
Weekly Workout Thread 29th Oct till 4th Nov

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Jan 3, 2005
skippy you newphew is adorable and steph you little fireman is too cute for words. seeing those pics makes me think having little guy might not be so bad

our kids had a blast as expected trick or treating. here''s a few pics of my crew. my big step kids and my 2 munchkins, the second pic is my 5 year old, i thought it turned out pretty cool, with my 3 almost 4 year old cowgirl in the last one.



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Nov 24, 2006
Mrs. Salvo your kiddos are so adorable!!! You must of had a blast last night w/them! Thanks for the sweet compliment on my little nephew.

Steph, you son is so cute! A little candy isn't bad especially when we are the ones who has to hand it out. I probably had 5 or 6 pieces yesterday. hehee

Sharon, I am sorry about the knee. Sending healing vibes. It was super windy here for the trick or treaters, poor kids.

Kimi, I do have to tell you I love your hair and the color; very pretty!

Ah, Marcy, you are always so sweet; thanks for the sweet compliment on my nephew; I think he is super cute too!! I remember the times when the bowl was set outside when I went trick or treating. Maybe I should do that. I am this crazy woman making sure each person gets 3 pieces. Hubby gives them fist full and then last night I felt guilt because we had left overs. The whole thing turns me into a nut. heeheee I have antibiotics for the bladder infection; I feel lots better thank you!

Tdiddy, I think I will do the half marathon, are you trying to trick me into the full one so that I am superwoman like you.
hehee I think it is so awesome you and Gail do those marathons; that is really quite the accomplishment!!!!!!! Seriously, I admire you and Gail! I hope your computer is better soon! Yay for your workout and strength training!!!

Rod, ah, I am sorry your day was long. Glad you got to the gym early; wow your workout was long! Yay for the gym again tonight!

Mara, you are so sweet for your get better wishes; I feel tons better thanks! Yay for an awesome walk/run/hike and the strength training!

Gail, I bet you would be an awesome trainer! Yay for going to the gym early! I feel like working out early makes me more hungry during the day too! It is so weird because I thought I was the only one.

DeeJay, you crack me up w/the good ghost story's. I like the pg scary movies; the pg13 or high scare me too much! Gosh, so you aren't sure when the computer comes? Let me know how you like it; I am excited for you and it was fun having a computer shopping buddy. I am loving mine! You are funny about the free shipping; I would have done the same. I hope your knee is getting better; I love the laptop bag's you are posting pics of!

This morning I got all the halloween candy and put it in a bag and put it in hubby's car so he wouldn't forget it because we all know I would be snacking on it today! I took out one mini kitkat and ate that along w/toast for brekkie. Then I had an apple and cheese stick for a snack. Now I am eating veggie soup and another apple. I am not sure what we will be eating for dinner, but it was funny last night because I made my low cal pizza w/shrimp and the trick or treaters kept saying how yummy my house smelled! It made me feel good that my house smelt good; (must mean I am a good cook)!

I am taking a day off from working out. I probably will do a few weights w/sit up and push ups. Have a great day all; hopefully no one has a candy hangover


May 9, 2006
A quick math problem --

4 hours sleep + 70 report cards due tomorrow + 5 classes of over-sugared kids + 0 time to work out today + a surprise visit from Zippy the Pinhead, who is on break from his sabbatical for awhile and hanging out at school = 3 minicandy bars AND a regular sized bag o' peanut m&ms.

I would go work out, but I'm hours away from finishing work.

Ugh. I never used to be a stress eater.

Maybe if I run around, kicking myself, I can call it cardio

I am so impressed with all of you who run/walk/crawl or think about marathons. I totally want to be you.

Adorable adorable children pictures! Yea!

Hi everyone!

(oops. It was 4 minicandy bars. I will never get this new math.)


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. One more work day then the weekend is here. Woo hoo! I am enjoying another night of my husband cooking dinner and doing dishes. I get to be a lady of leisure through Sunday.
Steph, Andrew is adorable and I love his fireman’s costume! I think we all have to eat a piece of candy or two on Halloween.
Sharon, sorry to hear about your knee. I hope it gets better. It must be the week for it. I have bad knees and when I stood up yesterday my right knee popped – the girl I was having a meeting with said “what was that?” It’s been pretty sore anyway for about a week. It’s better today than yesterday.
MrsSalvo, your children are darling; that you for the pictures. I like your row of lights up the sidewalk too.
Skippy, I am sure your antibiotics will help get rid of your infection. I hope you feel better soon. I remember when my parents would set out a bowl of candy if we weren’t going to be home. Things sure change. I filled up 5 candy dishes at work today with my leftovers then came home and found my mom brought me some to get rid of for her. That is great the kids thought your house smelled good last night. I love homemade pizza.
Jas, sorry you are so busy but the days are rapidly counting down till you can be in a Zippy Free Zone.
Well, have a great evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Well the children are just the cutest. Skippy, Steph and Mrssalvo thanks for sharing. I''m afraid with condo tower living we didnt'' get to see any kids this year and I actually did enjoy when the doorbell rang and there were little kids all dressed in some theme anxiously waiting to see what special goody they might get. So, thanks for sharing the pics. Too Too Cute.

Jas, your writing as usual cracked me up. Sorry for the ''uber'' stressful day. You SO need to get out of that twilight zone school.

