
Weekly Workout Thread 11th Dec till 17th Dec

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Apr 30, 2005
Happy new week all!

Ok, trying to think of some more positive thoughts to kick our week off with! I will be eating like Jeff over the Holidays, have what I want the day before, day of and day after Christmas - then get back onto my normal plan afterwards. I might even fit in the odd workout during this time if I am not too tired. I look at it this way, I have worked hard all year with my body and fitness, us WWTers believe that fitness and eating well is for LIFE, so it stands to reason that we won't beat ourselves up too badly at fun times for indulging in all the yummy things this season has to offer! I am not the type of person who wants to exhibit a ton of self control at parties etc, I prefer to eat what is on offer and as much of it as I want, then eat carefully the next day and work out a bit harder. In this way, no damage seems to be done! But it depends on what is easier for the person, whether it is counting calories at a buffet or indulging, no way is wrong it just depends on what works for you!

I also wanted to say, it is impossible to 'blow it.' I wanted to mention that as I know that some people read this thread but don't post and hopefully this thread helps more people than we ever know. If you eat, drink and consume thousands more calories than you should over a month for example, you still always have the opportunity to turn it around, eat sensibly and work out. Even if you are 100 pounds overweight, you still can make positive changes - alter your eating habits and start working out, even 10 mins on the treadmill is a start! Take that first step, everything comes from that. Do the work, you get the results, don't do the work...You always have the opportunity to start again! Forget the fad diets, eat real food, cut out the fat and sugar, empty calories, get out there and take a walk if you can, find a way to get moving! Buy a fitness DVD and use it if going to the gym isn't practical. So in this way, 'blowing it' isn't really an option, we always have the choice to change and make things better for ourselves, but we have to take that first step, then keep going. It gets easier as us WWTers know!

Ok, done preaching! Got in 2 workouts this weekend, so pleased with that! Uusal 30 mins treadmill and 20 mins ellip. Jeff, we will expect reports of you ellipticising soon as Rod would say!

Coda - great job with the treadmill workouts!

Mara I hope your cold is better.

Have a great week everyone!
Morning friend!

Yes, I read this thread often. I have been living vicariously through you all for weeks now, and sadly, I haven't lost a thing.
Drat. Guess I actually have to eat right and exercise huh? After the holidays....

Really just wanted to drop in and say hi, and keep up the good work!
Thanks as usual for the inspirational start to this thread Lorelei!
Welcome Ellen, this thread will be here for you, when you are ready

I had an intense weekend of cardio vascular exercise. My frisbee team played well and
hard. We made it to the semi-finals on Sunday, and lost a really close game. It''s all for fun,
though, so it doesn''t really matter, but the old competetive edge starts kicking in, and lets face it,
winning is much more fun than losing!

My body is pretty beat up today, I have scratches on my knees and elbows from diving low to catch
a poorly thrown disc, my knees are a bit swollen from the constant sprinting, stopping, and changing
direction. My back is tight from hitting the ground too hard, but I feel GREAT!

I plan on not denying myself during the holidays either, but I do look forward to having more time off, which
in my case means more gym time. While I''m teaching I find it a constant struggle to find time to get to the gym.
When I have a holiday, I can usually fit in some sort of exercise every day, so while I might be eating a bunch more,
I''m working out more too.
I love to go on a long and quiet run Christmas morning, too. I hope the weather cooperates with me.
2 weeks until school is out! Whooooopeeeeee!
Hey Ellen!!! You just read away with this thread and join in as and when you want to - you are always welcome!!!!
Thanks for the kind words Tybee!
Tybee and Lorelei, thanks!

I really will have to do something, as I have a big, fancy wedding in Chicago in June. Luckily, I am only looking at about 7 or 8 pounds, which I have lost several times, but somehow they always mange to find their way back.

Take care and do enjoy the holidays!
Ellen, I know we can help you with those last few pounds easily and painlessly when you are ready! I have found that upping the exercise keeps mine off, it makes all the difference! But we have plenty of time and can make a start after the Holidays to help you dump those annoying last few pounds. I don''t know if you have been following Mara''s progress, she started out to lose 10 pounds if I remember rightly and she has surpassed that, by eating a bit more carefully and spending time on the treadmill. So we can do it!
Happy beginning of the week all!

Mara: Hope the cold is better.

