
What do you have in your purse that other's might not have in theirs?

I will have to check out the ostrich filofaxes. I've had one since 1990 when I was in England for junior year abroad. Currently it is a pink leather that is about 5 years old. Can't live without it; I'm a luddite when it comes to calendars etc and I don't like my primary schedule and organizing tool to be something that has to be plugged in.

One good resource for all thing Filofax is the fan site Philofaxy.
I have always carried alcohol or anti-bacterial wipes with me, well before Covid. I used to also carry a diamond loupe with me all time. I still carry little jewllery pouches to put my rings or earrings etc into, in case I have to take them off, little pouches of cat food to feed stray cats, and an alarm fob.
For a while, while I was lifting heavy weights and trying to build muscles, I would carry a couple of boiled eggs (conplete with a little salt and pepper) in case I got peckish! Lol
I suspect many PSers carry loupes. I’ve given away all of mine except one, but maybe it’s time to put it in my purse! It’s true that we never know when we will get to look at bling!
I’d say someone on a unicycle qualifies as a strange bird! Lol!

I realized how that sounded after I posted it!
Once, I really did see a person riding a unicycle through the Target parking lot.
And I have started to birdwatch from the car.
I suspect many PSers carry loupes. I’ve given away all of mine except one, but maybe it’s time to put it in my purse! It’s true that we never know when we will get to look at bling!

I have this very cool double loupe with 10x on one side and 20x on the other.
I use it everyday! I think of a certain 'K' everytime I use it! :kiss2:
I have this very cool double loupe with 10x on one side and 20x on the other.
I use it everyday! I think of a certain 'K' everytime I use it! :kiss2:

This makes me so happy, I can’t even say. And as verbose as I am, that’s quite a statement! xo

I‘ve heard tell of a Big-scale PS vendor who sends a loupe to clients inside their gift box along with the big honkin stone. It suggests incredible confidence in the product. If I bought from them, I’d be excited to see one! Sigh. Maybe someday. ;-)

Next question: is there a group-reviewed #PawnShopKit that we should compile? Obviously a loupe is good but what else would be reasonable? When I’m looking, I always need certain data so I can calculate what a thing is worth *to me* (cut style, clarity, mm size, weight, in that order).

My suggestion would be loupe with UV, a small pair of digital calipers with ‘teeth’ to measure depth of stones through the azures. (I don’t have one of these but I’d like one) and digital scale. Is that too much? Is it insulting to sales clerks? What are your thoughts here.
Just before COVID-19, I had slimmed down my wallet to the essentials: driver's license, credit card, ATM card, and cash. I took pictures of all my other cards.

I used to carry a small bag that just had my wallet, keys, and phone. But found I wanted a much larger bag to carry more stuff like hand sanitizer, headphones, water, sunglasses, lotion, and my misc bag that contains tampons, Band-Aids, sunscreen, etc.

I don't leave the house anymore, but on the very rare occasion that I do such as for a doctor's appointment, I use a washable canvas tote that I can wash, inside I have multiple Ziploc bags that contain hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, gloves, masks, glasses for eye protection, etc. I carry extra Ziploc bags to put dirty gloves, masks, etc. in as well. I wash the tote and mask after each use.
A sewing tape measure. I used to frequent consignment and antique shops. I would often find myself in need of the ability to measure a piece to see if it would fit the space I had in mind for it.
This makes me so happy, I can’t even say. And as verbose as I am, that’s quite a statement! xo

I‘ve heard tell of a Big-scale PS vendor who sends a loupe to clients inside their gift box along with the big honkin stone. It suggests incredible confidence in the product. If I bought from them, I’d be excited to see one! Sigh. Maybe someday. ;-)

Next question: is there a group-reviewed #PawnShopKit that we should compile? Obviously a loupe is good but what else would be reasonable? When I’m looking, I always need certain data so I can calculate what a thing is worth *to me* (cut style, clarity, mm size, weight, in that order).

My suggestion would be loupe with UV, a small pair of digital calipers with ‘teeth’ to measure depth of stones through the azures. (I don’t have one of these but I’d like one) and digital scale. Is that too much? Is it insulting to sales clerks? What are your thoughts here.

