
Weekly Workout Thread 29th Oct till 4th Nov

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Oct 30, 2002
this was when i was laying down sunning at the pool and looked straight up. how cool is this cloud pattern?!?!!?

acapulco h.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
and one more of us, on the night of the rehearsal dinner. hehee.

acapulco maragreg b small.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
hope you guys like the pictures!! i love looking at them and wishing that i was back in mexico...hehee.

sounds like everyone is doing quite well! congrats IG on almost reaching your goal, that is wonderful!!! lorelei, slow and steady indeed wins the race!! mrs salvo sounds like you are doing great, walking and being so active. skippy, congrats on getting so much walking are really the walking machine nowadays!! rod, sounds like you guys are right on routine as well hehee. pg, you look great in your picture, and quite i don't think you are emaciated looking at all. marcy, you are right, our views were wonderful. every morning i loved getting up and staring outside on the balcony for a bit. it's funny because the pictures do NOT do the beauty justice at all. the pictures are great but they are in no way as accurate as being there and having the visual firsthand. i totally recommend everyone visit acapulco! hehe.

so i really wanted to come home from vacation and start back into my eating right routine again but jeez, life just is not working out for me right now in that aspect!! yesterday with the bday and treats, and today we had all day meetings so they brought PIZZA in (which i wasn't really into but then when it was there, of course i wanted to eat it plus we didn't have anything else to eat!!). then we all split one of the massive cupcakes they brought me yesterday for my bday. i had 1/6 and just ate the frosting. then we had a big halloween party where i had 1/2 a cookie that wasn't even very good. and we went for drinks with one of our vendors who is visiting (in the all day meetings with us as well) i made myself go to the gym downstairs for 45 minutes and did some walk/run intervals, jumping rope and arm weight intervals as well to try to maximize the time i had and get as much done as possible. then went to meet everyone at the bar, but got an iced coffee on my way for some muscle protein (i read a few articles recently that were talking about how great skim milk is for after a workout because it's got high quality protein and is low in cals and fat...) and snacked a bit at the bar with some lettuce wraps, a spring roll, a bit of artichoke dip, and a chicken tender...then came home and figured i wouldn't eat dinner since i wasn't hungry after the appetizers. we went to get our pumpkins tonite with princess portia all dressed up, and then stopped to get a burger for greg at in n'out. and he got me one too because he says otherwise i poach on his (haha so true, i take a huge bite typically). so i ate the burger (no cheese), lettuce, tomato, pickle, and none of the bun.

now we're about to carve pumpkins. the funny thing is that tomorrow we are planning to take our vendors to this amazing burger place for lunch that we love. so hopefully someone will split a burger with me so i don't have to eat the whole thing. and then tomorrow night is halloween so i will def be consuming some CANDY and we are talking about meeting some friends for gelato downtown at this candy store where i'm sure halloween will be quite happening. so i'm hoping to get another work out in tomorrow before all this mass consumption of candy and sweets happens. AND i want to get caramel apples for my coworkers from this awesome homemade candy store near our house, they only have them at halloween and they are so yummy. so unfort it'll be til thurs or so before i can get back into routine and then it's leading to the wkd of course...where we are celebrating my bday with my family AND a baby shower for my cousin. so we'll be celebrating all wkd bascially. i just want to keep up with my workouts at least. the good part is my clothes still fit fine and my coworkers told me i didn't look like i gained any weight.

so anyhow...hope everyone had a great day. tomorrow i have more meetings though at least i am pretty much all caught up with being out of town last week. happy halloween all!!!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Mara, thanks for posting more great photos. The cloud patterns are really neat and the sky is so blue. The view must have been incredible! Life is good. It sounds like you have many plans this week with challenges on eating wisely. Vacations and birthdays are difficult when trying to eat healthy. Have fun carving pumpkins.


Aug 12, 2005
Awesome pics, Mara! Somehow I feel warm and tan just by looking at those, lol!

Nothing much to report tonight...just heading up to bed in a few minutes and checked this thread once more. No workout today, DH and I watched "The Great Pumpkin" (charlie brown) on tv when I got home from work and sort of didn''t get off the couch for a few hours after that, we were enjoying being bums this evening. We very briefly discussed taking the doggies for a walk but somehow time got away from us!

