
Weekly Workout Thread June5-June11

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Feb 10, 2006
Good morning,
Sorry I missed all of last week. Things have been very busy lately. I did manage to workout 4 times and my eating was ok, not great. It''s been really hard to get back on track after missing that week. It''s weird how much the routine is so important to me staying on track. 1 week off and it was just as hard to make myself workout as it was in the beginning. I''m going for 5 days this week, which may be tough b/c i''ve got a lot going on. We''ll minimum is 4. I''m going on a vacation in late June and i''d like to do pretty well until that point. Of course, the leftover chicken fried rice I brought to work for lunch probably isn''t helping that goal.

I still have to catch up on how everyone was doing last week but wanted to at least get started while I had the time.

I hope everyone is doing well and not quite as much of a slacker as i''ve been on ps!!

I''ve also realized that it''s easier to do bad when i''m not on here as often. I don''t feel quite as accountable. So i''m glad to be back!


Oct 30, 2002
welcome back dixie!! it is hard when you get off your routine, i feel the same way. vacations are the best because of the relaxation part but yeah i feel totally out of wack for about a week or so afterwards and workouts are hard to get back into etc. so i hear ya!!!

i had a really great week overall and feel really good about it. i think it also helps that the whole calorie counting seems to be actually working for me in that i see changes in my body which i had been waiting i definitely think it's positive. i also am just more aware of what i am eating at any given point now. it's not just yummy food. it means something.

so while on weekends i typically kind of go nuts and figure it doesn't matter what i eat...i have noticed that by the end of the weekend i feel pretty bloated and icky from all the rich foods and stuff from going out so much. i also feel like i have belly bloat. and i also thought well if i am cutting out about 3k calories during the week to lose the 1lb a week that i want to....then during the weekend i SURELY am gaining those 3k calories back with all the loose eating. so what's the point?
i think that would work if i wanted to maintain. but still the belly bloat isn't fun!

so this weekend...i tried to be a little better. aka dinner on friday night was sushi; then saturday morning i just had cereal and coffee rather than a bigger meal or english muffins with butter..then saturday afternoon i had a healthy choice fettucine chicken broccoli meal which was really good only after i sprinkled about 3 spices on it and a little more pepper and salt. but it hit the spot. and was only 300 calories. so then for a snack later i had some pita and baba ganoush (like the eggplant version of hummus) which is pretty healthy but i think it has alot of fat. then for dinner we went to this greek festival with some friends which was pretty close to our house, so we walked about 1.5-1.75 miles there and then gorged ourselves on sausages, fries, calamari etc
...but the perk was that we walked about home the same 1.5-1.75m so i felt like at least we weren't sedentary after eating all that stuff and it helped digestion, not to mention we burned a few calories. then when we got home we shared some desserts with our friends with coffee (baklava mmmm).

then on sunday i had an egg white omelet with a little cheese, mushrooms and green onions, then i had an apple for a snack. for dinner we went to mccormick and schmidt with my parents and i was STARVING since we ate a little later and i knew i was going to gorge on bread and butter. then i had corn chowder (MM) and scallops (MMMM) and dessert (MMMMM!). but the dessert totally pushed me over the edge! so when we got home i did a 2 mile walk because i felt like i HAD to get off my butt and do something and not just ferment on the couch.

so overall i feel really good about the weekend because i was VERY active (i also did a 2m walk on friday) and i curbed eating for 2-3 meals and only really had the saturday and sunday night meals that were pretty bad but it's better than having 4 meals like that. and this morning i feel pretty good, don't have the belly bloat etc.

anyway sorry it's so long and rambling!!! but today i am going to kickboxing, and i figure chicken and rice or something for dinner! hope everyone has a great day!! and i hope monarch is able to check in and let us know how her walk went!


