
Weekly Workout Thread Sept 25th to Oct 1st

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week to all!

At the end of the week we will be into October and thoughts of the Holidays will start to be at the back of our minds - well, mine anyway! That gives us about 9 or 10 weeks until the Holiday parties start - this may not sound long but it is still enough time to make a real change if you want to fit into that dress for the office party that is too tight! So with that in mind, we can use the anticipation of the Holiday Season to inspire us to work even harder and perhaps encourage some new posters who would like to join us to do so! Coda - hope you are ok and hope you check in soon!

Had a good workout this morning, 45 mins on treadmill and 20 mins ST so very pleased, the week is off to a good start! My calves are still sore, I think it is the leg extensions which are doing it, but I will press onwards on the fitness path!

Rod - this is part of the path of new opportunites opening up for you which couldn't happen without the pain of losing this job, this has to happen in order for you to move forward. ' This too shall pass,' and one day you will realize that these days were times of incredible change and growth for you - you will look back and marvel how everything has happened as it should and your life will be far better for it! This is a very creative time in disguise, rich with possibilities - again I truly believe this. We are here to support you through it! Heres to a successful week to you!

Wishing a successful, healthy and safe week to you all!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 9/25/2006 7:25:32 AM

Happy new week to all!

At the end of the week we will be into October and thoughts of the Holidays will start to be at the back of our minds - well, mine anyway! That gives us about 9 or 10 weeks until the Holiday parties start - this may not sound long but it is still enough time to make a real change if you want to fit into that dress for the office party that is too tight! So with that in mind, we can use the anticipation of the Holiday Season to inspire us to work even harder and perhaps encourage some new posters who would like to join us to do so! Coda - hope you are ok and hope you check in soon!

Had a good workout this morning, 45 mins on treadmill and 20 mins ST so very pleased, the week is off to a good start! My calves are still sore, I think it is the leg extensions which are doing it, but I will press onwards on the fitness path!

Rod - this is part of the path of new opportunites opening up for you which couldn''t happen without the pain of losing this job, this has to happen in order for you to move forward. '' This too shall pass,'' and one day you will realize that these days were times of incredible change and growth for you - you will look back and marvel how everything has happened as it should and your life will be far better for it! This is a very creative time in disguise, rich with possibilities - again I truly believe this. We are here to support you through it! Heres to a successful week to you!

Wishing a successful, healthy and safe week to you all!
Lorelei the words and heartfelt sentiment mean more to me than you can imagine. Thank you very very much!!!


Apr 30, 2005
I mean those words with all my heart Rod as I know they are true! There are many great things in store for you just around the corner. Losing this job is just a means to bring them to you!

Modified Brilliant

Mar 24, 2005
Happy Monday everyone

I enjoyed My Sunday workout at the gym...only about 10 people at 5pm.
I''m doing more reps and feeling the difference every day. Now, I''m in the groove!

another week of fitness and good health to all


Jul 6, 2005
happy monday!

i was recovering from a nasty cold all weekend. we took our trip to annapolis, but instead of kayaking (because my energy levels were low) we had a picnic instead. it was really great to spend some quality time with my hubby, since we''ve both been working unfortunate hours.

i have been drinking lots of liquids (something i remember my mom telling me) and i''m pretty much nearly recovered. so, yesterday, i did some strength training with pilates. my core is feeling purty strong these days.


Apr 30, 2005
Great job Jeff! It is surprising how quickly you can see and feel a difference! Only this morning I caught sight of myself in the mirror and was pleased to see how I was looking and some really positive changes. I think the weights are really making a difference, also if you have been working out with cardio or some other exercise you see results faster than you would if you didn''t do any exercise.

Hope you feel better soon Lulu


Nov 16, 2005
Hey all!

So I missed last week entirely (just the thread - still worked out 3 times @ half hour each)

I searched high and low for a gym and came to the conclusion that it just insn''t in the cards for me right now. The last gym on my list I visited last week -- it had a weird vibe and they kept adding all these extra charges to sign up after I started talking wiht them. With all the extra fees I could easily get a nice treadmill or elliptical machine for what I would be paying in the next 6 months. So that''s what is on my list for this week -- investigating which machine I want to purchase and figuring out what brand is best to buy. We have a pretty active craigslist and a couple of second hand fitness equipment shops around town so once I figure out what I want I''ll just have to search through there first!

today I''m doing an easy 20 minute workout and tomorrow I am starting a 10-day boot camp. It''s from one of the many sets of workout videos I have - they tell you which tapes to do which days and give you a menu to follow to make sure you are getting enough of everything you need to get the workouts done without starving yourself. I''m getting my grocery list together and will go shopping after work. My bf has agreed to be cheerleader for the next 10 days! The tapes are anywhere from 45-60 minutes each and some days you do more than 1 of them. I usually do tapes that are only 30 minutes long so it will be interesting to see how the extra time treats me!

