
Weekly Workout Thread 29th Oct till 4th Nov

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all and welcome back Mara!!

Not long now until the Holiday season, I cannot believe how fast this year has gone!
There is still time to make some great changes if you have a goal in mind to wear a certain outfit for a party which is perhaps a bit tight. Now is an excellent time to re- evaluate our goals and our workouts. Is it time we mixed things up a bit for our workouts? Are we getting the results we want? Sometimes a shake up is an excellent thing to do to really get things moving.

I was watching another of my TV shows where this lady reporter went to a '' diet boot camp'' in Scotland for a week, in order to lose some weight. The idea was for the inmates to burn about 5k cals a day and eat 2k cals
They went rafting, abseiling, calisthenics at 5am, gym, everything you can think of and it looked extremely tough! At the end of the week, the lady journalist had lost 6 pounds and was able to fit back into a dress she wanted to wear.

But for us WWTers, slow and steady wins the race, so onwards we go towards the Holiday season, knowing that we will work hard, but will also be able to enjoy some of the yummy traditional foods and fun!

I also just wanted to throw in another safety reminder- don''t forget to make sure you are dressed appropriately for working out, shoelaces are tied etc, hair out of the way. Also watch your form and make sure your equipment is in good shape before you use it.

Have a great week


Feb 27, 2007
Happy New Week!

Welcome back, Mara. It sounds like you guys had a marvelous time and no worries a few extra pounds will be gone in no time.

Lorelei, the marathon diet week sounds challenging but I am definitely a slow and steady wins the race type. Just last night when we were out walking I decided I forgot a vital piece of equipment for me - kleenex. I have bad allergies so I immediately got a runny nose (sorry if that''s TMI). So I agree, it''s important to always be prepared no matter what you are doing.

Have a great day everyone.


Mar 16, 2005
Good Monday morning all

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. We had a great time this weekend. We signed Andrew up for 2 & 3 year old soccer. It starts Tuesday morning so we were running all around town looking for all the gear he needs and some new shoes since all we wear down here in So. Florida are flip-flops! He is so excited! All this running around meant that we ate out quite a bit. I did really well at chick-fil-a and sushi, but we went to Moe''s which is like a fast food mexican place and I couldn''t avoid the refined carbs there...however, I did just have a kids meal, so it was portioned controlled at least. Anyway, still haven''t had a coke since last Wed. and don''t really crave it surprisingly. I had a good run on Saturday when there was a break in the rain. It is back to the grind this week and I am going to go back to being really strict on my eating and workouts. Everyone have a great day!

TanDog...the lasagna turned out really well. Adam said it was the best lasanga he had ever had and my little Andrew asked if he could have it the next day for breakfast! So I will def. be making it again. Way to go on your 11 mile run...that is awesome, about 4 miles is my limit right now and I am slow too. I am working on trying to up my speed too.

Skippy...I agree, the weekends are harder to stay on track. We were on the run all weekend and ate out a lot which makes it hard to eat healthy. Yay for getting a laptop, I know you will love it:)

Rod...all your talk about sushi made me crave it and we went to our favorite little hole in the wall place that is just awesome. The owners know us because my husband goes there at least twice a week to eat lunch there. Anyway, I was healthy and had the miso soup and a spicy tuna roll. My little 2 year old orders this cooked fish with rice but wanted to try my husband''s california roll and loved it, so it looks like we''ve got a little sushi lover on our hands:)

Mara...welcome back, sounds like you had a wonderful time

Marcy...way to go on the smaller clothes. Doesn''t it feel great to be able to have fun shopping again?


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

We''re still without power, which isn''t scheduled to be restored for week -- 10 power poles are downed in our neighborhood -- and in another hotel, this time close to home; I''m going up to my mom and dad''s for a few days (I''d planned to spend Halloween there and J suggested I go early, very sweet of him),I''ll leave this afternoon. We spent yesterday cleaning up and watering. The fridge was the worst part, rancid meat and ice cream, bleck! The whole house was permeated with the smell and opening windows meant mixing it with smoke, six of one half dozen of another. It was quite the adventure for sure.

We have another trip planned at the end of this week, I think we''ll go because either way we''re in a hotel room and at least we won''t feel so confined in our destination, it''s a city we''ve never been to and we can explore and escape the smoke.