Nov 9, 2004
Hello... just thought I'd give some info on a workout.. I ordered "the firm" saw it on an infomercial (hehe) looked interesting so i bought it.. and its very very good.. i got it for toning my rear and and thighs.. it comes with a whole diet schedule, (which im not using but looks great) and its really fun.. it comes with two large steps and you postion them in all different ways and it works really well..comes with a bunch of dvds for different types of workouts.. jiggle free abs, jiggle free buns, ultimate body sculpting, and and calorie burning one....I think there is another one but i cant remember what its called but i suggest everyone check it out.

I think the website is


Oct 21, 2004
Happy Monday everyone!

I was happy to see another pound come off on the scale this morning. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. I will be going for a walk tonight when it is cooler and I have been keeping my eating sensible today. I was a little bad on the weekend, and I totally identify with you Mara about the stomach bloat afterwards! So not nice. I feel much better when I haven''t stuffed myself!

I wondered if you ladies take a multivitamin? I haven''t been taking anything for a long time but I think I need to start it up again. Any recommendations?

I hope everyone has a great week...... and CONGRATULATIONS to Monarch! You are amazing and an inspiration to us all!!


Aug 17, 2005
Hello All!

LOVE the idea of a weekly workout thread, and I hope to be able to contribute more.

Although I know this thread is for this week, I''d thought I''d share how things have been the last couple of days.

I got back into the swing of things and began my "healthy eating plan". It basically consists of 4-5 small meals during the day. I''ve found that this really boosts my metabolism. The plan mostly consists of lean protein, and fruit/veggies, with just a bit of bread (whole wheat/grain), and dairy. I need to mix it up a bit and incorporate more types of food, but my staples include: chicken breasts, fish (salmon or some kind of whitefish), egg whites, asparagus, fuji apples, soy milk, oatmeal, string cheese & salad mix.

Oh yeah, I''m also "beverage detoxing". I LOVE wine, but had been indulging WAY too much. Two glasses a nite really adds up! So I decided to go cold turkey on everything. No booze, wine, juice, or soda. Only water & tea for me! Yes, it''s a bit exreme (FI thinks I''m nuts), but I want to give it a shot. It''s been a week, and so far, so good!

I was good almost all last week and followed the plan religiously. The weekend was tough, as we ate out 3 itmes. But I stuck with good choices, and did the best I could!

I''ve been pretty active, and capped the week with a 5-mile walk along the beach yesterday. It was hotter than hell here this past weekend, so it was a no brainer to head to the sand & surf.

This week will be tough, as I''m moving on Sat and things are chaotic! I''m trying to keep my kitchen intact so I can still prepare meals at home and not rely on fast food/takeout.

So that''s the news for now. Wishing everyone a great week!

hlmr- I do take a mutivitamin daily. It''s the Women''s forumla from Vitamin World- LOVE that place! I also take an antioxidant- it seems to help with belly issues. Hope this helps!


Oct 30, 2002
Charger..what would an antioxidant do for the belly??

I don''t take vitamins, I know I am so bad...but I just never have. Only when I am sick.

Good for you on the bev detoxing CG...I know that is very hard for alot of coworker drinks like 2-3 glasses of wine a night, every night, but laments that she is overweight. The calories for that stuff can add up. I actually count my blessings that I am not a beverage person AT ALL...I drink water 99% of the time...period. It''s not like I love water and don''t love anything else but I don''t have to have cokes or juices or wines or anything, I''m just as fine with water. If I splurge it''s on lemonade on a weekend or a coke or two out at dinner on the weekend. But I''d rather splurge on dessert or a yummier entree or something if I had to choose, than a glass of wine. So the beverage part is ''easy'' at least for me.

Kudos on the extra pound heather!! I haven''t been weighing myself but I am kind of curious so I might do that next time I go visit my parents because I think they have a scale.

Lunch for me was a smoked turkey, lettuce, tomato, mustard and some mayo (since I couldn''t scrape it ALL OFF..darnit) on whole wheat bread from Whole Foods..and a snack of strawberries. Dinner is grilled chicken (marinated in a ginger teriyaki sauce from Whole Foods); grilled artichokes with dijon vinaigrette; and a mozz cherry tomato salad of which I will only have a little of the mozz...hehee.

I''m also going to kbox tonite. So, happy that I am starting my week off right!


