
Wedding Day Emotions

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Jun 8, 2006
Today I was chatting with a co-worker and discussed what I thought my wedding day emotions would be like. Did you/do you think you will cry/get emotional on your big day? Are there certain parts of the day you imagine will make you especially emotional?

Did your/do you think your FI get emotional/cry?
I''m going to be an emotional mess the whole time. I couldn''t keep myself from crying at my best friend''s wedding, so there''s no way I''ll be able to hold it back at my own.

I''m pretty sure that FI will cry the first time he sees me and also while we''re saying our vows. If I''m not already crying, seeing him cry will be enough to make me start.
I know that our day will be a pretty emotional day for me. I am normally pretty emotional, I cry at sappy movies, and even get watery eyed at romantic commercials (I know, I know) so I can only imagine what it will be like on my wedding day! I hope I'm not a total mess but I have 3 parts of the day that I can imagine crying/tearing up; the minutes prior to me walking down the aisle, seeing my honey for the first time as I walk down the isle/taking our vows, and my dance with my father.

5 years ago I was a BM in my brother's wedding and I remember prior to walking down the aisle everyone said get some tissues to put under the bouquet. I thought to myself, I'm NOT going to cry and didn't get any tissues. Half way down the aisle seeing my brother stand at the front I broke down.
Didn't see that coming AT ALL. I can only imagine how I'll be like on my own day! We shall see!

FI is not a cryer, so I doubt he will shed tears.
I think that sometimes wedding emotions are different than you expect them to be. I thought I was going to be an emotional mess, crying and everything. Surprisingly, at both ceremonies (we had two), I was amazingly calm and comfortable. It wasn''t the "I can''t believe this is finally happening feeling," but rather an "of course this is happening" feeling. We were both extremely calm and peaceful on both days.

I think I will probably be pretty calm on the day of, but I don't really expect it to kick in for a day or two. But then, I cry often, so I may just be a teary mess. Who knows? I'm hoping to keep my composure though! I boo-hooed at my best friend's wedding and even the groom commented on it!

eta: I'd be really surprised if my FI cried because I've only seen him cry once. I doubt he would. but maybe. I'll wish for it!
Date: 2/28/2007 8:19:12 PM
Author: poptart
I think that sometimes wedding emotions are different than you expect them to be. I thought I was going to be an emotional mess, crying and everything. Surprisingly, at both ceremonies (we had two), I was amazingly calm and comfortable. It wasn''t the ''I can''t believe this is finally happening feeling,'' but rather an ''of course this is happening'' feeling. We were both extremely calm and peaceful on both days.

WAY agree with this. There are times that a nice Christmas song will make me cry. On normal days, my husband smiling at me the right way can bring me to happy tears. I''ve gotten misty at several weddings, and gosh, I felt TOTALLY emotional and happy-tears for SIX WEEKS prior to my wedding.

On my wedding day - nothing but sheer joy and elation - not a tear in sight.

Then, four days later on the honeymoon, standing in front of the Bellagio fountains with my husband and beautiful Italian music singing.....yep, MORE happy tears.

I was SURE I''d cry during our vows, but instead, I felt serene and elation in a way that I''d never before. Not a tear in sight.
Date: 2/28/2007 8:19:12 PM
Author: poptart
I think that sometimes wedding emotions are different than you expect them to be. I thought I was going to be an emotional mess, crying and everything. Surprisingly, at both ceremonies (we had two), I was amazingly calm and comfortable. It wasn't the 'I can't believe this is finally happening feeling,' but rather an 'of course this is happening' feeling. We were both extremely calm and peaceful on both days.


See I've thought the same thing at times too poptart. I IMAGINE that since I am normally emotional that of course I will be on my wedding day too, but another part of me thinks I'll be very calm and collected. Time will tell!
Date: 2/28/2007 8:25:48 PM
Author: RoseAngel04
Date: 2/28/2007 8:19:12 PM

Author: poptart

I think that sometimes wedding emotions are different than you expect them to be. I thought I was going to be an emotional mess, crying and everything. Surprisingly, at both ceremonies (we had two), I was amazingly calm and comfortable. It wasn''t the ''I can''t believe this is finally happening feeling,'' but rather an ''of course this is happening'' feeling. We were both extremely calm and peaceful on both days.


See I''ve thought the same thing at times too poptart. I IMAGINE that since I am normally emotional that of course I will be on my wedding day too, but another part of me things I''ll be very calm and collected. Time will tell!
I think it also depends a little on the ceremony, too. The first ceremony we had we got married on the beach just a few minutes from our house and we wore our regular clothes. We came back and ate a cake that my friend had made for us, lol. There were literally only seven people, including the officiant! So it was just very "normal," ya know. Although at the bigger ceremony, with the dresses and the tuxes, etc., it was a little more emotional because family members were crying, DH got to see me in this great dress so he had this goofy happy look on his face... just two very different settings, which kind of changed the emotion a teeny bit, but not much. I felt more nervous at the second one since people were staring at me.

