
Wear Makeup If You Want To Get The Job...


Oct 24, 2012
Bouncing off another thread about buying makeup for a teen girl, here is an article stating that about two thirds of employers said they are MORE likely to give a female candidate the job if she's wearing makeup:

What do you think of this? Is it primal? That women wearing makeup look younger with their flaws covered up and their cheeks aglow, and therefore the interviewer subconsciously thinks that she'll have more stamina for the job?

Or, is it that she's shown effort by wearing makeup, so therefore must really want the job? Does it demonstrate the someone is pulled-together and therefore her work will be well-represented too? Am I reading too much into this?

Here is another article with the view that wearing makeup is a betrayal:

And....two articles about this topic by the arch-wearer of makeup, Joan Collins. She is responsible for this quote, which is pure Joanie:

I’m often amazed when some lined, red-faced, blotchy skinned woman proudly announces that she’s never allowed an ounce of make-up touch her face.Well, bully for you, ma’am, if you want to go to the grave looking like Dracula’s grandma, but if you want to look young, then start applying make-up. article about the time in Hollywood when Joan dared to sit in the studio cafe in 1955 without makeup, and the director gave her what-for, telling her she should be in full makeup at all times:

So, what do you think about makeup? Pain or pleasure? Empowering or degrading? Worth every penny or waste of money? A litmus test: Would you go on the first date with the man of your dreams - someone you wildly fancy - without wearing a single scrap of makeup? I might have done pre-25, but not at my age now.
I must admit I like when a woman wears no make up.
I think it indicates a certain inner peace, as in accepting reality instead of fighting it.

Then again, not being straight I do not see women as sex objects who should strive to look the prime breeding age even when they have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

Perhaps this gave a subconscious edge to make-up-less women when I used to interview candidates.
Unless I am headed to the gym or the beach, I rarely leave the house completely bereft of makeup. I'll dab on a little powder, mascara and lipstick just to go to the supermarket. I don't think I've gone to work without makeup ever. I started wearing makeup at 13, got my first job at 14, have never been a lifeguard or fitness instructor, so yeah, I'm pretty confident that statement holds. Certainly if *acting* were my job, I'd be made up at the commissary.

I wouldn't go on a lunch date with a friend without makeup, never mind the "man of my dreams." The first time my husband (then boyfriend) saw me without makeup, he remarked that my "eyes looked wild." He meant like a wild animal, lol. The only reason I wasn't made up yet is because he was early picking me up.

I love wearing makeup. Sometimes I'll even get fully over-the-top made up when I'm home alone all day, just to play around with different techniques! But I don't overdo it for regular daytime look.
Well, I never wore makeup till my mid twenties and that was when I was a bridesmaid in my gf's wedding party and she wanted everyone to have their makeup done by her makeup artist. Nowadays I do wear makeup when I go out but minimal usually and if I am just running errands I may not wear any makeup. If I am going out then I do apply mascara, eyeliner, shadow and coverup where I need it and lipgloss. But that's my max. I like looking pretty but I don't think a face full of makeup equals pretty. Making the most of what you have using minimal makeup that works IMO but seeing a face coated with lots of makeup equals yuk (to me).

The younger you are the better you look makeup free IMO and as women age makeup can look attractive but again my mantra is to use as little as you need.

In the corporate world women need to look polished so if one applies makeup correctly you can achieve that polished but professional look without appearing to be wearing lots of makeup. Fortunately I don't work in the corporate world so I can do as I please with regards to clothing/makeup and appearance in general.
I don't think expecting a woman to at least TRY to put some effort into her appearance for work, makeup included, is asking too much. She's the face of the company if she's interacting with clients at all, and she should try to look like she's ready for any situation, meeting with someone included. Doesn't take much, but an effort should be exerted to look more professional.

Me personally, I NEVER leave the house without at least concealer, powder, mascara, liner and brows filled in. That is the bare minimum for me. My husband didn't see me without makeup til after we moved in together, on purpose, and he was surprised at what a good job I did at covering up my dark circles because that was the shocker for him. I've been wearing it since my mom took us for a professional lesson at Famous-Barr. I was well younger than 13. By 13 I was well into high-end brands I bought with my own money. I started coloring my hair at 8 via my first bottle of Sun-In. I am obviously not the norm, but my parents didn't buy any of this for me, the most they did was bring me to that little lesson. I bought all of it on my own, and beyond my first lesson, I am self taught. I am really glad my mom took us to have that lesson too, because we learned a lot about rights and wrongs of application.
I work in controlled environment for the majority of my working life since 1987, and am used to not wearing any make up, as I would not be able to go into the manufacturing facilities with make up on. Some places even banned perfumes!!!