Apr 14, 2006
I ate like an idiot over the weekend, but climbed a mountain *okay, it was a small one, but a mountain none the less* on Saturday, so I used that to rationalize. Anyway, tomorrow I''m starting a three day metabolism boosting diet that I use from time to time to get back onto healthy eating. It also helps me to remember to drink more water, which for me, really does help me eat less in the long run.

Mara, did you taste any of those frozen meals? Impressed by any?

How did Monarch do on her LONG walk?


Oct 30, 2002
oh yeah the frozen meal thing!

i ate the healthy choice fettucine broccoli chicken alfredo this was fairly i had to add garlic, oregano and salt before it was palatable for me. i mean it wasn''t BAD but it was just tasteless! but the portion made me feel full (it was 11 oz or 12 oz i think) and so for the calories and fat, adding some spices was not a big deal at all. it tasted good after i spiced it up a bit. i would imagine you could even add some cayenne for spice. it was 300 calories and 7g of fat.

i also had the michelinas pasta last week which was actually very good, the whole wheat penne pasta primavera with veggies, it was yummy but it was too small. like 8 oz and i was really hungry about 3 hours later. so i''d eat it with something else but not alone. it was 280 calories and 7g of fat.

the last one i haven''t tried yet, the lean cuisine i''ll let you all know how that works out. but i would do them both again and maybe i will try some new ones.


Apr 14, 2006
I''m glad you had a couple positive experiences. Once I throw down some black pepper, it always tastes better to me. I had pepper steak today for lunch. That with an apple was pretty good for lunch.

Did someone ask about vitamins? I take the one-a-day diet multi-vitamin. I''ve not noticed it curb my appetite, but I can tell when I forget my vitamin because I have less energy and my day drags. I also try to take those calcium chews because I don''t drink enough milk, most days. But then sometimes I go through my Special K kicks, and then I don''t take the chews. I think they sort of taste nasty.


Oct 30, 2002
oh wanted to update again, i wasn''t feeling the chicken thing tonite so when i got home i just heated up the lean cuisine peanut chicken noodle thing and also made my artichoke and then a dip of lemon dijon vinaigrette for it and ate that. yum! i figure we can eat the chicken tomorrow. greg got chef boyardee overstuffed raviolis and his artichoke, hehee.

so the lean cuisine thing was actually very yummy!! probably the tastiest of the three i have tried and all i had to do was put a little pepper.


Aug 12, 2005
Hi ladies! I''m back!

I had a great walk over the weekend--39.3 miles, so I guess that qualifies as part of my workout this week, lol!

I am excited to return to this workout thread, though...I put my weight loss on hold so I could eat lots of calories while training for and actually doing the marathon. Now it''s back to business as usual and concentrating on getting rid of my extra layer on top of all my new muscles! I have about 4 weeks left until we go on vacation and I will be in public in a swimsuit!

My plan is to work out 4 times a week, doing more cardio via classes at my gym. I think there''s a kickboxing class tonight that I might actually try...and I''m considering a spin class on Saturdays, as well as "group power" 60-minute weight-training classes twice a week as well. I am also back to writing down everything I eat so I can track my calorie consumption again... hopefully I will be able to lose my extra 10 pounds and tone up a little more this month!!

Sounds like everyone''s doing fabulous! CG, congrats on giving up your vices--you''re totally right about those extra calories and that they''re just not worth it!


Jul 6, 2005
Congratulations Monarch! such a great inspiration

I had my bridal shower this past weekend, so i was up in NY. I definately indulged in the occassion with wine and cake and other tasty treats! Now, i''m back on track.

Still doing the cardio of around 3 miles per day and then a pilates session. last week, I managed about 3 times. this week, because i''m finally going to be in DC this weekend, I think I can get in at least 4 workouts!

I think i''m making june my power month, lots of diligence with eating and exercise -- though i have a bachelorette party and a friend''s wedding...hmmm. it seems that good times are always interfering with my diet/exercise

everyone sounds great. mara, you''ve gone from being a sort of casual and abstract about watching your diet, to being really serious! it sounds like it''s working wonderfully. congrats to everyone else on any weightloss/body toning!


