
Weight Loss

This may sound stupid but telling myself I can have whatever I want as long as it is a single serving and high quality plus realizing that I'm never going to be able to have all the amazing delicious things in the world helps me. So for example I love chocolate but instead of buying a candy bar I'll get a few callebaut chips from the bulk bin.

These past few months I've had more anxiety than usual and it's been hard to stick to good habits though. I have ~5lbs to lose which doesn't sound like much but my family carries some major fat hoarding genes so it's tough. I also had to become ok with being healthy not skinny a long time ago. I'll never be the kind of thin that's fetishized in the US, I just try to focus on being healthy and fitting my clothes.

I've had a hard time motivating myself to exercise lately which isn't helping either....sorry for the ramble and thanks for the inspiration :mrgreen2:

I find it’s a lot easier to eat half a chocolate bar when you know you can have the other half the next day! lol

I used to go out to eat a lot. A lot more than I thought. Since being off work waiting for my hip replacement, I have turned into skin and bones. Two weeks ago, I weighed 91 pounds! I have never been under 108 in any memory, and that was my prior skinny record. I thought I was too thin at 108.

For those of you battling the few extra pounds ... I wish I had some of mine back. I never thought I would say that! If I get very sick, there is nothing to my body and I’m not sure that I would survive.

I guess the bottom line is to love your body no matter what! Bodies are amazing and beautiful in many shapes and sizes. A small amount of extra weight is healthy, imo.

Good luck to you!
I find it’s a lot easier to eat half a chocolate bar when you know you can have the other half the next day! lol

I used to go out to eat a lot. A lot more than I thought. Since being off work waiting for my hip replacement, I have turned into skin and bones. Two weeks ago, I weighed 91 pounds! I have never been under 108 in any memory, and that was my prior skinny record. I thought I was too thin at 108.

For those of you battling the few extra pounds ... I wish I had some of mine back. I never thought I would say that! If I get very sick, there is nothing to my body and I’m not sure that I would survive.

I guess the bottom line is to love your body no matter what! Bodies are amazing and beautiful in many shapes and sizes. A small amount of extra weight is healthy, imo.

Good luck to you!

Wishing you a smooth recovery!
Ok, I’m here now.

I was doing well on Keto in September— had 2 weeks down and really getting into it and then my BIL died and it all fell apart.

So now that my knee went from fine to destroyed in about a month, I HAVE to lose weight. Each pound you lose is 4 pounds of pressure off your knee. I also have a stress fracture of the promixal tibia. (Large leg bone right below the knee)

I’m doing a straight 1500 calories. My BMR is 1970 calories and since I’m forced to rest my right leg, I figure a cut of 450 calories a day should result in weight loss while basically just sitting there.

I’ve decided not to do Keto this time, but one isagenix shake a day with collagen added, a bunch of supplements and then an eating schedule of 18:6– where you fast for 18 hours and eat all your calories in 6 hours. This suppresses insulin.

I have several food allergies, so I am doing low/no carb for dinner. It basically means I skip breakfast and then eat lunch and dinner.

I’ve lost 3 pounds since Friday. I’m trying not to weigh every day (eating disorder history) and I can get VERY compulsive with the scale. I do feel I have to weigh on the scale though since my ortho will check my weight loss first week in May, so I do have to keep abreast of whether what I’m doing is working or not.

I have to lose weight for the surgery and also for the total knee replacement rehabilitation and recovery.
I find it’s a lot easier to eat half a chocolate bar when you know you can have the other half the next day! lol

I used to go out to eat a lot. A lot more than I thought. Since being off work waiting for my hip replacement, I have turned into skin and bones. Two weeks ago, I weighed 91 pounds! I have never been under 108 in any memory, and that was my prior skinny record. I thought I was too thin at 108.

For those of you battling the few extra pounds ... I wish I had some of mine back. I never thought I would say that! If I get very sick, there is nothing to my body and I’m not sure that I would survive.

I guess the bottom line is to love your body no matter what! Bodies are amazing and beautiful in many shapes and sizes. A small amount of extra weight is healthy, imo.

Good luck to you!

Yes, with my ED recovery from decades ago, I do
Remember that you have to love and thank your body as it is today because it got you through whatever you went through and you are still standing, so your body deserves acceptance and thanks.

A good reminder...
@Cozystitches It sounds like you have a solid plan—that’s great! My biggest challenge is to treat this as a long-term journey. If I “mess up” or have a bad day or week, I can shake it off and make better choices next time. I don’t want to give up and peter out this time.