I''m really excited for this little kick to the behind - hoping it will help me ramp up my workouts. I also found a cool article on how to ease yourself into becoming a runner! Since I have never "ran" in my whole life I thought it might be neat to try and see if it is something I might like. I did soccer in high school but that was really running toward a goal (or ball) and not so much just straight running for the purpose of running...

Ok - way too long post - but glad to be back


Oct 30, 2002
morning WWT's..!! kudos to all for getting up and working out and checking in!!! i love when the thread feels energized. great points re: holiday parties Lorelei, yikes! hehe.

rod i forgot to mention in my previous post about the job that i am actually looking into changing jobs right i can kind of feel your pain! hehee. but i have been really pleasantly surprised at what is out there in the field i want to get back into (took 2 year hiatus to do a kind of sales marketing thing and now want to get back into online/ecommerce marketing) and i have gotten a great response for resumes that i have put out. so now i just have to figure out WHAT exactly i want so that i can be sure to weed through the responses. aka do i not want a long commute? if so, i should stick to it and not get suckered into really considering a job 45 minutes away. so be sure to keep your 'top priorities' in mind because you may find that you are able to pick and choose. definitely do not feel like you should take the first person who asks you in your field....because the more you put out there the more you will get back, so get ready! also, there are a lot of great online resources for jobs now, not sure how familiar you are with them or what your specific field is but i was reading an article recently about how there are so many more awesome 'specific industry' kind of job sites out there now besides just the generic monster and hotjobs etc. if you are over 100k try which is specifically for executives. anyway, keep your chin up and good luck!! i'm sure you will have your pick of things in no time. in the meantime with this extra time....i like to do things around the house like clean out the closet for fall/winter, reorganize the pantry etc. stuff you always want to do but never have THE TIME. hehe.

so i'm working out tonite at kbox...did lizzie's bootcamp thing last nite and felt good for getting up and moving around after my foodgasm. hahaha. last nite's dinner was really yummy as well, greg loved it. we have extra mashed taters and i only ate 1/2 my turkey but since im doing the detox thing i can't eat the rest of either of them so portia is going to be really spoiled this week with turkey and taters mixed in with her kibble!! or greg can eat the turkey if he absolutely needs some meat one night, hahaa.

cute side note, my uber critical grandma who i adore but who sometimes can work the nerve ... saw me this weekend at my cousin's wedding and was like have you lost weight? you look so skinny here and she squeezed my waist. now mind you this is the same grandma who likes to poke you in the butt and go 'you've gained a few lbs eh?'. so a compliment like that from her means something, hahah! i just laughed. grandmas!


Feb 10, 2006
Hi everyone,
Well, it''s been awhile since I posted..not even sure how long. I''ve been a little lazy and un-motivated lately. Last week, I got back on track though. I did a 5 day no carb eating plan and it worked out great. I only worked out twice but still felt good about the week. It gave me a nice boost to start this week. I am still trying to limit the carbs this week. Not my usual cereal or bagel for breakfast but sometimes having a yogurt and fruit or eggs or being a little creative rather than the extra carbs. I definitely am getting full faster. That feels good! Saturday, I did have a huge helping of Thai food but was soooo yummy! Other than that, I''ve been on track. I worked out yesterday but counted that for last week since I had only worked out once and had all that Thai food the day before.
My weekly goal is 4 days this week. Should be able to do that b/c today and Wed. are gym days, Thursday there''s a class at a different gym that actually works w/my schedule that I am going to try and then one more day to fit in. I recently bought a couple TaeBo tapes at Amazon for very, very cheap so now I have a few others to supplement. I haven''t been able to do mornings lately but I am going to try and do leg exercises and crunches in the morning. That''s my update.

Rod, sorry to hear about your job. I didn''t read last week''s thread but saw Lorelei''s post today. Do you know of other opportunities out there right now?



