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- Mar 22, 2008
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We have come together today to witness the joining in marriage of Mr. taovandel and Ms. taovandel. As family and friends we wish to send them on their way with our love and best wishes for their future.
Marriage has certain qualities of contract, in which two people take on the housekeeping tasks of living together, to enhance life''s joy.
However, marriage is more than a contract. It is commitment to take that joy deep: deeper than happiness, deep into the discovery of who you most truly are. It is a commitment to a spiritual journey, to a life of becoming, in which joy can comprehend despair, running through rivers of pain into joy again.
And thus marriage is even deeper than commitment. It is a promise, a solemn promise that says:
I love you.
I trust you.
I will be here for you when you are hurting, and when I am hurting.
I will not leave.
This is no promise to provide haven from pain, or from anger and sorrow. Life offers no such haven. Instead, marriage is intended to provide a sanctuary safe enough to risk loving, to risk living and sharing from the center of oneself. This is worth everything.
"Who gives this woman to be wedded to this man?"
"Her mother and I do"
Bless this marriage, O God, as ____ and ____ begin their journey down the road of life together.
We don''t know what lies ahead for the road turns and bends. But help them to make the best of whatever comes their way.
Help them to hug each other often, talk and laugh a lot.
Help them to continue to enjoy each other as they did when they first met.
Help them to realize that nothing nor no one is perfect and to look for the good in all things and all people including themselves.
Help them to respect each other''s likes and dislikes, opinion and beliefs, hopes and dreams and fears.
Help them to learn from each other and to help each other to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Help them to realize that there is design and purpose in their lives as in the world, and if they will hold onto each other, they will know that things have a way of working out for the good.
Help them to create for their children a peaceful, stable home of love as a foundation on which they can build their lives.
But most of all, dear God, help them to keep lit the torch of love'' that they now share in their hearts so that by their loving example they may pass on the light of love to their children and to their children''s children forever. Amen
"Marriage is a promise of companionship,
Of having someone to share
All of life’s experiences.
Marriage does not promise that there will
Not be any rough times,
Just the assurance that there will
Always be someone
Who cares and will help you through
To better times.
Marriage does not promise eternal romance,
Just eternal love and commitment.
Marriage cannot prevent disappointments,
Disillusionment, or grief,
But it can offer hope, acceptance,
And comfort.
Marriage can’t protect you from making
Individual choices
Or shelter you from the world,
But it will help to reassure you
That there is someone by your side
Who truly cares,
When the world hurts you
And makes you feel vulnerable,
Marriage offers the promise that there will
Be someone waiting to listen,
To console, to inspire.
Marriage is the joining of two people
Who share the promise
That only marriage can make –
To share the sunshine and the shadows,
And to experience a richer, more fulfilling life
Because of it."
Do you, ________, take ________ to be your wedded wife, to do your best to understand her as she is, loving what you know of her and trusting what changes the future will bring, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?
I do.
Do you, ________, take ________ to be your wedded husband, to do your best to understand him as he is, loving what you know of him and trusting what changes the future will bring, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?
I do.
The ring, a circle, is one of nature’s simplest forms. The arc of the rainbow, the halo of the moon and the smallest of raindrops simulate the circle. When a stone is cast upon a pond, it generates waves in ever expanding circles.
Consider this marriage as being two stones striking the water simultaneously. The ensuing waves interlock, and the growth of the enlarging circles show the combined energies of the lives of ________ & ________. The interlocking of these two lives will be symbolized in the exchange of rings.
GROOM/BRIDE, please place the ring on BRIDE/GROOM''S left hand and repeat after me:
BRIDE/GROOM, I give you this ring as a sign of my devotion and love and with my all my heart I promise to you all that I am. With this ring I marry you and join my life to yours.
Because _________ and __________ have exchanged these vows of love in our presence, we now recognize them as husband and wife.
Benediction: Give to one another new experiences of joy. Challenge one another so that you may grow. May the love you hold for each other, now sealed in marriage, continue to mature with the passing years. May you never take each other for granted, but always experience the wonder of your union. Be slow to anger, quick to forgive, leaving no tracks of resentment behind each day. May your love consist not only in gazing into each other''s eyes, but in looking outward in the same direction. May your life together be a source of strength and inspiration to yourselves, your families, your friends, and to all whose lives you touch.
You may now kiss your bride.
"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. ________"