I am tired of eating out. Looking forward to home cooked meals at my parents. The air is cleaner there too, so I can get in lots of walks and perhaps even a run.

Rod, seeing our street was very difficult. I can''t describe how it feels to see our all of the homes that have been destroyed. Thanks for all of your positive thoughts.

Skip, thanks for thinking of us, we''re safe, just tired and feeling displaced, but so very lucky. On Monday night the winds were so bad all of the firefighters were pulled out of our neighborhood, it is truly a miracle that our home is still standing. We are just amazed at the fantastic job that firefighters, police and the government did. I know they are showing lots of people complaining on the news about not allowing the military to help, but if they had been allowed to and something happened to any of them everyone would be screaming about how ridiculous it was for them to be allowed to help without being trained. The government also has done a fantastic job of responding. I think people just like to have something to complain about and it makes me so sad because I truly believe everyone did their very best to protect people first then and the homes that were at risk. It''s sad so many were lost, but that is just mother nature hard at work.

Anyways, I know I''m way off topic, so I''ll end this. We need to get going, grab some breakfast and I need to get packed to go. I''ll check in when I have something exercise related to report. Oh wait, John and I went on an hour long walk yesterday and I spent 4 hours cleaning, does that count?

Take care everyone, and thank you again for your kind thoughts!



Nov 24, 2006
Lorelei, slow and steady wins the race really hits home with me. It has taken me since July to lose 8lbs. I was yo-yoing a bit but just keeping the 1 lb at time in my mind is making it not feel so overwhelming so thanks for the reminder. It feels good to hear that!!!

Marcy, I am glad you hubby is back. When my hubby gets back from being out of town and I do laundry or he will do it and we throw it all in the wash. That is probably bad since we need to help the environment but I can never figure out what is clean. hehee Yay for your walk!!!

Steph, sounds like you did well. The power of suggestion is strong; Rod and his sushi had me going to eat sushi Friday night w/hubby. The bad thing is my meal came with tempura and I didn't know that so I had to eat the shrimp. Next time I will stick to the al la carte sushi. I love chick fila, we use to have one in our mall but the closed and now if I ever want to eat some I need to travel 15 mi away, boo hoo. Glad Andrew is taking up soccer. My 6 yr old nephew did it for a year but he was always chasing butterfly's instead of going after the ball. hehee They are so cute when they are little!!

Kimi, I am so sorry you came home to moldy icy food due to no power and smoke smell. I am glad you are going to your parents. I hate eating out too much too. I always think I need clean foods like fruit, and veggies after a trip. It is hard to find fruit while travelling! I am glad your house was safe. I kept wondering about you guys and praying things were fine. Enjoy your time w/your wonderful family; I feel for you all!

Mara, glad it was great to be in mexico!!! Wow, 1970's bikes. hehe Glad you had fun and worked out, you will lose those 3 lbs quick. Happy Birthday!!!

Rod, yay for a great workout. Don't work too hard this week; glad you had a great sushi night! Wow, it was chilly out there! hehe Also, thanks for the sweet words on my hubby. He helps out the community in projects like that about 3 times a year; he feels we are so lucky so he needs to give back in some small way. I think that big heart attracted me to him, oh yeah and he is cute too. hehee I am so jealous you have a Panera. I wish we had one!!!

Gail, whooo hooo on the 11 miles, awesome! I am a huge worry wort too. I wish I had advice but sometimes I think whenever things are the worst they somehow have a way of working themselves out. I try and remember the most difficult times and then think of how they turned out and remind myself that it wasn't so bad.

Monnie, DeeJay and Jas hope you cuties are well!

Yesterday I walked 4.5 miles. I want to get a walk in today but I am suppose to sign for a package today so I might do a weight lifting dvd or go for a walk when hubby gets home. Hubby was suppose to hang the curtin rod but I had him working on my new laptop so I will ask him to do it tonight. I didn't want to be too much of a pest because it took a couple of hours to get my laptop the way I like it. He is such a doll; he put some pictures up of us on our vacations in the little slide show on windows vista (hard to explain) and then put a pic of my diamond as the background. I will change the background part to a tropical scene or something instead. heheee

ETA: Lorelei, I love that you made this thread a winking smiley, it is easier to find for my aging eyes. hehehee thanks!


Mar 2, 2007
Hi all,
I''ve been kind of MIA lately (as usual), but I''m happy to report that I''m down two pounds.
Now let''s see if that survives Halloween...

