
Weekly Workout Thread 1st April till 6th April

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all and 1 April!

Firstly I wanted to address the pudding question!
Mara, treacle sponge and spotted dick ( AKA fly pudding
) are traditional stodgy and delightful English puddings, often served with custard! Yum! Spotted Dick is made of suet and currants or raisins, flour and sugar, then it is traditionally boiled in a pudding basin for around 4 hours until cooked. I am not keen on it as I hate currants, but treacle sponge is another story! It is also made with suet and golden syrup, and boiled. Once cooked you have a golden fluffy sponge with the syrup running through it!

Anyway, it is April. I will be coming up to my third year of this journey and what a difference it has made to so many areas of my life. I had to be firm with myself to remember this, as I had eaten so many cupcakes over the weekend, I was really feeling as if I was losing control. I probably had 8 to 10 cupcakes over the entire weekend, but something about these cakes, as I so enjoyed them, triggered danger signals, as I was beginning to be haunted by them. It was like a flashback to years ago when I had trouble with self control and some foods, I was just craving these cakes so badly.

I was getting quite upset, but I was able to feel better by getting out there and doing cardio both Sat and Sun, which gave me back some control. I then realized that I still have a lot of work to do with feelings of guilt, as a former erratic eater. I still have battles with allowing myself to enjoy food, and sometimes being very hard on myself. I cannot expect perfection and perhaps if I can be a bit more forgiving of myself and concentrate on the positives of what I have achieved, then that would be another step in the right direction.

So there were a few sticks and stones in my path recently, but like we always say on this thread, pick yourself up and carry on - that is the real key! And also I need to give myself permission to have and enjoy a bit of cake on occasion - as some of us say, you have to live a little!

Have a great week!


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning friends! Happy new month! Sorry I have been MIA this weekend, but it has been quite busy. Adam''s Dad was in town for a convention he was attending with work, so he was staying with us. We have either had people visiting us or we have been out of town every single weekend since we moved here a month ago! Not that I''m complaining, I love family, but I haven''t been able to accomplish everything I need to (like hang up pictues and curtains, etc.) Adam is out of town teaching a class at the corporate office in Richmond, so I will be driving to Atalnta to visit with my family while he is there. I''m really excited, I haven''t been to visit since Thanksgiving, so it will be fun and Andrew is very excited. I''m getting together with my girlfriends tomorrow, so I can''t wait. These girls and I have been friends since elementary school and all went to college together. They all still live in Atlanta and we used to have girl''s night all the time, so I really miss that. Anyway, not too much to report on the workout front, although we did a lot of walking this weekend. My mom has some cardio equipment at her house, so I plan to workout a lot while I''m there. I have lost 3 lbs. though, so that is exciting that I''m going back in the right direction...oh and my skinny jeans at least buttoned up again although they are still too tight to wear out in public! Anyway, everyone have a great day!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy April 1st. Fool''s Day - I must try to play some tricks on some people.

I started the day down .6 pounds. I must be on a loosing spurt again then I will be whining in another few weeks I can''t loose a thing. I''ll take whatever I can get.

Lorelei, I know there will be days when we''ll all be eating too many cupcakes or whatever the trigger food is but as you said it''s so important we pick ourselves back up and get back on track. I think that is why so many of us are here because we all strive to do that whether it takes us a day, a weekend or even a month to get back on track. The puddings your described do not sound yummy to me - I guess I''m a plain old vanilla / chocolate girl.

Bee, it''s funny that meats would be so different between our countries. I love breakfast too.

Steph, have a super trip to visit your family and girl friends.

Have a great day.



Jun 15, 2006
Morning WWTers,

I have nothing thrilling to report. Still eating healthy, still trying to get in exercise whenever I can, which isn''t often enough.

Stephanie, enjoy your trip!

Marcy, hooray for 160''s and continued weight loss, those milestones are so fun, aren''t they!

Lorelei, I found a See''s Candy gift certificate in the garage yesterday and asked J why it was there, he told me once he starts he can''t stop, so he''s not even going to buy them, at least not now. I thought this was interesting...and rolls right into your cupcake binge. There are certain trigger foods we all struggle with (peanut butter and chocolate for me!).