It was beyond busy at work today. I love that there''s a lot too do. I don''t love that I feel that I can''t truly devote the right level of effort into every task to ensure it was completed to the high standards I have of myself. I''ll just have to get used to jumping from one thing to another and doing what I can. What I can''t do it obsess over little things and get back into the rut I was once in, which was work, come home and eat and go back to work. I''m just willing to do that for anyone anymore.

So, busy day or not, I left work around 5:45 and headed to the gym for workout in a row #3. And is my usual custom before a day of rest (Thank God Tommorrow is Friday!), I pushed harder than the previous two workouts and am already sore (which is actually a good thing). I won''t bore you with any details, but it was a really good workout.

So tomorrow, as you ALL surely know is Sushi, Frozen Yogurt and Sbucks night. Friday evening is the absolute best night of the week.

I hope everyone is looking forward to a great weekend! It''s going to be our coolest weekend of the season and they said Sunday''s high may not get out of the 70''s. Yay for some much needed cooler weather!!!

Sleep well everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Rod, it sounds like your job is busy and stressful. Mine is like that too and I keep saying my days go by in dog hours. I have a swing shift I can leave working on things but the pop ups on the counter have papers falling out of them for things we need to do. You are so right though you have to leave it and go home or else it will start to take over your life. I sure notice now that my blood pressure is fine the stress doesn''t take the toll on me it once did. Enjoy your sushi tomorrow night.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey guys! Thanks for all the kind words about Andrew...he had a blast on Halloween. Skippy, your nephew is so cute, love the costume! Mrs. Salvo, your kids were so adorable. The pink cowgirl costume was awesome! It has been yucky and rainy here the past few days due to the hurricane, so I''ve only been able to get out for my run twice this week. I''ve stayed indoors and have done some weights and jump rope, but hopefully the weather will start to clear up and I can get some good running in. I just don''t feel as good if I don''t do it. I am going to be bad this weekend....I am making Andrew spiderman cupcakes for his birthday and am making them with my famous red velvet cake with cream cheese icing and am going to make little spiderwebs with icing on top and have a little sugar spiderman that stands on top. Red velvet is my fav. so I know I will have a few, but I figured it is okay since it''s my bday too! Tomorrow we are taking Andrew to see Bee Movie, then to play at Chuck E. Cheese and then out to dinner at this great seafood resturant here. I will have to get back on track with my super strict no refined carbs diet on Sun! Happy Friday everyone!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday all! I have one killer headache. I''ve been taking Excedrine since last night and I''m hoping it subsides soon becuase I really wanted to work out again today. I''ve lost 5 lbs from when I had my freak-out post three weeks ago and I want to keep it up. Oh well, if I don''t get there today I will surely get there tomorrow.

The HH is working from home today too and he has banished the dogs down here with me because he has a conference call. For some reason they are particularly active this morning. Usually when they find out nothing exciting is going to happen they are long napping by now, but it must be the thrill of having the HH in the house that is keeping them going...

Steph, Stephi and Mrs. S., what little cute little goblins you have there!

Rod, happy sushi tonight!

Jas, LOL on running around kicking yourself and calling it cardio! WHEN is this job over for you?!?

Sharon, is your knee sore in front or in back? I sometimes get sore in the back if I do the elliptical or the treadmill on too high and incline and it feels like I have pulled something. In the front, I''m generally not sore when I extend my knee, but rather when I bend it. You poor thing--I''m right there with you!

Marcy, love your line, "it''s better to waste it than wear it"!

Tdiddy, good idea about sending the extra candy to your dad''s work. My HH said there was a ton of candy at his office yesterday too--apparently everyone sent the extra to the office with their spouse!

Mara, I get motiviated by people who look like I want to look too. There are a couple of women at my gym who are in great shape and I try to pay attention to their routines to see if I can pick up any tips from what they do.

TDM, I was thinking the same thing same thing about all the baby posts lately. Unfortunately I''m addicted to the preggo thread right now because I''m waiting to find out about Tacori''s baby, but that''s as far as I go!


Jan 3, 2005
HI all, Just got back from my *skippy* with my neighbor. it was a chilly 37 degress when we headed out but is gradually warming up and we''ll hit 66 today which will be nice.

deejay, i hope you feel better, hope you an you HH have a nice weekend

Rod, I hope you and Charlie enjoy your friday night routine, i''m sure you will. how''s the weather in Tampa right now?

Jas, I so feel for you. My degree is in education and after a short stint in our public schools I knew it was not the life for me. I love being a room mom though and *helping* the teachers
. You''re stuck there until Dec. right? many prayers heading your poor thing...

sharon, hope your knee gets to feeling better too

marcy, i''ve heard that same saying only it was "better to go to waste than to your waist"

mara, i hope you are greg have a great weekend..

skippy, you hiking tomorrow am?

i hope all the rest of you have a wonderful weekend!!


Nov 24, 2006
Happy Belated Bday Mrs. Salvo
. No hike tomorrow but maybe Sunday! Yay for your walk; stay warm. 37 is cold! What dedication

I will check in this afternoon!


Nov 8, 2005
Thank you guys everyone who was encouraging about me looking into being a trainer, Marcy, Skippy, and everyone. I''m not in a rush, but will definitely do some looking into it. I appreciate the encouragement! Mara I appreciate the honest comment that you like your trainer to look like you want to look, I know a lot of people feel that way and will definitely be something I have to battle if I try to do it (while still being a few lb heavy).

