
we''re adopting a dog today!

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Jul 13, 2007
I''m so excited and nervous. She is a little 5 month old chihuahua puppy who has had 3 homes already. The breeder was going to keep her to breed, but the lady got very sick and her family had to sell her dogs for her. A 19 year old girl bought her, but when she brought her home her parents said she couldn''t keep her. So she went to a foster home. This all transpired within the last 2 weeks! We got a call from a relative about her on Sunday and said we''d take her yesterday, but we weren''t expecting her to come today! She''s actually being flown across the country to us too. Poor baby.

We already have 2 dogs, a Bouvier and a small fox terrier who are 13 and 11 this year. I''m stressing so much about everything!!! I had always wanted a Yorkie next, but of course we can handle this. I''m just not sure how to train her. I know she can''t wear a regular collar, so we have halters ready. She''s not even housebroken yet. I feel like I''m taking on a baby--guess I am.
Panicking! But so excited. I bought her some cute cuddly stuff yesterday. She will sleep with us and be crated when we go out because she''s just too fragile to be left around the other two for some time. Big dog is gentle as can be, but he''s getting feeble and could trip on her and hurt her. Little dog can be jealous, so I need to watch that.

Her name is going to be Lola. I plan on having her spayed at 6 months if the vet okays it. I know basic care, but might need some help from any Chi owners here too. We''ve been told she has a really sweet and cuddly temperament, and she is good with big dogs. The foster home had a boxer and she cuddled with him constantly. It''s too bad it''s so bitterly cold here right now and we have more snow than usual. Wow, what a challenge. But at least she will have a permanent home now, and won''t be exploited or anything. Also, no doggie purses or strollers for me--I think they''re so silly!
YAY! She sounds adorable! All puppies are difficult to housebreak.. smaller dogs (sounds like you already know this) take a little longer. She sounds adorable, you should post pics!

Anywho, she has such a cute little story for being soo small... but it sounds like she is getting LOTSA LOVE!
Poor baby - sounds like she has been through a LOT already - bless you for taking her in and giving her a forever home. Ditto tlh on the potty training for small dogs - that can be especially tough.

Also, be careful if you''re waiting until 6 months to have her spayed - if they go through a first heat cycle, it can not only raise the chances of mammary and other cancers, but there''s also a risk of her getting pregnant, and the last thing the world needs is more random-breed puppies. If she does go into heat, I''d keep her hermetically sealed in the house, just in case - pregnancy can also be really hard on small dogs health-wise, and very expensive.
About the spaying, we don''t know her birthday yet, so 6 months is any day now. Basically I''m going to talk to the vet and have her in as soon as the vet says is good. With Chi''s, sometimes they have to do bloodwork first to make sure certain levels (liver function?) are okay. They also have to be a certain weight for it to be safe, but I believe she''s good on that basis as she''s just over 4lbs, so she''s not a mini mini. She just had her shots and deworming done, so I think probably a couple of weeks would be good, since she should have a little time to adapt to the house. Otherwise, I''m thinking she''ll get the idea we''re torturists, flying her across the country and making her experience snow and cold, and 2 new dogs. Luckily our kids are grown (but still at home). Hopefully her feet will actually get to touch the floor at some point!
lyra - that makes total sense and seems very reasonable as a plan of action. Definitely don''t want to stress the poor thing out more than she already will be.

Sounds like you are all set with a great game plan and lots of love - can''t wait to see pics of the new baby
I''m sure she will love her new home
Good luck with the new doggie!!
Best of luck with her! I think that it''s a good idea to let her settle in for a few weeks and then get her speyed. Post photos when you get her!
At 5 months, she''ll be almost full grown--the little ones grow quickly.

I would strongly suggest puppy class--since Chi''s tend to be hard headed when it comes to house breaking and other basic rules.

Keep her away from the other dogs esspecially since they are older for a while or until she is relaxed and calm.

If you live in a cold area, bundle her up--the get very cold quickly.

I would avoid sleeping with her right away until you know she totally housebroken. And when you do sleep with her, put her into a doggy bed at the foot of your bed..Chi''s are so small--many people roll over onto them in their sleep.
Italia- your dog is too cute!

Lyra- I am so excited for you! I wish i had words of advice, but my little dog owns me and has me well trained. He is about 8 lbs and sleeps in bed with us and while I was worried about rolling over on him when he was teeny, he moved with us, but it depends on each dog. I just wanted to add- please post pictures when she comes!!!
Ooh - ditto Italia on a puppy class - obedience classes for puppies and adults are one of the best possible ways to bond with a new canine family member and foster good behavior from the get-go
Sorry that I can''t offer any dog advice- i last had a dog when I was a teenager!

Just wanted to say YAHOO to you for adopting a dog. It''s so awesome when people do that.
lyra- Congratulations on your new baby! It is so wonderful that you are giving her a good home, how sad that she has been passed around so much in her short little life. I am so happy for you! I have 2 rescues (not Chi''s, big dogs)- love them SO much! They always seem so grateful. You are a sweetheart for worrying about her and working so hard to get ready for her.
Ditto to Italia''s suggestion about puppy class. We''ve had our Chihuahua for almost 13 years now (got him when he was 3 months old), and he''s very stubborn! Thank goodness he''s the only dog in the house

And definitely make sure she''s warm!
How lovely that you are giving this baby a loving, permanent home! If you get a chance do post pictures. She sounds like a sweetie and has been through so much already. Good luck getting her settled in.
Hey lyra! Kudos to you for adopting - such a great thing to do.