Have a great day all.


Feb 21, 2005
hello wwt! i think i am finally recovered from saturday''s dance class. yesterday i was still really sore, so i just took another long walk, but today i am going to brave biking since i am feeling much better.

not too much else to report. i am excited for my snack today - i mixed some coconut extract with my fage and put chopped mango on top for a tropical treat. of course, the mangoes here don''t hold a candle to the ones in costa rica, but it''s fun to pretend! i feel like i''ve been in a bit of a food rut lately, so it''s nice to do something a little different. i also bought a new cookbook last night for some fresh ideas.

have a good one!


May 14, 2006
great opening Lorelei and I know exactly what you mean! I''m not sure if I''ll be able to go to bootcamp tonight as we have a big presentation in college to do and already I''m thinking if I don''t go to bootcamp, I should have something bad to eat tonight so tomorrow I can start afresh and be good which is totally the wrong way to do things. I''m a very all or nothing person-it can be hard to find a happy medium in between!


Jun 25, 2007
HI all, sorry for the MIA. I''ve had a busy week and weekend. I went to Jacksonville for a Conference, and that in itself was all day cardio, up and down for clapping, walking everywhere.
Anyways. I''m home now and realized that despite some fried chicken tenders, and a huge cream cheese gobbed bagel, and three pieces of pizza at 11 pm at night, I still had managed to lose 1lb over the weekend (aaaaammmmmmaaaaaazzzziiiinnngg).

Right now I''m trying to amp up my cardio and sculpting routines. I''m doing 30-40 mins on the treadmill in the morning, walking at 3mph with a 7.5 level incline. I''m jogging 30-40 mins in the afternoon with my SO as we are wanting to start working up towards training for 3-5k runs. My sculpting includes pilates moves (lots of curling and uncurling using abdominals, 100''s, rocks, and a move where you lift your legs off the ground while laying down, works the lower abdominal area more), squats, plie''s, lunges, leg lifts, butterflies/bicycles, some resistance band moves, and light weight lifting. I want to increase though, any thoughts??


Jul 30, 2007
Hi WWTers!

I''ve been holding steady at 141.5 lbs for a few days now, so I think the loss is here to stay! Yay! Now I just need to lose the other 6.5 lbs...oh well.
Also, I''ve been temping at a job that uses PCs the last couple of days and I am JEALOUS of all the features PSers who use Internet Explorer get. Firefox needs them too!

Lorelei, treacle sponge sounds delicious! I''ve been threatening to make a Christmas pudding for the last couple of years, but I never remember until the week before Christmas. Hopefully this year I''ll do it in time for it to age. Great opener this week!

Steph, it sounds like things are busy busy for you! Have a great time with your girlfriends in Atlanta!

Marcy, congratulations on being down ANOTHER .6 pounds! You are amazing, woman!!!

Kimberly, you can send that sees candy certificate over this way.

Shortblonde, your tropical fage sounds so good! Make sure you stay away from the skin of the mango when you chop it--it has the same chemical in it as poison oak and can cause a nasty rash (I found this out the hard way--poison oak on your lips is the worst thing ever.)

Bee, good luck on your presentation! Where in Ireland are you, btw? My sister is living in Galway atm and she loves it.

Hi Dragonfly! Hope the conference was good--it sounds like you''re doing great with all your sculpting and cardio. I''m impressed.

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!


May 14, 2006
Hi ladypirate
That''s great that the weight loss isn''t going anywhere! Woohoo!!

I''m in Dublin. Is your sister going to college in Galway? I adore it in Galway-it''s such a great place.


Jul 30, 2007
Yes, I believe she's at the University of Galway. She's having a ball, although I think she's a bit overwhelmed by some of the drinking culture. I told her just to join in
, but it's not really her style. My other sister (her identical twin) is studying in Italy at the same time, so they keep going back and forth to visit each other. I'm jealous!


