
Were you afraid to get your pictures back?

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May 20, 2008
I''ve always hated having my picture taken. I seem to look one way in the mirror (I like what I see) and another in pictures (I think I look kind of goofy). And now I have anxiety about seeing our wedding pictures! I just hate looking at pictures of myself and I have a feeling that I''m not going to be super happy with them. I look at everyone else''s pics and they''re beautiful, but if I''m honest with myself, even if my pictures were that beautiful to others, I would be super critical and not like them (if that makes sense). I wish I could look at pictures of myself the way I look at pictures of others, but I can''t seem to do it.

Did anyone else feel this way? So many girls on this site seemed so excited to get pics back and I feel kind of silly that I''m sort of dreading it. (though I am excited for pictures of everyone else, pics of my rings, shoes, flowers, etc; just not the ones of me!)


Oct 17, 2008

I was exactly the same. I still don''t love my face in most of my wedding photos but I like the photos if you know what I mean?

I HATE cameras in my face. I LIKE how my face looks in the mirror, there are ways to pose to make yourself look nice to your reflection. But remember. You see yourself as a mirror image. Look at other people through a mirror and they look wrong, but you yourself look right, because that''s what you are used to seeing. I feel I look TOTALLY different though and the only way I can make myself look in photos how I do to myself in the mirror is to use those silly myspace angles!!

I dreaded seeing my photos for other reasons too. My dress was too loose and my hair was not nearly perfect at all. But once I saw the photos I was pleased overall.

You will be fine I am sure.


Mar 2, 2009
I was dreading seeing myself in photos, I never like I look in photographs even though I generally like how I look in the mirror, haha. Part of the reason I didn't get an expensive photographer, was because I would just be so disappointed if I still didn't like how I looked and spent so much money.

The pictures turned out pretty well though :) So I'm happy.


Mar 24, 2007
Date: 9/27/2009 3:40:22 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade
I was dreading seeing myself in photos, I never like I look in photographs even though I generally like how I look in the mirror, haha. Part of the reason I didn''t get an expensive photographer, was because I would just be so disappointed if I still didn''t like how I looked and spent so much money.

The pictures turned out pretty well though :) So I''m happy.

Ditto on all counts. Me in pictures = pretty darn bad most of the time. I was happy with the way they turned out though.


May 20, 2008
Thanks guys! That makes me feel a lot better. I saw some pics that a friend took and I looked pretty weird in them (though she only had maybe two of me that weren''t from a distance). I guess I freaked out. Haha. I hope I have a good experience like you three did.


Mar 2, 2009
Haha, just to clarify, I was happy in general with the photos. But there were definitely some photos which I saw and went "AHHH! HIDE ME!"
Yeah...there were some seriously unflattering shots mixed in there. It''s ok though, they usually take so many photos, that you''re bound to find enough you like to make an album/hang in frames.


Apr 9, 2007
I am TERRIFIED. Should be any day now. The pics were really important to me, and I am really worried. I told the photog no direct profiles (hate my nose) so we will see.


Mar 21, 2008
my photographer uses airbrushing, so I knew it couldn't be THAT bad.

I am not photogenic, but I was dying to see our wedding photos because I know a professional photographer will make them nice (not 100% will be nice, but there will be enough to choose from). now that I look at them, I can't say that the beautiful ones look like me in real life (I can hardly believe that's me), but I'll take them!


Jul 26, 2005
Ahh I was so worried, but we got them back so quickly! (at least I wasn''t anxious for long!)
My hair isn''t quite what I wanted, but that isn''t anyone''s "fault" (actually- yes, the hairstylist since I showed EXACT pictures of what I wanted, and he pretty much went a completely different route ha ha
) BUT, as for the pictures...the photog. and I worked extremely closely together, and bounced ideas off each other the whole day- this allowed me to get whatever angle I wanted, so for the most part- I love ALL my pictures, even if I don''t exactly love all of the pics of me!

I had something in mind, a specific "feel", so I think had I not reached that (not ME, but the whole photography feel) I would have been very sad.
I was way more anxious leading up to the wedding; because i did NOT want matchy, and posing, and whatever else.


Aug 7, 2009
I''m already nervous about getting my engagement session pictures back, so I''m sure I will be 100 times more nervous about the wedding day pics!


Jul 5, 2007
No, not really?....

...but I wasn''t happy the first time I saw them. I felt so unbelievably beautiful on my wedding day, so I was a little shocked when I saw my photos that the bride in the photos was me instead of the supermodel/magazine bride I felt like. I don''t know if that makes sense.

Now, when I look at my photos, I DO see that unbelievably beautiful, happy bride and the amazingly stunning day, but what I didn''t realize then was that no matter how amazing your photographer is/was at documenting the day (and my photog did an amazing job of capturing the settings/emotion/etc), real life looks very different than the surreal emotions that I experienced.