My boss came to work with a terrible cold or something today, his voice was all froggy and he was coughing and sneezing, so I spent most of today washing my hands repeatedly and drinking a ton of water in hopes that I won''t catch it. Do you guys think if I take Airborne starting now that will keep me from catching anything the rest of this week, or is that just something you take right before you fly? I have a couple things of it in our medicine cabinet that DH has never used so I was thinking I would start it a few days early, hee hee. Otherwise, should I just go get some Cold-eze or whatever you guys take and hope for the best? God I hate fall/winter when people start passing around this kind of thing.


Apr 30, 2005
Fantastic pics Mara, thanks for letting us see them! Especially a treat for me living in the land of pantsy weather, to see somewhere so exotic looking!!

PG that is a great pic too!

I have been MIA this week, but I am busy helping Hubby with our barn project, I am the labourer/ tea boy!! But I am feeling fit and trim and did get one workout in so far this week!


May 9, 2006
Thank you all for the kind bananaversary wishes! So sweet!

I''m checking in briefly (do I do it any other way these days?) before hitting the grading (due Friday 8AM...I am SOOOO behind) to report, gleefully, that for the first time in about a month, I worked out yesterday! Yea!

New elliptical is so cool -- I literally had 30 minutes to myself yesterday and hauled my ample tush to the elliptical before I could fall blissfully onto the couch for a nap. I did the interval workout which kicked said ample tush...I could only go for 20 minutes, but I think that''s a function of operating on 5 hours of sleep for the last 2 months rather than anything else.

Is it weird that I wish I were feeling it a little more today? For me, for some reason, if there''s not enough achiness the next day (I''m not talking about debilitation here, just a little muscle groaning) I don''t feel I''ve worked out enough.

My next goal is to feel comfortable in a bathing suit on December 25th, which is when DH and I will be taking a much needed holiday in Florida! Yea!

Mara -- Love the pictures!
Rod -- thanks for the kind words -- I feel very wanted now. Which is good. We all want that! Stay on the awesome track you''re on!
Skippy -- walk here! Walk here! I''ll take you to dinner.
DeeJay -- I totally need to take you to dinner too. Have you been to sushi samba? We were there for the anniversary and I don''t know if you are a mixed drink kinda gal, but yumm-o on the martinis and the mojitos. Oh, and the food.

Hi to everyone else. I am a total scumbag for not writing more. Wow, that''s a little harsh. I''m not a total scumbag. Maybe I have a thin layer of scum covering me that will only be removed by a lengthier, more interactive post. DH is out of town next week, so maybe I can take the time to do that. I shall call it The Descumming (which sounds like a movie that Brian DePalma would be in.)

Ok, I''m getting punchy and I have 70 report card comments to write. Ugh.



May 14, 2006
Think I''ll have to come back to this thread for a while-since I''ve got engaged nearly four weeks ago I''ve put on 5 lbs with all the celebrating
My dad said that he''s taking us on a family trip to NY in January and I''m going dress shopping while I''m there I really need to reign in the eating again. I''m still over 2 stone down since the start of this year but I just need to get in gear again and get back into my healthy eating and exercising.
Love the pics Mara

Sorry to hear about your neighbourhood Kimberley.


Oct 30, 2002
kimi, so sorry forgot to write that i am sorry to hear about your neighborhood but glad you guys are safe!!! have a good time on your trip later this week.

jas, your sense of humor is so funny, and gosh so early in the morning hehee! you rock girl. i'm still sippin on my coffee, aka elixir of life.

bee, welcome back, sounds like you'll get the 5 lbs off in no time with the motivation of the pretty dress you'll get to wear hehe.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN all!! our pumpkins came out pretty cool, figure we'll take some pictures tonite of the masterpiece work hehee.

breakkie this morning was a la tortilla small wrap w/an egg white omelet with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and 2% cheese...yummy.

today i have more meetings and i'm sure we'll be doing celebrations...our team is dressing up like cute devils, we'll all be wearing black and we have black and red boas and small black devil horns, should be cute.

anyhow, hope everyone is doing well!!! is it friday yet? i need another vacation!!


Jun 15, 2006
Good Morning All,

I''m at my parents, still no electricity at our house.