May 14, 2006
That does seem to be a shock to a lot of students coming to Ireland-it''s kind of where we always socialise! I''m not a big drinker myself so it can feel strange on a night out being the only sober person!


Jul 30, 2007
Yeah--I studied in England and at first it was a bit surprising, but I figured "when in rome..."

I still miss the bitters. And the way Guinness tastes over there...yum!


Jun 25, 2007
When I was overseas I drank Kronenburg? I loved it, it was great, but now I can''t find it here at all in the U.S. I''m assuming it must not be exported, but I thought it might be being that it sat next to Guinness everywhere I seemed to go lol.


Jul 30, 2007
I would imagine you could find Kronenbourg over''s not an English beer in any case--I think it''s French? Not sure though. I usually do microbrews--there''s an awesome brewery here in town that we get most of our beer from.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all; last nights sewing class was fun but the introductions were long; I was ready to get started sewing and less blah blah blahing
Everyone is really nice and has some interesting backgrounds in sewing. I just got as far as cutting out my pattern; this weekend I plan to cut the material so I can do some sewing in class next time. Our teacher is awesome and just has this amazing passion for sewing which is inspiring!!!

I spent the morning at the Orthopedic doc's w/my mom meeting w/him about my mom's hip replacement. The doctor was very nice and patient with all our questions, so now my mom is set for a hip replacement come June.

Tonight I will be at muscle hour which I love and then of course I will be watching Dancing with the Stars as I missed it last night. I need to come up w/an April Fools joke for my sweet hubby. hmmmm

Steph, you have been a busy little bee; have a safe trip. Yay for the 3 lbs!

Marcy, I am making a robe and then pj's. I bought a cute flannel surfboard material for my BIL, totally gnarly dude. hehe
Yay for being down .6lbs! Tell us about who you fool. hehe

Lorelei, great opening sweetie! Yay for your workouts this weekend, you rock!

Rod, I will look forward to lovely Tampa pics! Yay for your awesome workouts Mister!

Kimi, yay for maintaining; that is an accomplishment!

SB, Yay for being sore and enjoy your biking!! Enjoy your tropical snack!

Hey my fellow WW peep Bee! Hope you finish your project in time for bootcamp tonight!

Dragonfly, yay for your 1lb!!!

Hey Ladypirate, you look tiny in the knitting thread!! How tall are you? You probably are all muscle!


Jul 30, 2007
Date: 4/1/2008 2:48:39 PM
Author: Skippy123
Hi all; last nights sewing class was fun but the introductions were long; I was ready to get started sewing and less blah blah blahing
Everyone is really nice and has some interesting backgrounds in sewing. I just got as far as cutting out my pattern; this weekend I plan to cut the material so I can do some sewing in class next time. Our teacher is awesome and just has this amazing passion for sewing which is inspiring!!!

I spent the morning at the Orthopedic doc''s w/my mom meeting w/him about my mom''s hip replacement. The doctor was very nice and patient with all our questions, so now my mom is set for a hip replacement come June.

Tonight I will be at muscle hour which I love and then of course I will be watching Dancing with the Stars as I missed it last night. I need to come up w/an April Fools joke for my sweet hubby. hmmmm

Hey Ladypirate, you look tiny in the knitting thread!! How tall are you? You probably are all muscle!
Aww, thanks Skippy! I''m 5''9" but I''m pretty lanky. The last 6 pounds are mainly just tummy pudge.

Sewing is so much fun! I''ve been trying to finish this quilt I''m sewing for my cousin''s new baby, but the last few panels have to be done by hand and it''s taking FOREVER. Is the class machine sewing or hand sewing?

I''m sorry your mom has to have a hip replacement--that sounds like no fun. Hopefully it will help her be much more spry, though!

You''ll have to let us know what prank you pull for April Fools--I need to come up with something for Kris as well. Nothing too mean.