Jeff: Hope the elliptical isn''t too torturous! Your eating plan is great for Christmas.

Rod: Hope you had a nice weekend spending more time settling into your new home. Your Christmas plans sound great.

Mara: Hope your trip was so much fun and that you''re feeling better.

Lorelei: Great message as always.

Ellen: Stick around, if only for a bit of inspiration!

Tybee: Another body damaging weekend! You''re on a roll. So sorry your team lost.

I stopped over-induldging myself at the holidays about 4 years ago, so I don''t really focus on it so much as just try and keep doing what I have been. It''s going on vacations that get me. But when we went to NYC a few months ago I managed not to gain a lb. We leave for Chicago tomorrow morning for 5 days. I intend to eat while there, just as I did in NYC. We tend to skip lunch, perhaps a small snack, but have larger breakfast and dinner. It worked well with my eating habits last time around, hopefully history will repeat itself.

Hubby and I went on a 6 mile hike yesterday. I was really impressed with our time, we finished in under 1.5 hours. It felt great to be outdoors. The nasty Santa Ana winds (think really dry weather, less than 10% humidity) have finally gone away, we actually had a bit of rain! This means no more sinus headaches.

I''m making dinner tonight. Also, will spend 1 hour on the elliptical today.

Probably won''t check in for most of the week. But I am bringing my laptop for school so who knows.

Keep up the great work everyone!!!
hi guys! well we are back home and man i''m soo sorry it''s monday. my cold is not better, it''s just stagnating and i know it''s due to lack of sleep and bag vegas quality of air, ick cigarette smoke everywhere. so hopefully now that we are home...i''ll recoup quite quickly. but the trip was a lot of fun...the cold is manageable but it just makes me feel stuffy and tired.''s interesting because this was probably the first trip i have taken in a long time where i actually employed better eating habits while traveling. i mean i try to obviously for the most part, but when you are out of your element in a strange place with no routine going on, it''s hard. typically when we travel, i figure well this is ''free time'' and i can do whatever i want!! but this time i don''t know, i felt less like that. i guess i just am so happy with my progress and where i am that i want to maintain it at all costs.

so the day we flew i had fiber cereal and coffee. that''s all we had til we got over to vegas and then we went out to lunch with the family. i had fish and chips so that was a splurge, then that night we went out with greg''s sister only because his dad and stepmom had an award dinner to go to. so we went to smith and wollensky. now normally i''d be totally seduced by the thought of a big fat steak! but i was still kind of erfy from the fish and chips. so i thought well lobster tail sounds good. so i ended up getting an iceberg salad, lobster tail, and then we all shared truffled mac and cheese and asparagus. and then we all split a coconut cake slice for dessert. i thought wow i could have totally given into the '' i have to have a big fat steak'' craving and i didn''t, partially because greg got one so i just had 2 pieces of his and it was enough. lobster tail was more healthy, even when dipped lightly in butter. and easier to digest!! and best part was when we were done, i didn''t feel that crushing ''oh i ate WAY too much tonite'' feeling. i felt just right.

the next day the fam went off to the hoover dam which is not really my thing so i went to the spa instead. i ended up just having a luna bar for breakfast, going to workout then hanging out in the spa for a few hours. i ate a banana and apple at the spa. then we went to dinner later that evening. i was starving but my dad had been really lean. so i shared a mozz/tomato salad with greg and then i got truffled lobster gnocchi (omg so good!! my fave 3 things all mixed together!) and had some of this chocolate pudding cake dessert. again ''just right'' feeling.

late that night we were starving as we ate a little early so greg and i went to this all night cafe in the hotel. they had the most amazing granola and yogurt EVER. i am so not kidding. it was homemade granola and i wanted to just stuff it into my pores and body. i ate what i could but i was stuffed right away, and had a small pancake from greg''s plate, slice of bacon and a bit of hash browns. but the granola! again...could have had the chicken tenders or the spinach artichoke dip but i gave more thought to it this time. the granola was a total winner.

the next morning we slept in late because we didn''t get to bed til 2! so we didn''t do breakfast, we did lunch with the family, and i had a grilled chicken panini with provolone cheese, tomatoes and lettuce on sourdough. YUM!! and pretty healthy, the only ''bad'' thing was the cheese. i ate about 2/3 of the bread and all the chicken. then we didn''t eat again til we were at the airport and i got this fave salad of mine from chilis, buffalo chicken salad...totally not great for me but not TOO bad, something like 700 cals. and it was my dinner. and we just had lunch.