Eating has been fine, not as good as it would be weere I at home, but not terrible either. My mom and I have been walking and I''ve been doing lots of running around with my nephew.

Thanks for the fun trip wishes and kind words, Mara. We''re very lucky that our house is okay and very ready to be able to go home. This weekend should be fun, but I am definitely ready to be in my own house.

I was able to download the pictures from breakfast with DeeJay.



Jun 15, 2006
And another.

Welcome back bee!

Great work, 5 lbs lost, IG.

Rod, sorry work has been so busy.

Mara, your trip pictures are beautiful.

I''ll check in soon.



Oct 30, 2002
you guys look great, so pretty, DJ i love your wrap!! wow kimi you look quite svelte...and i love your sweater and hair. i bet you guys had the best time!


Nov 24, 2006
great pictures! You all are sooooo beautiful Kimi, DeeJay and Mara!!! What great pictures! Yay for a week of fun and fab pics (Mara and Kimi)!


Jan 3, 2005
great pics mara...really makes me want a vacation...(off to try and convince hubby to go to FL for thanksgiving

deejay and kimi, you gals look great. dee, i LOVE your wrap, so cool...i seriously need one...kimi, your adorable too, love that sweater..

So, just got back from a 4 mile *skippy* woo hoo. off to start getting ready for my daughters halloween party at her school. they get to dress up and do a parade and then come back to their class for games and treats.

Happy Halloween all!! I''ll be so glad for this holiday to be over b/c we''ve been to so many parties it seems like candy is just everywhere


Apr 30, 2005
Look at our 2 lovely ladies Dee and Kimmy!! Brilliant pics once again!! I have a spare 5 mins so just checking in again quickly! No actual workout again tonight, but I have been so busy with our project that I don''t think it will matter....


Feb 21, 2005
hello wwt! just checking in to say a quick hello...everyone seems to be doing really well and the pictures are fantastic.

i''m still plugging along, maintaining the 3 pound loss that came when i started dance class.

tomorrow i head to san francisco for a week to attend a conference and then do a couple days of wine-tasting in sonoma. i went to the gym the last 3 days in a row to try and rev up my metabolism before the trip, and i''m planning to get in a few workouts at the hotel as well. hopefully that will offset all the restaurant food and wine i''ll be consuming!

have a good one!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all! I have a bladder infection so I walked 2 miles since I don't feel the best, sorry tmi.

Well, Marcy I should have basted first but I never sew. I was getting frustrated the angles weren't perfect and then the teacher said baste; it will make is so much easier. I didn't finish last night so she has another class going on on Mondays so she was a super sweetheart and told me to finish up next Monday. I asked if she was sure and she said she was happy to help me next week. My sewing teacher has been sewing since she was in 7th grade and I think she is in her early 60's. It is amazing to see all the clothes she makes.

I ate some Halloween kitkats today so maybe that is why I feel blah too (I had 3 mini's). That is totally enough for me; too much sugar kills my blood sugar and makes me feel terrible.

A treat came for me today in the mail; I will post it in smtr later tonight. hehee My parents were so cute and came over to see and I took a million pics of the art deco bling.

Monarch, Dang I missed Charlie Brown! I love the holiday specials! The great pumpkin. hehee Yay for washing your hand! Yes, take airborne daily; that is what I do when people are sick along w/hand washing and keeping the hand sanitizer around.

Mara, those pics are amazing! You and Greg are too cute; look at how fit you two are!!! Maybe things will calm down tomorrow. hehe

Kimi, fun to playing w/your nephew! What is he going to be for Halloween. Yay for the workouts!

Marcy, I posted to you and others up at the top. How many days do you teach a live class?

Jas, I would love to walk over to Chicago. I just don't think you would enjoy seeing Skippy after the treck.
hehee I hope to someday go to Chicago; it sounds so cool!!! If I do go out there you have to go to a GTG missy.
Hey, I worked at this place once where these girls were super super mean and witch like to me. It lasted about a month or 2 and I considered quitting; well one day they finally accepted me. People are such weirdos sometimes. You are a doll for sure!!! Good goal! Yay to Florida too.