DH has this odd fetish of pressing my belly button for amusement (I am NOT the Pillsbury doughgirl!), and yesterday he actually commented that it didn''t "squish" anymore. The poor boy was crushed--my strengthened abs have taken away all his fun. Hopefully I will never get the "squish" back. He can deal.

Lorelei, thanks for the opener. Slow and steady definitely wins the race. Hope your workouts are going well if the treadmill is still "pants."

Marcy, I hear you on the allergies. Being outside at this time of the year is a recipe for excess drainage.

Steph, way to just say no to soda. I gave up the stuff ages ago--and I feel so much better without it.

Kimberly, I''m glad to see you returned to find your home safe and sound, albeit smelly. You and everyone in your area are definitely in my thoughts. Try to enjoy the great outdoors at your parents'' house.

Skippy, congrats on the new laptop! It should definitely do all you need. Maybe you could start lugging it around on your walks for some extra weight.

Happy Monday, everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Sarah, whooo hooo for hubby not being able to play the Pillsbury belly button pushing and for 2 lbs! You should be proud! I am liking my computer but I just found out it didn't come w/MS office. Oh well.

Mara, any pics to share of your fab trip?

I did a quick 30 min walk this afternoon 2miles. I went and visited my parents and my sister was over w/my adorable nephew. I played cars w/him and then I had to jet and he isn't the cuddley type so I said give Auntie Stephanie a kiss and he was so cute and put his hand to my face and kissed my cheek; he is too cute! I am making chicken Italian sausage w/whole wheat pasta, parma and fresh basil. Have a lovely evening all!!!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday all!

For the past week or so I''ve been doing this thing where I work out every other day and on those days I also limit my cals to 1200. On the off days I am still good foodwise, but not as strict. I did take off both Saturday and Sunday though in the hopes of helping my knee. Today I did 65 mins on the elliptical and it felt fine until THE. VERY. LAST. STEP. It was literally my last downward motion and my knee went "pop!". Dammit!! It feels fine now though, and I''ve even been up and down the stairs in our house about a gazillion times since then.

The HH made some butternut squash soup yesterday and we are going to have that and some rotisserie chicken from Costco for dinner.

Lorelei, the holidays are still far off compared to the first black tie event of the season, which is creeping up on me in 12 days!!! I better go dig around in my closet and see what actually fits me this year or whether I need to make a trip out for a new outfit...

Steph, 2 and 3 year old soccer sounds like it would be just a blast to watch! I''m sure you''ll have a little Pele on your hands in no time!

Kimi, glad to hear you are home. Hope the smoke clears soon and that everything gets cleaned up quickly.

Stephi, is this "mystery package" that you had to stay home to sign for today perhaps some bling?
As for my laptop... The HH actually went to Costco, saw that the one we were talking about weighed almost six pounds, wasn''t sure I wanted something that heavy, and left without it. I was like--are you kidding me? Just buy the frickin'' thing already! I guess it gives me one more night to weigh the options... 6 lbs and 15.4" screen at $699 vs. 3 lbs and 12.1" screen at $899... hmmm...

Sarah, yay for the two pounds down, and LOL on the belly button thing!

Mara, welcome back!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 10/29/2007 9:04:37 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Monday all!

Stephi, is this 'mystery package' that you had to stay home to sign for today perhaps some bling?
As for my laptop... The HH actually went to Costco, saw that the one we were talking about weighed almost six pounds, wasn't sure I wanted something that heavy, and left without it. I was like--are you kidding me? Just buy the frickin' thing already! I guess it gives me one more night to weigh the options... 6 lbs and 15.4' screen at $699 vs. 3 lbs and 12.1' screen at $899... hmmm...
DeeJay, the mystery package is the bling you are talking about. I think it will come Wed or Thursday so I am not going to stay home because I can always pick it up at the post office. I will post pics when it comes. I say go for the one you really want. Mine is the $999 one (I wanted to spend less but liked what if offered). It weighs 6lbs but I use it at the dining room table and can play movies on it (I didn't need that feature but this one seemed best for me). Since you probably will be taking it around w/you you might want the lighter one, maybe. 5-6lbs is the norm I think. I don't want to need glasses that is why I choose the 15.4 inch screen.