so anyway...i feel pretty good today about my weekend. and i worked out once..and we did a ton of walking!!! it was great to have some time off and splurge a bit but i am so happy i didn''t get seduced by ''well the chicken wings look great'' or whatever like i totally do when traveling. then i feel gross when i get home.

blahblah this is really long. but the one other thing i wanted to say is that i was reading a mag on the plane and they had interviewed the 3 biggest losers from that TV show. and one of them said something i thought was really true and inspiring when read in writing. he said ''i used to be addicted to food, and now i am addicted to being healthy and working out....when something went wrong before, i would just drown my sorrows in food. now i think ''well let me think about this problem during a long grueling bike ride''.

it wasn''t word for word but basically that was the jist. i thought that is sooo true. i never was a comfort eater but now i actually find comfort in the gym!! at the hotel gym, which was really nice, i felt totally in my element! i was comfy on the machines, it felt good to move, i did some arm weights. it lifted my spirits which were a little down from being sick. in any case, it''s so funny how doing this as a lifestyle change, workout AND better eating just changes your mindset so much.

and i wanted to stress for those lurking that it does not have to be all diet all the time!! i splurge ALL THE TIME. but it''s in moderation. and i work out. and i watch my food at work or at home when i don''t need to have the big meal or the comfort food or whatever. it''s all about balance. so for anyone who is thinking of losing 5 or 10 lbs or just flat out being healthy, it doesn''t have to be a tortorous routine. i am soooo happy now that i have finally done this and committed to it and have seen the results. and i hope it stays with me forever.

anyway, blah blah talk done, i have to go get ready for work, yikes!!! i am not working out tonite because i think i need to just rest up and recoup. but tomorrow through thursday at least i plan to workout...i am going to start scaling back my workouts a bit to 4x a week and really keep my calories a bit lower from now through holiday. i don''t want to burn out mentally and it''s easier for me to ''eat healthier'' than it is for me to find that extra few hours for working out during the week right now with the holiday season and so much going on. with events happening all over i''d rather just eat better and not have to stress about when to find the 5th or 6th workout this week. have a great day everyone!!!!
Well I figured it was time to stop lurking and start posting, especially since so many of you were supportive on my "Buy Bigger Pants" thread, ha ha.

I had this great idea this morning that I would just stop and get some fruit on my way into work and have an apple and a cup of tea rather than whatever I normally eat and coffee (which I MUST put whole milk in). That was a fantastic plan until about 10:00 but now I''m STARVING. Ready to chew my own arm off hungry. I am resisting only because I''ve promised myself I can eat lunch at 11:00 (fat free ministrone, only 3 WW points), but what do you all have for breakfast that tides you over?
Date: 12/11/2006 11:48:48 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
Well I figured it was time to stop lurking and start posting, especially since so many of you were supportive on my ''Buy Bigger Pants'' thread, ha ha.

I had this great idea this morning that I would just stop and get some fruit on my way into work and have an apple and a cup of tea rather than whatever I normally eat and coffee (which I MUST put whole milk in). That was a fantastic plan until about 10:00 but now I''m STARVING. Ready to chew my own arm off hungry. I am resisting only because I''ve promised myself I can eat lunch at 11:00 (fat free ministrone, only 3 WW points), but what do you all have for breakfast that tides you over?
Good for you on your apple and tea! I would also suggest going to the store or Great Harvest if you have it out there, and buying yourself some granola (organic is healthier, FYI), or carrots, or nuts, or dried fruit, and put it in a little bag and munch on it inbetween breakfast in lunch. You will eat better if you have smaller meals and healthy snacks rather than eating a little for breakfast and then eating everything on your plate for lunch. And no one wants to be hungry all the time! Another suggestion, carry a big bottle of water around with you. Many times you feel hungry, but what you actually need is water because you are thirsty. People get the two confused and end up eating when they don''t really need to. So try drinking water first when you feel munchy, and if after a few minutes you are still feeling grumbly have a couple little pieces of your snack. Make sure you have enough to last you through the day, but not SO much that you are eating it constantly. Hope this helps!

deejay, repeat after me. 'fiber is my friend'.

