
What did everyone dream about last night? (2)

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May 23, 2008
Good morning!

Just for fun, and as a spin-off from my previous post, what did everyone dream about last night?
Whoops, didn''t realize people had actually posted in my first (mess-up) post with the same title.

For the sake of keeping everything together (and so I can get an admin to remove that "oops post"):
tlh said:
I had the weirdest dream....
used this to interpret... and it was pretty close to spot on.

a chase dream with my friend, and snakes... Basically I was running from something or someone. I was trying to ship my parents a package and was writing their address, and it was really hard. I kept mixing up info and I KNEW it was not right, and the post office would not give me a new envelope... and then I had a brain tumor and because of my brain tumor I couldn''t remember their address, and is why I would jumble info... and then I started running and hiding in the jungle, and was on a tree, but it was not a tree.. it was a large black snake, and so I started running from the snake and it was trying to eat me... and started to squeexe me, and I got free... and uh... woke up.

Interesting how this dream had to do w/ work stress and m friend just represented a time in my life when everything was calm and easy, and carefree.
"I like smiling. Smiling''s my favorite!" Will Ferrell ~ Elf
I don''t remember the specifics of the dream, but I remember thinking that it was weird even while STILL dreaming.
SailorsSweet<3 said:
My dreams are pretty random when I''m too tired and I usually dont remember them once I wake up - so I dont remember last nights at all, haha. But for when I have weird ones or upsetting ones SO bought me a dream book to look things up in since I was always asking "What do you think that means?" Its The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams. Its really cool you can look up things individually or categorize things in the sense of what water means if youre drowning in it as compared to if its moving you in your dream. I highly recommend it if youre the type of person who likes to know why.

for the rest of my life I will search for moments full of you ♥

Winks_Elf said:
I actually had a really weird dream. I saw tornados coming while there was a family party going on, and a really nice tan dog was leading me and my children to safety.


Learning is a lifelong process of obtaining and sharing knowledge.
I had the weirdest dream ever! Dreamt I was driving down a long counrty road and there were animals all over it- both dead and alive. I had to drive soooo carefully so I didn''t run any of them over. What does that mean??
Wow, sometimes I''m minorly upset that I don''t really remember much of my dreams, but I wouldn''t want to remember yours Adhesive!

I just woke up from a nap and remember that I was in a cave...
I dreamt about work.
Uh, mine was a bit disturbing...

...a building I was in (maybe living in?) blew up, well, the top of it. So, I go running across the street to this other building I was very familiar with. But, I look behind me just long enough to see all sorts of people in the upper part of the building with all their skin blown off. It was a horrid, bloody mess. Ick! I woke up and couldn''t go back to sleep for quite awhile (if I ever really did).

But, the night before I dreamt about trying on Erings with SO.

I guess my subconscious is a balance of excitement for the future and really icky, stressful feelings...???
Date: 3/4/2009 9:32:39 AM
Good morning!

Just for fun, and as a spin-off from my previous post, what did everyone dream about last night?
i dreamt that it was raining 5ct diamonds.
I don''t remember my dream.

Woke up and my first thought of the day was imagining my ex holding me as we lay in bed. The subject of my first thought of the day used to regularly be him, but not lately.
I had a REALLY weird dream last night... I was out shopping at Walmart-(for some reason in my dream it was like a designer store) anyways... That shifted to me being on a REALLY old cruise ship. Like it was really rusty and this crazy woman was driving it... literally driving it on land. She was a horrible driver and it was really frightening. We finally get the water and she starts talking about people dying and I realize she is wanting to kills us (my friend from elementary school- havent seen her in about6 years). She is inviting us on her ''new'' cruise, so we agree just toget out of there... (Flash through time)... I end up at my childhood home and go to bed in my parents bed w/ BF (parents weren''t in it FYI
) I wake (in my dream) and Obama is there. My parent''s are telling me they had to move me so that Obama and his family could stay over before a convention the next day. It was really weird. When we walked outside to walk our dogs I remember wondering if they had security around, but there was nothing, but this black SUV.

How random was it that Obama was in my dream? Clear as day. lol

I tend to have TONS of dreams thatI am able to recall. I can dream, wake up for a few minutes, focus and go back into that exact dream. I can dreams if they get too scary. And I can almost always tell that I am dreaming. I like to dream so I try to continue it as long as possible.

I can also recall many dreams I had when I was a childed. Is that normal?
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