Feb 4, 2005
Hello all! I''m coming out of self-imposed "lurkerdom" because I really need the support of this thread!

1st off, congrats and thanks to Monarch for making the commitment to the BC walk. How sad is it that you can get a group of 20 women in a room and every single person has been affected by the disease in one way or another. Maybe next year we should form a big PS team and walk in our respective cities...

And congrats to all of you for working-out, eating right and staying commited to your health. Great job, ladies!

Back in January I rejoined WW for the third time, having regained the weight I lost in 2003. I have had my ups and downs, falling off the program and getting back on again...over the last 5 months since I joined I have lost 20lbs. At one point in April I was on the brink of 25lbs but I stumbled, faltered and fell victim to job stress and self-doubt so I''ve regained 4lbs in the last month. Time to get serious again!!! (i try to tell myself I can do it alone, without the ww structure or group meetings, that I should save the money but I''m being foolish- I need lots of support!)

I finally got my elliptical trainer over to my house last week- I forgot how tough it is but did manage 2 half-hour workouts last week (better than nothing.) Yesterday I did another half hour and today I bumped it up to 45 min (not including warmup/cool down)- I finished an hour ago and my face is still red
. I wear a polar heart monitor and am worried that I''m working out a little too hard, the top of my fat-burning target should be 147 but I exercise in the 155-167 range for the entire 45 min. I can sing (strained but not too difficult) the entire time, feel no pain but boy do I sweat!!!!! My logic is that if I''m burning calories its a good thing, wonder if anyone has any insight into the whole Target heart rate for fat-burning discussion....

Keep up the great job and thanks to everyone who keeps this thread going, even while lurking I read it religiously.


Oct 30, 2002
i know lulu it''s kind of funny but i look fwd to entering my foods each day in this online''s kind of fun. and i also think it keeps me on track to not eat more than i should because i know i have to enter it into the form..hehee.

yesterday was so good for me, i only had 1250 calories. i wish everyday could be like that. i wasn''t even that hungry at night. i think on nights i work out i am not AS hungry and i think part of it is that it''s because i''m off doing something instead of just looking fwd to dinner with Greg. i am such a foodie so sometimes it''s hard to stay on track when all i want is a really yummy dessert or whatever. but i have weekends for those, since we still do go out 2-3 times a weekend.

i think that also SEEING changes in your body in general helps keep you motivated...and sometimes that''s why when stuff is slow to come off or show a difference, people get de-motivated. it doesn''t just happen instantaneously so it''s tough because you feel like you are doing all the right things and it''s so slow. i get that feeling sometimes too and then i think WELL at least you know you are doing good things so you feel better NOW than if you were sitting on the couch eating cheesy poofs or something. i had one of those moments last nite on my way to kbox, i was changing for class and was like gosh i look all depressing. after eating so well all day etc. and then i was like well at least i''m active and that''s good for my body regardless of how it looks this moment. and then of course it passed. so stay motivated gals, i know it can be hard.

i really love this thread because i do think that it keeps us accountable to each other even though everyone is SOO supportive regardless...but no one wants to come and report BAD STUFF, it''s like a report card you take home to your parents.... i think mentally we strive to do better! for ourselves but for each other too.


Oct 30, 2002
FFF welcome back gal..kudos on the 20lbs!

you mention the target fat burning zone, i read something about that a while ago, let me try to remember....this trainer was saying (someone asked on an online board about that..) that you should not try to tailor your workout to stay in a lower heart rate/''optimal'' fat burning zone. he was like the harder you work out the more you sweat, the harder your body works and the more you are burning fat calories. so you don''t HAVE to stay in the ''optimal'' fat burning zone which is typically a lower heart rate area i guess, to get the most from your workout. he was like if you want to work out harder, don''t feel like you have to go slower to burn more fat.

i don''t know much about the whole optimal zone or whatever but i rememeber reading that because i was like hmmm, i hadn''t given any thought to staying in a zone or anything when working out.

greg was telling me on his last rowing workout at the gym his heart rate was like 195! which i guess is really high, he said for his age the chart said to stay somewhere like 155. i was like don''t have a heart attack!! but i guess as long as you aren''t getting light-headed or anything...and you feel okay while working at a higher rate....just be careful!