seriously. i know that people have a weird connotation that fiber is gross or bland or dry (it CAN be all three but not always!) but now i actually crave foods with it! i have about 5 different cereals i rotate through in the mornings and mix and match them that give me both fiber and protein to start the day, not too many calories, and not a lot of sugar or fat. and fiber keeps you FULL. apples do have fiber but you may be a bit ambitious to immediately just have an apple and coffee for breakfast if your habits are typically different. slow steps to me will be more productive long term since you won't feel 'deprived' or starving.

my breakfasts:
van's multigrain waffles with 1/2 tbl of real butter and sugar free low cal syrup: low in fat, has fiber and protein, some fat and is overall low calories
dannon quick and fit (or whatever it's called) yogurt with some fiber cereal or granola mixed in: low in fat, has fiber and protein, some fat and low calories depending on your granola or cereal you use
fiber heavy cereal mixed with something 'fun' like honey bunches of oats for more taste: high in fiber, protein, low in fat and calories

my current favorite cereal is fiber one, fiber plus with bunches of honey clusters or whatever it's called. it's 14g of fiber (thats 57% of your daily value!!) and it's YUMMY because the bunches of honey clusters give you a bit of sugar but not too much and make the fiber taste better. i am ADDICTED to this stuff. i even put it in my yogurt at work for a snack AND just eat it out of the box in handfuls for snacks. best part is it's low in calories so it's a great snack and keeps me full.

now when i eat lunches i look for soups and stuff with fiber. if i cannot eat something with fiber, i eat a fiber chewable pill to help supplement. it really works...and i get pretty much slightly over my DV of fiber and it makes you want to drink more water since your body needs it to process the fiber (drink LOTS of water) it's a win win.

anyway this sounds soo funny but yesterday was at starbucks at the casino getting a nonfat latte for a snack and i wanted a muffin for later just in case we didnt eat at the airport. they had a ton of sweet looking stuff and then my eyes narrowed in on the raisin oat bran muffin. i was like mmm fiber. LOL! so i totally got it. we didn't eat it last nite so i had it for breakfast this morning. starbucks stuff is not typically low fat OR low calorie...but this one was not that bad, looked it up online and it was like 400 cals and i know it's loaded with good stuff for me in terms of oats/bran/fiber. so it was my breakfast this morning and i couldn't even eat the whole thing, i just ate half before i was full! that's the fiber. so i'll have the rest for a snack. anyway my point is that i love this stuff now and i choose it sometimes even in leiu of having a sweet candy or cookie.

blabbing again...but good luck....start slow, don't get all crazy trying to just exist on fruit...hehee.

the other thing i wanted to say earlier and forgot in my that my mil and sil kept telling me how fabulous i looked. it was very complimentary and at one point my sil held up a cute dress in a store and my mil said 'oh no you have to be really skinny to wear that, like mara'....i was like 'wow it's been a while since anyone has said i was 'really skinny' OR a good candidate for a hard to wear kinda dress. so hard work and changing one's mentality does pay off!! this thread is a GREAT motivator in my opinion!!

I''m big on starting off with a good meal in the morning that is not loaded with carbs that leave you feeling hungry in an hour. I eat Weight Control Oatmeal from Quaker. It''s prepackaged so you don''t have to think about the amount you eat, just dump the package, add hot water and go. I add 1/2 a cup of 1% milk to mine and I get in a good, lo-cal meal. I also drink tea (I am not a coffee fan) with a splash of 1% milk each morning. I work out after breakfast so I usually end up eating an apple after my work out and then I''m good til lunch. I don''t snack between lunch and dinner.

Oh, and welcome!!! It''s a great place to get motivated. I use this thread as one more way to keep me on track.
DeeJay, I totally agree 100% with Mara on the fiber. I''m one of those people who just HAS TO eat ALL THE TIME because I get hungry a lot. Ever since I started watching my fiber intake, I''ve been less hungry throughout the day. Lots of green veggies, especially spinach and broccoli and lots of whole grains. I''m all for getting the most nutritional value out of everything I eat. Then once in a while I like to eat "indulgent" meals.

The other day I was hungry right after lunch and last night I realized it was because I went out to a Thai restaurant and had a noodle soup (probably super high in sodium and super low in fiber!)

Today I had skim milk with my fiber twig cereal (I''ve realized it''s only good with SOY milk or vanilla yogurt). And guess what I''m going to go do now? GO FOR A RUN!!! I have not gone running in a very very very long time. I''ve just been scared after my knee surgery.