Great job on the workout, but take care of knee. I hope it gets better!!! You poor Dee, sending good knee vibes!

Everyone I am holding off on buying Halloween candy until the day of Oct 31 so I don't eat it. Oh yeah and I am buying the candy I don't like so I am not tempted. hehee


Dec 28, 2005
Thanks as alwasy for the sage advice and weekly opening Lorelei. Slow and Steady She Goes is Right ON!!

Welcome home Mara. Wow, only 3 pounds is nothing. Sounds like you and Greg had a great time. And such dedication working out in a gym that was somewhere in the dark ages is commendable!

Kimberly, I'm so glad you had a front door to open, but I figured whatever food you had in your fridge or freezer would have been an absolute mess. I'm so sorry you had to see the burnt shells of homes you knew. I'm also glad you're going to go to your parents. It must be difficult being near your house at this time. Again, our thoughts are with you.........

DeeJay, you might want to see an ortho about that knee. It shouldn't really be popping from using an elliptical. Better safe than sorry.

Steph, glad you got a Sushi fix and congrats that your 2 year old got into it as well!!

Yay for a 4.5 mile walk Skippy!! Funny on not buying the Halloween candy just yet. We won't buy any as there's not a chance we'd have any trick or treaters in our condo. Too much security and one can only to get to one's own floor by access card. So no candy this year, which means no temptation. But, when we used to buy candy, Rod only bought what he liked. Rod used to eat candy all night long too. But, those days are certainly long long gone. LOL

Sarah, yay for being down 2 pounds and for not having a squishy belly. Hubby needs to get used to it!, embrace it and be proud of your accomplishments!!

Long day at work as usual, but a productive one, so that was good. Then when we left work, we had sushi at favorite sushi spot #2 (absolutely wonderful tonight), followed of course by "Caliyogurt," the natural - with active yogurt cultures, frozen treat we've become addicted to. Then we came home and just got into some things we needed to do at home.

Tomorrow we'll be back in the gym like always. If it's Tuesday, you kow Rod and Charlie will be working out immediately after work!

I'll check in tomorrow night. Sleep well my WWT family!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I sure am starting to hate Mondays. I’m not a fan of working from 8 to 9 then having to grade papers when I get home. Aak! At least I am in week 11 of a 17 week semester. Woo hoo! What kept me going all day was looking forward to my dish of chocolate slow churned when I get home. It was quite tasty.
Steph, I bet Andrew is adorable in his gear. He’ll have fun playing. I’m back on my strict diet and workouts too. I was a little lax this weekend. It is so nice and fun shopping for clothes now.
Kimi, sorry to hear the smell is so bad. Do you have to replace the frig? I always heard that smell never leaves but don’t know for sure. Good idea to go visit your parents. I sure feel bad for your neighbors who lost their homes. You bet cleaning for 4 hours counts as a workout.
Skippy, my husband tries to keep things out saying they are clean but I just say okay and wash them anyway. They’ve been in the suitcase with the dirty clothes. I walked a lot at school tonight; the parking lot by my building is all torn up so I parked about 3 buildings away since it’s the first parking space I found. Enjoy your new laptop; your pictures on it sound great. Ooh, what bling are you getting?
Sarah, congratulations for loosing 2 pounds. I plan on having a piece of Halloween candy Wednesday night but the rest is going to work the next day. I will hand out several to each cute little trick or treater. I usaully carry little packs of puffs with me everywhere I go but I sure forgot to take them on my walk. Silly allergies, huh? Yay for not being “squishy” anymore.
DeeJay, sorry to hear the knee went pop but if it’s surviving the stairs it sounds like it’s doing okay. I can’t wait to hear what laptop you get.
Rod, I always bought candy I liked too. This year I got the variety packs and there are a lot of goodies I like. I’ll probably eat one nutrageous; those are divine. Luckily I can stop at one then I plan on taking the rest of work. Have a great workout tomorrow.
Take care! See you tomorrow.


Aug 12, 2005
Evening WWTr''s! Happy Monday, as it''s officially over, to all of you who work Mondays and everyone else! Lorelei, as always your opener was thought-provoking and well put.

