
What did you do with your bouquet?

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Jan 21, 2003
I was just wondering what most brides did with their bouquet after the big event. I have received the requisite 30 e-mails from Heller and Reid about their preservation, and I refuse to use them not only because they are so expensive but also because of the spam. (As if I am going to think "You know, the first 26 times you sent this I wasn''t interested but suddenly I am!") Did you just let the flowers dry out? Did you throw them away? Fess up...I have fewer than 3 months until the big day and I really want to know. Thanks!!
I had Orchids,Gardineas and Roses in my bouquet it was beautiful. I hung in a closet upside down tied to with a string to the closet bar and let it dry. This is also what I did with all the roses that my hubby had given me up to this point.

Then I bought one of those shadow boxes picture frames- took out the roses, cut the stems to the right lengths and hotglued them all in. It now hangs in my bedroom.

I couldn't figure out what I would do with an entire bouquet - dried, frozen or anything else - so this was my solution.

I threw mine
! I was on the balcony of a staircase that ran up the side of the room and I did as I was told, facing the wall away from the women. I threw it over my shoulder so that I didn't see who would catch it. My maid of honor did and she saved it in the manner Justme saved hers: drying it upside down. Mine was a compact, old-fashioned bouquet. No wasted space. I am sure it was pretty as a dried flower arrangement
. As far as being the next one married, maid of honor waited six years after I got married to marry
. I am equally sure, 26 years later, that the bouquet has long since been thrown away!
If you're planning to do the bouquet toss, you might think about using a "throwing bouquet" rather than the bridal one if you want to save it. My wife threw hers, and unfortunately three of her bridesmaids all got a hand on it in the air--and promptly tore it to shreds trying to be the one to catch it. Word to the wise.
We were married last August. I just tossed mine to the single women.

I had a very small wedding & everyone present was close to me, so I didn't mind giving it away!

I left mine in the hotel in Las Vegas. I assume it got thrown away, but I couldn't bring it with me and couldn't bear to throw it away myself.

Well, I don't plan to throw anything to anyone so throwing it is out. Do you think airport security would give me a problem if I wanted to fly it back with me in/as a carry-on? I suppose they may make me get rid of any stick pins, but flowers should be all right. I will probably try to hang it dry as suggested (Thanks, Justme!) but I would still love to hear more ideas. Thanks!
take care,
are you leaving the country? i'm not sure about domestic flights but for int'l- i don't think you can bring any agricultural products with you.
Nope, it's a domestic flight, so I don't think I'd be breaking any laws.
This idea will work if you're wedding is fairly small.....mine will be less than 40 people, most of whom are married already.

Instead of throwing my bouquet, I'm going to give each of the women a flower from the wedding bouquet.....or at least each of the single women.

It's a much nicer way for me to dispose of it, and I'll keep one of the flowers for myself to dry and create a shadow box with it.
I couldn't answer this 6-1/2 weeks ago, cuz I wasn't married before then!

I ended up tossing my bouquet. I mean tossing it in the garbage. I let it dry while we were on our honeymoon, and it was positively unattractive dried. The mango callas just looked brown, and the roses I had weren't my favorite part of the bouquet, though lovely. The lilies were the focus.

Jackieblue, just another few days, and you'll be married!
Aldjedewy wrote:

"This idea will work if you're wedding is fairly small.....mine will be less than 40 people, most of whom are married already.

Instead of throwing my bouquet, I'm going to give each of the women a flower from the wedding bouquet.....or at least each of the single women.

It's a much nicer way for me to dispose of it, and I'll keep one of the flowers for myself to dry and create a shadow box with it."

I actually saw this idea done in reverse on A Wedding Story....Paige Davis, (host of Trading Spaces) was given one flower by each of the guests, or maybe each of the guests on the aisle, as she walked to the alter. It was very very sweet.

Drying my bouquet didn't work out. It's long gone now. I have a friend who had her bouquet preserved and recreated in a shadow box.....expensive but beautiful.

Hey Jackie,
You should be able to take a bouquet on the domestic flight w/o any problems. My fiance bought me a bouquet of roses when we were in Miami (we were on our way home after a cruise and it was valentine's day). And all the flight attendents just cooed over the flowers, but I didn't have a problem. During the flight, I just put them underneath the seat in front of me. Wrapped the stems in wet towel to keep flowers as moist as possible. My fiance is a pilot, so he should know if it's OK or not and he also said it wasn't a problem. hope that helps! I also like the drying idea and putting them in a shadowbox or picture frame. I saw that on one of the home decorating shows.
Congrats and good luck! andria
I brought them home, but the next day they weren't very attractive - all roses, creams and whites, so I threw them out. I'm not very sentimental that way - I kept the husband though.
I threw a smaller bouquet at the reception and freeze dried my bouquet. My brother in law actually did it for me. You can buy the products to do it yourself at a craft store of similar store. It consists of covering the bouquet in a bucket of sand like powder. it sits for a week or so, taking all of the moisture out of the flowers. when that is complete, the flowers are sprayed with a shining spray to finish the preserving process.

My flowers were red roses, and they came out beautiful. they did not turn real dark when they do if you were to just hang them upside down. don't get me wrong, they are still very delicate, however, they won't shrivel up and fall apart like normal upside down drying will do. also, because my brother in law started the freeze drying process only 2 days after the wedding, my roses did not open up- they stayed closed, and look almost as beautiful as they did on my wedding day!

It's definitely worth a shot, if you really are interested in preserving your wedding day bouquet! take care!

Kristy S
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