Bee, it is good to see you and your pup! Yes, hang w/us. hehee

Mrs. Salvo what are your cutie pies for Halloween? My nephew is a tiger; I think they are too cute all dressed up. Whooo hoooo for the 4 miles!

Lorelei, working on building stuff is hard work; for sure a workout!!!

Shorblonde, glad the dance class has you down 3 lbs! Yippeeeee.

Rod, I would walk your way too but it might be a scary sight once I reach Tampa. hehee Enjoy not having to jump up and answer the door every few seconds; wanna trade. hehe Have a lovely evening w/your sweetie and kitties.

Have a safe and happy Halloween all


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 10/31/2007 4:34:23 PM
Author: Skippy123

Mrs. Salvo what are your cutie pies for Halloween? My nephew is a tiger; I think they are too cute all dressed up. Whooo hoooo for the 4 miles!

Skippy, my 5 year old is Elphaba from Wicked (the wicked witch of the west for those unfamiler with the story) minus the green make-up. she didn''t want to be too scary. and Lily is a pink cowgirl. I''ll post a picture later tonight.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/31/2007 5:29:27 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Skippy, my 5 year old is Elphaba from Wicked (the wicked witch of the west for those unfamiler with the story) minus the green make-up. she didn't want to be too scary. and Lily is a pink cowgirl. I'll post a picture later tonight.
Mrs. Salvo, Awwwe how cute! I can't wait to see their pics! I bet they are too cute for words!

My neighbor is so cute and sweet. He came over to get a piece of candy and then brought us 2 beers and one being a light beer for me (since he knows I am watching my weight)! See what happens when people know you are trying to be healthy; they try to help you out too. heheee


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Halloween all!!! The kids have been coming around our complex for about the last two hours and I'm happy to report that the giant pile of candy I started with is diminishing. (I am not so thrilled to report that I had a peantbutter cup even last night that significantly diminished the particular candy in the bag... but someone I was talking to as I was standing outside with candy bowl pointed out that it's wasn't as bad as I though; the PBCs are the smaller ones and there are five in a serving of 210 cals so it wasn't a TOTAL disaster. It's probably a good thing I didn't know that last night or I might have kept on going!) Trick-or-treating ends here at 7:00 and by 7:05 all the candy that's left is going to be in the hands of the security guards at the front gate because I am NOT keeping it in the house.

Today a client and I walked over to a used book store where I've amassed hundreds of dollars worth of credit and we stocked up on reading materials for the next few months. This client has similar taste in literature to mine so we had a good time picking things out that one of us would read first and then we'd trade. The only problem is I will end up taking the books back to the same store once we're done with them for more credit and the cycle will never end. I think at one point we had over $500 in credit and I was just booked to the gills!

I did 65 mins on the elliptical, and I've noticed these past few times that it seems to get my butt more on the lower incline (not more than 4 because of my knee). That seems counter-intuitive; shouldn't the higher incline work my butt more? Whatever--I'll take what I can get! I've also settled into a routine where I am at the gym some time between 1:00 and 3:00 and I'm usually totally alone. For the past few weeks I've been LOVING all the shows about hauntings and ghosts and that sort of thing on t he sci-fi channel. Unfortunately I bet that won't continue after Halloween, and I'll be sorry to see it go becuase my hour just breezes by if I'm watching a good ghost story!

Mrs. S., can't wait to see pics of the Elphaba and the pink cowgirl!

Shortblonde, good for you for maintaining the 3 lbs you lost! (I think I *found* them and I've been "maintaining" them too, LOL)

Lorelei, hope your project is going well!

Mara, I'm having super vacation envy here! And you look MARVELOUS!

Kimi, thanks for posting those pics. You are so tiny next to me and I'm being eaten alive by The Bat Cape, ha ha.

Welcome back Bee, and congrats on your engagement!

Jas, I LOVE Sushi Samba--for the drinks AND the food! Definitely, we should have dinner there. Let's do it soon before the cold hits us in a big big way though...

Monnie, that is one thing I do not miss about being in an office--all the germs that get passed around. When I do showings I end up shaking a bunch of hands though, and the FIRST thing I do when I get hom is wash them. Twice.

