
We''''re getting married...THIS SUNDAY!

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Jun 17, 2005
Because of paperwork we need to get moving along, we decided to get married before our wedding in Puerto Rico later this year. FI refused to go to the courthouse here to have our "first wedding" because he wanted it to be memorable so we threw ideas around for a while and finally settled on Vegas.

We were hoping for the weekend of March 11-13 but because of some NASCAR event the hotel rooms were extremely expensive. So we decided to do it this weekend. We booked flights and hotel last Friday and the chapel on Tuesday for a Sunday afternoon ceremony. FI kept asking me "are you sure we can get everything ready in a week?" and I kept assuring him that yes, we could. And we did.

FI and I went shopping for a dress and the rings on Saturday. Thankfully we had already decided to get simple Tiffany wedding bands in gold to match my e-ring so it only took half an hour to get them.
The dress was another matter, we walked all over a gigantic mall with no luck until we landed at Jessica McClintock. I found a simple strapless satin A-line in ivory that he hated when I first showed it to him but I told him I would try it on anyway. Once he saw it on me, he liked it and thought it would fit the bill, plus I could really wear it again. I was hoping for a white dress but this one was only one size larger than my size, easy to alter and only $50 bucks! Sadly, with alterations it went up to $180 but it''s still not bad. I don''t have pictures since it went from store to tailor in one day.

FI was really cute at the store, pulling dresses from the racks, vetoing my choices, talking to the salesladies as if he REALLY knew what he was talking about, even got on the phone with the seamstress to discuss alterations on the dress. It was a lot of fun to watch him but it made me really glad I did not allow him to come when I shopped for my other dress since he would have been insufferable!

On Sunday I got shoes, makeup and accessories and have been practicing the makeup with not so great results.

A friend of mine from LA is driving down with her sweetie to be our witness and take pictures, and to go out to dinner and around town afterwards. We are "honeymooning" in Death Valley the next day and come home late on Monday night on an overnight flight. We will be at work the next day, half asleep
and married.
For the time being we are choosing not to tell anybody but my friend from LA, a friend of his who got married in Vegas a while back and gave us advice, my maid of honor back home and a co-worker of mine (that last one because I am bouncing off the walls at work and need to vent to somebody!).

Ever since we booked the flights we have been in a semi-state of shock over the suddeness of it all and the fact that we will be married in Vegas

I can''t believe in three days I''ll be married to the man of my dreams! Wish us luck!

My goodness, this is a surprise!! Do you have pics of the dress?

Good luck!!
How exciting..congratulations!
How exciting!!! Have fun this weekend!!! You''ll have to come back on Monday and update us while you''re pretending to work...

That''s so cute about your FI and shopping for the dress, my FI was sooooo sad when I didn''t take him dress shopping, I finally broke down and brought him to see the final two choices... he felt much happier after that!
That is soooo exciting!!! Congratulations!!!

The dress sounds lovely, and I can''t imagine how you''ve managed to get everything done so quickly! Where are you planning on getting married? Where are you guys staying?

I''ve been planning my wedding in Vegas for 8 weeks now - and the wedding is next Thursday at the Bellagio. I ran into the NASCAR event, but because we''re staying wed-saturday, we got our hotel rooms for a STEAL!

Best of luck to you!!
WOOOOOEEEEE!!! How exciting!

Have a GREAT time!

Congrats!!! How exciting!!!
Isnt vegas great? You can have any type of wedding you want there. I am getting married at the Four Seasons in August, but have been tempted to run off and just pick a chapel. What chapel are you marrying at? Do you have a photographer? Or will your friends take pictures? Bentley and Wilson in Vegas is VERY reasonable and they do fun photo tours down the strip. They are a popular choice on the knot.

Whatever you end up doing, CONGRATS!!! How exciting, you will be a MRS in just a few days! Make sure to post some pics for us!
Best Wishes
i''m so excited for you!!
We are getting married at A Special Memory Chapel. I looked on and was amazed to find they have reviews for all these chapels. A Special Memory was the only one where nobody reported having a bad experience at their wedding and the packages were reasonable so we decided to go with that one.

We are staying at a Holiday Inn Express off the strip that looks clean and quiet, has great reviews on and it''s only $124 per night. I know it''s not the same as staying on the strip but decent strip hotels were more than we wanted to spend. Given that we are saving up for the other wedding we wanted to keep it as inexpensive as possible for this one.

I don''t have pictures of the dress, I promise to put some up after we come back.

Flopkins, my FI begged and pleaded to come dress shopping with me for the "big dress" but I refused, I want to keep at least that tradition since we are not keeping many of the others (including actually getting married on your "wedding day"

I am still amazed that we got everything done in such a short time. FI says my planning skills are one of the main reasons he''s marrying me
. By the time we booked on Friday I had flights and hotels picked out for him to give his opinion, dress stores to check out at the mall the next day, ring prices and chapel finalists. The mall we went to had a Tiffanny''s right across the street so we took care of all that in one trip. My friend is taking care of restaurant reservations and entertainment after the ceremony, bless her heart.

I am "getting sick"
tomorrow so that I can stay home from work and do my nails, hair, etc., and clean the house so it''s nice and clean for our return as a married couple. Oh, and pack, packing for this trip will be time-consuming.

Thanks for your good wishes. LaurenthePartier, enjoy your wedding and congratulations!!

WOW! I think you get the prize for fastest planning and execution.

Everything sounds wonderful, and I''m glad it''s all worked out OK.

Out of curiousity, where are you planning to have your wedding dinner? I LOVE Vegas, and always make it a point to dine somewhere new each time I go. Let me know if you need any suggestions.

Wow, so exciting! Hope everything goes wonderfully and you have a total blast!
Oh how exciting, good luck and best wishes to you both!!!
I realized I had the dress receipt in my wallet so I looked up the dress number and found a picture of it online. It''s just the dress, no jacket, and in that same color.

Msflutter, we are just having our friends take pictures and hope for the best but thanks for the recommendation. We are splurging for a nice photographer for the second wedding so again, have to save this time around. We do get a photographer with the package but who knows how those will turn out.

Again, thanks all for reading and for your comments!
How exciting! Good luck and congratulations!
That''s the dress you are wearing this weekend or this is the dress you will wear on your desintation wedding?

Either way it''s pretty.
Caribou, that is the one for this weekend. It''s not what I would have picked had I not been in a hurry but it will have to do.

I wanted it to be very different from the one I got for the destination wedding. Silly as it sounds I felt like I was cheating on my dress by buying another, so the fact that it is not white or puffy makes me feel better.
Oooooh, love the dress
Great find!
Wow, best of luck!!!
GOOD LUCK!!! How exciting!!!

We must see pics when you get back!
We''re back, married
, and happy to report that all went very smoothly. We had a wonderful time, it was very romantic
and relaxed.

I''m attaching a picture of us at the chapel. I will post more pictures later and give some details about our day.

Wedding 09.jpg
That was not supposed to be sideways
. Sorry!
How exciting! The dress is lovely & that's so cute that your FI wanted to dress shop with you! Good luck, have fun & tell us all about it afterwards!

ETA: I don't know how I missed that picture! You look gorgeous & your hubbie's a cutie! I'm glad it all went well--congrats!
Awe! You two look so cute and happy. Congratulations.
You two look beautiful!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

More pics please!!!
Ya''ll are super cute!!!! Congrats!

you look gorgeous in that photo!
what a great pic!! come back and tell us more!
CONGRATS! You two look so happy
THANKS for sharing.
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