I spent last night and part of today in the Wisconsin Dells with my Auntie, we each drove and met halfway and stayed overnight. We did a little outlet mall shopping (I picked up a gorgeous gift for my friend for next weekend from a children''s store called Strasburg--it''s a matching mom and child apron set in a Christmas plaid that was waaaaay marked down, they''re both beautiful and really well made, she''s a SAHM so she will just love it.) We went to dinner and then spent an evening in our adjoining rooms knitting, she showed me how to purl and I ended up knitting an entire scarf in about 3 hours! Went to brunch this a.m. and just had two eggs and an English muffin, then hit the road and drove the 3 hrs. back to Chicago. It was a good visit and a much needed getaway!

Yesterday morning before I left I did manage to take little Daisy for a 2 mile walk, the weather was so gorgeous I didn''t have any excuse not to get out before a long drive and expend some calories! That was my only workout so far this week, though...unless you count hauling my overnight bag and knitting stash in and out of the car, OH, and I did the stairs in the hotel instead of the elevator, LOL!

Got a strange phone call on my way back home today, didn''t recognize the # and there was no voicemail, but when I got back to our house, my boss had left me a message (same unknown number on the caller ID), so I called him back and as it turned out he wanted to have a meeting with me to see how things were going with my new job. Long story short, I ended up going back out to meet with him at the store (we were closed today but his wife was there, so nothing weird going on), and we talked about my possibly transitioning into an assistant mgr. position before or shortly after the holidays.
He wanted to meet with me during non-business hours because it''s impossible in our particular setting to have an un-interrupted lot of time to have a meeting that is very involved at all or that takes longer than 5 minutes...I came out of it very pleased and with a renewed sense of direction, even though I''ve only been on this job for less than two months. So that was a good and unexpected thing for sure!

Steph: and running around kinda go hand-in-hand, it''s tough (and I''m sure especially tough with a child in tow) to eat as healthy as you want and it still be convenient. Sounds like you made good choices whenever possible, though, and good for you for not having any Cokes, that''s a hard habit to break! Glad you had a good run on Sat.! Don''t be TOO strict on yourself this week, try to allow yourself a wee bit of leeway so you don''t feel deprived.

Kimi: sorry to hear your groceries were ruined when you got home, yikes. I guess you''ll need lots of baking soda or powder or whichever one it is you put in your fridge and freezer to absorb odors, huh. Sounds like you do need a trip to the country where the air is cleaner while your house airs out...glad it was spared, though, you and John are very fortunate indeed. Hopefully you can bring home some leftovers from your parents or cook while you''re there so you can eat less takeout or dine out period.

Skippy: glad you got your new laptop and your hubby has gotten it up and running for you, and he used your diamond as a screen saver, how sweet. Way to go on the 4.5 miles yesterday!

Sarah: great for you on the 2 lb. loss!!! That is progress for sure, good job.

DeeJay, I hope your knee doesn''t become a problem, that would be a stinker for sure (to use "polite terms," hee hee). Your dinner sounds great, DH loves rotisserie chicken and I love the side dishes so it''s a win-win situation when I grab one of those for him for dinner on occasion. Still don''t know if I''m doing the Hustle up the Hancock, I can''t afford to register until I get paid this coming weekend so if there are still spots open next week I will try...que sera, sera, right? (That does mean "what will be, will be" right?) LOL, if not, I meant the latter.

Rod: glad you and Charlie are back in good health and good spirits and working out again, I know it bugs you to death not feeling up to working out!

Miss Mara: glad you had a wonderful vacay and 3 lbs is NOTHING! You''ll work that off in no time flat, your metabolism must be so much higher than it used to be what will all your new muscle mass. We missed you here last week, as always when you are gone!

Marcy: Wow, 11 weeks down out of 17 already, the time is going fast! Monday is over for you, good thing you had that chocolate to look forward to all day to get through your 11th Monday of the term!

Goodnight all...


May 9, 2006
Ok, how much do I love anniversaries? THIS much!

Heavenly dinner at Sushi Samba (Brazillian-Japanese fusion, which actually worked only in that Charlie and I did not combine the sushi with the Brazillian food). WAAAY overdid it on the cucumber martinis, which was actually yummy and sweet and not anything at all like a tzatziki martini, which I thought it would be.

I'm paying for the drinks and the soy sauce with an anniversary 1.5 pound bloat, but that'll be off soon.

I miss spending more time on this thread, but I really feel I need to exercise before I have anything major to report. I'll try this afternoon...the new batliptical is calling my name. Which is creepy.

