
"Web Shopping"

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Oct 17, 2006
I was thinking, as I was browising the cute shoe knock-offs on Target''s website, that the term "window shopping" appears to be somewhat outdated. I know that I, at least, do much more "web shopping" (i.e.: browsing store websites without any real intention of buying) than "window shopping". Actually, I don''t really remember the last time I ever really went window shopping.

Does anyone else find "web shopping" as addictive as I do? What''s your favorite thing to "web shop" for?


Oct 30, 2002
well i window shop online all the time. i also shop online all the time. i also window shop offline all the time. in fact i spent about an hour at nordies yesterday just trying things on with no intention to buy, mostly because i wanted to get what sizes and styles and things i liked so that i could go ONLINE and buy them, most likely for cheaper than retail. hehe.

i surf etail sites all the time...i usually visit banana and jcrew at least once a week. i always get the sale emails from tons of my favorite clothing companies, etc etc. and i pass links onto coworkers, friends, etc with the whole 'omg isn't this cute''s a great way to pass time...hehe. i think for me i shop for clothing the most online. or accessories like bags, sunglasses, etc. sometimes furniture or decor stuff.

my one pet peeve with B&M retailers who also have an etail presence is when they try to be all creative and have online exclusives or offline exclusives but many times are not CLEAR about what is what, so you go into the store hoping to see XYZ and it's an online product only. OR you see it offline and can't find it on their website. also some stores get new products into their stores 2-3 weeks before it shows up on the website, which also drives me nuts.

i am in online marketing and ecommerce and have run B2C online stores before so stuff like that is a total pet peeve for me but overall i LOVE window shopping online and real shopping as well.


Jan 25, 2005
I shop online and window shop online a lot. I also like to walk in the malls (outdoor or otherwise) because I grew up doing it and I''ll likely never stop given that I enjoy it. (It''s also a good way to get a walk in while not realizing it!)

What I hate is seeing something on sale online, and then going into the B&M store and it''s full price. That irritates me to no end. By the time you pay for shipping and all that, it''s the same price it is in the store.
No sale there.


Aug 12, 2005
I shop or "window shop" online basically every day during the week. Weekends are more for B&M shopping if I have time, but even then I only spend maybe 2-3 hrs. shopping, and usually it''s to actually buy something! In other words, I probably browse more on the internet and order less, but shop less in stores and buy more, if that makes sense. I probably place a large order ($600-800) a year at for basics that I know from previous experience will fit, whereas if I need a specific fun outfit or dress for an occasion I will go into a store and try on lots of things but end up buying the shoes online!

I think my favorite thing to buy online so far has been nail polish. Last fall there was a huge thread here on favorite nail polishes and I have tons of fun spending $20-30 on nail polishes I would normally pay $50-60 for in store or salon now! Oh, and I bought my laptop online this past year...that was fun. Really, if there is anything I WANT in a store, I will go online first and research the heck out of it to see where I can get the best deal, or if I even want it based on reviews. I HEART the internet.


Feb 8, 2003
I''m an online web shopaholic. I even have a post office box so I don''t have to worry that my husband may find out that packages come in the mail four times a week!

Mainly I shop for cosmetics and usually order from Sephora and Recently, however, I''ve been focusing on clothes so as a result have cut back on my web shopping because for me, it''s easier just trying on clothes in the store. Like Mara noted, it''s frustrating when a B&M store offers online items that their store doesn''t carry, so I try and avoid window shopping online before heading into the actual store. Recently, I drove to Banana Republic JUST to purchase a camisole I saw online, and of course, when I asked the sales clerk about it, she said she hadn''t see the shirt and so it may only be availiable in some stores. Major waste of time.


Sep 24, 2004
Date: 3/17/2007 2:17:27 PM
Author: MC
I''m an online web shopaholic. I even have a post office box so I don''t have to worry that my husband may find out that packages come in the mail four times a week!

Mainly I shop for cosmetics and usually order from Sephora and Recently, however, I''ve been focusing on clothes so as a result have cut back on my web shopping because for me, it''s easier just trying on clothes in the store. Like Mara noted, it''s frustrating when a B&M store offers online items that their store doesn''t carry, so I try and avoid window shopping online before heading into the actual store. Recently, I drove to Banana Republic JUST to purchase a camisole I saw online, and of course, when I asked the sales clerk about it, she said she hadn''t see the shirt and so it may only be availiable in some stores. Major waste of time.

MC -the same thing has happened to me. You see something great online or a sale and the B&M store has no clue! GRR! Bath & Body Works is the worst about that.
I just bought 3 dresses online today, Neiman''s, Bloomingdales and Nordstroms. Free shipping on 1, and if they don''t fit - just send ''em back. Easy shopping.
I will also research the heck out of something. I also just bought SALMON, yes, the fish
online. Supposed to be clean and pure. Can''t stand the stuff from the grocery store, who knows what that fish has been fed. Ain''t the ''net grand, tee hee.


Jan 11, 2003
I've been a eshopper for quite some time, but my friends are still leary about it. We've done nearly all our holiday shopping the past 4 years online also. I love it.

We get anything from clothing to car parts, to scuba gear, and pet flea grease. If I can get it online cheaper and FREE shipping you bet I will.

All our delivery guys here KNOW us as the yellow stucco house on the top of the hill. If dh & I are outside and see one of the delivery trucks headed our way we both question each other "are you expecting a package?" Kind of sad really. It surprises us if the truck actually goes to anther house. If we're not here on the morning pass through route with UPS, he actually stops back by on his way to the "office" before heading home.....nice of him huh?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
If it makes you feel better to shop online there is a site call and they donate a % of what you buy to a charity of your choice. Some how it makes spending a little easier
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