I turned up for interviews without make up in case I was being shown around the manufacturing facilities.

So far, not wearing make up does not appear to have done me and my career any harm or hindrance.

I guess it depends on the industry - in manufacturing, no one bets an eyelid; however, the same cannot be said in the more aesthetic concious industries such as fashion and media.

DK :))
There have been a number of studies that show that people see women who wear makeup as more competent. I think it's just viewed as a normal part of women's grooming so if you don't do it, you're seen to have neglected part of your grooming, like leaving the house without brushing your hair or wearing super wrinkled clothing.
I think this heavily depends on the industry due to societal constructs. Putting effort into how you look to look cleaned and groomed doesn't always have to involve makeup.

Back in the day, like Victorian era and before, makeup was considered to be something that whores wore. People judged you poorly for wearing makeup. If society was more accepting of women who didn't wear makeup, this wouldn't be the case at all.

For a lot of technical jobs, women aren't judged for wearing makeup or not. For example in a lot of clean manufacturing spaces, you're NOT allowed to wear make up.

I personally don't care. I wear very minimal makeup if any on a regular basis because it doesn't stay on. I think there are better things I could do with my time like doing activities to build my resume instead of doing makeup.

I think it's very silly that women aren't allowed to have blotchy pink skin but men are...

I met my boyfriend when I used to get 4 hours of sleep. You better bet that he's seem me with very very tired puffy icky under eyes with no makeup. If a man can't like me without any makeup, why would I ever want to sleep over with him long term?

However, if it makes you feel better to wear makeup, go for it! But don't do it for anybody else.
I had actually never wore makeup to an interview. The last interview I went on (current job) was when I was 28 though. I only wear makeup for special occasions because I am too lazy to do makeup daily and currently don't see it as a necessity. As I age and feel the need of makeup, then I will use it. Just not right now.
distracts|1384811907|3558696 said:
There have been a number of studies that show that people see women who wear makeup as more competent. I think it's just viewed as a normal part of women's grooming so if you don't do it, you're seen to have neglected part of your grooming, like leaving the house without brushing your hair or wearing super wrinkled clothing.

I think I've heard about those studies, Distracts. What interests me is the comments sections on those articles. Makeup can't really be seen as just a part of grooming when you read how many people are quite against wearing makeup and how many do not ever wear it. I consider it just a "normal" part of grooming, too, but so many people say they don't wear it that I guess it can't really be true. It's interesting. I wonder if some women would rather not admit to wearing makeup because of gender stereotypes about vanity, "airheads", etc?
distracts|1384811907|3558696 said:
There have been a number of studies that show that people see women who wear makeup as more competent. I think it's just viewed as a normal part of women's grooming so if you don't do it, you're seen to have neglected part of your grooming, like leaving the house without brushing your hair or wearing super wrinkled clothing.

Yeah, there are various studies...who knows who funds them each, but I did read one study that found that men tend to view woman w/makeup on as more intelligent. Now, it didn't say how much makeup or which shades. There are far too many variables!
royalstarrynight|1384812094|3558698 said:
I think it's very silly that women aren't allowed to have blotchy pink skin but men are.../quote]

Not allowed?
Women are in jail for this?

Screw society's garbage.
It's all a huge scam to make you feel insecure so you'll spend your money the products they invented.

Invent a problem; sell 'em the solution.

Think for yourself.
Set your own standards.
Be strong, not weak.
kenny|1384812640|3558708 said:
royalstarrynight|1384812094|3558698 said:
I think it's very silly that women aren't allowed to have blotchy pink skin but men are.../quote]

Not allowed?
Women are in jail for this?


Yes. Have you seen a blotchy faced woman lately? (they're all in jail...that is why you can't seem to locate any!)
MC|1384812750|3558710 said:
kenny|1384812640|3558708 said:
royalstarrynight|1384812094|3558698 said:
I think it's very silly that women aren't allowed to have blotchy pink skin but men are.../quote]

Not allowed?
Women are in jail for this?


Yes. Have you seen a blotchy faced woman lately? (they're all in jail...that is why you can't seem to locate any!)

Haaha! :lol:
I don't wear makeup to work. Ever. I wear it when I'm going out for evening only. I have loads of very nice makeup so I certainly don't have any ideological objection to it but I'm very comfortable in my own skin so I don't feel I need it to face the world. Frankly, I can't be bothered to remove it all every night, I quite enjoy putting it on though.

I wear sunscreen every day though, which has helped my skin stay looking younger than any amount of slap!
Make up can make a woman look more attractive, however, it does not make her more intelligent.

