
Upgrade Fever in Houses...part 2....

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Dec 9, 2002
Soo.....took DH for a drive & talked about the house. We drove all around our town looking at new property and he disliked everything I liked.

He was extremely resistant to the idea of moving because he loves this house & never wants to leave because we''ve worked so hard on it.

He did offer me a sort of a compromise...he said he would do the things I need to make the house more manageable if I''d give it a chance. But then he told me later "we aren''t moving" which I don''t feel is a compromise in the least, but I''m willing to give him a chance, but if in a few years I''m still feeling this way, then he''s going to have to stop thinking of just how he feels and begin to see things from my point of view as well on this one. I''m pretty easy going, but I''m also very firm about standing up for what is important to I''m not worried about it for now. I did tell him that I may still want to move, but we can do some minor things and see how that makes us feel.

So we made a short-term/low cost improvement list, and a long-term/higher cost list and this is what we came up with.

Short term improvements:

1) run a 6 ft fence along the right side of our property & wrap around the front of house, put an arbor at the entry way & tie into the other side of house. (dh can build fences with his eyes closed) Total privacy from our neighbor across the street, and it blocks off the 5000 sq ft lot next to us that looks like ours, even if it''s not, so we have to maintain it or we look like trash. (stupid city won''t maintain it, dh is constantly mowing, weeding & chopping back blackberry brambles)

2) rip out all the big flowerbeds that we don''t have time to maintain, and lay down sod. Dh loves to mow & fertilize so at least we know our lawn is always nice. Lay sod down on 3/4 of the beds in the back yard, so they are only 5 ft deep instead of 15 feet (less weeding!).

3) Drywall our basement (dh & my dad do this), lay carpet & turn it into a den/office. It''s almost done as it is, we just need the walls up. It''s a large daylight basement, so one room is a totally finished office, the other room is a den with concrete walls/floor, and the back is storage/laundry. We''ll put the laundry & storage behind one of the walls with a door.

4) Turn DH''s office (he never uses it, he just needs a place to put his desk, file cabinet & fax machine..that can go into the new den) into a nice guest room with a queen sized bed.

5) Put a new toilet & sink in the basement. There is already a shower. That way our basement will be like a living area, with a bedroom, den, and 3/4 bath, and it walks out onto the back patio.

That''s all stuff DH can do himself..since he''s super duper handy. And my dad is as well, and he''s retired, so he loves nothing more than to come over & work on my house. (they drywalled our whole kitchen & did most of the interior work on our addition)

And DH got a real kick in the pants to do all the jobs RIGHT NOW after I sent my 2 year old son into the kitchen with a present for daddy...a positive pregnancy test! Which leads to job #7...

Build closets into the other upstairs bedroom (100 year old houses never had closets, our carpenter built all of ours) for the new nursery!

He already put up a chair rail & painted our new "guest room" yesterday. LOL!

Wish us luck!



Jun 29, 2006
ooh good luck good luck and CONGRATS!!!! ::crossing eyes fingers and toes:: :) Awesome!! :D


Feb 17, 2006
That''s a lot of projects! Maybe he''ll get so tired he''ll change his mind and agree to move!

And a big CONGRATS!!! on the baby!!!


Feb 18, 2006
Date: 1/15/2007 5:16:07 PM
Soo.....took DH for a drive & talked about the house. We drove all around our town looking at new property and he disliked everything I liked.

He was extremely resistant to the idea of moving because he loves this house & never wants to leave because we''ve worked so hard on it.

He did offer me a sort of a compromise...he said he would do the things I need to make the house more manageable if I''d give it a chance. But then he told me later ''we aren''t moving'' which I don''t feel is a compromise in the least, but I''m willing to give him a chance, but if in a few years I''m still feeling this way, then he''s going to have to stop thinking of just how he feels and begin to see things from my point of view as well on this one. I''m pretty easy going, but I''m also very firm about standing up for what is important to I''m not worried about it for now. I did tell him that I may still want to move, but we can do some minor things and see how that makes us feel.

So we made a short-term/low cost improvement list, and a long-term/higher cost list and this is what we came up with.

Short term improvements:

1) run a 6 ft fence along the right side of our property & wrap around the front of house, put an arbor at the entry way & tie into the other side of house. (dh can build fences with his eyes closed) Total privacy from our neighbor across the street, and it blocks off the 5000 sq ft lot next to us that looks like ours, even if it''s not, so we have to maintain it or we look like trash. (stupid city won''t maintain it, dh is constantly mowing, weeding & chopping back blackberry brambles)

2) rip out all the big flowerbeds that we don''t have time to maintain, and lay down sod. Dh loves to mow & fertilize so at least we know our lawn is always nice. Lay sod down on 3/4 of the beds in the back yard, so they are only 5 ft deep instead of 15 feet (less weeding!).

3) Drywall our basement (dh & my dad do this), lay carpet & turn it into a den/office. It''s almost done as it is, we just need the walls up. It''s a large daylight basement, so one room is a totally finished office, the other room is a den with concrete walls/floor, and the back is storage/laundry. We''ll put the laundry & storage behind one of the walls with a door.

