
We''ve started shopping!


Aug 10, 2009
FF and I went ring shopping for the first time Friday!
It was wonderful! I was worried that he wouldn't be very interested and would seem bored, but he was excited about it. It was really cute. The first thing he said when we walked out of the jewelry store was "See! I didn't freak out!"

I've learned a *ton* from PriceScope, and I've looked at so many diamonds and settings online that I have some ideas about what I'd like. I've showed him some things online to give him an idea of what we can get with the budget we have, and it's nice to feel like I know what I'm talking about. I actually explained to him as we went out the door, "Listen, they're going to show us a lot, and try to talk you into more than what you want to spend, but just know that we can get the one I showed you online for [$ amount] and so don't worry about it if they say it's three times that at the store." And sure enough, a diamond with similar specs at this store was about 1.5 to 2 times as expensive. We told the salesman our budget and an idea of what we wanted, and basically it just wasn't going to happen at this particular store. I figured that would happen, and we were also shopping to see what different diamond sizes and ring settings look like on my hand so we can decide what we like. But we were a little discouraged at that.

Then FF asked what the difference was in the other diamonds than the ones the salesman had showed us, and he said they were other cuts, "princesses, emeralds, a few cushions" and I said, "Oh! Cushions! Really?! Can we see those!?" The salesman grinned at me because I got so excited, LOL. I've shopped for rings at a few local stores with a friend a few months ago, and nowhere had cushions, and honestly I'd just given up on them since I've never even *seen* one in person. I was so excited! And it turns out, cushions around the size we want were a lot more affordable. FF was impressed, and we put it on top of a few settings to see what it looked like, and we both really loved one setting with that diamond, and with all the taxes and warranties and every fee, it was still under our budget.

FF wants to look at a few stores before we decide what to buy. We'd rather buy from a local store, but we've talked about getting the diamond online and a setting locally. We're going to another store Monday to check out what they have. This is so fantastic, ladies! I think now that we've looked in person, he's as excited about it all as I have been for a while now!
He brought it up a few times over the weekend, and he seems super interested in getting a ring.

I think we might buy a ring in the next few weeks possibly, and I really think he'll propose some time over the summer.
ooh awesome!!! congratulations! what type of cushion are you looking at??
Congrats! Sounds like your getting really close to getting engaged. It''s really great that your boyfriend is willing to look with you and that he''s also willing to learn. YAY!
Yay! Congrats
Lol I'm so jealous! That is like exactly the experience I wanted when the BF and I went ring shopping, but I was not wise and did not prep him like you did. And the sticker shock just about did him in. :-)

Glad to hear it's moving right along! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Sounds like you had a fantastic outing!
I know I''ve mentioned it already, but I''m a HUGE advocate of buying the stone online (GIA certified and inscribed) then getting the setting from a good local B&M. We did that, and saved well over 1K. We just went yesterday to have my ring inspected and re-plated, which they will do for free since we bought the setting there. The ONLY thing that''s different now is that they won''t give me the guarantee of replacing the diamond if something happens, but we knew we would be getting a personals policy for it anyhow so it doesn''t matter one bit.

Good luck!!! It''s such an exciting experience, and it sounds like your FF is definitely excited too.
Shopping is fun and to have a willing BF is even better! Enjoy!!
Thanks for the nice replies, ladies! I feel like it just keeps getting better, too. We''ve looked a few places and he wants to look at one more local jeweler before we pick a setting for sure.

He agrees with me that buying a diamond from an online vendor and having it set with a local jeweler makes the most sense for us for several reasons... Much easier to get it checked out periodically (make sure there''s no loose prongs, etc), easier to get it re-plated, save some money *and* get a nicer and larger diamond online instead of locally. Woo hoo!

A couple guys he''s good friends with have recently proposed to their GFs, and we were talking about how we were surprised neither of them told any of their friends before they bought the ring. I told him I was sure he hadn''t told any of his friends we''ve been looking - and he told me he has! He told a few of his good buddies and his older brother that we''ve been looking and are working on buying a ring. He doesn''t tell people a lot of serious things, so I feel like that is HUGE!

Anyway, our plan is to buy a diamond online soon, then buy the setting locally after the diamond has arrived. I was wondering whether he would propose maybe by the end of summer, and now I''m pretty certain he will do it even sooner than I''d thought!
Woo-Hoo!! That''s awesome news!!