DK ;))
rosetta|1384812909|3558716 said:
I don't wear makeup to work. Ever. I wear it when I'm going out for evening only. I have loads of very nice makeup so I certainly don't have any ideological objection to it but I'm very comfortable in my own skin so I don't feel I need it to face the world. Frankly, I can't be bothered to remove it all every night, I quite enjoy putting it on though.

I wear sunscreen every day though, which has helped my skin stay looking younger than any amount of slap!

In total agreement with this Rosetta. I never ever skip the sunscreen no matter the weather. That's the one must on my list and should be a must on everyone's list IMO.
I may not wear any make up, however, I would be horrified if I go out of the house without curling my eyelashes (they are VERY straight), earrings or scent!

Yes I am vain in other ways!

DK :oops: :lol:
Here is a picture of me without a scrap of makeup, and a picture of me with full makeup. The full makeup picture is from today, and the no-makeup one was taken Feb 2012.

In today's pic, I'm wearing a full-coverage Mac powder foundation, concealer (for those wonderful dark shadows and sunspots of mine), blusher, eyebrow pencil, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. This is what I wear almost every day, even when home alone.

And then, the other pic is me in all my barefaced horr - sorry, glory.

I think I look better with makeup, much better, which is why I wear it. But however much I love makeup, and however much I feel better with it on, I'm also not afraid to face the world make-up free. As you can see.

Makeup is sometimes demonised, but I've posted these pics to show what a difference it can make to a woman such as myself. I read so many comments in the articles, and some here and the other thread, about how lots of women never or rarely or not often wear makeup, and it makes me feel as if it's something bad. But as you can see, it makes quite a difference to me, at least. You don't have to look like a clown in full makeup, which is what I'm wearing. Well, at least I don't think my makeup makes me look like a clown!! :errrr:


missy|1384813082|3558722 said:
rosetta|1384812909|3558716 said:
I don't wear makeup to work. Ever. I wear it when I'm going out for evening only. I have loads of very nice makeup so I certainly don't have any ideological objection to it but I'm very comfortable in my own skin so I don't feel I need it to face the world. Frankly, I can't be bothered to remove it all every night, I quite enjoy putting it on though.

I wear sunscreen every day though, which has helped my skin stay looking younger than any amount of slap!

In total agreement with this Rosetta. I never ever skip the sunscreen no matter the weather. That's the one must on my list and should be a must on everyone's list IMO.

Yay one more thing we agree on missy! :appl:

I've got brown skin: I've had some people ask why I bother to wear sunscreen. It's shocking how many people think having darker skin means the UV can't damage your skin. I'm not coated in a magic shield people! :cheeky:
Smith1942|1384812377|3558704 said:
I think I've heard about those studies, Distracts. What interests me is the comments sections on those articles. Makeup can't really be seen as just a part of grooming when you read how many people are quite against wearing makeup and how many do not ever wear it. I consider it just a "normal" part of grooming, too, but so many people say they don't wear it that I guess it can't really be true. It's interesting. I wonder if some women would rather not admit to wearing makeup because of gender stereotypes about vanity, "airheads", etc?

The thing is, I know MANY men who say they are quite against wearing makeup, but when you look at the women they pay attention to, they are all made-up! I have never met a man who says he is against wearing makeup who has actually seemed to be more attracted to a girl without makeup than ones with it. Most don't even pay attention to what a non-made-up girl has to say in a work or school environment, in my experience. Just because they SAY one thing does not mean they behave at all in that way. I mean, if there was really a large contingent of people who liked bare face best, advertising, tv, and movies probably wouldn't be so filled with perfectly made-up people. There would be at least SOME who were not made up.

I also think there are a lot of people who don't wear makeup out there who don't know what the heck someone looks like with makeup on. I have seen comments on reddit, etc, about how Kim Kardashian is a "natural beauty who doesn't wear much makeup" which is, like, mind-boggling to me. I have also had people be SHOCKED at my arsenal of beauty supplies because I don't look "made up." Or people who are shocked that I wear makeup because I apparently look like I don't. I think a lot of people who are anti-makeup are just anti makeup-they-don't-like, or anti badly-applied-makeup, or anti caked-on-foundation (who isn't, really), or anti bright-colors-makeup.
Smith, I think you look absolutely fine without make up. I'm not denying that people look better with makeup, in general. I've been stopped in the street and asked out by men when I've had the full face on, but I know that's not the real me. I feel sad sometimes that women don't feel like they can't step out of the house without it (not saying that's you Smith) and I think that's because the societal pressure to conform all the time is so high. FWIW, I've progressed nicely through my career despite being one of the few female docs at work who doesn't wear a lick of makeup.