I have a follow up dr appt in 2 weeks to check into hormonal issues that may be holding me back. I have really cleaned up my eating and you guys know I exercise like no tomorrow and I am still at least 20 lb over my ideal weight, and not making any progress on the scale. I think there has got to be something medical going on, because this just does not make sense to be working so hard and to have only lost 22 lb in 2 years. The only good news is that some of my shirts from last winter are a bit baggy. Strange, because I didn''t realize my upper body was makig changes, but I guess it has a little bit.

Rod sorry to hear work has been so stressful, TGIF!

I enjoyed everyone''s halloween pics! Steph glad to hear I wasn''t the only one who fell off the wagon, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy that cake!!

I have the afternoon off and a ton of errands to run.... also want to get in a quick jog which will be my last before the half marathon also. I was stupid to do training on Weds, as I am still super sore! Maybe the jog will help a bit. Was going to do elliptical yesterday and I realized I could hardly walk, plus there was no parking at the gym so I took it as a sign and went home :) I''ve been walking the dogs every night in addition to the gym and even though I don''t go fast, it is nice to get a little mroe activity in.

hope everyone has a great weekend.


Oct 30, 2002
happy belated mrs salvo!!!

just a quick check in...i don't think i posted last nite. went to the trainer and we did arms (love doing arms!!) and chest...and i mentioned to her that i felt like my upper body still needed a fair amount of work. she said that she thought that was funny because while we were doing 'shrugs' she told me that she was looking at me thinking that there was not a lot of room for improvement on my upper body. i thought OH that's nice. maybe i am being too hard on myself. but i like having more goals!! and my abs still need more work, she said she had an 8 pack and now only has a 6. so i asked her what she does for abs. she said she does them DAILY. i have been doing them about 3x a week and HAVE seen an improvement but i am going to try to do something with them daily. see if it makes a diff. then we did a zumba class which is the latest new thing out here which is like a combo cardio latin dance thing, it was a beginner one and it was fun, and when we got into doing the moves pretty quickly, it definitely got my heart rate up. so i am going to do a class tomorrow again then meet with my trainer afterwards.

really for me it's more like clean eating makes a big diff in my visuals and how lean i look. right now i am still carrying those extra ~3 lbs from vacation even if no one can see them with my clothes on, the scale has them and while my clothes still fit fine, i know it's because my eating last week and this week has been really sloppy. i have been eating so much halloween candy, i cannot WAIT til it's all gone and not around any more to tempt me!!!! kit kats for whatever reason lately have been calling my name something fierce.

overall i feel like i look pretty good but need to clean up the eating a bit. problem is that we are eating out tonite, and tomorrow night and next week i am traveling thurs-sat and will be eating out every night. so i might need to just do what i can and be a bit more lax for a week or so and not worry as much as long as i can work out. so we'll see!

in the meantime i am just sticking with my workouts and schedule and doing what i can to eat protein and some healthy stuff as well as the candy/sweets/ it's not totally derailed! hehee.

gail, keep us posted on your medical results, i almost hope there is something that they can find out for you so you can get it fixed and your hard work can pay off!

rod, enjoy sushi and friday night! steph, enjoy your weekend indulgences!

glad to hear everyone enjoyed my pictures, ahhhh when i see them i want to go back!!

sounds like everyone is doing pretty well, have a fabulous friday evening all!!


Dec 28, 2005
I''m sorry I missed your birthday Mrssalvo, but sure hope you had a very special day!! The weather in Tampa has finally cooled to seasonal levels and it might even be in the high 50''s - low 60''s when we wake up tomorrow morning. Yippee for that.

Just a quick checkin everyone. It was a typical long day, but a productive one. Thanks for your comments about the stress levels Marcy. I used to let it get to me, but now I just do the best I can and if that''s not good enough, well then it''s not.

Sushi night was perfect as usual. We both felt the sushi was extra fresh tonight. Don''t know why, but it was just something extra good. Of course we had Pau Pau waiting for us when we got there. It''s such a nice way to start the weekend. From there we had our frozen yogurt and then we decided to just come home and relax with the kitties. No Sbucks tonight, which was fine.

We have to get up earlier than I''d like on a Saturday as the kitties have their annual vet appointment in the morning. I honestly hate taking them in. It traumatizes them so that sometimes I wonder if kitties who never ever go outside need to see a vet every year, but guilt overrides and we take them. Plus of course the vet, calls, writes, and emails us that we need to bring thme in. I think we spend more on their health than we do on ours.

Anyway, that was pretty much our day. Sorry for the shortness, but it''s nighty night time.