I grew up with a chihuahua and others in my family have lots of them too. No one would ever take them to obedience class (I wanted to but Mom''s word ruled then) - I would strongly recommend that, like Italia and others said. They were never mean like the stereotype lots of little dogs get, BUT they do get scared easily and will sometimes show their teeth and nip at people/kids/dogs when cornered or bothered. Not all chis do that, but it''s good to get them used to discipline and to other dogs. Ours was stubborn, and chis tend to attach themselves to usually one person and be their permanent shadow, so I think the obedience class would be an awesome thing. Also will give her some confidence. (ETA I just realized I made my dog sound terrible - haha she is the absolute sweetest dog ever - I just think some discipline would have made some things a little easier.)

It''s also good to have her spayed - we were told to definitely try before she went into the first heat. Just be really careful with her afterwards for a few days at least - no stress with the other 2 dogs.

Just a little more advice - I do think the halters are good for the little dogs - if you walk your dogs, one of the best things you can do for the little dog is treat her just like the others. She needs walks too - it will make her so much easier to deal with when she gets regular exercise (haha just less distance

One more thing... about house training her... 2 words: pee pads!! We used them for our chi when she was a puppy, and they worked great to train her to eventually go outside.

I hope you have a great time with her, and it''s great what you''re doing!!
Wish you many more happy years together.
Great news! I wish you all lots of joy with your new family member!

I have one thought that may or may not be relevant. We adopted a mini dachshund from a breeder when she was 7 months old. Dreamer (our little red in my avatar) was treated wonderfully by the breeder, and the "kennel" area where the dogs lived was basically an addition to the main house. So she had lots of daily contact with people. But, even in those circumstances, Dreamer is a dog''s dog, not a people''s dog, if you know what I mean. She loves us and is very affectionate, but she was raised in a pack of dogs and likes the company of other dogs a lot. She feels most comfortable when our other dog is around and I think, given the choice, she would choose dogs any day over people! LOL!

So when you bring your new little gal home, you may find that she prefers sleeping in her crate in the same room or area where your other dogs sleep rather than sleeping in the room with you. That may just be what she is used to! She may also prefer being crated in the daytime near where your other dogs stay/live.

Just my thoughts! Please post pictures when you get a chance!
Date: 1/20/2009 4:54:19 PM
Author: sba771
Italia- your dog is too cute!

Lyra- I am so excited for you! I wish i had words of advice, but my little dog owns me and has me well trained. He is about 8 lbs and sleeps in bed with us and while I was worried about rolling over on him when he was teeny, he moved with us, but it depends on each dog. I just wanted to add- please post pictures when she comes!!!
Not to "thread-jack" but that''s our baby Diesel...he''s a blue and fawn Chihuahua
Oh my goodness. Sorry, no pics yet! It has been a wild week. We brought Lola home late Tuesday night. She is a holy terror!
I call her our minja. Although we try to keep her off of things where she might hurt herself getting down, we don''t have a lot of control when she goes into fly-by mode. She harrasses the other 2 dogs then runs and flies into my lap when they make a move toward her. All in all, everyone is getting along just fine. Potty training is going well, although I think she doesn''t have the idea totally down. She goes outside if she''s outside, and hasn''t had very many accidents at all, but she certainly isn''t asking to go out. It''s more my intuition and the 100% total observation of her that clues me in.

She will be spayed, chipped and dewclaws removed in 2 weeks. She''s not tiny, I think she''s a bit tall, and she does weigh 5 lbs. now. Vet says she''s doing great, although they tried to kill her today. They insisted she have the Lepto vaccine, I wasn''t sure about it, and it turned out she is allergic.
So I had to rush her back to the vet for benadryl and steroid shots and she is there under observation for a couple of hours. She''s fine though.

I''m worn out! I never get a chance to be online much right now. She only sleeps at night pretty much, but she sleeps all night in her crate in our room without any fuss. We all love her to pieces, and in PS terms, she''s cost me almost a nice 7 stone band by now already! Her spay/surgery alone will be $800. I know that probably sounds high, but the declaw removal is optional, and that alone is $225. Plus it cost us $600 to purchase her and fly her out here. And tons of money on toys and whatnot ($$$ DH hasn''t seen all the bills!). I will post pics when I can. She is so much fun and so sweet.
sounds exhausting! HUGS! however you did a really wonderful thing rescuing her. So, as lola gets used to things, she should settle a little... a LITTLE. I cannot wait to see pictures, there is something about puppy kisses! just warms the heart.
Congrats on your new little darling. I own Maltese myself so I can''t give any specific Chihuahua advice. I used to be a foster mom but due to my busy schedule I had to stop. Dogs do very well in adapting to new environments and learning the rules as long as you set them. There is no reason for a small dog to be worst behaved than a large dog. They should both be trained (although I must admit that my kids are brats).

I can''t believe your vet forced you to give lepto. Do you live in an area with lepto? I have never given it and most people do not recommend it for the same reasons you mentioned. I am glad she pulled through.
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