Apr 30, 2005
I will be posting also on Mr Lorelei's behalf as he gained some weight while he was away and isn't happy about it
I am eating more salads now the weather is better and pasta etc, I have a strawberry farm down the road where you can pick your own and I am looking forward to that, but not with cream and sugar!

Hubby is on a fairly strict plan of about 15 - 1600 cals a day, cereal for breakfast, sandwich and fruit for lunch which I pack, main meal of beef, chicken and vegetables, fat free yoghurt if he is hungry and more fruit. He is also going to the gym almost daily and is doing well with that. His goal is to lose about 15 pounds and to reduce the belly! I know he will lose the weight fast as men always do!

He doesn't even have the heart to buy any new clothes at the moment, but I said at the end of the month he will have lost some weight so we will go then and choose some new shirts and trousers for him. I feel so bad for him as it has really made him miserable, but I am doing all I can to help him, he just needs to keep away from temptation at work with the candy bars and burgers etc but I think he is motivated enough to do it.

One thing we do need please ladies is some tips on sit ups. He needs to master those and finds it very difficult at the moment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as he is literally starting from scratch at the moment and lacks upper body strength. I stand on his feet but that doesn't seem to help much to anchor his lower half.....

Great job everyone


Oct 30, 2002
lorelei, he can start with just crunches with legs bent and feet on the floor, not actual situps. if he does them correctly, they are almost as good as full situps. he can also do things like 'riding the bicycle' exercise and also putting his legs into the air then doing crunches that way, or doing the 'pulling the rope' with legs in the air exercise. that is all for your core stomach area and if he is not used to doing anything, those will burn definitely. i don't like full situps because i find they are not necessary if you do the crunches the correct way AND full situps strain my back too.

you mention 1500-1600 calories a day, that is not that bad at all!! what about getting him some frozen dinners too to keep some variety going? they are typically 300 calories with not much fat and i have found a few that are tasty. also intead of just cereal for breakfast, he can do oatmeal, or you can do egg white omelets with veggies and cheese, lots of protein and not many carbs. lastly for snacks i love those kashi granola bars, they are 130 calories with lots of fiber and protein and only 3-5g of fat and keep me full for a few hours in between meals.

good luck to mr lorelei!!! as for 'desserts'...if he wants something sweet, i have been swearing by lowfat double churned breyers vanilla ice cream and 1/2 a bottle of root beer for a low-fat root beer float. it hits the spot (the root beer sweetens the ice cream so it doesnt taste lowfat) and it's about 300 calories with only about 3g of fat. so definitely tasty and it may keep his sweet tooth curbed if he has one.


Jul 6, 2005

I have been doing pilates for a while now and have found that these exercises really strengthen my abs!

Here are a couple that you can suggest to your husband. I do them at home on a yoga/pilates mat.

Single Leg
Lie flat on your back with your head and shoulders lifted off the floor, hands behind your head, and knees into your chest. Extend your left leg so it''s at a 45-degree angle from the floor. keep your abs tightened, hold for two beats and then switch, so that your right leg is extended 45-degrees and your left is bent into your chest. repeat 10 times.

Double Leg
Lie flat on your back with your head and shoulders lifted off the floor, knees into your chest and hands resting on your knees At the same time, extend both legs out to a 45-degree angle and raise your arms straight back over your head to your ears. Hold for a beat and return knees to chest and hands to knees. It''s kind of like starting out in a ball and then extending so your body is making an open v. Repeat 6 times and hold for a count of 5 on the last. (you will feel it)

Crisscross (so good)
Lie flat on your back with your head and your shoulders lifted off the floor, hands behind your head, and knees into your chest. Extend your left leg so it''s at a 45-degree angle from the floor, then pull your abs in as you twist your upper body to the right so that your left elbow reaches toward your right knee and your right elbow is extended straight out from your ear. Hold for two counts, then switch sides.

there are a bunch more, but these are really good.