Will write more when I get back.

P.S. Feel better Mara! Take lots of vitamin C to boost your immune system. Have you guys tried AirBorne? It''s a vitamin based fizzy tablet that you drop into a cup of water and drink at the first signs of feeling sick. I''ve been taking it whenever my throat starts to feel funny and I haven''t gotten sick this year. I made my fiance take it while he was sick and I "think" it helped him get better faster.
lol CJ I have been taking insane amounts of everything trying to kick this cold!! I really want it GONE and everyone around me seems like they were sick or are getting sick now. I took Airborne every day in Vegas...and Vit C AND Echinacea AND Zinc. LOL! So hopefully something will work!! Thanks for all the well wishes, I hope that lots of spirit will kill this thing off (and sleep too).
Ok so I''m back from my jog. Let me just say it has taken months of building up the confidence to go running again. I figured, I''m not doing anything today and it''s really nice out. I decided to walk to the Reservoir in Central Park and then run around the Reservoir (supposed to be 1.58 miles). The last time I ran regularly was in 2002, when I would do about 4 miles at a time. Then I had my ACL reconstructed and then tons of problems for the next few years. The last time I ran at all was this past summer, when I ran *maybe* 1 mile.

It''s about 55 degrees farenheit outside, sunny and pretty. I wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt with a t-shirt on top. I got to the Loop at around 106th street and started the uphill trek to the Reservoir. 5 minutes in, my left shin starts to cramp up and won''t let go. Then to compensate, my right calf muscle started to hurt. I was like, "GREAT! I haven''t even started running yet!" I stopped at a fire hydrant to stretch a little, telling myself I''m just psyching myself out of running. I got to the Reservoir limping a little. Then...drumroll please...I RAN ALL THE WAY AROUND WITHOUT STOPPING!!!! I wasn''t in pain at all. The shin and calf cramps went away immediately. I wanted to stop every 25 seconds but told myself to finish. It took me a LONG time to finish. 19 minutes and 1 second. At least I finished in less time than it would take to walk the 1.58 miles!! I passed all the walkers too!! HAhahahaha.

Just wanted to share my story of triumph. It feels a little pathetic because I''m starting back at the bottom, but the joy of actually getting to the park and running totally outweighs the little devil voice saying "my grandmother can run faster than you." YAAAAAY!

Oh, and then on my walk back, I had an allergy attack so my eyes were all swollen and red. Everyone must have thought I was crying. Hahaha.
I did my totaly body training class during lunch today, however its going to be a foodgasm week due to my birthday and holiday celebrations at work, but I''m trying to be good today and tomorrow.
Hurray Dee*Jay.
I too am a big fan of little snacks. It'' those "starving" times that I tend to lose it and go crazy. Sometimes it''s fun to pack a bunch of healthy little snacks to nosh on during the day to get you through your meals. Then when meal time comes you won''t be losing your mind with hunger. Also thumbs up to water. It really helps.

Good for YOU! I''ve had both ACLs reconstructed, and I LOVE running, I just have to mix it up with leg weight training. You are smart to start slow, just get your mind and body to remember the rhythms of running. It won''t take long.
Do you see a physical therapist during your ACL recovery? I still do many of the rehab exercises prescribed by mine, like single leg leg extensions, etc? I''m happy to be an ear for you. ACL surgery is the stinkiest.... I mean, you have to relearn how to walk correctly!

Today is an off day for me, my body is shot and I''m super deydrated from the weekend, I''m going to take it easy and drink tons of water.

Congratulations on your big 1st run (in a while anyways)!! You should be super proud of yourself. Time-shmime-a-big-gazoont is what we''d say in my family. You did it, without stopping no less, and that is what counts.
The happy hubby just called me from the grocery store and we went shopping "together" (how did we ever live our lives before cell phones, LOL!). He got me some Fiber One and skim milk, lots of fruit and salad stuff, some lunch meat (not sure if that''s a good idea or not, but it''s the least "processed" of the choices), bread that''s only 2 WW points for 2 slices, and some small cans of no-sugar-added corn (I LOVE the stuff--will happily sit down and eat a can for lunch).

I was thinking about also working out tonight, but I''m still not sure what that will mean for me. Maybe I will stop by Borders on my way home and peruse the work out videos. Do you burn calories just watching or do you actually have to participate?