I''ll check in again tomorrow for sure. Sweet dreams everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. Happy weekend! I had a Maggie Moo’s Oreo ice cream sandwich for a B-day celebration at work today. OMG! That was awesome. I had a serious buzz from the sugar though. I tried to tell my boss my blood pressure went up and I had a stomach ache so I had to go home but he told me it was self inflicted so no way. A girl’s got to try.
Tonight we went to the mall. One of my fav clothing stores has 40% off everything tomorrow and Sunday so I picked out things tonight and they are holding them for me to pick up on sale tomorrow.
BTW, I haven’t lost or gained an ounce in a week. Rats.
Steph, it sounds like you and Andrew will both have absolutely marvelous birthdays. Have fun.
DeeJay, congratulations for loosing 5 pounds. I hope your headache is better by now. I’m glad you liked my line. I come up with stupid little sayings all the time.
MrsSalvo, our days are getting chilly too. I am glad you had a nice walk. I like your saying about going to your waist. I’ve heard something similar too like “once on the lips forever on the hips”. Happy Belated Birthday!
TanDogMom, yay for your shirts being too big. That certainly is a nice feeling. I hope the soreness goes away soon. Good luck with the doctor’s appointment.
Mara, your trainer sounds like a great help to getting your body toned up the way you want it to be.
Rod, the temps have even dropped in Tampa, huh? I am setting here freezing right now so I have my trusty fleece blanket on my lap. You certainly are right on the money about knowing you do the best you can at work and won’t worry about it otherwise. Poor kitties, I am sure they won’t like going to the vet but you are watching out for their well being.

Well, I am yawning, cold and hungry so I think it’s time to get my behind to bed.
I have a big day tomorrow going to the big sale on clothes. Woo hoo! You know I didn’t have as many clothes when I wore 5X as I do now and yet I continue to think I need more clothes. I at least keep buying smaller sizes.
Sweet dreams.


Nov 24, 2006
Ops, I didn't realize it was your birthday today until I read Marcy's post.
and Andrew too!
Have a grrrrrrreat Day!


Oct 30, 2002
morning all! or afternoon actually. so is it not mrs salvo's bday...i'm confused now! happy birthday steph and andrew. hope you are off enjoying some tasty treats.

sushi last nite was verra tasty....i'd missed it big time!! i ate rolls with no rice and some edamame and sake/salmon sahimi. yummy. no dessert for me because i was a very bad girl with the candy yesterday at work. i think it's mostly gone now so hopefully next week won't be the same!

this morning we slept in a up and had breakfast (egg white omelet with high fiber wrap and coffee for me), then i went to a Zumba class (latin dance cardio class at my training facility) which was a lot of fun...i am SO un-rythmic but i can at least follow the was a good warmup for my training appt at 11am, following the class with my trainer. we did legs today...and man i am going to be sore i think. i was a little tired from the Zumba class and i got hungry halfway through training so guess my omelet was long gone.

came home, whipped up an almond milk/regular milk chocolate vanilla protein shake and put some TJ's egg white salad on 1/2 a wrap and am having lunch now and reading PS. i'll shower and clean up the house a bit and then we have some friends bringing over their kids at 2pm for a visit because the boys want to see greg's old truck. tonite we are having dinner with my parents for my bday. we're going to this italian mediterranean type place in Los Gatos, a small boutique town about 15 min from us...and then maybe will have gelato for dessert at the candy store. i love this dinner place because they make great fish dishes as well as the typical pastas and thin crust pizzas at more upscale italian places. so something for everyone.

hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing/fun/productive saturday...i'm going to chill out for a while for a much deserved rest hehee


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/3/2007 3:30:12 PM
Author: Mara
morning all! or afternoon actually. so is it not mrs salvo's bday...i'm confused now! happy birthday steph and andrew. hope you are off enjoying some tasty treats.
Yep, it was Mrs. Salvo's bday on Nov 1 (she said something about it in the Preggo thread). Today I am guessing is Steph/Andrew's bday.

Well, I didn't exercise yestereday. Yesterday was weird; I was so hungry all day and sort of snacky all day. It felt like not a good day. This morning I had a low cal bagel and slice of ham from TJ's and then for lunch hubby and I went to a Vietnamese restaurant. I had the lemongrass beef and it was very very yummy
. I will be going for a walk pretty soon. Tomorrow hubby and I will do our bike ride. I hope I don't have anymore hungry days anytime soon.

Rod and Mara, glad the sushi was good and same w/the workouts!

Marcy, have fun shopping!!!

Gail, we need bling shots!!!

Dee, how is the new computer? Is it FAB?!?!

Have a great Saturday!!!


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 11/2/2007 10:25:02 AM
Sharon, is your knee sore in front or in back? I sometimes get sore in the back if I do the elliptical or the treadmill on too high and incline and it feels like I have pulled something. In the front, I''m generally not sore when I extend my knee, but rather when I bend it. You poor thing--I''m right there with you!

Thank you for the well wishes with my left knee--I am really WTH about it. DJ it is sore "front" and I wonder if it is the ACL (common athletic injury site) b/c the only thing I can think of is that I twisted my knee while trying to stay comfy while lying on my back for 3.5 hours during which time the dentist prepped my molar for a new crown. Honeslty I am at a loss since it happened sometime on Monday and I didn''t exercise that day, but my knee was very sore from Tue on. Boy did I feel it while wearing heels yesterday! Needless to say my exercise has been rather sparce this week. But I am glad to hear of others success.

My DH is out of the country so that means lots of silly eating for my DS and I this week--I cannot get into cooking for just us two--better just to eat out!! (that is about as lame rationale as I can generate....)

Enjoy your weekend folks!