Feb 10, 2006
cute side note, my uber critical grandma who i adore but who sometimes can work the nerve ... saw me this weekend at my cousin''s wedding and was like have you lost weight? you look so skinny here and she squeezed my waist. now mind you this is the same grandma who likes to poke you in the butt and go ''you''ve gained a few lbs eh?''. so a compliment like that from her means something, hahah! i just laughed. grandmas!
That is nice! My grandma who sounds very similar to yours once made a comment like that to me and it took me by surprise. I knew I must have lost weight if she noticed!


Jul 6, 2005
i was just walking with a co-worker to get a cup of coffee -- that dreaded 3:30 afternoon lull -- anyway at the corner, i thought i caught a glimpse of my husband. impossible.

but it was

he just rolled down the window and gave me a card with a little box of godiva chocolates and a kiss.

just because.

and now i''m eating those chocolates. yum.

good thing i''m running after work


Oct 30, 2002
lol dixie, gotta love them!!

lulu your hubby is so sweet! enjoy the chocolates!


Jul 6, 2005
it''s funny -- not that he''s unsweet -- but this type of a "gesture" isn''t really his style
i cannot complain. i''m a lucky gal. and fortunately it was an ity bitty box of sweets...


Oct 30, 2002
sweets sound divine right now lulu!!

so, since we're doing detox, breakfast was honey puffed kashi and 1/2 a banana with soy milk. i had hummus and whole wheat pita for lunch...yum. then i went to work out and did 50 minutes on the treadmill at incline of 9-10. woo hoo. burned 475 calories and walked 3.25 miles. the weird thing is my right foot is hurting me again like it was last time. i think it's my shoes which i have pretty much broken in but i think i am walking weird on my right foot or something. i just don't want to hurt it like kimberly did to hers!! so now i am paranoid. the last 1/2 of the workout i kept the incline up and the mph lower and it seemed to be better for the foot. maybe i am striking wrong when i step.

came home and had a snack of 1/2 cup honey puffed kashi with 1/4 cup soy milk and 1/2 a nectarine.

dinner is going to be vegetable paella from this cookbook my friend lent me, the picture looks mouth watering! it has saffron and long grain rice (i'm using brown of course), tomatoes, mushrooms, peas and snow peas and veggie broth. i am pairing with a fresh loaf of california multi-grain bread. should be good! (rod are you jealous?!) i figure dessert will be a banana. living dangerously i know. hahaha.

OH and random side note, i weighed myself at the gym and i was 144! i was surprised since the last time i weighed myself last week i was 147 and i had kind of been 147 consistently since last detox. so not sure what i did differently (we ate all weekend at the wedding too!) but i lost 3 lbs. so anyway we'll see what i'm like at the end of this week.


Feb 10, 2006
Great job on the 3 lb weight loss! I''m sure that feels great. I didn''t weigh myself after my carb free week but really meant too

Lulu, that was a nice gesture from your husband. I do think it''s the little things that are so important!
My monthly goal (for October) is 5lbs. I am really going to try hard to achieve that. I worked out today and kept up a pretty intense sweat. I was feeling tired of running so I did the elliptical machine on one of the pre-entered workouts it has. It was tough but felt great. I''m going to do my leg exercises now before bed.
Feeling pretty good about today. Ready for tomorrow!

Although I haven''t posted much lately, I did think about you guys and all the motivation and support. Even though I only got in 1 or 2 workouts for a few weeks, it helped to just get those in. And now I am happy to be back.
Just another thanks!!


Aug 12, 2005
Mara, check out a walking website (there are a few good ones that should come up when you do a search), you could be overpronating your right foot or something. Also, congrats on the weight loss, but for heaven''s sake don''t go too much lower, lol! Just kidding, do whatever makes you happy, unless of course it means you have to buy a whole new wardrobe and Greg starts missing him some luscious booty, LOL!

Rod, so sorry to hear of your job sitch, but I agree with others who''ve commented that this is probably going to turn into a great opportunity for you! You seem like a very dedicated, go-getter type, and I''m sure you have tons going for you besides those qualities! Definitely turn any negative energy into the positive kind at the gym, which I''m sure you are doing will overcome this hurdle and be a better person for it, I bet. I''ve so enjoyed reading your posts here on PS (not only on the workout thread, btw) and I hope you keep us updated! Best of luck to you!

Jeff, I wish my gym was that slow at 5 a.m....unfortunately the most popular classes are that early in the a.m. there and I am not a morning worker-outer anyway...I like to go in the evenings when it''s totally dead, lol! Congrats on sticking with your workouts, though!