Dec 9, 2002
Hi...I can barely type for my biceps being all wobbly...LOL...took a 24Set class at the gym. Class was good, instructor sucked. I''m so picky about instructors (being one myself) and I hate it when they do not cue properly. I need to start teaching again, because all I do is teach in my head & my mind wanders to how I would do it different unless the instructor is awesome. (like my kickboxing one, she''s a pistol!) I still have the "baby jelly belly" around my middle and I want to whittle some of that before I stand in front of a room full of people. Of course, I know that is nonsense...I don''t have to be perfect to teach, in fact, it''s good for students to watch their instructors work towards goals too. Reality is, I''m 37 and have 2 kids, one of whom is 6 months old. Many of us don''t snap back super fast & its good for other women to realize that its a journey. So even though my head KNOWS all that, I''m still self conscious. Sigh. Oh well...I was there & now that my daughter is 6mos. she''s old enough for the daycare there, and she did great too! My son loves it there too. I had to coax him out.

Well, I have to go journal my food. I''m down .5 lbs this week, and that makes me happy. Slow loss is a good loss...I''ll take it!

Have a great day!


May 14, 2006
Date: 4/1/2008 2:19:18 PM
Author: ladypirate
Yeah--I studied in England and at first it was a bit surprising, but I figured ''when in rome...''

I still miss the bitters. And the way Guinness tastes over there...yum!

you should try the Guinness in Ireland if you think it''s good in the UK-it''s amazing over here!! I can''t drink much of it though.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 4/1/2008 4:01:04 PM
Author: bee*

Date: 4/1/2008 2:19:18 PM
Author: ladypirate
Yeah--I studied in England and at first it was a bit surprising, but I figured 'when in rome...'

I still miss the bitters. And the way Guinness tastes over there...yum!

you should try the Guinness in Ireland if you think it's good in the UK-it's amazing over here!! I can't drink much of it though.
I have never tried proper Guinness as it should be drunk it Ireland, I must say I am rather partial to a drop AND it is good for you! I prefer draught, it seems creamier somehow.


Jul 30, 2007
Date: 4/1/2008 4:03:22 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 4/1/2008 4:01:04 PM
Author: bee*

Date: 4/1/2008 2:19:18 PM
Author: ladypirate
Yeah--I studied in England and at first it was a bit surprising, but I figured ''when in rome...''

I still miss the bitters. And the way Guinness tastes over there...yum!

you should try the Guinness in Ireland if you think it''s good in the UK-it''s amazing over here!! I can''t drink much of it though.
I have never tried proper Guinness as it should be drunk it Ireland, I must say I am rather partial to a drop AND it is good for you! I prefer draught, it seems creamier somehow.
I went to the Guinness factory when I was in Dublin--that was the best draught I''ve ever had, plus the view was stellar.


Jun 25, 2007
Thanks Skippy!!
Good luck with the meeting with your mom and the doc!!! I hope all goes well!

Guiness in the UK was pretty amazing. I was told that Kronenburg was English though?
I loved the local brews there, so maybe I should try to find some more local stuff here, but I don''t think I''ll ever find good brews like overseas. I wanna go back to bath and London, they had the best by far


Nov 16, 2007
I will go for a walk tonight. At least 2 miles. If I don''t someone yell at me.


May 14, 2006
Date: 4/1/2008 4:05:10 PM
Author: ladypirate
Date: 4/1/2008 4:03:22 PM

Author: Lorelei

Date: 4/1/2008 4:01:04 PM

Author: bee*

Date: 4/1/2008 2:19:18 PM

Author: ladypirate

Yeah--I studied in England and at first it was a bit surprising, but I figured ''when in rome...''

I still miss the bitters. And the way Guinness tastes over there...yum!

you should try the Guinness in Ireland if you think it''s good in the UK-it''s amazing over here!! I can''t drink much of it though.

I have never tried proper Guinness as it should be drunk it Ireland, I must say I am rather partial to a drop AND it is good for you! I prefer draught, it seems creamier somehow.

I went to the Guinness factory when I was in Dublin--that was the best draught I''ve ever had, plus the view was stellar.

I love the Guinness factory! I had so much fun when I was there a few years ago!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone!

Nothing at all to report on the job front. It''s eerily quiet out there. Still, I''m not worrying myself sick over it. I figure something good will come along at some point. So, I''m determined to just enjoy my time off because I''ll miss the luxury of doing pretty much what I want when I want when I go back to work.

