
Warning about credit cards - please read

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Oct 18, 2004
Ok. I am pretty saavy at internet shopping and credit. I have a pretty high credit score. But a scam was perpetrated on us that I never even knew about until today. Last month, I got a package of Trimspa stuff - vitamins, diet pill, etc. I called my husband and asked him why he ordered it. He didn''t. I didn''t. I checked my credit card online and sure enough, there were the charges. So I called Trimspa and they said it happens all the time and reversed the charges. I called the credit card company and reported the fraudulent transactions. They sent me an affidavit with some other mysterious charges and some legitimate ones and I checked off what was mine and what wasn''t. There were some very small charges that I didn''t recognize and I confirmed with the companies that they were not mine. So they cancelled my card and issued a new one. Next statement (new card), same thing. I called the credit card company and they told me of a new scam that I knew nothing about. A company can send you something in the mail and they do this with your address only. They get your name and address from either an online purchase or from a receipt that you signed at a store such as Best Buy. (just an example that she gave me at the credit card company.) They get your credit card number from the bank because you didn''t opt out by signing the thing they sent you in the mail. Unbelievable, isn''t it? So for three months, the lady reversed $268 worth of charges and I am getting all my back statements. I didn''t notice the charges because they tend to be small, like $39 or $1. They are also recurring because they company keeps charging you for a ''service''. She said the charges tend to have the letters "AP" and "TL" in front of this and mine did have that. So, check your statements really closely. I was checking them but assumed it was something my husband was doing and I am sure he assumed it was something I had charged.

Just wanted to give you the heads up that even if you haven''t authorized it, they can get you.
Date: 12/11/2006 8:59:29 PM
Ok. I am pretty saavy at internet shopping and credit. I have a pretty high credit score. But a scam was perpetrated on us that I never even knew about until today. Last month, I got a package of Trimspa stuff - vitamins, diet pill, etc. I called my husband and asked him why he ordered it. He didn''t. I didn''t. I checked my credit card online and sure enough, there were the charges. So I called Trimspa and they said it happens all the time and reversed the charges. I called the credit card company and reported the fraudulent transactions. They sent me an affidavit with some other mysterious charges and some legitimate ones and I checked off what was mine and what wasn''t. There were some very small charges that I didn''t recognize and I confirmed with the companies that they were not mine. So they cancelled my card and issued a new one. Next statement (new card), same thing. I called the credit card company and they told me of a new scam that I knew nothing about. A company can send you something in the mail and they do this with your address only. They get your name and address from either an online purchase or from a receipt that you signed at a store such as Best Buy. (just an example that she gave me at the credit card company.) They get your credit card number from the bank because you didn''t opt out by signing the thing they sent you in the mail. Unbelievable, isn''t it? So for three months, the lady reversed $268 worth of charges and I am getting all my back statements. I didn''t notice the charges because they tend to be small, like $39 or $1. They are also recurring because they company keeps charging you for a ''service''. She said the charges tend to have the letters ''AP'' and ''TL'' in front of this and mine did have that. So, check your statements really closely. I was checking them but assumed it was something my husband was doing and I am sure he assumed it was something I had charged.

Just wanted to give you the heads up that even if you haven''t authorized it, they can get you.
I don''t get that highlighted part. I actually do call all those opt out things anyway, but that thing isn''t license for your cc company to be shelling out your cc NUMBER!!! Anyway, it''s a good idea to be checking statements regularly. I have been lax about that lately but will definitely be more vigilant! I hope this gets sorted out quickly for you. What a hassle.
Thanks Allisonfaye: One of several reasons I use the green kind of CC for most of my purchases in many stores (see the Chicago Gemshow Pictures for an example). One advantage is that I don''t have to pay late charges or dispute a charge.

Firegoddes: Unfortuanely, it is not your credit card number. Its the credit cards credit companies credit card number - and they just let you use it on their terms. Same with bank records. The bank owns them and can supply them to anyone anytime at their discretion. So if you are interested in protecting yourself and your privacy - be carefull about what you do and don''t do with your bank and credit card.

