
Wedding band suggestions? (antique style)

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Feb 10, 2005
Hi everyone!

Pricescope has been such a great resource for me for the past year! It''s where I found my "dream" ring that my FI based my engagement ring design on
and everyone has been so sweet and supportive. Now I need your advice (once again) in helping me find or design a wedding band to go with my e-ring.

I plan on wearing the wedding band only (most days) so it would be nice if it has some diamonds on it (of course!) but was also not too flashy as I am an extremely casual person. Ideally I''m looking for something between a plain band and an eternity band.

I have a pretty active lifestyle and have been removing my e-ring for certain activities but I would like to have a wedding band that can stay with me all the time, no matter what.

Thanks in advance! Below is a picture of my ring:
what a cool, cool design!
I would recommend using the style of the diamond criss crosss down the side, but just using one "thread" not the criss cross pattern, in your w-band. Does that make sense? I would design it to be the same thickness or a litte thinner than your e-ring.
I think with diamonds, you are always going to have to be a little careful, but you should be able to wear it most of the time. You could always get a plain cheapo band for those really rugged days!!
maybe something like this ring? or am I wayyyy off? lol

What about taking the style of the side of your ring, that lovely diamond weave and having it go all the way around the band? I think that would be delightful!
I agree with Matatora. That would be great to do a band with the same weave as your ering. Very pretty.
Actually I just logged on to make this very same suggesion! How did I not think of it the first time?
{{{What about taking the style of the side of your ring, that lovely diamond weave and having it go all the way around the band? I think that would be delightful!}}}}

I agree too!!!
Thanks everyone!

I have gone back and forth about doing the weave thing all the way around - the jeweler said to it would probably be like 2500-3000! I was thinking about spending half that so that kind of turned me off to the idea but I haven''t really been in love with any other w-band I''ve tried on. Should I just bite the bullet and do it?

What do you guys think between
A)the wrap all the way around design
B)an eternity band with millegrain (about $1500)

Thanks again -- you guys are the best! :)
Well, I guess that''s decided!

I''m with everyone else: echoing that weave design on the band would be FABULOUS...and the band would stand alone really well too!

Author: snow_happy

Should I just bite the bullet and do it?

I was thinking of the weave not being an eternity band, but stopping on the sides at the same point that it stops on the Ering...would that help?

{{{{I was thinking of the weave not being an eternity band, but stopping on the sides at the same point that it stops on the Ering...would that help?}}}}

That''s a good idea. I think that would look nice too. And I would think it ought to be cheaper. It''s worth getting the right thing now; you''ll wear it for the rest of your life.
Yes, you ladies are right (as usual). I love the wrap design, I just didn''t know if I loved it for the price but my FI assured me that since I''m going to be wearing it for the rest of my life that I should get what I really want, even if it''s more expensive. He said he is willing to spend more money on his ring for one that he likes rather than just settling for a cheaper ring so why shouldn''t I do the same?
He said he already knows I have expensive taste so not to worry about being "economical" on the ring.
Personally I''d prefer to get it going all the way instead of halfway around around because if it spins, no big deal. Rings always spin on me!
Congrats, it is a beautiful e-ring. I think your fiance is wise to say spend more to be happy with it forever. Think of the price difference over a very long time, it is not too much. You could always get a plain milgrain band (very cheap, mayb $200-300 in plat from signed pieces) for now and get the custom weave design for an anniversary if finances are tight with the wedding and all! A super plain band would also be your most durable for the rugged activities.
What kinds of stuff are you into that requires you to be concerned about your rings? I wear my rings (including my e-ring) when I am at the gym, hiking, biking, and other outdoorsy stuff.However, I take them off for cleaning, gardening, (because I am doing these at home and it is easy to put my rings away safely) and pottery (because it is so abrasive to the rings).
Hope this helps!
I like the suggestion of matching the weave to end where it does on the e-ring. It will look more like a set then. But of course, if you guys are willing to pay the $$, full eternity won''t look too shabby either!
I vote for full eternity. Also you can wear it alone which is nice. What a generous FI you have and wise too. You will be wearing this for a long time, might as well get what you want now.
What about having the cross pattern all the way around and having the diamonds go half way around?
Matatora-- that''s a good suggestion too! Do you think it would look funny if it spun?

What do you all think of a Michael B Petite Lace-type ring that has millegrain accents?
Date: 12/11/2005 4:00:39 PM
Hi everyone!

Pricescope has been such a great resource for me for the past year! It's where I found my 'dream' ring that my FI based my engagement ring design on
and everyone has been so sweet and supportive. Now I need your advice (once again) in helping me find or design a wedding band to go with my e-ring.

I plan on wearing the wedding band only (most days) so it would be nice if it has some diamonds on it (of course!) but was also not too flashy as I am an extremely casual person. Ideally I'm looking for something between a plain band and an eternity band.

I have a pretty active lifestyle and have been removing my e-ring for certain activities but I would like to have a wedding band that can stay with me all the time, no matter what.

Thanks in advance! Below is a picture of my ring:
This may sound a little odd but in looking at your ring, what about custom designing a matching wedding band with that same side detail that we are looking at in this picture up above, kind of the criss cross diamond thing? I'm seeing something about as thin as it is where it ends there but overlapping the whole top of the wedding ring. That way it would be 'matching' and work with your e-ring but substantial enough to wear on it's own? Or you could even do a graduated band where it's thinner on the sides like your e-ring and criss-crossing to a larger point in the middle like your ring is up by the stone, then tapering down again. That seems like it'd be really beautiful on it's own but also worn with your e-ring. Just a thought.

For me personally I am not a fan of pairing something like a unique setting with a ready-made band that is out there...esp when custom sometimes can be the same price as what else is out there. Then again I am such a fan of 'matching' because it drives me nuts when it looks like something tried to match but didn't end up meeting that mark...that's my own little psycho-ness though...

EDITED TO ADD: HA HA I didn't read any of the responses on the thread before posting this but now scrolling back I see that everyone else kind of had the same idea I did at first. Too funny!!
Great PS minds.
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