The A/C people showed up as scheduled (which was a shock as service people often don''t come at the scheduled time) and thankfully, it was just a simple wiring issue and they had the system up and running in just a few minutes. Plus while they were here, they checked everything out and made sure there was a full supply of refrigerant in the compressor, so we''re all set for the warm months. We had our breakfast on the terrace (no cruise ships to take pics of Skippy, sorry). Then, since we weren''t planning on the gym today, we did go for an 11 mile skate and it felt just terrific. I forget how much I love to skate. There was a time when we''d skate several times a week, but then we joined the gym and the benefits we get from the gym seem to outweigh what we get from skating. But the funny thing was how skating 11 miles seemed like absolutely doing nothing. And I was working really hard (meaning we were flying down the sidewalk) and I wasn''t breathing hard, nor was my heart rate up like it would have been a long time ago. It definitely shows how working out, specifically aerobically can make such dramatic changes in one''s health.

We''re having baked chicken, rice and steamed carrots for dinner, then we''ll likely head out for coffee under the oak. It''s actually an almost summer-like day. The temps are in the mid-80''s and the sky is more summer-like in appearance. I love the summer sky in Florida. Big plumes of puffy clouds in the distance that start off white, but then turn dark as they rise high enough to become thunder storms. We have LOT''S of thunder storms in the summer here and I actually enjoy them a lot.

Lorelei, I know what you mean about binging. That''s why I''m often afraid to have things like Pizza. Rod LOVE''S pizza and for me it''s like opening the flood gates. But you ballanced your cupcakes with cardio, so even if you might have had few more calories than you thought you should, you tempered it with fitness which is something you most definitely DIDN''T do before you started your quest to be healthy, fit and Stunning! Thanks for the right-on weekly opener!

Steph, enjoy visiting the folks in Atlanta!

Yay for another .6 pounds down Marcy!

Good for you losing a pound, even after eating conference food dragon!

Good for you holding steady LP!!

Hey Skippy. I''m glad you got your mom''s surgery all scheduled and got all the questions answered. Both my parents have had hip replacements and it''s surprisingly not such a big deal. Enjoy muscle hour tonight!! You know I won''t miss American Idol tonight. Also, did you see that DHW''s is coming back in two weeks??

diver, we''re all self conscious and our worst critics. I''m glad your gym class made you sore, but sorry the instructor sucked.

Legacy, I hope you went for that walk!!

I may not be able to check in later, so I hope you all have a great evening tonight!


Nov 16, 2007
I haven''t gone yet as soon as my bar review class is over and I go home I will


Jan 11, 2006
Hi everyone, I fell off the posting wagon last week but NOT the eating well/exercising wagon, for once! I''ve been regularly walking at least twice a week for 45-60 minutes, as well, with 2 days of yoga per week. I''ve actually lost 5 pounds since starting on Nutrisystem on March 2, exactly the rate of loss I was hoping for. My friend and I are doing a 5K walk at the beach this weekend, and we''re planning on at least two more in the next couple of months.

Lorelei, I missed the start of the convo, but do people still actually eat spotted dick (oh, god, how can you not laugh at the name)? I''ve read about it in historical fiction (the Patrick O''Brian Aubrey/Maturin series, if you''re familiar), and even found recipes for it. I think I''ve had treacle...or was it trifle? Is there a difference? And another English dessert I LOVE is sticky toffee pudding. I''m salivating just thinking about it.


Nov 16, 2007
Ok I didn''t walk two miles tonight....

