
Wedding day gift to Bride from Groom


Nov 6, 2009
Trying to decide if I want to do this, probably so. Can't make my mind up on what to get her. I was debating having a single solitaire amethyst pendant made by Brian Gavin in yellow gold, this would match our wedding colors (purple).

Also thought about getting her a nice pair of simple earrings.

Any suggestions ladies on something to get?


Sep 1, 2009
Does she like amethyst? Does she wear necklaces? (or would she if she had one she liked?) --- A pendant is a GREAT idea.

I really like your idea to do something in your wedding color. Don't get me wrong.... I LOVE diamonds and wouldn't turn one away :bigsmile: but a colored stone (in your color!) is a great personal touch that I'm sure she would treasure forever.

If she doesn't wear necklaces (and doesn't want to) then earrings would be lovely too. Simple diamonds are always nice. Or maybe you could have a pair made with amethyst?

Other ideas:
bracelet (maybe a charm bracelet so you could give her a new charm for each milestone in life)
special book (1st edition of her favorite book, blank journal to write in, etc)

A card (buy it or make it) with a special message from you.


Dec 17, 2008
bayoubengal|1294864694|2820937 said:
Trying to decide if I want to do this, probably so. Can't make my mind up on what to get her. I was debating having a single solitaire amethyst pendant made by Brian Gavin in yellow gold, this would match our wedding colors (purple).

Also thought about getting her a nice pair of simple earrings.

Any suggestions ladies on something to get?

I think an amethyst pendant would be lovely...something that could remind her of your big day! The folks over on the
colored stone forum can help you find a nice amethyst. What shape stone are you thinking? What type of setting are
you considering? You might want to post on the colored stones forum. You'll probably get lots of stone suggestions
over there.


Jan 11, 2006
Does she have diamond stud earrings? That is a classic item that she would wear forever. A simple pearl bracelet would be another idea and something she might be able to wear at the wedding.

My daughter just got married and they agreed to just exchange cards that day. You want to know something funny? They both chose the same card to give the other!


Nov 15, 2008
diamondseeker2006|1294892854|2821386 said:
Does she have diamond stud earrings? That is a classic item that she would wear forever. A simple pearl bracelet would be another idea and something she might be able to wear at the wedding.

My daughter just got married and they agreed to just exchange cards that day. You want to know something funny? They both chose the same card to give the other!
If she doesn't have diamond stud earrings yet, I think that is a great idea, because she can wear them every day and they're such a great "staple" jewelry item! That said, I also like the idea of the amethyste if that is a color she will wear fairly frequently after the wedding!


Dec 16, 2007
My husband gave me diamond earrings on our wedding day. I can tell you, in all honestly, they are such a treasure. It was a total surprise, so beautiful and PERFECT for our wedding day.

While I love the idea of necklace...that's really a subjective gift...something she may or may not be able to wear the day of due to her dress design or whatever. However, diamonds go with EVERYTHING! If you want to add that romantic "look at how tied in I am" gift highlighting the purple theme of the wedding, consider getting dainty amethyst jackets for the diamonds.


Sep 1, 2009
Italiahaircolor|1294933142|2821623 said:
My husband gave me diamond earrings on our wedding day. I can tell you, in all honestly, they are such a treasure. It was a total surprise, so beautiful and PERFECT for our wedding day.

While I love the idea of necklace...that's really a subjective gift...something she may or may not be able to wear the day of due to her dress design or whatever. However, diamonds go with EVERYTHING! If you want to add that romantic "look at how tied in I am" gift highlighting the purple theme of the wedding, consider getting dainty amethyst jackets for the diamonds.

Good point about dress design.

If you do the pendant, you should have her MOH or her mom help you select the correct length of chain so that it looks good with her dress. (and they can also make sure she doesn't go out and buy herself a necklace to wear)


Sep 23, 2009
Colored Stone-r here and reporting for duty!

Okay, here's the deal, colored stones are tricky to buy for someone else. Amethyst, there is a variety of the hue/saturation of purple out there ranging from lavender to medium purple with red flashes to dark eggplant. Amethyst is a pretty hardy stone, good for everyday wear, it is quartz, after all and thus is one of the cheaper colored stones available (saying this not to denigrate ammies, check my avatar, that's a 18-ct Four Peaks emerald cut and it was NOT cheap due to size/cut/provenance/saturation). Having Brian Gavin set it could be considered a little over the top but plenty of us have paid up big time to set stones that did not cost a lot, so go where you would like for a setting if you go the ammie route.

Here are some suggestions for ammies:
Precision Gems/Gene
Colorado Gems and Minerals/Jack

For setting, of course BGD, how could you go wrong there; also danielm on etsy and Janish Jewels on etsy, Julia Kay Taylor on her website depending on how much lead time you have. Depending on what item you want the stone in, Barry and Jack set stones too and you can save some money that way as I know Barry has settings he is using that he bought back when gold was $400.

Suggestion: Look through her closet or look at her accessories, see what colors she tends to go for. Then look at colored stones.

I personally applaud getting a colored stone item as your gift to your bride. She already got a diamond from you, right? Colored stones can be very bit as dramatic and sparkly and awe inspiring as a diamond.

Best to you and your bride!
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