Marcy, that's kind of funny (in a sad way) about the owner not understanding that you ate as much as you wanted of the ziti. I used to hate eating out when I would go around auditing bank branches because it was just SO much food and I couldn't take any of it with me even if I wanted to becuase I was in hotels every night.

PG, hopefully you will be pleasantly suprised by having a nice gym at the hotel. And congrats on "amost" having new rings.

Rod, it *is* a little scary that you're looking forward to a dental appointment... !

Stephi, my laptop has been shipped! I totally spaced out and defaulted to the free shipping option, which will take about a gazillion days to get to me I'm sure. When I realized what I did and told the HH he was like, wait, you just paid $899 for a computer and you wouldn't pay $10 to ship it faster? Oh well, it will come when it comes. And I am so jealous that your neighbor brought you a beer! The dogs go crazy when people ring the doorbell so I have been standing outside off an on for hours now in my witches outfit, big crazy hat and all, and nobody's given me anything!!

Steph, too funny about showing up on the wrong day.

IG, hello, and congrats on the 5 lbs!


Nov 8, 2005
hi! Just a quick check in. Hope everyone is having a good halloween!

Do you guys feel like the Family Home and Health section has been hit by massive baby fever for lack of a better term? It seems like every new thread is about trying to conceive, not sure about trying to conceive, babies after 35, etc... this is already a hot topic for me and DH (deciding whether and when) and it seems like it's everywhere on PS too!! I better not get involved or I will not shut up...

So, I have a new friend who is a trainer and she offered me a free session which I did this morning. It was great! She knew I was probably not going to become a regular client (she is EXPENSIVE!) so she taught me as many exercises as she could and explained her basic premises about training. I enjoyed it a lot. She said I was very fit! An added bonus: coming straight home after work and not having to go to the gym since I had already been. I might try to do this more often. The bad part though, I swear I was more hungry throughout the day.

The session got me thinking, maybe I would like to be a trainer! I think I have a lot of the traits needed to be successful. I am good at motivating people, get along with all different types of people, organized, analytical, extremely interested in health and fitness, and have lots of business education that would help me market myself and manage the business aspects. I'm going to do some research on it. I would have to do a lot of learning, of course. I have mentioned this before, my job is fine for right now but it is project based and I will have to change jobs within a few years. Maybe this is worth looking into as a career change altogether. What do you guys think, would you go to see a trainer who was a few pounds overweight (although super fit)? (I'm trying to be realistic, since my body seems to be stuck where it's at!)

Trick or treating has been minimal here so I have indulged in a bit of candy myself - just a few hersheys kisses. They were good, but not awesome, so I won't miss them when they go off to work with DH tomorrow! Steph, please don't think bad of me that I broke our no junk pact. I will be right back on the wagon tomorrow I promise!

Now the dogs are clamoring to be walked so I gotta run!

ETA Welcome back Mara, thanks for sharing your pics - looks like a great time!!! Kimi, glad you are safe at your parents and thanks for sharing the pics of you and Dee Jay - you are both super cute!


Oct 30, 2002
lol gail omg you totally voiced my same thoughts re: the whole baby fever thing sweeping PS right now. not just those who are preggo, but those who are trying and those who are thinking about it....isn''t it funny?? i am in the thinking about it maybe camp along with a lot of other PS''ers. but yeah it seems like right now it''s on EVERYONE''S mind!!

and yeah i think it''d be awesome to look into doing personal training! it is something i have thought of recently as well...the place where i get my training is up the street from my house and the trainers there are all taught by the director of the facility, and most of them were not trainers before at other places. most of them are dancers actually, in the director''s troupe, and some of them are physical therapist people from around the area. they actually prefer when you have no training before them because they try to train you in their particular way. and the director mentioned to me that a few people thought that i was a personal trainer interviewing with them when they see me working out there. i thought that was kind of flattering...haha..esp since i don''t think i''m in ''personal trainer'' shape. so i thought well i could maybe do that for fun if i wanted to. but not now, things are too crazy. but maybe later.

