
What am I doing?????????????

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Oct 25, 2009
I am new to this forum but have lurked for a long time and I thought that I would post here even though I am engaged.

The reason I am posting is because I would like a perspective other than my own as I am starting to seriously question my relationship and wonder whether it is really the right thing for us both at this time.

A little background I have been with my FI for seven years and engaged for two years our wedding is planned for next year. We have known each other for many years as our family were close friends and lived in the same district and our fathers went to college together. I am very close to his family and after seven years already feel like am a daugther to his mother and her husband and his father and his wife and a grandchild to his grandparents.

Our current issues which are negatively impacting our relationship include my ongoing stress due to being six months or so off completing my masters, his long work hours (10 - 12 hours per day, 5 days per week)and constant travel for business , the lack of quality time we each have to devote to each other, his seeming lack on interest in making time to do things as a couple and the lack of effort he puts into special occasions such as birthdays, christmas or anniversaries for example this year he did not buy me a birthday present card anything and I admit that I am very resentful over this. His explanation was that we were short of money that paycheck.

I also have difficulty coping with his inability to process his emotions and communicate any realtionship issues he may be having, which causes him to be resentful and then it becomes a bigger issue and he blows up over. This has been an on-going problem throughout the seven years. Sometimes I feel as though we are just going over and over the same issues again and don't seem to be getting anywhere.

I also find that he is very difficult to please be it my grades, manner in which i do general task or cleanliness of our home, it never seems to be good enough for him. I find it difficult to cope because I always feel as though I should or could have done it better and that he will find fault somewhere.

That not to say I am without my problems I am highly emotional and don't handle stress very well.

All of the above issues have been exacerbated by a difficult 18 months family wise for both of us. Within my own family i have dealt with (in chronological order) the loss of my uncle to suicide, my mothers ongoing ill health, my sisters attempted suicide. This year after many years of doctors and test I have been diagnosied with a neurological condition which we are both still comming to terms with, he has lost grandmother in june of this year to kidney cancer and six weeks ago his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was not a good diagnosis and she will have many months of treatment. Two weeks after that my grandmothers who I loved so dearly and has been ill for nearly three years passed away with complications of dementia and congestive heart failure.

Sometimes I am unsure whether our issues are a result of the severe family stress and grief we have both experienced and continue to experience as a result of the past year or two. Or whether they are genuine relationship problems that have just been exacerbated by the stress we are both experiencing.

All advice welcomed. Also if soome poster could offer suggestions that don't necessarily include ending the relationship that would help also.


Sep 1, 2009
The last year sounds like a very stressful time for you both. That would be hard on any relationship.

I don''t know what advice to offer. For now just wanted to offer you hugs.


Sep 1, 2009
Any chance at getting away for a weekend just the two of you? Away from phones & computers. A place to relax.

Doesn''t have to be expensive or elaborate. Maybe a friend has a summer house or time share?

For that matter, maybe a surprise breakfast in bed and a ferry ride or something. (whatever you both like)

It sounds like you both need a chance to relax and catch up with each other.


Oct 19, 2009
You''ve obviously had a rough year and a half. Hopefully this is one of the more trying times in your relationship.

The two of you need to sit down and decide if you are going to work on your relationship, becasue sometimes it does take work. You''ve got to decide to make time to be alone and reconnect and be together.

Counseling might be a good option, both to work through the current issues and to address some of the other things you talked about, like never thinking you''ve met his standards.

Right now you''re headed in a path to spend the rest of your life with this person, yet you talk about how issues never seem to be resolved, how he doesn''t want to spend time as a couple, how he doesn''t take into account how you feel when important events aren''t celebrated, etc. You don''t have to resolve everything before you get married, but as a couple you need to know you can resolve things as they arise, and it doesn''t sound like that''s happening now.

In all honesty, unless you both devote time to building your relationship, it seems to me like you''re headed down the path to divorce or a very unhappy marriage.

I hope you can talk to your fiance about how you''re feeling and the two of you can work out how to make things better.


Sep 1, 2009
Look at The Gottman Institute.

The books are good and inexpensive. They have nice exercises at the end of each section. Help with communication and getting closer.

We have several books from them and they have been a help. (I think for 3 books, a dvd, and 2 sets of cards I paid something like $50)

If you can afford it, their weekend sessions are said to be great.


Aug 22, 2009
I second the suggestion of counseling...both singly and as a couple. I honestly believe that there is nothing like having someone completely impartial and outside of the issue to talk to about something. And with all the family problems you''ve both been experiencing, someone who knows how to help you channel that stress, anxiety, and grief will be an asset to your relationship. They can also help you work through your communication problems, etc.