I walked 2.5 miles

Man and to think I used to run 10miles a day this time last year

I''ll get back there hopefully in a few months!!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you had a great day. The highlight of my day was a bowl of mixed fruit with supper.
Kimi, glad to hear you are still eating healthy and exercising when you can. Sounds like my daily life too. I am really psyched at reaching two milestones – the 160’s and minus 150.
Shortblonde, I hope you enjoyed your snack today. Great idea to get a new cookbook to try new recipes.
Bee, good luck with your big presentation at school tomorrow.
Dragonfly, congratulations for loosing a pound in spite of enjoying some treats.
Ladypirate, yay for holding steady at your low weight. Good luck at loosing those last few pounds. Thanks for the congrats.
Skppy, that’s great you enjoyed your sewing class last night. Sorry to hear about your mom’s hip, I hear many wonderful success stories of hip replacement. I actually didn’t fool anyone today – everyone was way too wise to me. Rats.
Divergrrl, yay for loosing weight this week. Slow loss it definitely a good loss.
LegacyGirl, I was glad to hear you went for a nice walk so we didn’t have to “yell” at you. Tee hee.
Rod, you and Charlie sound like pros at skating. I would so fall and kill myself. I love watching thunderstorms too. Lightning is very cool to watch.
Selke, congratulations for loosing 5 pounds since starting NS.
Have a great evening.


Dec 9, 2002
Hey Skippy! hows it shakin?

Shortblonde: What dance class did you take? I love dance classes, but haven''t hauled myself to one since baby was born. Need to.

Legacy: good job walking! I love to jog...but 3 miles is my limit. Just enough to burn calories & not hurt my knees.

Well, all my good work today helped offset my burger craving. LOL. My son woke up from his nap saying "cheeseburgerville mama". Oy. Burgerville is a NW company (fresh organic meat etc...but still fast transfats though) and I broke and got myself a pepperbacon cheeseburger & fries. with a DIET coke. LOL. My son is 3 and weighs in at a measly 27lbs (and is really tall) so when he says he''s hungry for something (which is never, dude eats like a bird) I go get it for him. He wolfed it down. But I really ate light the last few days, so one treat isn''t going to undo it all.

But if I don''t walk tomorrow (pushing 2 kids for 2.5 miles) someone yell at me.

Anyone do Namaste Yoga on the fit tv channel on cable? One of my neighbors does & loves it. I taught yoga until I was 6mo preggo,but haven''t done a class since last summer (gasp!) and my back is killing me. I think on friday I''m going to treat myself to a class. A new studio opened up in town & it looks GREAT. I want to check it out.

My poor body is so sore. I need to get it all aligned again. Carrying my 18lb daughter around in her carseat carrier is KILLING my back. But she can''t sit up yet (she''s a moose for her age) My gym has yoga, but I don''t want to take the kids there 2 days in a row. Germs & colds & stuff....less exposure...kwim? We just got over ear infections/pukies a few weeks ago, so I''m cautious.

Anyone else find that yoga really helps their backs? I found I don''t care for pilates mat classes....I''ve never tried private classes on the reformer, but for me, yoga is a huge help in keeping my back strong.

And getting my daughter to sit so I can ditch that carseat carrier is going to be a godsend. I swear, I look like a pack mule most days.


Aug 12, 2005
Hey WWTr''s...I don''t have anything exciting to report tonight. I do have one funny story to relate: I bought a fresh pineapple (love them fresh, not canned, but seldom buy them) a few days ago and last night I decided to slice it open and have some, but reserve some for the next couple days. I ended up eating like half of the pineapple and suddenly my tongue and lips were on fire. I googled "pineapple" and discovered that in large doses, the juice can be used as a meat tenderizer, among other things. Sheesh. I had to brush down my whole mouth and teeth like three times and my tongue was still super red, but not swollen...pineapple can also be an antiinflammatory. LOL!

tonight I stopped by TJ''s for some healthy goodies and wine...they had just remodeled the store a few weeks ago and now it is super roomy and spacious, I love the new layout. I don''t think they have a whole lot more choices to offer, but the additional space (which is due to the fact the the Zales next door went out of business, thought you''d find that funny) makes the shopping experience that much better. After shopping I stopped by a friend''s to watch AI, totally boring.

Came home and DH told me he got tickets to the Cubs game tomorrow, so we will be attending that. will be a great way to et out of the house and enjoy the outdoors no matter what the temperature tomorrow. I''m very excited! This will be the 100th year since they won a world series, so a lot is riding on every single game this year. (As usual, ha ha.)

See you probably day after tomorrow...take care!
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