OK.
Several years ago, DH and I were at the Grand Canyon. In some areas there is no rail. OMG---it really freaked me out.

I am really surprised that so many people are afraid of insects!

I am not scared of heights per se but ferris wheels are a big no thank you for me. I was on one once or twice and it is terrifying being stuck up there in the air for goodness knows how long. NO thank you. So yeah I am scared of being stuck on the top of a ferris wheel. Roller coasters on the other hand I LOVE. Just love. The thrill of speeding down just is the tops to me. LOL we are complicated individuals aren't we. :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Medical procedures, the dentist, etc. Boy I boy do I panic if it's something I can't "watch". I had to have a lumbar puncture once with fluoroscopy. Complete panic attack before the procedure, even after 10mg of Xanax I cried through the whole thing and my muscles were so tense I changed the direction of the needle and they nicked my vertebrae causing a bleed. I was in the hospital for 6 days after that and eventually needed a blood patch to close it. NIGHTMARE.

I was never scared of doctors etc until I needed surgery. That was one of the most scary experiences. Waiting in the hospital room as the anesthesiologist explained to me what was going to happen. I was terrified I wouldn't wake up. (My fear of death came into play right there). The anesthesiologist, bless him, saw how scared I was (I cannot hide any of my emotions ever unfortunately) and he took my hand and swore to me he wasn't going to let anything happen to me. Now, of course, how could he promise that? He couldn't but he did and it was all I needed to feel calmer. Though I was still pretty terrified of the whole surgery. I was in surgery for over 6 hours but it felt like 6 seconds (thank you anesthesia) and I am forever grateful to the surgeon and anesthesiologist for taking such good care of me. Praying I never need another surgery but if I do that I get such a great team like I had in 2014. In fact, I stayed in the hospital for 4 nights after the surgery and the anesthesiologist (and surgeon of course) came to visit me every day to check in on how I was doing. So grateful to both of them.

I am glad you recovered fully from your ordeal @Asscherhalo_lover. It really is so scary not having any control over your life when you are in the hands of medical professionals. We all know how many things can and do go wrong. Glad you are over that experience and may you never have another like that!

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
@missy and @MamaBee I used to feel the same fear of death until my parents passed. After that I figured if they are there, I won’t be alone or afraid. I really thought if they could do it with Grace, then so can I.
I’m more afraid of the age I’ll be when death happens for me. Sadly, longevity doesn’t seem to run in my family and I want to enjoy my children’s lives.

This is me too. I have always feared death. I lost my father suddenly & unexpectedly when I was 27 & i made peace with death, thinking ok, when my time comes then I might see him again if there's anything to the life after death theory. But now i have young children of my own, the thought of dying terrifies me again. I guess my need to be here for them as they navigate life is more important to me than it is to be potentially reunited with my dad. And when I do die, if there isn't life after death & I just cease to be....? I'm not at home to that & i can have anxiety attacks about it if I go down the rabbit hole with my thoughts.


Aug 7, 2019
Ooooh, I love to hear about near-death experiences!

I've been fascinated with the "afterlife" since being a very young child (under five years old). My grandmother died and I was so excited to go to the service so I could see where she went. My parents (and other grandmother) couldn't tell me what happened to her, and I was certain I'd learn this at her funeral. Innocent child, LOL!

Children weren't allowed to attend the funeral and I was so disappointed that I missed my chance to find out what happened to my gran. Little did I know that I'd have been even more disappointed had I attended and still been unable to find out any answers.

Back on topic: I have zero "irrational" fears/phobias. My sister is deeply arachnophobic.
Anita Moorjani’s book “Dying to be Me” documents her near death experience and her return. It’s an interesting read. I am reading it at the moment.


Aug 7, 2019
My worst fear is my child dying or disappearing. I cannot imagine how people manage to go on afterwards.

Made in London

Sep 11, 2020
I was going to write this last night but I didn't. This is my worst fear. Death of my loved ones. Especially my DH. I can be very morbid and losing my beloved Francesca last year and Fred at the beginning of this year didn't help. Frankie was only 10 years old :(. And it started a cascade of worry. Specifically about losing more loved ones. Especially worrying about my DH. I do the same exact thing. If he is late returning home my imagination goes wild. I didn't know anyone else was like this. @mrs-b I love you. Just wanted to say that. That is all. No, one more thing. Please take good care of yourself! XOXO.

I am exactly the same too.I always fear that the ones I love the most will be taken from me.....especially my DH.I am still grieving 18 years later for the loss of one of my beloved horses.She was my everything.....I just can't get over losing her.So my greatest fear is death of a loved one.