LULU: I hope you''ve gotten over your cold by now. It''s so hard to stick to a workout routine when you''re not feeling well, but for me I find that if I work out during a cold it almost makes me feel better, like I''m sweating out some of the sickness, ya know? If I had a fever or something really serious of course, I wouldn''t work out, but I have been on that treadmill/elliptical/walking outside with a stuffed-up nose and hated it, but somehow felt better and then slept better as well. Dh and I just got over a cold he brought home from his last business trip, and I swear me taking some 2 mile walks in the fresh air this weekend helped me get over it faster this time. Hope you''re feeling better, and glad to hear your core is so strong--that is an accomplishment, for sure!

Cailet: not everyone has to join a gym to stay fit/get fit, etc. I never belonged to a gym until about a year ago, actually I couldn''t bear to set foot in one because I didn''t want to spend the money, ha ha! But I found a really great women''s only one that offered everything I wanted, so I got over the money issue real fast.
I''m glad you''re exploring other options, such as home gym equipment, that will be a fun process for you! Also, on the running thing, you didn''t mention which website/article you read, but I wanted to tell you that is a good one in case you hadn''t already visited it. They have a beginner running program that I''ve heard rave reviews of my good friends became a runner using it, and my last hairdresser started out with it and is currently running half marathons here in Chicago! Good luck!

Dixie: so good to hear from you...I''ve missed you here and there, maybe because I haven''t been frequenting the workout thread as much as I used to! Anyway, I''m happy to hear you''re alive and well and working out, hee hee.

Soooo, that leaves LORELEI! Last but certainly not least! How ARE you, miss Lorelei? I hope you''re enjoying the heck out of your new gym and your new lungs, lol! I bet you''re verging on the "perfect" end of your new figure nowadays...and I bet your DH is as well! Thanks for the inspirational words re. holiday parties, etc.--we don''t get too crazy for the holidays but I need to be in a bikini in mid-October as well as mid-January, so I will have plenty of goals for the next few months if I want to look half-way presentable during those times, lol!

Sorry for the long post, hopefully you could pick out your screen name and not be too bothered by the rest of it! Next week I will make more of an attempt to keep up!


Apr 30, 2005
I am doing fine thanks Miss Monnie! I am going into week 9 now with not smoking!!!!!!!!!!! I must say it is a lot easier now and I don't think about it as much as I did, I think the mental addiction has gone - that is the hardest part! The cravings have eased too and I can go a whole day now without a craving! It does make a huge difference when working out that I have lots more stamina and can push harder. I am also loving our little gym and not missing getting into the car at 5.40 am to drive to the gym...yuck!

My figure is improving rapidly and I can see a difference at times although sometimes I can't. I was sulking the other day, Hubby and I were in the bookstore and I was making scathing remarks about these " Transform your Body in 90 Days" books and how I have been working so hard for 120 days and don't see any remarkable changes. Hubby said I was mad to even think that! If only we could see ourselves as others do, plus I don't have any harsher critic than myself.

Good to see you back Dixie and Cailet - you can post if you want to even if the motivation isn't high! It happens to us all


Nov 16, 2005
Last night after class I finished up the grocery shopping - did some stretching and some push ups and got my house in order. I start my little 10-day program today! Yay!

Mara - I have an aunt just like your grandma!! You only get a compliment from her if you REALLY deserve it - no fake "just trying to be nice to you" kudos!! That''ll be a great measurement for me - once she starts noticing I know I''ve done good!
Ohh - and I saw your post of the wedding outfit - LOVED the pink dress on you! You are soooo tiny!!
And how was the paella? Sounded delicious!

Dixie - sounds like you have a great plan going - keep it up! Don''t you just LOVE Thai food -- up here in chilly WI we only have a couple of Thai places and my favorite just closed down
so I''l have to go search for a new one....

Lulu - how adorable of your husband!! I love little surprises (my fav is when my bf calls when I am out at lunch and leaves little made up songs on my voicemail at work to make me laugh) didn''t it just make your day?

Monarch - thanks for the tip! I''ll have to check out that website. I''m cool with not going to a gym, was just all excited about finding a place and having somewhere to go (and getting to say "I went to the gym last night"
) but the places around here that I liked were way out of my way and very pricey. The other places were either super sketchy looking or didn''t have very nice machines or very many of them. The only woman only gyms we have around here are the Curves places (where you have a rotation thing of different preset exercises - my mom went there for a while and didn''t like it at all). Oh well, I don''t miind getting equipment for the house - then at least I don''t have to worry about trudging through all the slush and snow that is bound to start showing up in the next couple of months!!