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Saturday. We are going to a costume party tonight. The theme is your favorite game character so I decided I’d be the murdered person in Clue and set by and be quiet so people can try to figure me out. None of it’s a stretch for me because I am usually quiet at these parties since I don’t drink. As everyone gets in the spirit they start talking more and I start talking less. We are playing games so though it should be fun. I plan on having a few snacks but not go crazy.
Going crazy was reserved for my clothing shopping today. Actually I didn’t buy as much as my girl friend did. I bought 2 twin sets (an orange and a yellow), a fleece shirt with embroidery, a moleskin shirt with a thermal shirt to wear under it and a multi color cardigan. Original price total was about $300, sale prices were about $200 and my final price was $124 with the 40% off. My friend’s final price was about $210. The store was insane! There were only 2 registers so I think I waited in line for about 45 minutes to an hour. When I was about 4th from the register I asked one of the ladies to find my stash of clothes I put on hold last night and it took her and another lady about 10 minutes to find them. I am glad I asked before getting to the register some of the ladies behind me would not have been happy waiting for them to find my clothes. I wandered through the mall afterwards and bought a few more Christmas presents.
Mara, glad you enjoyed your sushi. I had a few pieces of candy today; I am kind of nervous, anxious and tired today so I’m snacky. Have fun with your parents celebrating your birthday. We are taking my parents out tomorrow because today is my Mom’s birthday.
Skippy, I’m with you being snacky except I was today. I don’t know why but I tried a few minis of my tiny hold out of Halloween candy. I should have taken it ALL to work. Enjoy your walk and your bike ride tomorrow.
Sharon, I sure hope your knee gets better. I know what you mean about cooking for 2; it is just me and my DH so we eat out more than we should.
Well, I must go get dressed for the party.
Take care!


Dec 28, 2005
We had a very nice day (well taking the kitties to the vet not included). It was just glorious this morning. Cool, but not too chilly to sit outside and have our coffee, scone and fresh bowl of fruit. Then we had to pretend we were just going to pet kitties (as they are pretty wise and while we don't understand how they can tell we might be out to put them in their travel cage and magically hide) and just scooped them both up at the same time and put them in their case. The visit to the vet went OK. As many of you recall, our Burmese almost died last December (she got so depressed about the move to Raleigh, she stopped eating) and our Bombay is just a messed up kitty since getting Gerardia (sp?) a few years ago. So, neither kitty got shots today, and they just checked them over and decided they'd both had enough fun this year. Actually our Burmese is perfectly healthy. But, the Bombay will never be OK, and after thousands of $$'s worth of tests and medicines, we've decided to just not torture her anymore and let her live whatever time she has left in peace and comfort. The vet agreed and told us today to expect serious issues with her health in the next year or so. It will tear us up to say goodbye to her, but she's not the best life healtwise. Lord knows we've been the best parents to her we could.

Then after dropping them off and heating up a towel for them to lay on (they love warm towels!), we headed out for lunch, coffee at Sbucks (which was just terrific with the spectacular weather) and then the gym for a super workout. Then we came home, changed into warmer clothes (it's actually almost chilly tonight) and headed out to the Wine Exchange for dinner. I had short ribs with a strawberry based barbeque sauce, wild rice and grilled vegetables. Charlie had a pasta dish with veggies and pesto (I simply don't like pesto). I guess I haven't had much meat lately, and while I enjoyed my meal (the portion was huge and I only ate 1/3 of what was on my plate), it really upset my stomach. It must have been just too rich for me. Oh well, I should have had my caesar salad with grilled chicken and shrimp instead. Then we headed for our yogurt and hit Sbucks again. Sitting under the oak tree was just terrific again. There's not a cloud in the sky and the stars were so clear without any humidity in the air to obscure them.

Now, while I'm writing to you, Charlie's got both kitties in his lap with an afghan to keep them all comfy!

Tomorrow will be a normal Sunday. Breakfast, lunch, coffee, gym, blah blah blah, but should be a very nice day none-the-less.

Happy Birthday Steph!!

I hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner with your folks Mara!!!

Skippy, I was snacky yesterday too. And for whatever reason, dinner last night didn't seem to fill either of us. I told Charlie we need to order more food when we have Sushi. We usually split a shrimp and veggie tempura appetizer. Then we split 3 rolls and a couple pieces of ebi (shrimp). I was still hungry right afterwards and woke up at like 2 AM wanting some food. So, I think we just didn't get enough. I'm thinking if you were snacky, you probably needed some food too. I hope you enjoyed your walk and you and hubby have a great time riding your bikes tomorrow.

Sharon, I'm sorry your knee is bothering you too. I certainly won't offer the 'doc any advice though - LOL. I just hope it get's better soon!

Marcy, sounds like you had a great time shopping. I'm much like you at parties. I don't drink much and I think it may be one reason I just rarely have a "great" time at parties. I think the people who enjoy themselves the most are the ones who drink the most. It is interesting to see how "stupid" people get with a bit of alcohol in them, but it just leaves me a bit bored. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your party tonight!