My friends are taking a pre-marital class through their church, but she says the book could probably be quite helpful on its own. It''s called Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts and I think the questions it asks you might help you and your FI better understand eachother.

(((HUGS))) to you for all you''ve been going through, and keep us posted.


Aug 19, 2009
I will "third" the suggestion of getting counseling. With everything you''ve been going through in your life, related and not related to your relationship, you could use a sound mind to speak to.

As far as your upcoming wedding, it''s not something you should go through with unless you''re sure.

The part that sticks out to me is you saying he''s never happy with how you do stuff. To me, this doesn''t sound normal, and that one paragraph makes him sound controlling. You also sound scared of him, is he abusive in any way?


Oct 27, 2008
Hi Diamond2009, I''m so sorry you''re going through such a stressful time.

I don''t know what advice to offer. The fact that you don''t feel you''re living up to his standards, that he''s finding fault with you, that you''re starting to resent him are big alarm bells for me. You really need to sit down and discuss things. Maybe it would be helpful to make a list for yourself, you could ask him to do the same? Tell him how serious your feelings are to you, but not in a accusing or harsh way, make it known you''re concerned because you really want to work through this and be happy with him. Outside factors do have a huge impact, and things are so stressful at the moment, but you should still be able to rely on each other through these times. You should be supporting each other and feeling secure, not worrying over how he''ll react to your grades!!

I do think counseling and getting away for some time alone together are two excellent pieces of advice. Learning how to communicate can be invaluable. Also, when you talk, try to find a relaxed, neutral, even romantic environment where you can both feel comfortable, and maybe he''ll open up more. Try to remember the good times ye both had and the reasons you love him. I think it is definitely worth the effort, on both your parts.

Last thing: I just broke up with my fiance, for different reasons. If it''s not right, then sometimes it just is not right. And it really is not the end of the world. Don''t feel guilty if things don''t work out. All you can do is try, and he has to match your efforts.

I hope you can both find the time and strength to face this head on, whatever the outcome.


Dec 31, 2008
Date: 10/25/2009 10:36:17 PM
Author: TooPatient
The last year sounds like a very stressful time for you both. That would be hard on any relationship.

I don''t know what advice to offer. For now just wanted to offer you hugs.
I agree. HUGE HUGS!


Sep 1, 2009
This is an exercise from one of the books we have at home. I sent B an e-mail every day after we got to work. Just the thought & task of the day. (we talked about it first and both wanted to do this) It really helped us both feel better. I liked having a positive thought about him that I could think about while we were apart. B greeted me with a smile many days. Sometimes we shared what our thoughts were about the topic of the day.

My suggestion -- don''t do it while you are home together. Especially if you are going through a stressful time, some of these might take a little bit of thinking. Better to not put either person on the spot trying to come up with something before the other is hurt.

Week 1
Thought: I am genuinely fond of my partner.
Task: List one characteristic you find endearing or lovable.
Thought: I can easily speak of the good times in our marriage.
Task: Pick one good time and write a sentence about it.
Thought: I can easily remember romantic, special times in our marriage.
Task: Pick one such time and think about it.
Thought: I am physically attracted to my partner.
Task: Think of one physical attribute you like.
Thought: My partner has specific qualities that make me proud.
Task: Write down one characteristic that makes you proud.

Week 2

Thought: I feel a genuine sense of “we” as opposed to “I” in this marriage.
Task: Think of one thing that you both have in common.
Thought: We have the same general beliefs and values.
Task: Describe one belief you share.
Thought: We have common goals.
Task: List one such goal.
Thought: My spouse is my best friend.
What secret about you does your spouse know.
Thought: I get lots of support in this marriage.
Task: Think of a time when your spouse was very supportive of you.

Week 3

Thought: My home is a place to come to get support and reduce stress.
Task: List a time when your spouse helped you reduce stress.
Thought: I can easily recall the time we first met.
Task: Describe that first meeting on paper.
Thought: I remember many details about deciding to get married.
Task: Write a sentence describing what you remember.
Thought: I can recall our wedding and honeymoon.
Task: Describe one thing about them you enjoyed.
Thought: We divide up household chores in a fair way.
Task: Describe one way you do this on a regular basis.

Week 4

Thought: We are able to plan well and have a sense of control over our lives together.
Task: Describe one thing you both planned together.
Thought: I am proud of this marriage.
Task: List two things about this marriage that you are proud of.
Thought: I am proud of my family.
Task: Recall a specific time when you especially felt this pride.
Thought: I don’t like things about my partner, but I can live with them.
Task: What is one of these minor faults you have adapted to?
Thought: This marriage is a lot better than most I have seen.
Task: Think of a marriage you know that’s awful.