I agree with this! I've gone on healthy binges before and they've not lasted. I'm really hoping I can maintain. You are right it is a long-term journey and it is all about choices. If I make a poor choice today...then I can make a better choice tomorrow.
@whitewave, I'm posting this here for you in case you're interested in having options that are different than 18:6. It might come in handy if your body adapts to the 18:6 and you have a stall. It's from Jason Fung's Facebook group
Although I've been doing 16:8 since July, I decided to try the beginner's challenge this week to shake things up a bit.

April 13 fasting challenge.png
@whitewave, I'm posting this here for you in case you're interested in having options that are different than 18:6. It might come in handy if your body adapts to the 18:6 and you have a stall. It's from Jason Fung's Facebook group
Although I've been doing 16:8 since July, I decided to try the beginner's challenge this week to shake things up a bit.

April 13 fasting challenge.png

Oh, I love the obesity code book and didn’t know he had a Facebook page, thanks!!
3 week check! So I finished the first round of 21 day fix and...well I am down 2 lbs, no change in measurements (ok, I only weighed bust/waist/hips and got discouraged).
I didn't exercise last week from Thurs-Sun. Was visiting friends and ate junk. So, I'm not as upset as I might have been.

I started up again yesterday, paying attention to food and exercising.
I posted this in the intermittent fasting thread and reposting here for those who may be interested in the book.

My weight loss stalled a couple of months ago. I've been giving side-eye to LCHF discussions on Fung's FB group since I was raised believing that saturated fat was bad for our health. I finally decided to add some fat into my meals and started this week with bacon, bacon grease & butter. I've lost 2 lbs since Monday :eek2:I feel stronger and I'm having better workouts. I'm still coming to terms with the notion that eating fat won't kill me. Also, I'm reading this book which is quite eye-opening.

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After being on bedrest for 3 months at the beginning of the year, I gained 40 pounds. I’ve never been overweight or heavy in my life, so this has been quite a shock for me. Most of my clothes are a size 4 and no way in hell am I getting them zipped in my current state. Oprah lured me into weight watchers with her fun commercials and I’ve lost 13 pounds in the last two weeks. Does anyone have a WW success story?
After being on bedrest for 3 months at the beginning of the year, I gained 40 pounds. I’ve never been overweight or heavy in my life, so this has been quite a shock for me. Most of my clothes are a size 4 and no way in hell am I getting them zipped in my current state. Oprah lured me into weight watchers with her fun commercials and I’ve lost 13 pounds in the last two weeks. Does anyone have a WW success story?

My step father has lost and maintained the loss of well over 70lbs on WW! He will use the guidelines forever but it really worked well for him. He also did the in person meetings and support groups. He is in his 60's and generally plays golf/walks for exercise.
My step father has lost and maintained the loss of well over 70lbs on WW! He will use the guidelines forever but it really worked well for him. He also did the in person meetings and support groups. He is in his 60's and generally plays golf/walks for exercise.
That's amazing! I've heard a few success stories like this.
What happens when you eat healthy 99.9% of the time and a holiday rolls around? You have 2 cadillac margaritas for dinner followed by a trip to the chocolate shop for caramel macadamia nut bear claws and sea salt caramels. Gonna pay for it big time at the gym tomorrow. The pic is sideways and I don't even care. Love those margaritas =)2


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Is anyone else having the problem of really liking their faces better with a few extra pounds, but not liking looking at myself in clothes, or out of them, with the extra pounds? I swear sometimes we women just can’t win!

I know exactly what you mean @Matata . I’m planning my dinner for tomorrow right. I’m hoping pizza doesn’t sound nearly as wonderful as it does right now. But now that you mentioned a margarita, my plans may change. Chips and guacamole also wonderful.
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Is anyone else having the problem of really liking their faces better with a few extra pounds, but not liking looking at myself in clothes, or out of them, with the extra pounds? I swear sometimes we women just can’t win!

I know exactly what you mean @Matata . I’m planning my dinner for tomorrow right. I’m hoping pizza doesn’t sound nearly as wonderful as it does right now. But now that you mentioned a margarita, my plans may change. Chips and guacamole also wonderful.
I read a hilarious article about Jane Fonda a few years ago. I had to dig around and find the quote.
“When you get older, you have to choose between your ass and your face,” says Fonda. “Last year I chose my ass, and this year I’m choosing my face,” she laughs. “I’m about 10 pounds heavier than I was [then].”
Is anyone else having the problem of really liking their faces better with a few extra pounds, but not liking looking at myself in clothes, or out of them, with the extra pounds? I swear sometimes we women just can’t win!