I loupe jewelry in the pawn shops, but haven't pulled out calipers yet.

If you're going to drop hundreds, I think they should understand that you want to be absolutely sure of what you're buying. Pawn sales are final.
And I think it's OK to let them know that you are not a novice, and they can't fleece you into buying a low quality piece.
I'm often hot. So I have a lovely rice paper and bamboo fan, bought from the shop at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris for me by my best friend. I always travel with it.
I'm often hot. So I have a lovely rice paper and bamboo fan, bought from the shop at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris for me by my best friend. I always travel with it.

A wonderful idea! Some of us will copy!
used, loved and treasured Bruce Springsteen tickets

....but now im thinking when you gals are talking about purses you mean handbags not wallets ?
i also have $30 Canadian dollars and $1 US .....because one day im coming back :appl:

I keep all of the foreign money too. I have currency from multiple countries, that I keep for the same reason. It always comes in handy. Usually I have enough left to purchase train tickets or basic stuff until I can go to an ATM.
I always have a 10x loupe in my purse and a mini UV flashlight, cuz you never know where diamonds for sale will pop up. I always have a multi-purpose tool in my purse that has saved me on more than one occasion. I also carry a custom Spyderco Harpie on my person at all times in Tahitian MOP to match my Rolex. Here is the harpie in Azurite.

Toothbrush, lipstick, a form of brass knuckles, stainless steel straw, diapers and wipes ( I’m 61), rosewater spray, sunscreen, napkins, iPad, clippers and spare glasses.
hmmm .... my giant pump bottle of hand sanitizer (upright in a pocket that allows the pump part to hang out, all so so you don't have to touch anything to get to the hand sanitizer itself), plus the back up normal travel size hand sanitizer, plus some alcohol wipes are no longer unusual, so maybe I can offer this story ...

I like large, black-hole style hobo style bags. I was headed out once and thought, hmmm ... it looks like it might rain. I should probably take an umbrella. Then thought, maybe I have one in my bag already? Should I look or just grab one? When I looked, dear reader, I kid you not, I had **four** umbrellas already in my bag.
Usually a bulky camera. My choices in purses are typically dictated by their ability to accomodate my camera and accessories. Not that I'm very good at using them, but I take pictures everyday.
All the normal things, like cash, credit cards lip gloss etc, plus, I carried hand sanitizer long before the pandemic, plus tissues in small packets, and a walking drug dispensary ie headache tablets, upset tummy tablets, travel sickness tablets, sinus tablets, reflux tablets, stomach tablets, cold and flu tablets, rehydration tablets, I carry everything I've needed and been without at various stages while out during my life, so now I carry small amounts of each just in case.

Like many other people here I live with multiple chemical and food allergies and digestive issues so that's probably another reason I have a mini pharmacy going on in my bag.

And now I have a frozen shoulder add painkillers into that list in the bag. If I get searched people will think what the.......bleep......
A loupe, of course!
You never know when you might have an opportunity to buy some jewelry!

I also have a small Swiss army knife and a mini tape measure.
Both have really come in handy!

Are you my long lost sister? Always a loupe - who knows when the next diamond needs inspection - and always a Swiss Army knife.

A baggie with some tiny springs for the gun I need to finish building, a tiny lightbulb from the airplane panel as I try to find replacements, and a bag from the jeweler to drop my rings in if I need to take them off for any reason.
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screwdriver set. Yes I
A copy of my will. I don’t want any mistakes made with my wishes if I’m ever in an accident. I would home that if someone could be saved from any organs it would happen.
I do have I’m a donor on my licence but it just backs it up.
It also explains my funeral wishes as some readings of wills happen after the funeral.
I never leave the house without a tape measure. 16 years ago when I became realtor I had 1,000 of them made up with my name, email and cell number. The plan was to give them out at open houses, which I do, but I can't count over the years the number of times I've been in a store and heard someone say, "How big do you think this is? Will it fit?" and I've whipped out a tape measure and said, "Oh here, just take this, I've got lots of them!" The pay off was one time when someone called me and said, "Um... Hi. I don't even really remember who you are but I've been carrying your tape measure around in my purse for about five years now. Would you help me and my husband find a house?" Best $79 I ever spent!
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