Lorelei - woohoo! 9 weeks! And your hubby is right: We are our own harshest critics-- as silly as it sounds I always try to take pictures of my progress. I find a lot of time I see what has always been there not what is actually going on with my body -- seeing a picture really helps to kind of remove yourself from your own body image a bit and lets you recognize what progress you have made. It''s super scary to take those before pictures, but once you have the "in progress" ones going it is GREAT motivation to keep at it!!

Whoa- long post! hope everyone had a great night.


Jul 6, 2005
Good morning all.

and good luck to all the detoxers!

congratulations on the weight movement Mara! i know that we''ve said it over and over -- that the scale doesn''t tell nearly the full story -- but i have to admit that some of the best positive reinforcement for me is to see the numbers getting lower

Thanks, too, for all the "feel better lulu"s. Monarch, i did power through the mucous (sorry) and did 35 high energy minutes on the elliptical. i definately cleared out some of that junk and felt all the better for sweating out the sickness! I''ve still got some residual symptoms, but my energy levels are so much higher than last weeks.

cailet: your hubby sounds like a doll.

yesterday for dinner we had a yummy chicken curry. basically, chicken, onions, tomatoes, curry, ginger, garlic, cashews (the secret ingredient
) and lite coconut milk. using lite reduces the calories and fat greatly. it''s easy and so flavorful. my hubby eats a portion of brown rice with his --soaks up all that delicious sauce -- but i eat mine sans grains.

i''ve also made a winning discovery in the greens department. i was addicted to baby spinach. ate it nearly everyday (lots of spinach salads). unforutnately, with the recent regulatory troubles, i''ve been feeling the void. the other night, i stumbled across "rainbow salad" basically, it''s shredded carrots, cabbage, and broccoli and cauliflower hearts. delicious and chock full of vitamin C

that''s all for now


Oct 30, 2002
monarch i looked around last nite on websites but nothing said too much about foot pain, i will have to see if i can find a true walking website that might address it. the funny thing is that it's pretty much gone after about 2 hours of rest after my walking workouts...but it only happens then so i must be doing something weird. and today it's kind of sore-ish when i flex it but doesn't hurt. random. i just don't want to do anything REALLY bad to it and have to end up off my feet like poor Kimberly!

lol re: losing the luscious booty...Greg is already complaining that I am developing what he calls 'boy body'...i am like I AM NOT A BOY...please! i still have mega curves, i just don't have a bunch of fat sitting on them anymore! cailet it cracked me up when you said i was tiny because i really am not. i'm definitely medium boned and i have wide shoulders so i always feel like a linebacker or something in certain positions. in terms of being fit, i know that i am very close to where i want to be but i DO still have a tiny bit more to's not so much about the scale now, though that was kind of fun to see it move, but i still have a tiny bit of the puffy fat on the hip bones...where my hips meet my waist..and that has to GO. the trainer told me previously it is the last to go so that gives me hope since it's almost gone. i have really toned up my legs and butt BIG TIME which is probably why greg sees such a change bottom half is smaller than it's been probably in years. my upper half is still getting some work. especially my abdomen area, i need to be doing more work there, and also my arms still need some work as well...arms are SO HARD for me. i could work on them forever and probably not get what i want out of them. but they are looking much better.

it's funny what you said about my collarbones being just right monarch because i think that they look like they belong to a much skinnier girl!!! i feel like they are not proportionate with the rest of me. for example at the wedding this weekend, there was a tall thin bridesmaid. she had collarbones that looked pretty much like mine. but she was rail thin!! at least 20 lbs lighter than me. and another bm didn't have pronounced bones at all in her collar but she was very skinny and smallish...but didn't look 'toned fit'. so it's so random but for me i can't really use the collarbones as an indicator of where my status is. also hellp 5'7" and 144 is not exactly super thin anyway. so i know i still have a little bit to goal is 140 and i know i am carrying a ton of muscle so i think if i can get to 140 and stabilize there while continuing to work out, then i'd be very happy.

