
wedding dress tooooo tight!!!

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Feb 26, 2005
OMIGOD!!!! My dress came in last week ( about 1 month early) and I went today to make sure it was the right dress, size, ect. I try it on and the woman is like "suck in", "hold your waist while I zip"...I almost panicked. It did zipper up but lets say I could not BREATHE. Then she keeps complimenting me on how small my waist looks, OK maybe it''s because I am like BINDED in the corset. It is a size 6, I wear a 2-4 in dresses but I know wedding dresses run big but a 6 really is not cutting it. The saleslady who was helping me was the one who originally measured me in December and so she is at fault b/c actually I have LOST weight since then not gained any. She had the audacity to tell me to lose weight before my wedding. I weigh 118 and feel that I do not need to lose weight, I was so freaking offended!!! then the seamstress comes out and tries to tell me it''s not small, that is how wedding dresses fit and the most she would suggest letting it out is 1/4 of an inch. I think these people just wanted to save their own ass by trying to tell me it fit. Then they try to measure me to see if I gained weight or it was their mistake...very humilating. I left it off that I would come for the 1st fitting in August( wedding 10/1) and if it fit then, fine...if not it could be let out 1/4 of an inch. It was so discouraging though.....


Feb 4, 2005
oh, jessesgrl, that totally sucks and isn''t right! you trusted them to be experts, do your measurements correctly and order the correct size. I have often heard that wedding seamstresses abide by the general rule that after taking measurements and comparing them to manufacturer''s size charts, if you are anywhere close to being in the upper size range (ie a size 8 is for 34-36 chest and you measure 36) they will move you up to the next size to be careful & correct (not to make $$ on alterations as is sometimes suggested.)

It sounds like they made a mistake and had damn well better hope 1/4" makes a difference if needed!

I''m sure you looked wonderful but comfort is key, if you don''t feel as great as you look it will reflect in your pictures, your attitude and your memory of the day!

You don''t need to be worried about this now and until your first fitting. Did they suggest ordering the next size and letting them pay for the rush delivery?


Mar 6, 2005
Oh No! I am shocked that they told you to lose weight
14.gif brides dont have enough on their plate already a diet needs to be added? Good heavens. I am with FFF talk to the manager/owner of the store, explain that the dress is too small and that you would like another one and expect them to pay for rush delivery. I am so sorry and I hope everything works out for you.


Feb 13, 2005
JessesGirl - They did the same exact thing to me with my wedding dress. And, I''m smaller than you. I''m 5''8 and was only 112 pounds. They told me at both fittings that I had gained weight and needed to lose it. My mama was with me the last time, and she got very mad. The seamstress guy told me that I''m not supposed to breathe normally in my wedding dress... only short, shallow breathes.

I then went on a diet and got down to 109 pounds. I looked terrible. They do tend to make strapless dresses a lot tighter so that they won''t fall down... mine was supposed to be strapless. But...the guy accused me both times of gaining weight when I had not...and they would measure me to make sure!!

My dress was so tight at my wedding that it made my back hurt. I then had what I considered a normal size meal at the wedding, and I could hardly breathe afterwards... there was no room for my stomach to expand with food. I would make them take it out... it sounds like they messed up and made it too tight and want to blame you for it.


Jun 16, 2004
oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about your dress. I agree that you want to feel good in your dress for your big day. Heck it is a day that you wait for and plan endlessly for...and you want it to be perfect.

I agree with everyone that you need to bring it up to them and express your concerns and get them to help remedy the problem, ESPECIALLY if they are the ones who took the measurements and made the call on the size. If you had made the decision to go with a certain size, that would be different. But THEY are supposed to be the experts.

Keep us posted!!


Feb 26, 2005
Thanks for the advice!!! I have until August to make the decision so I will worry about it then, maybe I will lose the 1/4 inch, maybe not. There is no way I am leaving it that tight, I am not going to be that uncomfortable on my wedding day. All alterations are included in the price of my gown at the shop where I bought it so that is a huge relief...if she needs to let it out a bit, so be it!!! I am just concerned b/c it was a bit loose in the chest, like when I bent over you could see right down my dress, why is everything soooo complicated!!!!


Jul 12, 2004
Hey hon.. I''m sorry you are not comfortable in your dress. Have them let it out a little. If it zips, it probably only needs the littlest bit to make you feel like you can breathe.. keep in mind that all the boning in that top IS going to make it feel a LOT tighter.. thats kind of the point of the corseted top! Also keep in mind that it will stretch out on your wedding day as the day goes on. So.. I sort of agree with the seamstress on that one.. but you definitely need to feel comfortable. And they DEFINITELY shouldn''t have told you to lose weight. Thats RIDICULOUS!


Jul 7, 2004
I had the very same thing happen and I ordered my dress 2 sizes bigger than I could have ever needed...and somehow in that time I gained enough weight to be an issue. I was so scared. I tried it on about a 2 weeks ago and it fit well, though Id like smore weight off my gut and i have some meaty lookin arms.


Dec 15, 2004
I think its horrible for them to comment on your weight.
My friend''s seamstress did that to her and kept complaining about her weight, so she got really upset and went on a huge diet. She lost a lot of weight in the month before her wedding and then her seamstress complained again.
So unnecissary to have that added stress! They should be there to make you feel perfect and tell you everything will be alright!


Dec 14, 2004
Jesses that is horrible! I am sorry that they are being jerks about this. While others have commented, personally I would be a little nervous waiting until a month before to sort it out. I would insist on having them rush ship another one. Your wedding day is an event that is hopefully only going to happen once. I just wouldn''t take the chance. Then again, that''s me. Keep us updated!


Jun 29, 2004
Is your dress strapless? That''s what they told me too, that it''s supposed to be that tight. And they told me not to lose any weight. It was very comfortable when it came in but the seamstress said it needed to be taken in or it won''t stay in place. It sucks, I really would like to be able to sit at my wedding, not to mention breath occasionally.


Feb 13, 2005
You probably shouldn''t be able to see down your dress when you bend over. That might make for some embarrssing moments. You are going to be the center of attention that whole day, and everyone is going to have a camera.


Jul 7, 2004
Eh whats a few boob shots? ;-)


Dec 21, 2004
Make them get a larger size. I was fortunate with my dress. I ordered the correct size and it fit when it came in. However, between the time I took it home amd the time I went for my first fitting I had been on prescription meds that caused me to gain weight, a full size. The store immediately ordered me a larger dress at no charge and had it rush delivered. Everything worked out and I had my dress in time, even if it was almost down to the wire.

Don''t chance it. Better to have to take the dress in a bit that be squeezed too tight on one of the most important days of your life.


Mar 6, 2005
What did you end up doing?
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