as to your Q gail about going to someone who''s not in ''perfect'' personally...i get more motivated by people who look how i want to look. it doesn''t mean that there aren''t people who are in great shape who are in the fitness world, i have taken some aerobic classes with women who didn''t appear all that fit but kicked my butt. but in terms of PT...i always kind of feel like, well if i am going to pony up the $$$ (cuz it ain''t cheap!) then i want to work with someone who looks like i want to look and therefore i hopefully have a good chance of getting the results that i am striving and paying for. but all types of people go to PT so i would imagine if you could get with a company that finds out what the person''s goal is and if it''s to be uber fit and strong, you could be a huge inspiration to someone.

anyhow, happy halloween all!!!! we just put our pumpkins out and had a few kids so far but nothing earth shattering. our neighborhood surprisingly doesn''t get that many kids...we get maybe like 20-30 total. but we just love putting our stuff out. today was busy at work, had a chicken burger for lunch but no bun, and some bacon and swiss. some fries and ranch. then some fun size candies of course...hehee.

hit the gym after work and did my intervals on the treadmill...walk/run/hike today and then did a bunch of leg work as well and abs. now we have to figure out dinner and all that...but it''s nice to just relax at home!!

shortblonde, have a great time on your trip! mrs salvo, i bet your girls are going to be super cute. skippy, sorry you aren''t feeling well, hope the medicine kicks in soon!! lorelei, what happened to the treaddie saga, did you get it fixed or what???

hope everyone is having a fabulous evening!


Dec 28, 2005
Gosh, my first chance to check in today and it''s already 11 PM. So this will be short.

Kimberly and DeeJay, the pics are terrific. Since I''ve had the pleasure of meeting DeeJay, it''s nice to know what you look like Kimberly (which is surprisiingly close to what my mind said you''d look like - and you''re just as fabulous as I had imagined!!).

Sorry for not sending personal greetings to more, but I''m beat and have another long tough day ahead of me tomorrow.

I did enjoy leaving the office early, even if it was to get to the dentist. All went well there. I''m a stainer - er - that is my teeth easily stain - so I see the hygenist every 3 months to keep the stains in check.

The good thing was I out of the dentist office by 5:30 and actually started my workout by 6 PM. I was surprised how many people actually came to the gym. Of course the hard core ''boys,'' who are always there, were there tonight as well. I figured with Halloween, more people would have plans. I didn''t get out of the gym till nearly 9 PM, and by the time I got a bite to eat (Charlie had stopped at the yogurt shop and had a treat waiting for us in the freezer - yumm), it''s just gotten a bit late.

We''ll be at the gym again tomorrow night. This is the first week in a few weeks where we will have gone three nights in a row. It had just gotten to be almost too much and we don''t want to burn out.

Anyway, must get some rest befor another long day. I hope you all had good Halloweens. Looking forward to seeing pics of the your children in costume Mrssalvo!!

Night all..........


Jun 29, 2006

Hi everyone!

Sorry I have been MIA but the computer I use to post here normally is my work laptop and it died over the weekend. So I have been using a loaner laptop onsite in the actual office (I usually work from home) and just got my new laptop today. We can use our work laptops for personal use so I didn’t have a laptop or computer to use at home for the last 4 days….I felt so disconnected


Anyway, things have been good workout-wise. I’ve been doing the usual cardio (~55 min a night on elliptical/treadmill). Still doing the strength routine I’ve been working on 2-3 days a week just depending on my schedule. My diet has been going well – I think I fell off the wagon snacking on Halloween candy at my parent’s house tonite but I was low today on calories overall so the damage probably isn’t too bad. Overall I am 6 lbs down from my highest back in Sept. so definite progress.

Mara: Welcome back and Happy B-day! Love your description of the hotel gym….it’s so ridiculous how these places define “gym”. That’s one of the pluses of running – barring bad weather or a bad neighborhood, you can do it anywhere with just a pair of shoes. Cute tube top in your Mexico pics - sounds like you had a fab time!

TDM: Sweet that you got another long run under your belt for the half. I’m a pretty slow runner as well. I probably wouldn’t qualify for Boston with the time I usually have until I am 70 yrs old but I still like doing it.

Skippy: Yay for doing a marathon next year! Hope you feel better soon.

We didn’t see a whole lot of trick-r-treaters so my mom tried to pawn the extra candy off on my sister and I. I promptly handed it to my dad and told him to take it to work and leave it in the break room. The last thing I need laying around is 50 candy bars! That''s a recipe for disaster.