Hugs to you all on all the progress. Dee Jay I hope your knee is better! Kimberly, I am still sending out good vibes to you and your neighbors...Rod, do not get on the Jas workplan! That is not how I want to inspire people. Mara, welcome back. Skippy -- if you keep walking this much, you'll be in Chicago soon!

I literally have a meeting that I am late for (it's 6:30 in the freaking morning!) but I wanted to do a "drive by" posting.


Nov 24, 2006


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Tuesday.

Monarch, visiting and shopping with your aunt sounds like a great time. The matching aprons for your friend and her daughter must be adorable. I am sure they will love them. Yay for getting a scarf finished in 3 hours. I need to get a few done before Christmas. Woo hoo on the meeting with your boss. Congrats for your upcoming promotion. If I lived there I’d certainly have to help increase your sales. I can’t believe I am in the downhill stretch of this semester. I won’t have another long stint until June when I teach at an outreach college every Saturday and Sunday for 4 weeks. Boy is that a long month! But I’ve got a 2 ct. diamond bracelet and a flat top stove with convection oven to show for the last 2 times I did it. It makes that 70 miles a day drive well worth it.
Jas, your anniversary sounds terrific. Thanks for the drive by posting.
Hi Skippy! Have a great day.
Well, I’m off to work. I started with a grapefruit and cheerios for BF.


Oct 30, 2002
hey gang!!

i have been SO busy at work (my fab coworkers outdid themselves eyesterday in celebration for my bday so i was coming back, catching up, getting ready for all day meetings today and tomorrow AND celebrating my bday!!)...there were donuts, homemade cupcakes, brownies and SANGRIA! it was a great gorgefest of a day.

and then last nite we were so zonked i just read PS a bit and we watched TV. i have been working on the pictures (there were like 300) so i have a few to share but then i have to go get ready to be in the car for an 8am call, argh!! anyway, hope all are doing well...i am also amazed i only gained a few lbs but i'm sure yesterday added a 4th lol!!!

anyway here are a few pictures to tide you guys over...!! have a great day, i am going to try to get a workout in today at lunch but we have meetings til 5pm and then drinks with some vendors. no rest for the wicked. and greg and i are choosing our pumpkins for carving tonite!!

this was the view from our balcony during dusk.

acapulco b.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
view from one of the hotel hallways when you walked up and down the stairs.

acapulco c.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
part of the bar/lounge area where the reception was held, this huge palapa tent was amazing, to the left of the picture is a huge open balcony/patio where they set up more of these lounge chairs and tables and served us margaritas like crazy!

acapulco f.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
the view from the area where the bar/lounge reception was held...

acapulco g.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
the one local place we managed to eat at in town.... yummy !!!

acapulco d.jpg


Oct 30, 2002
and one of us at the wedding standing outside the church, this view was amazing!!!

acapulco maragreg c small.jpg

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Hi Everyone! Just thought I''d stop in and say, although I haven''t been posting in here, I have been steadily working away, and have lost 5 pounds. 1 more to go to be back to my normal weight! Slow and steady wins the race...


Jan 3, 2005
mara love the pics of your trip. I''m so glad you and greg had such a great time!! i agree that the 3lbs will disappear off you very quickly..

deejay, please do go get your knee checked out. seriously, knees are on body part that have a very hard time fully recovering from and injury and you surely don''t want to do more damage if something is wrong..

So, nothing exciting for me to report. I did start doing the *skippy* and walking 3 days a week with a gal from my mom''s club who lives in my neighborhood. we do a loop that is about 3 miles, pushing our kids in the stollers and then end at a playground where they can play for a while. I need to get back into the spinning thing too but the classes start at 8:30 and I drop my kindergartner off at school at 8:00 and it makes it tight to get there on time. still doing the sat. am hike though which i plan to continue thoughout the winter.

hope all of you have a great day!!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys...just checking in. Well, I got up nice and early at 5:30 this morning and went on a good run. Then got Andrew all ready for his first soccer practice, got all the way over to the field and nobody was there...then I realized it doesn''t start until next Tuesday
. That serves me right for listening to the girl at the registration that said it started today and not looking over the schedule. My hubby even took off of work to meet us over there to watch him and take pics! Oh well, Andrew was upset at first, but then we let him play at the park and took him to Panera Bread to have a sandwich and a cookie, so he got over it. By the way, they have the best soup ever there, and it was only 110 calories, but I did share an asiago cheese bagel with cream cheese with Adam, but that is made with whole wheat, so not too bad for you I guess. Anyway, hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday!