Apr 30, 2005
Mara and Lulu - thanks so much for the help! This will give him an effective but not so soul destroying workout than the sit ups, also the full sit ups hurt his back so that will help him a lot. I will look out for the Granola bars and try the frozen meals too, I don''t always have time to cook ( or feel like it
) so that will be a help also.


Apr 15, 2006
i wanted to say something about my latest workout fun.

We bought DDR (Dance DAnce Revolution), you can get it for Playstation and XBox i think, and it comes with a pad that you jump around on and it gives you moves to do. it has a cool calorie burning setting that is fun, you just dance to songs and it tells you what it thinks you''ve burned. its a better workout for me than when i went to step aerobics class I think and its a lot more fun cause you get to DANCE to it!!!

im just wondering...anyone else on here try it?? :) it makes me want to work out a lot more than i normally would.. :)


Jul 6, 2005
froufrou -- a good friend of mine got that for her birthday, largely because she heard people lost weight in a fun way. however, after an initial couple of months of fairly frequent use, she stopped...i guess the novelty wore off.

but, i''ve played a few times and it is hilarious fun!!!


Oct 30, 2002
so i was just at our local safeway and they were having a sale...4 for 10 on lean cuisine and 10 for 10 on i got 4 michelinas and 5 lean cuisines... i just tried the shrimp and angel hair pasta from LC and put some garlic salt on it and a little creole seasoning (not much at all, just a sprinkle) and it was REALLY GOOD!!! the pasta tastes a little cheesy too. it was super yummy. and it was 10oz so i feel full. YAY!

i am so intrigued by all this frozen stuff because i typically don''t eat it since i always thought it was really tasteless, so it''s kind of fun to experiment like this and find new tasty things (i am all about taste!)...and i don''t want it to replace fresh foods at all for me since i typically don''t eat alot of processed foods, but it comes in handy when i don''t feel like making a sandwich or whatever and the calories and fat is typically very low so it''s a great quick lunch meal that keeps my calories low.

my friend who is doing WW was telling me she has tried tons of the brands like WW, smart ones, healthy choice, LC, etc and she says she thinks LC is the most tasty. at this point i have tried two and i have to agree, both have been the tastiest out of the brands. so we''ll see how the experimenting continues..hehee.


Mar 1, 2005
It sounds like everyone''s workouts and eating has been going well this week, and I''ve been doing pretty well also. I''m shooting for 5 workouts this week and have done 2 so far. I started off the week pretty good. My husband dragged me out on Sunday afternoon for a bicycle ride. I''m not going to count that as a workout because it was a lot of stopping on the uphill sections! I also had a hot fudge sundae at the end of the ride, so that counteracted any benefits of it. Monday and yesterday I ran outside 3 miles each day. Tonight I hope to get another run in outside if it doesn''t rain. If it''s raining I''ll do some interval training on the treadmill.

My eating''s been not too bad since Sunday. I noticed that I''m hitting a plateau and my weight loss has stopped, so I''m trying to cut back further on the eating. I''ve been eating the lean cuisine entrees for lunch also, and that seems to help with the weight loss. I''m not much of a lunch person, but I noticed that I was starting to eat too many calories for lunch, so I''m trying to cut way back. I usually buy the ones that are under 250 calories. I just want something that will hold me until dinnertime. I''m also a chocoholic, and I used to buy candy bars from the vending machines every day at work. Well, I can''t even remember the last time I had a candy bar. Don''t get me wrong, I still crave them, but I just force myself not to buy them. Sugar free chocolate pudding helps with the cravings, and it''s only 60 calories!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!


Apr 30, 2005
Greatr job Coda - I am glad you must be feeling better and able to workout again. I will have to look out for Jello choc puds in the commisary as those would be great for me too at only 60 cals per pot
I assume it is the Jello ones?