Very timely comment because my friend Tom just sent me the photo from 1988 and @Calliecake yes I agree with you about this topic (as you know) completely! I am almost the same weight as I was in the 1980s and look at how much my face has changed. I lost all my face fat and I want it back. :cry2:


can you believe I thought my face was too fat when I was younger? Oh how foolish I was and sometimes youth is wasted on the young.;( Wait a minute who said that? 8)
ETA: notice the pearls lol. I guess I was a bling girl even way back then...

“When you get older, you have to choose between your ass and your face,” says Fonda. “Last year I chose my ass, and this year I’m choosing my face,” she laughs. “I’m about 10 pounds heavier than I was [then].”

Yes true and also it helps our bones as well. The extra weight. For women under 110 lbs our bones suffer. :(
I tried cutting calories and a low carb diet. Both made me miserable. So I wen't vegan for health reasons and now I really let myself eat anything vegan. But with eating lot's of vegetables/fruits my cravings for unhealthy things really wen't down. And when I feel like I need to have something unhealthy I eat it and realize afterwards how great I feel when i stick to healthier options. I have icecream every night for example. But it is "icecream" made out of cashews, dates and then the flavour (sometimes mango, berries or chocolate powder). Or when I have a craving for french fries I'll cut up some potatoes and bake them in the oven with my own homemade ketchup. Not that I will deny myself french fries when my boyfriend has a burger at Five Guys!
All in all my relationship to food has gotten far better and I never weigh myself anymore. During my pregnancy I gained 10kg (I think about 20 pounds) even though I never denied myself anything.
After three or four months of pushing myself to healthy options it now comes naturally =)2
I turned 60 this month. I started a diet the day after. Have been overweight for 25 years and never dieted. Going cold turkey so to speak. Been holding strong so far watching carbs, no pasta, bread, sweets and junk food. Avoiding empty calories. Limiting alcohol to only a wee bit once a week. I feel if I slip up once I will not be strong enough to resume the diet. This is how I quit smoking at 21. Cold turkey-not even a puff. (Even after this long I feel if I took a puff I could go back and smoke.) I have told everyone at work and friends and family. Thus if I lapse I will feel publicly humiliated. I will only weigh myself once a month to check progress. Haven't started an excersize plan yet but am walking around 2 miles+ a day. Wish me luck.
I posted this in the intermittent fasting thread and reposting here for those who may be interested in the book.

My weight loss stalled a couple of months ago. I've been giving side-eye to LCHF discussions on Fung's FB group since I was raised believing that saturated fat was bad for our health. I finally decided to add some fat into my meals and started this week with bacon, bacon grease & butter. I've lost 2 lbs since Monday :eek2:I feel stronger and I'm having better workouts. I'm still coming to terms with the notion that eating fat won't kill me. Also, I'm reading this book which is quite eye-opening.

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Yeah my partner is a professional trainer and I get an earful about healthy saturated fats all the time. I have definitely seen him devour bacon by the plate. Personally I prefer pistachios and eggs, and cooking with butter.
I wanted to update as I haven't posted here in a while. So, I tried just doing the exercise thing, but only half a$$ing my diet. I've seen it before and it really showed me that you can't out exercise a bad diet. After struggling, I decided to focus more on my diet. I purchased the 2B Mindset program and so far, I feel it is manageable. There's a TON of water and veggies involved (which aren't bad things). I've seen the scale drop a little over 2 lbs in the week I've been doing this. Actually it was more, but friends came from out of town and I went a bit overboard with the treats.

What I LOVE about this program: it feels doable forever. Everyone always says "it's a lifestyle" well, this actually feels like it is. I didn't deny the cravings when my friend was here, and I expected a slight gain on the scale. But I enjoyed my choices. I'm also surprised by:
  • Cauliflower rice doesn't taste bad
  • Drinking a shake instead of breakfast actually works (had a mental issue about drinking my breakfast rather than eating). And no, I don't do the Shakeology
  • I don't need much creamer to make my coffee taste good
  • Stevia drops in plain water are crazy good
  • Zoodles aren't bad, just different (spaghetti was a bit more watery than I prefer, but hopefully I can figure out the recipe/cooking to combat that issue)
Anyone else tried the 2B mindset??? I'm hopeful that I can make better choices. :D
I am always gaining and losing the same 15 pounds. During the last year I gained the weight on my belly. Knowing the dangers of visceral fat I was concerned. During the last year we have been eating rice about 5 times a week so I have cut that out. I am now back to my "old" ways of eating. Eating just one meal a day is how I used to eat. I also have been fasting once every other week for two days and I have now reached my goal. The reason I chose to fast is that I believe the research that fasting for a couple days enables your body to use up fat in the liver and pancreas which helps if you might be becoming insulin resistant. Belly fat is a big factor in insulin resistance which also contributes to making you feel hungry. It also drops your white blood count for a bit and your body recycles fast growing cells which might be beneficial if there are any unknown cancer cells which are fast growing cells. Lots of different research so take that with a grain of salt. For every study there is another study.