Nov 24, 2006
I got back from a 4.5 mile walk and some hill sprints. This morning I had double fiber natures own ww bread for breakfast, tj's reduced fat string cheese, lunch was 1 small tortilla w/black beans and 1 oz of reduced fat cheddar. This afternoon I made a veggie soup and I am not sure what to eat for dinner. I think hubby will be on his own tonight because it is the final night of sewing class. Last night while watching dancing w/the stars I was pinning the window treatment and making sure the angles were perfect (who wants a crooked curtin). hehee

Rod, whoo hooo for the uber workout tonight! Glad you had a productive day yesterday!

Monarch, yay for the walk w/the pups and enjoying time w/your aunt! Yay to the assistant manager job! Kudos, and hopefully that means a bigger paycheck.

Marcy, I don't blame you thowing all the laundry in the wash. hehe Do you teach class only Mondays?? Great job walking! The bling is a family brooch.

Mara, those pictures are amazing!!! I kept hoping you would post pics; I love them!!! Ahhhh, what a dream!!! Your coworkers are so sweet; you deserve the spoiling. hehee

Hey IG, yay for being close to goal!

Mrs. Salvo, you cracked me up w/the *skippy* walk; you are tooooo cute for words! Great job doing 3 miles and pushing the stroller; that is tough.
Hey, you working out now is great for you and the baby! Kudos for sure!!! Yay for the hike too

Steph, dang to no soccer! Well I am glad you had fun in the park! I am jealous of you guys w/the Panera's! I wish we had one!

DeeJay, yes please go see a doctor. Knees should not make crunchy noises
. I ignored my knee for a LONG time and thought it was getting better and all the time I was making it worse; hopefully you can get them to send you to PT. Sending healing knee vibes!

Have a great and healthy evening all


Dec 28, 2005
Happy Anniversary Jas - Your dinner sounded terrific. Odd combo of food styles, but terrific none-the-less! And no need to worry, Rod most definitely will not join the Jas doesn''t have time because of her twilight zone school environment to not workout club. LOL And on a final note, do not feel you need to have exercised to come be with your WWT friends. We''re here regardless, you hear me girl??

Happy Birthday Mara!! How nice of your office to have a great celebration for you and the pics of your trip, were simply beautiful. Don''t you and Greg look like the healthiest of couples!!!

Wow, talk of a promotion after only two months Monnie??!! Woo Hoo and WAY TO GO!!! It''s nice you are happy and enjoying your job so much!

Inde.......WAY TO GO ON 5 POUNDS!!!!

Skippy, you are our walking machine. I agree with Jas. You could have walked to Chicago by now!! Only, I wish you would walk to Tampa instead!

Glad you''re doing well Mrssalvo. Hope you enjoyed your walk and I hope everything is going well with your pregnancy!!

It was a crazy day again at work. They''ve given me 3 full time jobs, which of course I''m supposed to be able to juggle with ease. I guess I can, but it keeps my day a bit on the zany side. Still, I will not give up my fitness time for anything. So, I left the office around 6 and made it to the gym about 6:15, and got on the floor by 6:25. I was determined to push really hard because we''ve been taking Wednesday''s off lately. So there I was killing myself (and enjoying it all the while) and Charlie says......."hey, since tomorrow''s Halloween and we won''t have any trick or treater''s, I''ll bet the gym will be pretty empty tomorrow night, so let''s do three nights in a row this week!" So, I guess I didn''t need to push quite as hard as I did, but there''s nothing wrong with a really "uber" workout now and then. Since we will go again the next two nights, I''ll pace myself a little better the next two nights.

I do get to get out of the office early tomorrow. I have a dental appointment in the later afternoon. I can''t believe how much I''m looking forward to having my teeth cleaned so I can leave work a little early.......LOL

That''s about all I can come up with. It''s time to sit with a kitty on my lap, then off to bed to start another fun filled day in the wonderfully whacky world of IT Technical Staffing (in case any of you didn''t know what I did).

Sleep well everyone!


Mar 20, 2003
I'm plugging along . . .