That's about all I can think of. I hope everyone had a terrific Saturday and your Sunday is super too. Cya tomorrow!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey guys! Happy Sunday! Thanks for all the bday wishes. Andrew and I had a wonderful time...but I really feel kind of yucky with the way I ate yesterday
. First, my boys got up and made us homemade waffles (well, they were from a williams-sonoma mix...strawberry waffles, my fav!). Then I did get in a good run since I knew we were going to be indulging. Then we got dressed and saw Bee Movie...too cute, Andrew loved it. Usually I bring almonds to snack on while the boys eat popcorn, but we were out and by the time the movie was getting over, it was already almost 2:00 and we hadn''t had lunch so I gave in and had popcorn. Then we were on to Chuck E. Cheese so Andrew could play. I had 1 slice of their greasy pizza and wish I hadn''t, ewww. Then we came home and Andrew and I opened presents and had our bday cupcakes I velvet with cream cheese icing, YUM. Andrew said, this is the best cake you''ve ever made Mom! I limited myself to 1 and the boys both had 2. I only made 12, so hopefully they will finish them off and I won''t be tempted. Then we were supposed to go to this awesome seafood place to celebrate my bday, but by that point we were all feeling so stuffed, that we just ended up having a small subway. Anyway, Andrew had a spectacular day and loved his presents and I was happy b/c I got some giftcards to go shopping for some new smaller clothes
. It is back on track for me today. I just had an egg white omlet and am about to go on a run. I just feel so much better when I eat right!

Mrs.Salvo...hope you had a wonderful bday as well

Rod...are you in Tampa? I''m in Ft. Lauderdale and it is just beautiful weather here. We have a screened-in porch that overlooks the water, and I love drinking my coffee out there in the mornings when the weather is like this.

Marcy...I LOVE Maggie Moos. There is one right beside where I get my hair done...I have to get one every couple of months, it is delicious! And yea for all the clothing finds...I love a good bargain!

Skippy...don''t worry too much about your no exercise/snacky day....I think we all have those every once in a while.

Everyone enjoy your Sunday!


Mar 16, 2005
Oh, I forgot to add. My hubby Adam and I have a weight loss challenge going on....
We are going on a cruise to Mexico all paid for by his company in January. There will be about 1,000 of the senior managers, VPs, the CEO etc. on the cruise with us so we want to get into good shape. Nothing like being in your swimsuit with your coworkers to motivate you
So anyway, I want to lose the final 10 pounds and he wants to lose about 15. So our challenge is whoever reaches their goal first gets something of their choosing....if he wins, he gets an xbox 360 or nintendo wi (would''ve gotten him this for Christmas, but I got him a nice watch) and if I win, I get to upgrade my new band to an eternity band
. So needless to say, I am really motivated now! I have been on a run this morning and offered him some leftover cupcakes
. Wish me luck, I want this band!


Jun 29, 2006
Rod: sorry to hear that your kitty is doing poorly. i adore my dog and last year had a major scare with him when i came home and found him paralyzed. A $3500 surgery later (ouch!) he is doing well and is a happy little guy but he has his days where his legs get tired and don''t work so well and i always wonder what if he''s getting worse and when i need to mentally prepare myself to let go. hopefully the kitty will have a great year and prove that vet wrong.

Steph: love the terms of your weight loss challenge. my DF and i make bets like that a lot as well....and i think it is really motivating when the terms are good. hilarious that you tempted him with the cupcakes, too!

I''ve really been focusing on diet lately, although it looks like overall this week i''m only down maybe a .5 lb. i sabotaged myself workout wise on thursday when i met a friend at UC (Univ. of Cincinnati) and ran the stadium steps with her. i wiped out running down and banged myself up so i had to take the next two days off. it''s also chilly enough here that when i run outside i make my voice hoarse for a day or so. it''s always hard to adjust to the weather change at first. last nite i ate at a fish market and had grilled tilapia that was delicious with steamed veggies and a little mashed potatoes. for lunch i had panera black bean soup. breakfast was a clif bar. friday and thursday i had grilled chicken, veggies, and mashed potatoes for dinner, too. thursday lunch was a scrambled egg white wrap. friday was a salmon salad with really i don''t have to feel guilty about the cheeseburger i''m having for dinner today, right

anyway, this afternoon i''m going to see "Gone Baby Gone" at the theatre and to run a few errands, workout tonite, and laundry for the week. exciting stuff, huh?

hope ya''ll enjoyed your extra hour of sleep!


Oct 30, 2002
morning all!! or actually afternoon. i had my cousin's family baby shower/brunch today so i haven't had time to check in til now. steph glad you have had a fun time even though i know what you mean about not being happy about all the stuff you ate the day after, it's like whyyyyy? hehee. tdiddy, kudos on maintaining, that is so hard! rod, sorry to hear about the kitty and i agree sometimes i have to eat more sushi than typical to feel satiated.

last nite we had a yummy birthday dinner even though the place was really disappointing. we used to love this place the last few times but last nite was horrible...service AND food wise. i guess they said they changed their menu recently and in our opinion, not for the better. this place is italian but like a mediterranean kinda flair italian with really 'unique' type can't just get spaghetti and meatballs here, it's more like black squid ink pasta with scallops and olives or something like that. anyway, i tried some fish called Onata that they told me was like seabass...liars!! it was totally not like seabass and had bones, which i hate. and we had to wait forever for our food and the 2nd glasses of wine never came to the table so we cancelled them. the saving grace was that we went to the candy store after to get gelato for dessert and they had PUMPKIN. i was so jazzed.

on a fun note, my dad got me a new iPod for my birthday because i left my old shuffle in mexico in our hotel room. we decided it wasn't worth it to try to get them to ship it back home and i wanted a new one anyway. but my dad decided to upgrade me and got me the 8gb productRED nano which is awesome but took a bit of getting used to. i like the ease of the shuffle and just clipping it to me when i work out but the nano carries a ton more and i just have to get the armband for my workouts. so i spent a few hours last nite uploading things to it, totally fun!! and my Mini has an ipod plug in so i can listen to my music in the car once i get the adaper which will be awesome.

brunch today was really yummy. i just had coffee this morning since i knew i was going to eat for brunch i had an egg white omelet with asparagus, onions, green peppers and mozz cheese; some sliced new potatoes; and really tasty fresh rosemary bread with a bit of butter and fresh jam. we got some great pictures last nite and are a few for my wwt'er friends.

my birthday ipod with a cup of espresso greg made for us when we got home and i was playing around with the new toy.