Week 5
Thought: I was really lucky to meet my spouse.
Task: List one benefit that being married to your spouse offers.
Thought: Marriage is sometimes a struggle, but it’s worth it.
Task: Think of one difficult time you successfully weathered together.
Thought: There is a lot of affection between us.
Task: Plan a surprise gift for your mate for tonight.
Thought: We are genuinely interested in one another.
Task: Think of something to do or talk about that would be interesting.
Thought: We find one another to be good companions.
Task: Plan an outing together.

Week 6

Thought: There is lots of good loving in my marriage.
Task: Think of a special trip you took together
Thought: My partner is an interesting person.
Task: Plan something to ask your mate about that interests both of you.
Thought: We respond well to each other.
Task: Write a love letter to your spouse and mail it.
Thought: If I had it to do over again, I would marry the same person.
Task: Plan an anniversary (or other) getaway.
Thought: There is lots of mutual respect in my marriage.
Task: Consider taking a class together (sailing, ballroom dancing, etc.) or tell your spouse about a time recently when you admired something your spouse did.

Week 7
Thought: Sex is usually (or can be) quite satisfying in this marriage.
Task: Plan an erotic evening for the two of you.
Thought: We have come a long way together.
Task: Think of all you have accomplished as a team.
Thought: I think we can weather any storm together.
Task: Reminisce about having made it through a hard time.
Thought: We enjoy each other’s sense of humor.
Task: Rent a comedy video to watch together.
Thought: My mate can be very cute.
Task: Get very dressed up for an elegant evening together. Or if you don’t like that kind of thing, plan another kind of evening out you would enjoy.


Dec 17, 2008
{{{Big Hugs }}} I have to agree with the ladies on getting some counseling. You two have been through a lot of
stress lately and I think both of you need the opportunity to work through it. You both need to decide if you want
to be together and are willing to work on your relationship together or if its time to cut your losses (I''m not suggesting
this because there is too much going on right now to make a big decision like this). With everything going on with you
and your F you really could benefit from a counselor. If he wont go, please go on your own.


Sep 20, 2007
It sounds like you''ve both had a lot going on in your lives and maybe the stress of all that has influenced your relationship. I agree that counselling to work on your own issues is a good idea.


Jul 20, 2008
I agree with couseling. You said that you have ongoing issues that never seem to be solved. I think that as individuals you should have sessions dealing with losses in your families and then together for the issues. From what you said it seems that you feel that you are inadequate as far as he is concerned. You need to talk this out.

Sorry this is happening to you. Unless there is something very wrong with the relationship that you didn''t mention I think that the doubts you are having is because of the stressful situation. Hugs.


Apr 28, 2008
Oops.. wrong thread!


Oct 25, 2009
I wanted to thank you all for your thoughtful and genuine responses. I really do appreciate them.

Too Patient - thank you for your thoughtful post and insight into activities which maybe suitable. You took a lot of time to post out activities and I wanted to acknowledge your hard work.

Lilyfoot - This has been my ephinay over the past few weeks he is a bit controlling. No as much over me but he likes things to be done a certain way and that is not always possilbe. I do sometimes feel a bit scared of him, he has never come anywhere near being physically abusive though. If that were ever to be the case I would leave immediately.

vc10um - thank you for the book suggestions I looked it up and have ordered it.

To all the others porrige, underblue, tyty33, oddoneout who suggested talking to him and couselling I wanted to let you know that I have taken on board what you have suggested.

Whilst he was away he was short and nasty to me over the phone and this was the action that made me decide that a serious and meaningful chat about our relationship was in order.

One night I could not sleep and decided to write him a letter about how I was feeling. I had no intentions of giving the letter to him, it was merely just a means of me venting and calming down. Writing down my concerns reallly helped me to understand what my issues with our relationship were and what I needed to change in order to get married.

After he returned from his business trip I asked him to make some time so that we could discuss the relationship. We made a time and and took the chance to voice my concerns and discuss what I need to change. For nearly three hours he listened patiently and did not interupt. I explained that I was having doubts and that I was not feeling valued or appreciated. I also decided to be honest and explain that I was unsure that I could marry him given his current behviour and discuss what needed to be worked on and what was a non negotiable.

The concerns i voiced included his
- nasty behaviour, seemingly for no reason
- inability to cope with stress and anxiety
- that I believe that he may have depression, have raised this concern with him a few times and he has been unwilling to seek help for his

- inability to communicate his feeling
- not commuicating any problems in relationship then blowing up about them days or weeks later

- lack of time we have to spend together due to his work hours, his dislike for job and the impact his unhappiness was having on our relationship and the fact that he has choosen not to seek alternative employment.
- lack of appreciation for my hard work study, around home etc
- lack of appreciation for my dedication and commitment to the relationship
- lack of affection, romance etc.