anyway thanks for the kudos on the pink dress and the 3 lbs...hehee. the dress was super fun to wear and the 3 lbs was just a perk esp considering that i ate like a sow all weekend. on the weight loss, i also was thinking about it last nite and i tried to keep my calorie intake at 1700 all week last week (and probably more on the weekend). that is what sparkpeople said i should at least be consuming with working out 6x a week and wanting to lose weight. so i wonder if that was the trigger! before i was eating about 1400 and not realizing i should be eating more since i was working out more. i know i have read that if you eat too little that your body tries to hold onto fat. so maybe by bumping it up to 1700 and continuing to work out, it triggered a bit of the weight loss? anyway, i am going to continue with 1700 calories until sparkpeople says i should change and we'll see what happens. but kind of interesting if that WAS the trigger since mentally it's so hard to try to eat more calories to LOSE weight. hehehe. last week i had to remind myself to eat a bit more to get the calorie intake up there, since i am so used to eating about 1400 (and not being hungry with that 1400 since i allocate pretty wisely). it was kind of fun to have extra calories to use up on something extra. so we'll see!!!

so tonite going to kbox and we're having leftover paella (which was super yummy, i posted the veggie recipe in the detox thread for anyone interested!!) for dinner!

lorelei congrats on 9 weeks, you wonderful woman!!! you are my hero! lulu, congrats on pushing through the cold, i always feel better after i work out if i feel a cold coming on or feel like crap. cailet, congrats on getting back on track!! keep us posted on your 10 day thang. dixie, welcome back!!! jeff, kudos on sticking with the gym...and getting into the groove. rod rod are you out there???

have a wonderful day everyone and GO WWT!!!!!!!!! everyone is doing wonderfully, YAY!


Aug 8, 2005
mara, that''s funny you say that about your collarbones. i find i have the opposite, and i HATE it!! if i take a portrait shot - like my e-pics - i look like i am bigger than i am. I KID YOU NOT. but if i''m next to other people in pics i look like a kid. i don''t get it. it drives me crazy!

yesterday i went work out. did 30 minutes on tread and 8 minutes doing weights. today i was sore. that''s what i get for not going to the gym in nearly a month. what am i thinking?!!! the wedding is RIGHT around the corner?! urgh! so this morning i went again to the gym. i did a light jog for 6 of my 30 minutes. like usual, at least half of those 30 minutes is on a 12 incline.


Jul 6, 2005
congratulations lorelei

what a great accomplishment


Nov 16, 2005
Date: 9/26/2006 11:48:01 AM
Author: jcrow
mara, that''s funny you say that about your collarbones. i find i have the opposite, and i HATE it!! if i take a portrait shot - like my e-pics - i look like i am bigger than i am. I KID YOU NOT. but if i''m next to other people in pics i look like a kid. i don''t get it. it drives me crazy!

yesterday i went work out. did 30 minutes on tread and 8 minutes doing weights. today i was sore. that''s what i get for not going to the gym in nearly a month. what am i thinking?!!! the wedding is RIGHT around the corner?! urgh! so this morning i went again to the gym. i did a light jog for 6 of my 30 minutes. like usual, at least half of those 30 minutes is on a 12 incline.

Woohoo - Jcrow way to push it. I always get the best feeling on days when even though I absolutely do not want to workout I get up off my rear end and do it anyways.

Not that I think you need ANY help looking gorgeous on your wedding day (hello - we all saw your bridal pics!!) but just think of all the cardio health as longer time spent dancing the night away with your new hubby!!


Jun 15, 2006
Happy Monday All!

I did my 30 minute yoga weight loss tape this morning and then free weights for the arms. My foot is still not healing (it''s on ice at the moment) so I just have to keep forcing myself to take it easy.

I''ve cut back on eating because I''m not exercising as much as I usually do (damn foot!).

Sounds like everyone is really motivated...way to go!


Oct 2, 2005
Date: 9/26/2006 11:38:21 AM
Author: Mara
monarch i looked around last nite on websites but nothing said too much about foot pain, i will have to see if i can find a true walking website that might address it. the funny thing is that it''s pretty much gone after about 2 hours of rest after my walking workouts...but it only happens then so i must be doing something weird. and today it''s kind of sore-ish when i flex it but doesn''t hurt. random. i just don''t want to do anything REALLY bad to it and have to end up off my feet like poor Kimberly!
First off Mara, where is the pain located in your foot, and how severe? You mentioned that it hurts when you flex...does it hurt in the center? And for how long has this been going on? I think I might know what the culprit is....