Wow, Allisonfaye, that''s the craziest scam I''ve ever heard! And I agree with Firegoddess that I''ve heard of CC companies selling your personal info if you don''t opt out, but not giving license to use the credit card number. The opt outs typically read to the effect that the CC can provide your personally identifying information (name, address, transaction history) to entities that may or may not be affiliates for the purposes of marketing their products. But as for actually CHARGING your credit card--WAY over the line in my opinion.
Date: 12/11/2006 9:52:16 PM
Author: perry
Firegoddes: Unfortuanely, it is not your credit card number. Its the credit cards credit companies credit card number - and they just let you use it on their terms.
Okay, huh? It''s either too late in the day for me or there are too many words for me to digest. Can you explain that again?!
Date: 12/11/2006 10:14:34 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 12/11/2006 9:52:16 PM
Author: perry
Firegoddes: Unfortuanely, it is not your credit card number. Its the credit cards credit companies credit card number - and they just let you use it on their terms.
Okay, huh? It''s either too late in the day for me or there are too many words for me to digest. Can you explain that again?!
FG~ What Perry means is that the credit card number assigned to you, the number on your credit card, belongs to the credit card company. They assign the specific account number for you to use. Does that make more sense?

Allison~ I''m so sorry about the hassle. It''s ridiculous what people get away with these days. You can never be too careful. Good for you for tackling this right away!
I am confused. Was Trimspa or the Credit Card company at fault? How can the credit card company allow unauthorized chanrges?

Where did Trimspa say they got the order from?
I get that the company assigns you a number and you have obligations to pay back what you charge, but it is YOURS, you are liable for charges unless your card was stolen, so how can the number be so unprotected? Makes no sense to me on that level. I get that the company has ultimate control and can rescind it, but, at the same time, I am signing binding documents that I will pay my bill etc, so how is the number then available to be misused by the company? (it is late here and I am tired, but something is just not clicking for me).
I am going through the same thing. I have had the same credit card for 10 years and never had a problem. Starting in Sept. I was getting a recurring charge from NetZero phone. I called the Credit Card company and they said it was set up as a recurring charge. I disputed it with my card comany and they also suggested I try to get in contact with Net Zero. That was a joke. Net Zero couldn''t find an account using my name and then they asked for my credit card number. I wasnt going to give them my number - so I gave up trying to cancel through Net Zero. The credit card company said the merchants usually stop charging your card once you dispute it.. because they aren''t getting paid anymore. NOW this month there is a charge for $134 from JD Technologies (a webhosting company). I am now disputing that. I am going to cancel this card and get a new one. I don''t know if that will help.

This has just starting happening so I assume someone has my credit card number and is having fun.
I think I should contact equifax and check my credit rating. Who knows what is going on.
Here is what I meant:

If someone approaches a financial institition (bank, credit card, mortage co, etc) with sufficient personal information so that the financial institution can identify which account it is - the financial institition can provide any part of the records it wants to provide to the party that approached them - with the possible exception of "opt out" personal information that the approaching party does not know. That includes the account number. The number and all the records are the property of the financial institution - and you do not have any rights of privacy or control over them.

Police and other investigative departments use this all the time. Lawyers and private parties can do it to in many places. They do not need a search warrant to get your finaincial records - all they have to do is ask. If the financial institution feels that the person asking has a reasonable right to know - they hand over the records.

Thus, it is totally understandable that someone approaching a Credit Card company with a name and address can get the credit card number.

Now I admit that this does not seem right - and is obviously open for abuse. But the credit card company is not in business to protect you; and I doubt you will ever find a credit card company who will admit any responsibility for any problems arrising from their policies.

One of the reasons I do not provide my phone number to all those idotic places that ask for them as well - unless they actually have a need for it.

but if they give out the number and someone uses it fraudulently, THEY are the ones that have to eat the charges, so why would they be so careless?
The whole thing is still foggy to me. I don''t think the lady explained it very well. We DID cancel the first card and the charges were on the second one.

I honestly can''t say exactly how it happened. Until I spoke with the credit card company, I thought someone highjacked our number but when it happened on the new number, there had to be some other explanation. She put some kind of thing on our card blocking any of these charges from ever happening again.
It makes me want to use cash only and skip the credit card thing, especially if they are providing my info to anyone who asks! You are right, they are not in the business for MY benefit. They''re in the business to make money!
That is so scary. Thanks for letting us know!
This is actually a form of identity theft. For some advice to prevent this from happening click here.
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