Scale has been between 114.5 (all time adult low) and 118. I'm weighing myself now to make sure I don't careen in either direction too far. I haven't weighed 114 since I was 17 and my boyfriend dumped me (sigh) and I lost some weight from, well, being a sad teenager. But pictures of me then are of this skinny girl with no muscles. I know I couldn't fit my hips and butt into the pants I wore then, and I know I could pick my 17 year old self up with one arm and throw her out the window. So I don't really understand how I could have so much more muscle, more curves, and weigh the same.

I want to post a picture of myself because I think you all must think I am really delusional and am actually some unhealthily skinny person, but I don't have any recent pictures that show more of me than my shoulders (it's getting cold, ya know). I'll see what I can do. I can only assume that the voodoo magic that made me never appear too heavy to people 20+ pounds ago is working in my favor again.

I jogged three miles today. I made the mistake of stopping to blow my nose at one point and could barely muster the will to start running again. I was held back by an unusually stuffy nose but I also felt really strong at the end. I'm going to try adding another half a mile next time and will probably start driving to the park (1.2 miles away) and running more while there rather than walking there and back plus my three mile jog (which takes about an hour total). Plus daylight is against me, so I think this will be safer.

DH and I are going to Utah (Sundance Resort) for a work reward trip this weekend (three nights). I can't find anything on the website about a gym because I think this is a place that is all about the, gulp, outdoors. Correct me if you know otherwise, please! This is disappointing because I know the weather will be in the low 40's (as the high!), but it's not skiing weather yet (not that I would). So I guess I'll bring the resistance cord that I've used only once and see what happens. I've never jogged in cold weather and I'm not sure now is the time to start! I have to say, I will be a little irritated if my suspicion about the gym is correct . . . how hard is it to have a little room somewhere with an old treadmill and some weights in it just in case somebody staying there isn't in the mood to climb a mountain by herself while her husband is at meetings?

P.S. Having rings that fit is making me a happy girl. And my diamond looks bigger now! It's almost like having new rings . . . almost.


Mar 20, 2003
OK, let''s see if this works . . . this is from not this past weekend but the weekend before. I had to get the photo off somebody else''s online album and then crop everyone else out, so it won''t be the best quality . . .



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I had cheerios and grapefruit for BF, some pasta / bread for lunch and left over roast beef / potatoes for supper. I went to lunch with a friend and I think she picked the most fattening place she could but I order baked ziti and ate about 1/5th of it and some French bread with it. The owner was really upset I left so much food and wouldn’t take it with me. I think he would have given it to me free if I didn’t keep reassuring him everything was fine but that is all I wanted to eat. People don’t automatically think I’m on a diet anymore so when I don’t eat much they think the food is bad or I don’t feel well.
Happy Birthday, Mara and welcome back. Your pictures are wonderful. Your birthday celebration at work sounds great (and quite tasty as well). The scenery from your balcony would be really tough to take day in and day out. LOL! The picture of you and Greg is lovely. You guys are such a cute couple.
Inde Gal, congratulations on loosing 5 pounds. Yes, slow and steady wins the race.
MrsSalvo, yay for going out for so many “Skippy’s” this week. We went out and walked around a couple of stores tonight. Too bad we always spend money when we do that. We bought a few Christmas gifts and new pillows tonight.
Steph, sorry Andrew didn’t get to play today but it sounds like you made it a nice family outing anyway. Next Tuesday we will look forward to hearing about his first soccer practice.
Skippy, yay for your long walk and for pinning the curtains. I baste a lot when I sew. I have campus classes on Monday and Wednesday evening; M is 3 hours and W is 2 hours. I will be anxious to see your new brooch.
DeeJay, I am with everyone about getting your knee checked. I have arthritis in both knees and they give me fits frequently.
Rod, good idea to hit the gym tomorrow. I bet it will be pretty deserted on Halloween. I plan on being home handing out candy to cute little kids.
PhoenixGirl, yay for getting to an all time low. That is awesome. Congratulations on your 3 mile run and for planning on adding another ½ mile next time. Have fun on your trip. You have to be careful jogging in cold weather because you can damage your lungs. I am glad to hear your rings fit you again and how cool your diamond looks bigger. Woo hoo!
Take care everyone and have a safe and Happy Halloween!


Oct 30, 2002
here are a few more photos for you guys....

this was the view from our balcony as well...diff time of day and angled more to the left.

acapulco a.jpg
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