Second, Mara convinced me to check out this thread a few weeks ago at our GTG and I''m finally here. HI EVERYONE

Well, it''s not really that I need a ton of motivation to workout as I''m currently training for a marthon in December. This will be my third full marathon in the past year and a half (I''ve also run three 1/2 marathons). It''s just that I feel like I''m stuck in a rut and I haven''t been kicking up my intensity and I''ve had a problem with my diet. I may run a lot, but I sure eat a lot to make up for it, so I have a difficult time losing any weight. Also, I would like some motivation to try some things other than running. All I ever do is run, be it outside or on a treadmill. Occasionally I go on the elliptical. I do some basic core strength excercises, but that''s about it. I do belong to a gym, but I''m too scared to try anything new.

So, I will use this thread as motivation to try new things to get myself in better condition. Also, if anyone has questions about running, I''m not a pro but I can direct you to some good resources.

As for my workout for the day, I ran 5 miles tonight. I''m running a 1/2 marathon the weekend after next, so I want to ''kick'' it up this week until Sunday, and next week, I will focus on doing less-impactful excercises...


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks Mara and Lulu for the praise with my non smoking!!!!!!! I still can''t believe I have done it and I am confident now I have won! Major kudos too on more weight loss Mara!!!!! You have really inspired me too that if the scales stick, persistance pays and will get them moving again the right way!
Glad the detox is going well! I also have foot pain across the top of my toes where they meet the foot, too much incline on the treadmill maybe?

Rod I hope everything is ok, and hope to see you here again soon! Miss Coda I hope you are ok too, check in when you can.

Well done to Miss Crow and Kimberley for doing the yoga
Good luck on the programme Cailet! Keep it up Dixie and Miss Monnie is doing as well as always!

Welcome OrangeVixen!

Regarding trying new things, I just used to stick to cardio, but now I have started strength training I finally feel I am hitting pay dirt as my body is starting to shrink quickly which is what I want. Also I have read that with each pound of muscle you gain your body burns an extra 50 calories a day gratis!
That is still over 300 a week or a free candy bar! So if that helps, I am really glad I threw strength training into the mix if it will help encourage you!


Oct 21, 2004
Good Morning!!

Just checking in to see how everyone is making out this week! Don''t you find with the fall weather it is easier to get outside and go for longer walks? I don''t like winter but I enjoy the fall weather a lot!

Lorelei I can''t say enough about your not smoking! To do that and be excercising too, is so amazing~!!

Welcome to orangevixon! This thread is so motivational, I am sure you will love it!

Rod, I hope everything is moving along more positively for you this week!!

I wish everyone else a wonderful rest of the week and a fun weekend!!!


Apr 30, 2005
Heather you are like me with loving fall weather! Last night I had the first hints with a dark evening with a hint of chill and woodsmoke, even the stars are changing...

Thanks for your compliments on my not smoking and exercising, I do feel proud that I have beaten so difficult an addiction.


Mar 3, 2005
This week I have been just been doing the elliptical. I’m not a huge fan, but I think when I get more comfortable on it will be ok. I use to use the Precor (sp) elliptical which I loved, but the machines they have at this gym are some no name brand that don’t “glide” very easily so it feels like you’re going to fall off.

Eating has been going pretty well. I’ve decided at this point in my culinary career that simple is better. Once I master simple I can move on to learning how to make a great wine sauce, etc… Next week my in-laws are visiting for two weeks. We are going to be traveling a lot so probably very little working out and a lot of eating out.

Lorelei, great job on not smoking for nine weeks. My mom smoked most of my life and finally quite about five years ago. I have to assume the “want” goes away since she is now the first person to notice if something smells like smoke.


Nov 16, 2005

I did really good yesterday - day 1 of my 10 day program. Followed the menu plan almost to a "T". Pushed really hard during the workout - 45 minutes is a lot for me to do full on cardio straight through! I can''t wait till I''m at the point of get through it all and not being absolutely dead tired! And boy am I feeling it today -- no terribly sore, but that feeling that your body is just reminding you that you worked hard the day before!

I''ve got class tonight - and then another 45 minute workout! Thankfully I have purchased all of my food for the week and just need to pick which meal I want to have tonight.

Tomorrow I think I am going to run over to 2 of the places that sell second hand fitness equipment and see what they have in stock. Once I''m done with the 10 day quick start program I think I would want to add some quick cardio on a machine in in the the morning -- that way I can start out with really low time amount and work my way into getting up earlier and earlier.

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