I told him that we have both experienced a great deal of grief over the past few months and that I think that we would both benefit from counselling. I explained that I thought this was necessary for both of us and was a non negoitiable process in managing and continuing our relationship. He 100% aggreed to this. I voiced concerns that he would agree to this and then back out later and that this would not be acceptable.

As a side note, both his Mom and my parents have been quite concerned about his behaviour for a period of time and are on board with me asking him to modify his behaviour on a permanet basis and if this is not the case then they understand & support that I do not feel that I can get married at this point. They also all agree that couselling is a good idea. I didn''t even have to speak to his Mom, she brought the subject up with me as she was already planning to have a Mom-Son chat about his behaviour and the way that he treats me.

Raidiant Quest - thanks for your post, your really reassured me that I was doing the right thing. You have certainly given me something to consider that some of his behaviour, while inexcusable, may be related to grief and as I mentioned above I believe that he has depression.


Sep 20, 2007
Date: 11/2/2009 9:01:22 PM
Author: Diamond2009
I wanted to thank you all for your thoughtful and genuine responses. I really do appreciate them.

Too Patient - thank you for your thoughtful post and insight into activities which maybe suitable. You took a lot of time to post out activities and I wanted to acknowledge your hard work.

Lilyfoot - This has been my ephinay over the past few weeks he is a bit controlling. No as much over me but he likes things to be done a certain way and that is not always possilbe. I do sometimes feel a bit scared of him, he has never come anywhere near being physically abusive though. If that were ever to be the case I would leave immediately.

vc10um - thank you for the book suggestions I looked it up and have ordered it.

To all the others porrige, underblue, tyty33, oddoneout who suggested talking to him and couselling I wanted to let you know that I have taken on board what you have suggested.

Whilst he was away he was short and nasty to me over the phone and this was the action that made me decide that a serious and meaningful chat about our relationship was in order.

One night I could not sleep and decided to write him a letter about how I was feeling. I had no intentions of giving the letter to him, it was merely just a means of me venting and calming down. Writing down my concerns reallly helped me to understand what my issues with our relationship were and what I needed to change in order to get married.

After he returned from his business trip I asked him to make some time so that we could discuss the relationship. We made a time and and took the chance to voice my concerns and discuss what I need to change. For nearly three hours he listened patiently and did not interupt. I explained that I was having doubts and that I was not feeling valued or appreciated. I also decided to be honest and explain that I was unsure that I could marry him given his current behviour and discuss what needed to be worked on and what was a non negotiable.

The concerns i voiced included his

- nasty behaviour, seemingly for no reason

- inability to cope with stress and anxiety

- that I believe that he may have depression, have raised this concern with him a few times and he has been unwilling to seek help for his

- inability to communicate his feeling

- not commuicating any problems in relationship then blowing up about them days or weeks later

- lack of time we have to spend together due to his work hours, his dislike for job and the impact his unhappiness was having on our relationship and the fact that he has choosen not to seek alternative employment.

- lack of appreciation for my hard work study, around home etc

- lack of appreciation for my dedication and commitment to the relationship

- lack of affection, romance etc.

I told him that we have both experienced a great deal of grief over the past few months and that I think that we would both benefit from counselling. I explained that I thought this was necessary for both of us and was a non negoitiable process in managing and continuing our relationship. He 100% aggreed to this. I voiced concerns that he would agree to this and then back out later and that this would not be acceptable.

As a side note, both his Mom and my parents have been quite concerned about his behaviour for a period of time and are on board with me asking him to modify his behaviour on a permanet basis and if this is not the case then they understand & support that I do not feel that I can get married at this point. They also all agree that couselling is a good idea. I didn''t even have to speak to his Mom, she brought the subject up with me as she was already planning to have a Mom-Son chat about his behaviour and the way that he treats me.

Raidiant Quest - thanks for your post, your really reassured me that I was doing the right thing. You have certainly given me something to consider that some of his behaviour, while inexcusable, may be related to grief and as I mentioned above I believe that he has depression.

I''m glad things seem to be looking up...especially counselling for both of you. I wish you a lot of luck working through things. It''ll take time.


Jun 20, 2009
It really sounds like your talk went well and I''m glad things will be addressed. It''s been so rough on you both recently that I''m sure time will help. You have to make it through the tough times to get to the happier ones, i do wish you all the best.
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