Oct 30, 2002
and me and my better half at dinner. it cracks me up how tan greg is!!

anyway hope everyone is having a wonderful sunday...!!!



Nov 24, 2006
Hubby and I went for a 12 mile bike ride; most of it is up hill. I wanted to go for a walk afterwards but my legs are like jello. All the leaves are a sunshine yellow and it is pretty spectacular to see!
I did bad as far as eating went yesterday; I had some cookies. I think it must be very close to ttom because I am never this crazy!!! I am back on track today but it was almost like my hunger could not be filled; I am hoping it is just a freak thing.

Hey Jas!!! We miss ya!!

Sharon, are you a doctor?? I always thought you were a nurse; almost the same but lots more school. Both are fantastic professions w/lots of love and care involved. How is the knee? I hope it is getting better.

DeeJay, how is the knee? Hope it is better!

Marcy, how was the costume party? I don't drink much either; I find alcohol tough on my tummy. I love twin sets because they look nice and they are so comfy!

Rod, glad the weather is cooling down in tampa; hope your kitties get better, hugs to you and your sweeties. You guys have been good parents to the kitties. Mmmm, I love ribs and grilled veggies. We are here if you need a hug anytime!!

Steph, sounds like you had a great bday!!! I never had red velvet cake; I heard it's a southern thing, no? Yay for the healthy stand off!

Tdiddy, glad you lost 1/2 a lb, kudos! I love a good cheeseburger. You are so healthy 1 burger won't hurt you!!! Was Gone Baby Gone good? I enjoyed the extra hour of sleep; I slept till 9 aka 10. hehee

Mara, cool ipod!!! You and Greg look adorable as always!
Sorry your dinner wasn't the best but yay for Pumpkin gleato

Kimi, Sarah and Monnie; where are you? Hope everyone is well! Have a lovely day all and hope you enjoyed your extra hour!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday all!

This morning I made myself go to the gym (for the first time since Wednesday... ) As I was getting dressed to go I kept thinking, damn my head hearts, but I figured it it was going to hurt whether I worked out or not I might as well burn the cals! Then I did an open house for two hours, but not much traffic through. I was hoping it would be a little busier this week since the Bears weren''t playing, but only three groups visited. Oh well, there''s always next week.

Last night the HH made shrimp scampi with these GIANT shrimp from Costco. I swear they must have weighed 1/4 pound each. And tonight he''s making some sort of "healthy" fried chicken. I asked how fried chicken could be healthy and he told me, but I must not have been paying attention because now I can''t remember...

Tdiddy, hope you are recovered from your wipe out! It hurt me to even read about it--you poor thing!

Steph, good luck on your weight loss challange! There''s nothing like the vision of a new eternity band to keep your hand out of the cookie jar.

Rod, so sorry to hear about the kitty. And you are right--you and Charlie has been THE BEST parents any kitty could have ever asked for.

Marcy, how was the party? Did people figure out who you were or did you have to tell them?

Sharon, take it easy and baby that sore knee. Mine is a little mad at me after 65 mins on the elliptical this morning but I think I''ll be OK tomorrow.

Stephi, I have those hungry snacky days too. I figure as long as I don''t go TOO overboard it will all balance out with the days when I''m good!

Mara, your zumba class sounds like fun! I too am of the rhythmically challanged category...


Dec 28, 2005
What a fantastic day we had this lovely sunny and oh so cool Sunday.

Yes Steph, we live in Tampa. I knew you were in South Florida somewhere, but didn''t know it was Ft. Lauderdale. We love Las Olas Blvd!! We hardly ever get over that way, but if we do, we''ll let you know. Likewise you do the same if your ever in Tampa! Glad your birthday celebration for you and Andrew was fun!

A 12 mile bike ride Skippy!! Woo Hoo for that. I''m sure your legs were a bit tired!!

DeeJay, sorry your open house wasn''t well attended. Glad you got in a good run on the elliptical. Maybe 65 minutes is a tad much if your knee is still hurting though?? If it doesn''t get better, please go to the orthopaedist, OK??

The pic of you and Greg was great Mara. Sorry the restaurant was a letdown. How thoughtful of your dad to get you the Ipod Nano. I love mine for sure!

YAY for an extra hour last night. I used it ever so wisely and slept in with our Burmese (Sakai, the wonder kitty) curled up in my arms. Having her wrapped around my hand is one of the most special things in life. It was actually chilly when we got up this morning. Fortunately, the sun warmed us and we enjoyed a long leisurly coffee, scone and fresh bowl of fruit on the terrace. And it was one of those mornings we got to see lot''s of boats in the bay. Of course Bayshore, the really wide sidewalk in front of our condo on the bay was just full of skaters, bikers, runners, walkers and talkers.