Hubby and I were both nervous wrecks. My Sister was my MOH and she was a nervous wreck too.

The 3 of us kept swaying to and fro in rhythm with one another. Hubby would bump his Brother, who was his Best Man, and that sent the 3 of us in the other direction.

My Mom said it was like watching a tennis match in slow motion. First the ball goes one way and then the other.

It was scarey thinking about signing on for life. The longest I''d ever committed to anything before our wedding day was a 3 year car loan.

But it''s all worked out OK. We''re still together going on 30 years.
Hmmm........I wonder if the fact that I got teary-eyed just reading these responses tells you how emotional I am??

I don''t mind crying in itself but I hate how I LOOK when I cry. I''m just not a pretty crier lol. Nose all red etc....

I''m very worried to cry only because of how I look afterwards lol.
I'm a super emotional person and I cry at movies and get teary-eyed at the smallest things... I get teary just by thinking about our wedding day! Listening to the music I've picked and things like that.

But how it's be on the actual day... We'll see in 17 months.

ETA: FI is very emotional too, so I think he might cry some especially when he'll see me for the first time.
There was a part in the vows, in hebrew, that I had to repeat. I choked up when I was saying it. Over 16 years later my hubby still thinks that it is the cutest thing ever. If we watch the video (not so much in many years) he always loved that part!
I''m like you so happy, I don''t mind crying and most of the people I love have seen me cry many times, it''s just the way I look when I cry that I worry about -- I''ve seen some people who look great and very young and glowy when they cry but I just look like a beast with a big red nose, swollen eyes, and blotchy skin so I hope hope hope I don''t cry lol...
I''m not much of a cryer at all, it takes something to really wrench at my heart for me to cry... I think I''ve become used to rollercoaster emotions in my profession, I''m really not cold-hearted
I''ve only ever seen FI cry once, and I doubt that he would at our wedding. But whenever I listen to the song I''m using to walk down the aisle to, I get a lump in my throat, so yep, I reckon I''ll cry all right
I will be an emotional mess.. I just know it... between my mom and me.. and my MOH who doesnt outright cry.. but wells up... and then there is my future Sis-in-law who BAWLS at the drop of a hat... and then my FI.. I''ve seen him cry once or twice... very VERY emotional circumstances... so I can see him wellin up that day..if he does... watch out.. the flood gates will open..

AND.. to top it all off... My grandfather is officiating for us... so if he so much as cracks ONCE.. I''m a gonner... that man is my hero.. and seriously.. one tear from him.. its all over.
I will be a mess.... I don''t think because of my FH necessarily, but because my dad is walking me down the aisle and I never dreamed he''d still be alive since being diagnosed with lung cancer 4 yrs ago.

I''m actually thinking about going to the Dr. to see if he could prescribe something for my nerves?
I had tears during our vows and DH welled up but it wasn''t a tearfest, and I am definitely a cryer, whether I''m happy or I''m sad. The rest of the day was just sheer joy, all smiles no tears. DH was a bit more uptight until we got to dinner, he HATES being the center of attention and all of the focus on us was a bit much for the poor guy. He handled himself quite wonderfully though, and it just made me even more proud to be his wife.
I always cry at weddings, so I figured I''d be a mess at my own, but I wasn''t. I was cool, calm, and collected all day while getting ready -- it was almost surreal how normal it all felt! (Then again we had a 5 pm ceremony, so we had most of the day together with a few friends and family to keep us sane and calm!) Got emotional/teary-eyed a few times during the ceremony, but never out-and-out weepy.

Most overwhelming emotion: EXCITEMENT!!
I have NO idea how i''ll respond...i am curious to find out...i am not sappy or a die-hard romantic at all, but have found myself welling up at other people''s weddings, so who knows

Since FI and I been together for a decade part of me thinks i will just be like "yep, i knew for years it would happen, and here it is" or maybe it''ll be "OMG, sniff, sniff, after 11 years we are actually husband and wife, sniff sniff" ..hehe
My FI has told me 3 times how excited he is to wear his wedding band (i have caught him trying it on at home even!--too cute) so something tells me he may be more of a sucker for sentiment than I am!
I dunno! I cry at my friend''s weddings and sappy movies, but I didn''t cry when he proposed. I was extremely ecstatic and happy to the point where I was jumping on an ant hill for awhile.... but that''s another story.

I think I''d just be all smiles and wiggle alot... I wiggle when I''m happy =o) But it also depends on the people around me. i.e. if Mom, Dad or MOH gets teary, I''ll get teary too.
I think I''ll cry. I tend to cry at the drop of a hat. When I cry, FI tends to tear up. I think there will be lots and lots of happy tears and a mild freak out the morning of...
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