I did cave and have some peanuts a little while ago, but I figure I must have burned some calories getting them out of their shells so maybe it''s a wash!
Thanks Tybee and KimH!! Tybee, I think hearing that you got back into running after surgery on BOTH knees helped me to realize that I shouldn''t be scared to get back into something that I used to love. Glad you''re here! Yes I did have PT after the surgery and the single leg extensions are one of my best friends!!!! My hamstring tendons were used as the graft, so I spent the past few years re-building the strength in my left leg. I have overly strong quads and overly weak hamstrings, which may have contributed to the ACL tear in the first place.

I wanted to also mention that one of my favorite on-the-run snacks are the Odwalla bars. I like the Cranberry C-monster and the Berries GoMega. I bought an entire box of the Berries GoMega at Whole Foods...5g fiber and 5g protein. 220 calories (a lot for a snack, but I love that it''s portable and delicious and nutritional). 1000g of omega-3. Tons of vitamins. Sweetened with cranberries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. I have this awful tendency to pass out if I don''t eat often, so I always carry a couple of these in my purse AT ALL TIMES! They''re yummy yummy yummy.
Date: 12/11/2006 4:48:22 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
The happy hubby just called me from the grocery store and we went shopping ''together'' (how did we ever live our lives before cell phones, LOL!). He got me some Fiber One and skim milk, lots of fruit and salad stuff, some lunch meat (not sure if that''s a good idea or not, but it''s the least ''processed'' of the choices), bread that''s only 2 WW points for 2 slices, and some small cans of no-sugar-added corn (I LOVE the stuff--will happily sit down and eat a can for lunch).

I was thinking about also working out tonight, but I''m still not sure what that will mean for me. Maybe I will stop by Borders on my way home and peruse the work out videos. Do you burn calories just watching or do you actually have to participate?

I did cave and have some peanuts a little while ago, but I figure I must have burned some calories getting them out of their shells so maybe it''s a wash!

DeeJay that''s fantastic!!! I think I''ll have to go find this FiberOne stuff. The sliced meat is a good idea. My fiance loves sandwiches so I''ll buy whole wheat bread and sliced smoked turkey breast for him.

Oh and the peanuts are a good snack! There are good fats and bad fats, and peanuts have good fats (good for your heart). See these links: one and two

My mom is recovering from a stroke and her docs told her change her entire diet...and to snack on peanuts.
make sure to get fiber one with HONEY CLUSTERS.

regular fiber one is those fiber twigs and it''s SOOOO dry and blah. but the honey cluster one is basically like ''honey bunches of oats'' cereal but instead of corn flakes it''s FIBER flakes. much better tasting.

deejay the other thing i have found that really works for me is not keeping stuff around to snack on that is not good for me. this includes at the office, at home, whatever. we don''t keep sweets in the house really. sometimes we do but honestly i''m not the biggest ''snacker'' because i don''t get HUNGRY if i am eating the right stuff. sometimes i do feel the need to kind of keep my mouth busy, and if that''s the case, i chew gum or we have these lollipop caramel things at work that i eat sometimes that are like 50 cals. or i eat a jello cup for 10 cals. or i just drink more water. i try to space things out so i feel more full longer. anyway just some tips.
Ooh Mara, I'm glad you mentioned Jello! I LOOOOVE the stuff and we always have a bunch of packages of the sugar free version in the panty. I like to make it and put it in those 1 cup tupperware containers. Don't know what kind of Fiber One the happy hubby got, but if it's the wrong one I'll just have him go back to the store and get the right one tomorrow--ain't marriage great?!

CJ, peanuts were actually the best of the choices available to me today when I caved so I'm glad they aren't totally bad.
okay so this is the good fiber one! fiber one with honey clusters. my box says 160 cals actually. and the serving size is nice and large. the other fiber one is the regular twig fiber one, and its 60 calories and same amount of fiber BUT it's 1/2 cup serving size so it's like 1/2 the honey cluster one. so 120 cals vs 160 and the HC tastes WAY better. LOL!

fiber one honey clusers 4.jpg
Ohhhhhhh... that is not what the happy hubby bought. Oh well, what''s one more short trip to the grocery store in an otherwise long life.