Mar 1, 2005
Lorelei, thanks for the encouragement. I am feeling better, so much that I want to run a half marathon at the end of the summer. Hopefully, I''ll be able to build up to that since I''m doing only 3 miles right now, and I have to run 13 for this race! As long as nothing else happens to me, I should be ok.

Jello makes sugar free pudding, but I''m not sure theirs is only 60 calories. I eat Hunt''s brand pudding. I don''t know if you have that brand in England, but if you do, it''s not bad. It''s not like eating a candy bar, but it does help with the chocolate cravings.


Apr 30, 2005
I can get the puds here in a certain store and I have seen the Hunts so I will give them a try! I think like you, chocolate flavour something does help with the cravings! I allow myself 3 kitkats ( 2 fingers each) a day but it is rather like giving a pig a strawberry....


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 6/7/2006 9:59:49 AM
Author: Lorelei
I can get the puds here in a certain store and I have seen the Hunts so I will give them a try! I think like you, chocolate flavour something does help with the cravings! I allow myself 3 kitkats ( 2 fingers each) a day but it is rather like giving a pig a strawberry....
OMG Lorelei this made me almost snort out my coffee. You are SO funny...hehehe!! I can almost hear this in an English accent too. It's ratheh lahk giving a pig a strahwberreh...or something like that. hahha.

Coda I know what you mean about not being super into lunch but consuming too many calories. That's why I am so into these frozen things for lunch. 250-350 calories and I am full til my apple snack a few hours later. I was consuming more like 400-500 calories for lunch which was just a little too much in terms of how boring the food was THEN anyway. I mean what's going from a tuna sandwich for 400 calories to a LC thing for 250? Not giving up anything in terms of taste of quantity, just calories.

So far my week has gone quite well, on Monday my calorie count was around 1250 which was a little low but I didn't intend it that way, it just worked out that way and I was full at the end of the evening so it was fine, and then last nite my total was 1675 because I splurged and had a little mini rootbeer float with Greg and we also had these yummy potatoes with dinner...they are frozen fries and you can get them at Whole Foods but there are no trans fats and no bad fats in just bake them and then you can sprinkle salt and pepper on them for a super healthy portion OR you can use their little sauce packet, which this one had olive oil, rosemary and garlic in it, for more flavor. Best part is that a portion (about 8 big fries or so) is about 6g of fat; 130 it's a good way to indulge a little with fries (my weakness) without blowing the calories or fat for the day!


Apr 14, 2006
I had baked Cheetos for the first time today. While they''re by no means a *health food,* they''re lots better for you than the originals, and I kid you not, they''re good! I couldn''t tell a difference between them and the originals after I''d had about two or three. Yumm!


Oct 21, 2004
I''ve had a great week so far. I have now officially lost the 5 pounds that I just gained within the past few weeks so that makes me very happy! It does seem to be true that it is easier to lose weight you have just gained recently than weight that has been hanging around for a while. Now, if only the next 20-25 pounds will be as easy!!!

I have been going for my walks but not as briskly or as long as I should be so I will work on changing that. I will be away for two weeks starting on Saturday so I will hopefully stick to a reasonable diet although it will be hard.

It''s inspiring to hear how well everyone else is doing!!! And Miss Mara, I dare say you have lost some weight yourself by the sounds of things! Do check on your Mom''s scale when you can! Good for you in working to achieve your goals!

And fff, who has lost 20 pounds I tip my hat to you!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 6/7/2006 12:41:14 PM
Author: Mara

Date: 6/7/2006 9:59:49 AM
Author: Lorelei
I can get the puds here in a certain store and I have seen the Hunts so I will give them a try! I think like you, chocolate flavour something does help with the cravings! I allow myself 3 kitkats ( 2 fingers each) a day but it is rather like giving a pig a strawberry....
OMG Lorelei this made me almost snort out my coffee. You are SO funny...hehehe!! I can almost hear this in an English accent too. It''s ratheh lahk giving a pig a strahwberreh...or something like that. hahha.
Hee hee - good accent Miss Mara! You would fit right in here!
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