
Valentines Day!

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Jan 21, 2009
Valentines day is a week away! My girlfriend and I got engaged last week. I wanted to give our engagement its own special day, but I''m curious to know if anyone is planning on proposing to their SO this valentines day?
I am planning on proposing next saturday (v-day).

I really did not want to propose on any common days (i.e. christmas, new years, v-day, etc), but we have some historical relationship significance with Valentines days, so I figured on this sixth anniversary I would pop the question.

Still working out the exact details of the actual proposal (we are flying to Chicago), but hopefully it will go well. Nervous and excited!
Not really ... way too predictable and cheesy for me personally ...
Where are you going to propose in Chicago sbrickman?
the plan is for Navy Pier (by the water) once again there is some historical relationship history for that spot, however I am not sure the weather will cooperate (supposed to be 28 degrees - not including wind chill), anyone have any other suggestions if the weather makes things difficult.
I''m going to be cheesy and propose on Valentines Day. Only because we are going to Charleston and getting a place on the beach. The same place we stayed a year ago for V-Day. I plan on taking her to the beach about 30 min before the sun comes up. We''ll walk down the beach talking ,taking pictures, etc and then as soon as you can see the actual sun at all I plan on asking her.

I''d prefer not doing it on Valentines Day, but it presents a great opportunity (location) and plus I don''t want to wait any longer.

I was thinking about doing it Friday the 13th, the day before V-Day, but figured Valentines Day would be nicer.
Date: 2/9/2009 5:38:35 PM
Author: sbrickman
anyone have any other suggestions if the weather makes things difficult.
I''m a little worried about the weather as well. As of now, it has a 40% chance to rain on Saturday... Let''s hope the weather people are wrong as usual!!!

I have thought about it a little and figured I may take her onto the beach in the middle of it raining and ask her then anyways. I think it would be romantic, as long is it isn''t freezing.
Having a similar problem in LA! The forecast is rain all weekend, so any outdoor ideas are all wet =\
Date: 2/9/2009 5:38:35 PM
Author: sbrickman
the plan is for Navy Pier (by the water) once again there is some historical relationship history for that spot, however I am not sure the weather will cooperate (supposed to be 28 degrees - not including wind chill), anyone have any other suggestions if the weather makes things difficult.

You could go to the botanic garden and the greenhouse ... nice flowers, warm ...
Great ideas! I proposed to my girlfriend a few weeks ago, I would have liked to have waited until valentines day but she likes to keep all our special dates the same so I proposed on the 5 year anniversary of the day we met. I spent so much time focusing on the ring that I had no idea how I was going to propose. I ended up just winging it when the moment felt right. The ring pretty much spoke for itself, I didn''t have to say much

Does you guys have your engagement rings already to go??
The ring "should" be coming in tomorrow. Getting a little nervous, as it was delayed a bit, but hopefully it shows up before we fly out to Chicago for the weekend and the proposal.

If it does not come.....would probably make for a little more difficult / awkward weekend, considering I have a surprise dinner with family and friends all set up for after wards.
My ring is supposed to ship on the 12th and arrive at my workplace on Friday the 13th (Priority overnight from JamesAllen). After work that same day we are leaving for the beach... So if there is any delay at all......... Let''s just say I''ll be a little worried until it arrives on Friday.

I bought my diamond based on help from these forums.
I will be proposing on V Day. I am giving her a scrap book I made which chronicles our time together with photos, and keepsakes from places we have been and things we like to do. The last page says "Will you Marry me?". I am so freaking nervous and excited.
I just picked up the ring last night.
1.25 G Si1

I obviously did not see this thread before V-Day, but I had a day before V-Day proposal. My now FI (still getting used to that) and I had our first date on Friday the 13th and it ended on V-Day back in 2004, so this Friday the 13th was our 5 year anniversary. We took a drive into Chicago and I proposed overlooking Lake Michigan near Grant Park. So it wasn''t really a V-Day proposal, but close enough!
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