Jun 8, 2008
I am exactly the same too.I always fear that the ones I love the most will be taken from me.....especially my DH.I am still grieving 18 years later for the loss of one of my beloved horses.She was my everything.....I just can't get over losing her.So my greatest fear is death of a loved one.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear horse. They are magnificent animals. You can see their soul in their eyes. I understand. My deepest condolences. :(


Feb 23, 2017
Suffocating. I would include drowning with suffocating and I can't wear helmets because my brain tells me that if something is covering my ears then pretty soon it will cover my nose and mouth and I won't be able to breath. Then there's loud noise - if the air is so thick with noise then soon that thick air is going to be too thick for my nostrils to suck up my nose. All perfectly rational, obviously :oops:


Jul 17, 2008
I had a near death experience when I was at Jones Beach when I was sixteen. They pulled me out of the water...The
people on the beach thought I was dead. I saw some things that I shouldn’t have seen because I was face down in the water. It was a very calm experience while being fully aware of everything around me. That’s all I will say because people will think I lost it..haha

I have read many times that drowning is very calm. It seems like it would be terrifying. That fascinates me. I’m obsessed with reading near death experiences. It’s always very calm and beautiful.

Big Fat Facets

Jun 7, 2019
*****more fears***** I realize op's title just says "one" ... but i've more than that ...

home invasion, home intruder....

yes, hornets, wasps, just all biting, stinging insects.


Mar 31, 2018
I have read many times that drowning is very calm. It seems like it would be terrifying. That fascinates me. I’m obsessed with reading near death experiences. It’s always very calm and beautiful.

@AprilBaby I will just add for the people that are afraid of drowning...I saw the bubbles..without struggling to breathe. I remember thinking and wondering if this was it...was I drowning..It was very peaceful...It was only when they got me that it was very uncomfortable..vomiting water...It changed me....I think for the better. I appreciate everything...Two interesting facts....
1. I didn’t tell anyone until I was in my late forties..not even my parents. I didn’t think anyone would believe me. I’m at the age that I can talk about it without feeling judged.
2. I heard the lifeguard flirting with a girl. I heard his exact words but I was under water..pulled out very far in the water..There was no possible way I could have heard him normally. When I was able to talk I told the lifeguard what he said. He and the girl visibly paled and said that was exactly what he said.


Mar 31, 2018
Roaches are the scariest to me. The freaking scariest. I mean like jump on the table screaming for my dear life terrified. When I first saw one (Freshman year of college) I screamed so loud the RA heard me from down the hall and well suffice to say it was a very unhappy beginning of my great fear of bugs. One time when I was in graduate school (early 20s) I saw a big roach in my apartment at 3 in the morning. I tried killing but it escaped. The little F***er. I was terrified to stay there by myself with the roach somewhere on the loose. In my tiny apartment. And I mean tiny. It was no more than 500sf. I called my dad and he hung up on me. I called my best friend Tom who lived in Queens at the time (I was in Manhattan) and he took a cab to come over and sleep on the floor so I wouldn't be alone. That is a true best friend. And to this day we are best friends. Over 35 years later.

He sounds like the best friend @missy..


Mar 31, 2018
I am exactly the same too.I always fear that the ones I love the most will be taken from me.....especially my DH.I am still grieving 18 years later for the loss of one of my beloved horses.She was my everything.....I just can't get over losing her.So my greatest fear is death of a loved one.

I’m so sorry @Made in London

Big Fat Facets

Jun 7, 2019

tom sounds like an amazing, extraordinary friend. i would like a best friend like tom in my life .

the closest ive got to that is mr. big fat facets


Nov 27, 2009
I fear way too many things. It's a major problem x.x insects for one. Seeing any bug pretty much has me screeching for help from my husband. Especially biting stinging ones.

Heights is another. Even short stairs make me light headed. I pretty much have to hold onto the handle and the wall for dear life and go down without stopping. Heaven help anyone who stops in the middle of them and wants to talk to me. Probably doesn't help they never figured out why I randomly faint and I'm so scared it will happen on the stairs and ill fall down and die. Half an irrational fear and half understandable i think.

I'm also scared of my husband dying early. I'm frightened of me dying early and what it would do to my family because I take care of almost everything child and home related. My mother died within 2 or 3 days of being admitted to the hospital being unable to swallow. My last memories of her are her on a ventilator. I have a hard time watching anything similar after that.

I'm terrified of needles and anything that can piece so pretty much even a blood draw or shot is a big drama production and I have to rest on a couch for 20 minutes afterwards because I faint during and after. Being pregnant and delivering my daughter seems to have made it worse not better. Which is a let down because everyone swore their needle fear improved after that lol.


Jan 1, 2016
I guess I've always assumed that everyone was afraid of death and/or something awful happening to their loved ones? I lost a sibling when I was pretty young, so I guess fear of death was baked into me really from before I can remember.

Other than those, my two big ones are, rational: climate change and fear that my children will live in a world where there is a scarcity of the kind of food/resources we take for granted; irrational: reservoirs and, in general, water where I can't see what's below me.
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