Ok so...I don't know what to think, all I know is that I feel really upset and I can't seem to sort this out. My FI and I are getting married on June 30, 2011 in NY, in the town that he grew up in. All of his family and friends still live near there, except for a couple. My friends are mostly scattered and for a variety of reasons (mostly money), it looks like none of them will be able to attend. FI's sister has graciously agreed to be my MoH and I like her a lot, so I don't feel badly about that.
Unfortunately, none of my family will be there either because they can't make the trip. My daughters will be there, but neither of my parents uncles, grandfather, etc. will be able to come. This has me pretty torn up emotionally. I know that even if it was here, my parents probably wouldn't be coming and only a small handful of friends would. As it stands now, there will be about 50 people from FI's side that will be attending the wedding. It's a no-brainer that the wedding being held in NY is the right decision. I'm okay with it. FI's mom is being super helpful and supportive (mostly). She's helping with almost everything, actually. She continually says "these are just suggestions, feel free to tell me NO, it's YOUR wedding". So she's not trying to take over, it's just a natural progression. I'm ridiculously busy with daily life, I can't be there to go to shops, vendors, etc. and she has numerous connections (flowers, lodging, venue for reception and the ceremony, you name it she knows them).
It's going to take almost all of our time and definitely all of our money, but it's worth it to me b/c I know it's going to be a beautiful wedding with my new family. It's the right thing to do. Here's where it starts to get difficult though. FI's friends from college have just announced that they're getting married on July 22nd, 2010...less than 3 weeks after we get back from our wedding. Theirs will be held near his hometown in NY. They've asked him to stand as a groomsman. FI's mom thinks that he should definitely go, even if it means going without me because it's important to maintain his friendships with people from his past. Now here's where I start getting pretty emotional and miffed. I've talked to FI's mom about this before, I've told her that we can't even have a honeymoon b/c we're using ALL of our funds and time off to have the wedding in NY.
I feel cheated out of two of the biggest things (not THE biggest, which is marrying my FI of course). It's still pretty big though to me. I lose out on having any family of mine except for my daughters and I also lose out on having a honeymoon. Now FI's mom wants him to go back to NY 2 weeks after we're married, by himself? I'm just beside myself with frustration and sadness at times, and this is one of them.
Most of the time I'm okay, but today I'm just struggling so much.
FI's said repeatedly that he is NOT going to go w/o me. I know this means she will say "well then I'll pay for her ticket and she can go too". My problem is that if we're going to go traipsing across the US 2 weeks after our wedding, I want it to be for our time together since we will have JUST spent an entire week with his family there. Sigh...I have no idea what I'm trying to say I guess. I'm just really upset overall and I can't seem to figure out exactly why, or if my feelings are appropriate. If you made it this far, you're a saint. Thanks for listening...
Ok so...I don't know what to think, all I know is that I feel really upset and I can't seem to sort this out. My FI and I are getting married on June 30, 2011 in NY, in the town that he grew up in. All of his family and friends still live near there, except for a couple. My friends are mostly scattered and for a variety of reasons (mostly money), it looks like none of them will be able to attend. FI's sister has graciously agreed to be my MoH and I like her a lot, so I don't feel badly about that.
Unfortunately, none of my family will be there either because they can't make the trip. My daughters will be there, but neither of my parents uncles, grandfather, etc. will be able to come. This has me pretty torn up emotionally. I know that even if it was here, my parents probably wouldn't be coming and only a small handful of friends would. As it stands now, there will be about 50 people from FI's side that will be attending the wedding. It's a no-brainer that the wedding being held in NY is the right decision. I'm okay with it. FI's mom is being super helpful and supportive (mostly). She's helping with almost everything, actually. She continually says "these are just suggestions, feel free to tell me NO, it's YOUR wedding". So she's not trying to take over, it's just a natural progression. I'm ridiculously busy with daily life, I can't be there to go to shops, vendors, etc. and she has numerous connections (flowers, lodging, venue for reception and the ceremony, you name it she knows them).
It's going to take almost all of our time and definitely all of our money, but it's worth it to me b/c I know it's going to be a beautiful wedding with my new family. It's the right thing to do. Here's where it starts to get difficult though. FI's friends from college have just announced that they're getting married on July 22nd, 2010...less than 3 weeks after we get back from our wedding. Theirs will be held near his hometown in NY. They've asked him to stand as a groomsman. FI's mom thinks that he should definitely go, even if it means going without me because it's important to maintain his friendships with people from his past. Now here's where I start getting pretty emotional and miffed. I've talked to FI's mom about this before, I've told her that we can't even have a honeymoon b/c we're using ALL of our funds and time off to have the wedding in NY.
I feel cheated out of two of the biggest things (not THE biggest, which is marrying my FI of course). It's still pretty big though to me. I lose out on having any family of mine except for my daughters and I also lose out on having a honeymoon. Now FI's mom wants him to go back to NY 2 weeks after we're married, by himself? I'm just beside myself with frustration and sadness at times, and this is one of them.
FI's said repeatedly that he is NOT going to go w/o me. I know this means she will say "well then I'll pay for her ticket and she can go too". My problem is that if we're going to go traipsing across the US 2 weeks after our wedding, I want it to be for our time together since we will have JUST spent an entire week with his family there. Sigh...I have no idea what I'm trying to say I guess. I'm just really upset overall and I can't seem to figure out exactly why, or if my feelings are appropriate. If you made it this far, you're a saint. Thanks for listening...