Then we headed out for lunch (Panera as usual) and coffee under the Oak Tree, before hitting the gym for a really long and productive workout. We decided to end our workout with only 30 minutes on the elliptical (we really just trimmed 5 minutes off) because with such a spectacular day, we thought a nice long walk on the waterfront would be a great thing. So, after leaving the gym, we went to the store and got all the fixings for a nice salad for dinner, then we came home and put on long sleeve t-shirts and hit the sidewalk. We were walking along when this couple passed us and commented they knew Charlie, but they didn''t seem to recognize me. LOL. It was a couple who had been our next door neighbors (and the builder of our home) from a few years ago. While they haven''t changed much, I guess since they hadn''t seen me in several years now, they just didn''t recognize me at all. It''s always nice to hear how different I look when someone only remembered the out of shape fat Rod. Anyway, that was fun and we exchanged numbers and will get together with them sometime for dinner. Then we continued our walk and we wound up walking at a pretty brisk pace for about 1.5 hours. So, I''m thinking we probably walked at least 5 miles. At least my legs think we did, as today was a leg day at the gym, so my legs are pretty sore right now.

Now, it''s almost time for DHW, so I''ll end for now and hope everyone had a terrific weekend. Tomorrow is one of our rest days as you know, and we''ll be at favorite Sushi place #2 after work.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 11/4/2007 4:49:14 PM
Author: Skippy123
Sharon, are you a doctor?? I always thought you were a nurse; almost the same but lots more school. Both are fantastic professions w/lots of love and care involved. How is the knee? I hope it is getting better.

NO goodness, one semester of biochemistry was all !
could handle! I am a nurse by profession, so you were right.

My knee is crappers. hmpf. We''ll see about exercise tomorrow.

Sounded like people had a good weekend.



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday. I am so sorry the weekend is over. I was pretty lazy today. I worked on laundry and we took my parents to supper for their birthdays. My DH left for a day trip to Sunnyvale and will be flying back on the redeye flight tomorrow night. He''ll have a very long day.
Rod, I am sorry to hear one of your kitties has health issues. I am sure you and Charlie provide your kitties a very comfy and cushy life. I like heating up a towel for them; I might have to start trying that for myself. I am always cold. I laughed at your comment about people becoming stupid when they drink. I’ve often sat there thinking I wonder if you know how stupid you are right now when I''m listening to some drunk blather on and on. We had a fun time even though I didn’t know many people there. I spent most of the evening talking to a girl’s mom about dieting and exercise. She’s lost about 40 pounds. That is so cool your old neighbors didn’t recognize you. Woo hoo to the new you. I watched DHW for awhile tonight; I was curious. It wasn’t bad.
Steph, it sounds like you and Andrew had a marvelous birthday. Fun for you to get gift cards to go clothes shopping. That seems to be my new favorite hobby. I was quite impressed with Maggie Moos; I’d never tried them before. I love finding bargains too. Good luck on your bet. My husband and I made a bet before he went on a 2 week work trip and he lost so he had to cook and do dishes for me for a week. I’d like your winnings much better than mine.
Tdiddy, OMG at falling down the stairs. I hope you are okay. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. You know I usually don’t cry in movies when people die but have something happen to a pet and I’m a slobbering fool. Good for you to remain focused on your diet and woo hoo for being down .5 pounds. I feel like I’ve over eaten for a few days now, I’m afraid to look tomorrow. It has been a weird couple of days for me food wise.
Mara, sorry your birthday dinner was a disappointment. Around here we usually get either good food or good service, never both. Sorry you had neither. I have a pink NANO and love it. You reminded me about the armband; I should get one now that it would actually fit me. Your IPOD looks exactly like my husband’s; the adapter for the car works great. You and Greg’s picture is wonderful.
Skippy, your bike ride sounds like a nice workout today. I’ve been eating weird for a few days but will go back on carefully counting 1200 cals tomorrow. I had a nice time at the party. One of the guys from work came with his wife and MIL and the 3 of us spent them time talking about dieting and exercise. The 3 of us split a smor; it was great. I’ve never had twin sets until this fall; I am loving them. I tend to be cold so I buy ¾ length sleeves for the bottom layer and they seem to keep me pretty warm. When we were getting ready to go to supper tonight with my parents I said “I sure wish I had some new clothes to wear” and of course my DH made all sorts of idle threats about making that so. Poor guy must have hung around that one store for over an hour with me the other night. He''s very patient with me.

I’m with Skippy – I hope things are going okay for you Jas, Kimi, Sarah and Monnie. I miss you guys.
DeeJay, I hope your head has quit hurting. Healthy fried chicken? Sounds good; you’ll have to fill us in on that recipe. The party was fun and most people were impressed by my “costume.” A few people told me I talked a lot for a murder victim.
Sharon, sorry to hear the knee is still bad. My right knee is still giving me pain and fits but I know it’s arthritis. Take care of yourself.
Well, I must go get ready for bed, finish grading papers and decide which of my new outfits I will wear tomorrow. The high is predicted to be about 45 so whatever I pick well be warm.
Have a great Monday. See you in next week’s thread.
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