I was starving when I got home (surprise surprise) and had 1/2 of a cold chicken breast. I''m sure I''ll eat something else later, but hopefully it won''t be the half dozen Ghiradeli squares that I HAVE been eating for dinner lately. (As you can see, this change in eating habits came not a moment too soon... ) I just wanted something to hold me over while I considered my options and didn''t just jump into what might not be the best choice.

I must say my resolve was strengthened because as I was changing into my "at home" clothes I tried on the black pants that I *was* going to wear to this event tomorrow night. Not gonna happen.
Hey WWTr''s! Sorry I''ve been MIA lately, but this puppy thing is taking up most all of my free time...she''s up in the morning, she needs to be exercised and taken care of during my lunch break, and after work I spend most of my time keeping her happy as well...DH is still having a rough time of it with his back issues so I''m doing the major part of the doggie care around here. Even if I got up at 5 a.m. she would wake right up and need to be let out, fed and played with, so it''s not even a timing issue, really. Puppies are a workout in themselves, LOL! She sure is a cutie, though, and growing every day

Went to a black tie event in Atlanta Friday night and managed to only have one plate of the heavy hors d''oevres (I never spell that correctly, even after 4 yrs. of French in HS), with about 6 things on it that was probably 1,000 calories total, LOL! I am a panicky flier, though, and hadn''t eaten anything before my flight at 1 p.m. or after, until we got to the event, besides a Luna bar for breakfast with black coffee, so I have to say I was on par with my current calorie intake...well, except for those 3 glasses of wine, yikes. Anyway, not a real healthy day, but not a total loss, he hee. We did a lot of mingling/standing, and a little dancing, so hopefully a few of those cals were burned off!

Saturday kinda reminded me of my Avon Walk training...4 hrs. of walking around the Chicago gem show with fellow PSr''s, lol! I''d estimate we did about 6 miles total, and I don''t know about everyone else, but my heart rate was definitely elevated above resting what with all that bling everywhere I turned!!!
So I''m calling it a workout! Some of the 5-10 carat emeralds, real and faux, I tried on were enough to qualify as a weight, so let''s just say I did some "arms" as well!

I''ve been lurking while working for the past couple of weeks, and am glad to see everyone''s doing well and on track for the most part...Yay Dee Jay for joining the workout thread! Now that you know you can walk for 4 hours straight at a leisurely pace, just think what the benefits of walking a bit faster on a treadmill or whatever kind of workout routine you decide on will be! You can do it!
Hey Everyone,

It''s nice to see Ellen and DeeJay chiming in. I hope our fitness efforts help you.

Mara: I totally get what the Biggest Loser said. There was a time when I would use stress to smoke and eat. Now, I think......I can''t wait to go for a run or hit the gym and get on the elliptical and get rid of my stress. I agree that trading one''s bad addictions for healty ones is a great way to look at it.

DeeJay, I''m on the fiber camp like so many others. Fiber is your friend and will help you not only eat better, but avoid hunger between meals. I eat a bowl of fresh fruit every morning and I have a bowl of high fiber (low sugar and sodium) cereal (Kashi makes really healthy cereals low in calories, high in fiber) with fat free milk. It took me a while to be OK with fat free milk, but now I can''t stomach whole milk anymore. Anyway, I get a double dose of fiber with the fruit (which includes pineapple, strawberries, blue berries, black berries, cantelope and other assorted fresh fruits that are available or seasonal) and a high fiber cereal.

CrownJewel: Congratulations on the run. I''ve become a runner over the last six months or so, and I love running now. Keep it up.

Lorelei Thanks as always for kicking this week''s thread off and with such inspiration too!!

Since Charlie had a dinner engagement tonight, I decided to go to the gym we can use for free. First, the gym was recently bought and for good reason. It''s a pig stye. The equipment is outdated. The facilties in dreary condition. The locker rooms remind me of high school (maybe not that nice). But at least it''s free and we work out there until our gym from Florida opens this weekend. They do at least have the ellipticals like we had at home, so I did enjoy my 45 minutes there. One funny note about the people who go to this gym. It''s more hardcore body builder types. I guess as long as they can pump iron, they don''t really care what the facility looks like. I do care what it looks like. I care about the atmosphere as well as the equipment.

Anyway, we can''t work out tomorrow. The gym is recarpeting or something, so we''ll do our Monday sushi excursion on Tuesday. Yummmm.