Nov 24, 2006
Here is my cute little nephew for halloween; he was a lion! Happy halloween; I am stuck w/left over candy. I think I will send hubby w/it so he can give it to his coworkers. Night all! Friends I will post to you tomorrow. I am sleepy. Hugs!



Feb 27, 2007
Happy Halloween! We’ve had about 20 kids tonight for treats. I just stuck out the bowl and said “help yourself”. Some are so shy they just take one; others grab as much as they can. Too funny.
PhoenixGirl, sorry I missed your photo last night. You look great and are a very lovely person.
Monarch, thanks for mentioning Charlie Brown. I have it on DVD so think I’ll watch it tonight. I love Snoopy. I think Cold-Eze and Airborne really help. Get better soon.
Lorelei, have fun helping your husband with his barn project. Running errands burns calories.
Jas, yay for working out on the new elliptical. Probably your leg muscles are pretty toned up from all the stairs. You’ll look fantastic in that bathing suit in Florida.
Bee, hi. Congratulations on your recent engagement.
Mara, I am sure all the little devils running around at work was fun.
Kimi, thanks for the great picture of you and DeeJay. You both look wonderful. Great sign in the background! I am glad you will be going home this weekend.
MrsSalvo, yay for your long walk. I can’t believe how much candy I have left and it’s 8:30 already. The candy dishes at work tomorrow will get some generous donations from me. Your little cuties sound really cute in their costumes. I’d love to see pictures of them.
Shortblonde, congratulations for staying at your low weight. Have fun at wine tasting next week.
Skippy, I am sorry to hear about your infection. I think drinking cranberry juice is supposed to help that. Get well soon. Sorry to hear you didn’t get your project done last night. Basting is great for corners; I have a lot better luck getting things straight and to lie flat when I baste. Your sewing teacher sounds nice and I’m glad she is going to help you next week. Yeah for getting your bling. I can’t wait to see it. I ate a peanut butter cup and 3 whoppers. It’s Halloween, I had to eat some candy. I teach on campus 2 nights a week then have 50 students taking my course online. I can’t believe those girls were mean to you at your old job. What were they thinking?
DeeJay, yay for giving away your candy right away. I bought 2 of the 100 plus bags and have most of it left. It was strange how the guy at the restaurant wouldn’t drop it; he even followed us out the door. I leave a lot of food behind in a restaurant but it’s better to waste it than wear it. What kind of laptop are you getting? Have fun with it.
TanDogMom, what a deal getting a free training session from your friend. Your thoughts about being a trainer sound great. Would I go to a fit trainer who has a few extra pounds on them? You bet! I would have faith you know what it’s like to have a few extra pounds and want to do what you can be to healthy.
Mara, I think you’d be a great trainer as well.
Rod, yay for leaving work early - too bad it was to go to the dentist. Enjoy working out 3 days in a row.
Sweet dreams my PS friends.


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, your nephew is adorable! He must take after his favorite aunt Skippy!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Tdiddy. Congralations on being down 6 pounds. You are certainly working out a lot. I think a lot of break rooms are going to be full of candy tomorrow.


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning everyone. Hope everybody had a great Halloween...we sure did! We weren''t sure if we were going to get to go trick-or-treating or not because we are under a tropical storm warning here, but the skies cleared up for a few hours and it was actually really nice to be out because it was nice and breezy. Don''t worry about disappointing me, TanDog...I gave in to the candy temptation too! Andrew kept sharing his candy with me, so I had about 4 pieces of mini chocolates! I figure it''s okay to give in on holidays and now I am over the cravings and back on track! Andrew had so much fun dressed up as a fireman. He went with some of the other kids in the neighborhood and just went to houses down our street which was fine with him. He''s already planning next year''s costume! Everyone have a great day!



Apr 19, 2004

Everyone''s pics are great--thanks for sharing!!!!

Same old here, exercise routine indoors as it has been pretty crisp outside.....those Halloweener''s looked chilly last night..... I seem to be in the DeeJay camp with a sore left knee (hurts to extend my leg??); thing is I have NO idea what I did to make it "sore", but it is preventing me to go to the gym since I don''t want to crapout there.....

Enjoy your day folks!

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