Sep 30, 2006
I wasn''t too worried about the pictures, but I STILL have not watched the video. I got it in December!!


Jul 27, 2007
I wasn''t afraid because I knew I''d look terrible, haha. And guess what? In every other photo I''m making a face, have my eyes closed or look downright it turns out pictures are true to life in my case! I had to laugh about it because what can you do--I''m just uncomfortable around cameras and it shows. Luckily photographers take hundreds of pictures, so statistically speaking you have to look good in a few of them!

When I look back at my pictures, oddly enough I don''t care how I look. It was a beautiful day full of wonderful memories and looking at the pictures brings me back to that.

Granted, I still haven''t made an album, nor (like Musey) have I watched the video, but looking at the photos of that day makes me happy.


Feb 2, 2008
Yes, definitely. Because I knew our pictures wouldn''t look as lovely as some others because I am not happy with how I look if that makes sense (wanted to be thinner when I got married). But it turned out fine.


May 14, 2006
I was a bit nervous to see them for the first time as I was really hoping that they turned out great. I normally don''t like how I look in photos but I adore how I look in my wedding photos.


May 20, 2008
Hey girls! I just got back from the honeymoon and have enjoyed reading your responses to this thread. I guess I''m not as crazy as I thought for being a bit nervous. We''re actually picking up our proofs at 5 today! Eek!

Though I got a sneak peek because my dad put a ton of his photos into a slide show and sent it out to everyone. Now, my dad has a spectacular camera and knows a lot about photography, but his pictures usually aren''t that great. Haha. So I was shocked to see that he had taken a lot of really good ones (he stood behind the photographer during a lot of the posed ones, so they''re probably similar to the pro shots). I actually didn''t look awful! Haha. I''m sure once I started drinking a bit I may have looked silly, but really I was just hoping for some beautiful picks pre-ceremony and during the ceremony. Anything from the reception would just be extra.

I''ll admit that I was a tad upset with my dress fit on the day. I went through a ridiculously stressful time at work leading up to the wedding (and lost my job 2 weeks before the wedding) so I ended up gaining a couple pounds and I don''t think my dress fit as well as it could. Basically there was a bit of a fold at my waist at times. I dunno. I guess I was just disappointed that I didn''t look as thin as I could/should have and that my dress didn''t fit as well as it could have which would have disguised some of the extra weight. After seeing my dad''s pics I''m still not 100% happy with that aspect, but the pictures are pretty enough that I''m trying not to nit pick! No one else would notice but me anyway.


Aug 19, 2008
Date: 10/13/2009 1:07:21 PM
Author: elrohwen
Hey girls! I just got back from the honeymoon and have enjoyed reading your responses to this thread. I guess I''m not as crazy as I thought for being a bit nervous. We''re actually picking up our proofs at 5 today! Eek!

Though I got a sneak peek because my dad put a ton of his photos into a slide show and sent it out to everyone. Now, my dad has a spectacular camera and knows a lot about photography, but his pictures usually aren''t that great. Haha. So I was shocked to see that he had taken a lot of really good ones (he stood behind the photographer during a lot of the posed ones, so they''re probably similar to the pro shots). I actually didn''t look awful! Haha. I''m sure once I started drinking a bit I may have looked silly, but really I was just hoping for some beautiful picks pre-ceremony and during the ceremony. Anything from the reception would just be extra.

I''ll admit that I was a tad upset with my dress fit on the day. I went through a ridiculously stressful time at work leading up to the wedding (and lost my job 2 weeks before the wedding) so I ended up gaining a couple pounds and I don''t think my dress fit as well as it could. Basically there was a bit of a fold at my waist at times. I dunno. I guess I was just disappointed that I didn''t look as thin as I could/should have and that my dress didn''t fit as well as it could have which would have disguised some of the extra weight. After seeing my dad''s pics I''m still not 100% happy with that aspect, but the pictures are pretty enough that I''m trying not to nit pick! No one else would notice but me anyway.

Aw, don''t beat yourself up. I''m sure you looked FAB! Can''t wait to see the pics, BTW!


Nov 19, 2004
Totally with you. I was terrified because I know I''m not photogenic and my husband really is. I also made this huge effort to smile with my mouth closed the whole day, because I hate my teeth. My pro-pictures turned out a lot better then I thought. I think that when the photographer takes a zillion, you''ll find a few that look ok.


Apr 30, 2008
I wedding was in Greece and my photographer did not speak any English. We got them back and there were quite a few nice photos, I tried not to stress too much about it. I know how I felt on my wedding day and I think it was captured in a nice selection of photos. However, there are some really scary photos where I look terrible. Those photos will never see the light of day
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