Hope everyone''s enjoying the week so far. Here''s to a healthy week ahead.

lol rod about the gym and it''s condition. my gym is not''s small and most of their stuff is not totally updated, but all the machines work, they are really good about taking care of them, they have all the machines i''d want to use, and a whole room of weights and all sorts of other various things and a bunch of classes. the best part is the $9 a month...hahaa. i would never want to pay more for a gym! and the ambiance there is pretty good, most people are pretty serious about working out and you don''t see that much ''meat market'' mentality like you do in a lot of the gold''s or 24 hour fitness or whatever. i can''t STAND those places. mine is a family owned kind of place. but yeah they could stand to update their machines a bit!!!

the gym that was in the hotel in Vegas was $35 for the weekend! i didn''t have to pay since i used the spa and bought treatments so the gym was included, but the machines there were all really new and amazing! the ellipticals were awesome! and the treadmills had TV''s in them etc. anyway that was kind of fun to use more advanced equiment for a day!! i kind of hope our gym will get some new stuff soon.

tonite was no workout..i am so slammed by this stupid cold that all i could do was get through the day. we just made canned campbells hearty soup for dinner with some sliced toasted sourdough. i had vegetable beef. my lunch was a turkey and cheese sandwich on wheat from starbucks that was only 310 calories. i had my short gbread latte for a snack and a jello cup later in the afternoon as well as a handful of fiber cereal. so far my calorie total is pretty low, about 1300...but we have a caramel apple from vegas and a jelly sugar cookie we brought home from a bakery there too, so we might split the cookie or have some apple or something...we''ll see!! and bedtime soon. hope everyone had a great day!
Mara, while I don't like the meatmarket atmosphere of Golds (that's where we've been working out the last week for a free week), I do appreciate the machines. They're more like what you described at the gym in Vegas. The eillitpticals have TV's and the machines are all pretty much up to date. Plus, a Golds or larger gym has really nice locker rooms with sauna's and steam rooms which we enjoy after a long hard workout. Our gym from Florida had the best machines and we accomplished so much on them. That's why we're really anxious for this coming Saturday when we can start working out at our Florida gym in NC. I do agree though that $9/month is simply amazing. Our membership is close to $90 for the two of us, plus when you add the cost of personal training, we were making a pretty big investment in the gym. Still, the investment for us really paid off.

So sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.
I am gloomy to say I had nothing to report yesterday. I am so angry with myself for missing out on a long workout on my 2nd day off, and it's the first workout I've missed since getting my machine. I have discovered I can't work out past 4 pm or so or I'm up all night, unable to sleep.

So my window was pretty narrow, seeing as I got back from dim sum brunch at 3. I then talked to my mother, who needed help proofing an article she had written, so that tied me up until 6 pm. I lost my window, and after dim sum, too! I even deliberately restrained myself at dim sum so I wouldn't have a full stomach that would delay my workout longer than an hour. I only ate 1 steamed dumpling (siu mai), 1 deep fried one (ginger pork dumplings, my fave!), about a tablespoon of sticky rice, half a piece of fish-stuffed eggplant (about a tablespoon in size), and a steamed rice noodle roll of chicken and nappa, about the size of your average dumpling. I know that sounds like a lot, but I essentially had a 'taste' of the things I like without really making a meal out of it. Mara's report on the cal content of those babies has scared me off!

I did do some stretches and a little bit of ab work, but I was afraid of revving myself up too much. As it was, I couldn't sleep until 4 am or so.

I can't remember what I ate for my evening meal, but I remember it was a form of penance. I'm focusing on meals that are low in calories while being high in nutrition, and in the proportions of protein/plant/carbs that work best for me. I remember that there was Activia, salad, rice, and grilled meat consumed during the day (I went for small meals and listened to my body) as well as the leftovers of a meal replacement bar.

Today I did get in a 10 min workout but I had to scale back the intensity because my knee was bugging me, so I only burned about 70-75 cals or so. I did break out in a sweat, but my heartrate didn't climb above 120. Grr.

Lunch was basmati with grilled beef, my snack at work was 1/2 a meal replacement bar and a plum, my dinner was a can of campbell's chunky beef soup (the bar at snack time was still sustaining me so I didn't feel hungry after the soup) and an orange, and my last break was the other half of the bar. When I got home I ate a big salad with a little goat cheese.

Did I mention I'm angry with myself for missing yesterday?
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