The biggest confidence booster for me is I can now wear the new shorts and capris I bought last year which were too tight when I first started. Saving money on clothes = more money for bling. :)
Starting weight was 224 in January and I’m down to 192. Holding pretty steady this past month. I’m still loving the local gym I joined, but there has been a big coach turnover and a bit of drama I really know nothing about. So that’s good (that I am not involved, lol). :) I picked up my second box of veggies through the CSA yesterday. I feel good about feeding my family (and myself!) such good produce.

I did a sprint triathlon with my daughter last weekend! It was a lot of fun—first time on my bike this season. It has been soooo rainy around here in April and May! I want to do two 50-mile rides this summer. It will be easier with 10 more pounds gone. ;-)

180ish is my goal for now. It’s within reach!
It has been a month and so far so good. Telling friends, coworkers, family and neighbors was hard but it was the best thing for me. Accountability. It has kept me going. I did not weigh myself on the 30th day as I do not have access to a decent scale. But clothes are baggier and face has lost some fat as well. Been avoiding the obvious bad foods and trying to reduce carbs. Haven't started working out yet (no gym) but walking the dog a lot. Does not help with the belly fat, however.
Starting weight was 224 in January and I’m down to 192. Holding pretty steady this past month. I’m still loving the local gym I joined, but there has been a big coach turnover and a bit of drama I really know nothing about. So that’s good (that I am not involved, lol). :) I picked up my second box of veggies through the CSA yesterday. I feel good about feeding my family (and myself!) such good produce.

I did a sprint triathlon with my daughter last weekend! It was a lot of fun—first time on my bike this season. It has been soooo rainy around here in April and May! I want to do two 50-mile rides this summer. It will be easier with 10 more pounds gone. ;-)

180ish is my goal for now. It’s within reach!

@KristinTech - That's amazing!! High Fives to you!! Remind me what you are eating again? I was at a very similar starting weight, hovering around 214 for now, but have been in this range forever. Whenever I feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel, and I may actually have a plan for going down more, I just overeat! Like I have been today already. I'd be soooo happy to be where you are now!!
@lambskin - Keep walking! I did MyFitnessPal all last month and felt that helped me a great deal with reality checking what I had been eating for such a long time I wasn't seeing the patterns. And, YAY for baggier clothes! That's the best feeling ever!!
The last little bit has been crazy busy with the end of the school year. My capstone project from hell is OVER. Now I am working at getting my diet and exercise back on track and order brought to the rest of life.

I'm up a bit from where I had been, but still better than my starting weight. 267.8 this morning.

My current plan:
Walk 40 minutes at the park every morning after dropping DH off at work. (Did 2 miles this morning!) Treadmill on any day he doesn't go in to work. Plus 15 minutes of yoga later in the morning 5x per week, increasing to an hour 3x per week.
Diet is still 4-5 meals per day with carefully balanced fat & protein totaling 1000 calories per day.

I have a yoga class starting in less than two weeks. 2 hour sessions 2x per week. Need to be ready!
I'm also looking at possibly doing a kayaking tour on my trip to Vegas so want to be able to manage that if I decide to.
Just an update from me. So I tried to start running again and I did it for about two weeks and then I stopped. I can’t seem to get motivated enough to start running again but I do try to get my Fitbit steps in daily. I set it for 7500 steps but normally go above that. I’m on the IV team at work so I do a lot of walking all over the hospitals. Some days I reach close to 20k steps.
I did start intermittent fasting doing 16:8 or OMAD. I’ve lost 7 lbs just doing that. I started at 136 and I’m down to 129. I usually start eating around 3 or 4 pm until 11-12 midnight. I have noticed that I do get fuller faster and I can’t seem to finish my meals, no matter how hungry I feel when I start eating.
So far this method seems to be working for me and I don’t limit myself when I am not fasting. I eat whatever I feel like. I don’t feel like I’m starving myself bc I drink a lot of water which keeps me full and I still have my coffee with sugar and creamer everyday during non-fasting hours.
My update- went to the beach yesterday wearing a boy short type of bathing suit and did not feel self conscious. I am having a couple of issues with the fasting in that I never feel hungry anymore. That would seem like a good thing except when I don't feel like eating and later in the day I get very tired from not eating enough. DH (bless his heart) likes me with some curves and has complained that I am now too skinny. I am going to try to find a balance.