My general rule is that if I know I'm going to be photographed I wear makeup (parties, weddings, holidays) but otherwise I let my skin breathe.
I agree. Distracts. For me, an example of someone who wears too much makeup is the Duchess of Cambridge. While it's very well-applied, while it looks very good, it's still just way too much. It looks very thick, in my view - you can really see how much she's wearing.
Distracts, I totally agree with you that hardly any man realises that so-called natural beauty has a ton of stuff on her face. Men are so easily fooled sometimes! :cheeky:
rosetta|1384814099|3558739 said:
Smith, I think you look absolutely fine without make up. I'm not denying that people look better with makeup, in general. I've been stopped in the street and asked out by men when I've had the full face on, but I know that's not the real me. I feel sad sometimes that women don't feel like they can't step out of the house without it (not saying that's you Smith) and I think that's because the societal pressure to conform all the time is so high. FWIW, I've progressed nicely through my career despite being one of the few female docs at work who doesn't wear a lick of makeup.

My general rule is that if I know I'm going to be photographed I wear makeup (parties, weddings, holidays) but otherwise I let my skin breathe.

Thanks, Rosetta. I'm very conscious of my dark shadows which are actually a lot worse than this photo. I'm 40 next year and my skin has got worse in the 21 months since this pic was taken. Oddly though, I was at a restaurant without wearing a lick of makeup last year and I was asked for ID when ordering wine!
Smith1942|1384814382|3558745 said:
rosetta|1384814099|3558739 said:
Smith, I think you look absolutely fine without make up. I'm not denying that people look better with makeup, in general. I've been stopped in the street and asked out by men when I've had the full face on, but I know that's not the real me. I feel sad sometimes that women don't feel like they can't step out of the house without it (not saying that's you Smith) and I think that's because the societal pressure to conform all the time is so high. FWIW, I've progressed nicely through my career despite being one of the few female docs at work who doesn't wear a lick of makeup.

My general rule is that if I know I'm going to be photographed I wear makeup (parties, weddings, holidays) but otherwise I let my skin breathe.

Thanks, Rosetta. I'm very conscious of my dark shadows which are actually a lot worse than this photo. I'm 40 next year and my skin has got worse in the 21 months since this pic was taken. Oddly though, I was at a restaurant without wearing a lick of makeup last year and I was asked for ID when ordering wine!

Um, I think you actually look younger without makeup!! Not surprised you got carded!
Well, I was two years younger than I am now! Although, it happened recently too when I was in the supermarket without makeup, come to think of it. Weird. I just think I look scruffier without it.
Makeup is optional for all sexes. :)

I don't have any reason to wear it anymore. The most I might do is a lousy attempt at eyeliner only I can see, some lipgloss/stain and on a big day, mascara. For work I always wore neutrals. When I was younger, my MIL actually thought I didn't even wear makeup, even when I used to wear full makeup! I was self-conscious at one time.

If anything, I concentrate on my hair. It distresses me at times. But I get over that too. My grandmothers and my mother never wore makeup beyond lipstick. I totally understand that way of life now.
lyra|1384815281|3558756 said:
Makeup is optional for all sexes. :)

I don't have any reason to wear it anymore. The most I might do is a lousy attempt at eyeliner only I can see, some lipgloss/stain and on a big day, mascara. For work I always wore neutrals. When I was younger, my MIL actually thought I didn't even wear makeup, even when I used to wear full makeup! I was self-conscious at one time.

If anything, I concentrate on my hair. It distresses me at times. But I get over that too. My grandmothers and my mother never wore makeup beyond lipstick. I totally understand that way of life now.

My straight male cousin wears makeup. Very subtle, but I've seen him with concealer, very light foundation and maybe a touch of eyeliner. He's a fashion designer though, so maybe that's the norm in his industry.

My friend Robbie wears full dramatic makeup every day and he looks fab. He's a hairdresser and makeup artist. He does shoots for Playboy and he does Lady Gaga's hair sometimes. He has dramatic dark eyes, which he outlines with thick black eye pencil every day, and he wears full-coverage foundation. I've never seen him without his makeup. Again, maybe it's more normal in his industry. I can't imagine my dad wearing makeup! :lol:
I rarely wear makeup :oops:

I have really good skin due to applying serum and balm every winter and before bed, wearing sunscreen religiously, and drinking a lot of water. I am very meticulous about grooming my eyebrows, but I rarely wear anything but chapstick. I also rub a little coconut oil in my hair most days and let it air dry!