4) Turn DH''s office (he never uses it, he just needs a place to put his desk, file cabinet & fax machine..that can go into the new den) into a nice guest room with a queen sized bed.

5) Put a new toilet & sink in the basement. There is already a shower. That way our basement will be like a living area, with a bedroom, den, and 3/4 bath, and it walks out onto the back patio.

That''s all stuff DH can do himself..since he''s super duper handy. And my dad is as well, and he''s retired, so he loves nothing more than to come over & work on my house. (they drywalled our whole kitchen & did most of the interior work on our addition)

And DH got a real kick in the pants to do all the jobs RIGHT NOW after I sent my 2 year old son into the kitchen with a present for daddy...a positive pregnancy test! Which leads to job #7...

Build closets into the other upstairs bedroom (100 year old houses never had closets, our carpenter built all of ours) for the new nursery!

He already put up a chair rail & painted our new ''guest room'' yesterday. LOL!

Wish us luck!

Ahhhhhh!!!!! Congratulations Diver!!!!!! I think that is so cute that you sent your son in with the test!

Good luck with all of the house projects. Sounds like you guys have a lot of jobs! My DH loves doing household jobs, too...Small ones, though, like crown moulding and window frames and painting...It''s nice to have a handy guy.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 1/15/2007 5:16:07 PM

And DH got a real kick in the pants to do all the jobs RIGHT NOW after I sent my 2 year old son into the kitchen with a present for daddy...a positive pregnancy test! Which leads to job #7...

Build closets into the other upstairs bedroom (100 year old houses never had closets, our carpenter built all of ours) for the new nursery!

He already put up a chair rail & painted our new ''guest room'' yesterday. LOL!

Wish us luck!

Congratulations, How wonderful!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!


Jul 25, 2004
First of all, CONGRATS!!!! And good luck with all the improvements!


Jan 18, 2005

Eeeee!!! Congratulations on the positive preggo test!!!
Lots of sticky baby dust vibes your way.



Nov 19, 2004
Congratulations on your pregnacy and getting your house projects done. Maybe your desire for a new house was part of that "nesting instinct."

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Congrats on the positive test. How many weeks are you??

About the house thing, I went to the same thing with my husband re: the new one we are purchasing. He really didn''t want to move and we talked about what we could do to fix up the house we currently live in, etc.

But, my husband is not a handyman at all! He takes three days to caulk the shower! so, for us it was just better to buy what we wanted than to fix up what we have.


Dec 9, 2002
Thanks guys! I''m only 4.5 weeks......and I''m not telling anyone yet, since I''ve had 2 miscarriages before, but my OB has me on progesterone supplements, so hopefully this one will "stick". But I had to tell SOMEWHERE!! It''s killing me keeping it in! Fortunately, I''m in the "watching you close" category at my OBs office, so I''ll have an early ultrasound in about 2 or 3 weeks, and as soon as I can see that heartbeat, I''ll be more comfortable telling my family & friends, but I''ll wait to tell casual acquaintances (i.e. the folks at the gym where I teach, neighbors etc.) until either a) I start to show or b) my 2nd trimester --whichever comes first. That''s scary to me, I hear that you show earlier. I didn''t show until I was 6 months before.

My best friend & husband know but that''s it.

It was hysterical sending my son in with the test, but the real challenge was getting him to keep it out of his mouth. LOL! I never came close, but he was headed that way.

As for the projects, DH is such a hard worker, and has all the tools, etc....and knows how to do everything, that it''ll be easy for him to get it all done. He put up a 100ft run of fence in one day. Not bad for a white collar management dude. (but he does work in the construction industry...for a big manufacturer, but he''s in the Marketing/Sales group...LOL) And as soon as my dad hears I''m pregnant again, he''ll be over with his tool belt (he and my mom used to flip houses when I was a kid, back before it was ''cool'') and work clothes, because that''s the kind of dad he is. He''s a great man & the BEST grandpa and loves to swing a hammer.

We have snow here today! I''m so excited. Jake and I are going to build his favorite guy..."frosty". I guess he gets to use his snowsuit after all!

thanks for the sticky dust everyone!



Jun 29, 2006
Date: 1/16/2007 9:15:44 AM
Author: IslandDreams
Congratulations on your pregnacy and getting your house projects done. Maybe your desire for a new house was part of that ''nesting instinct.''
that''s what I was thinking!! Before I found out I was pregnant with my last I suddenly became infatuated with minivans where none existed before - I wanted one soooo bad I couldn''t stand it and thought it was so weird and funny but I wanted one so bad!! Turns out the urge hit right after conception LOL


Dec 9, 2002
Date: 1/16/2007 11:18:14 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 1/16/2007 9:15:44 AM
Author: IslandDreams
Congratulations on your pregnacy and getting your house projects done. Maybe your desire for a new house was part of that ''nesting instinct.''
that''s what I was thinking!! Before I found out I was pregnant with my last I suddenly became infatuated with minivans where none existed before - I wanted one soooo bad I couldn''t stand it and thought it was so weird and funny but I wanted one so bad!! Turns out the urge hit right after conception LOL

Wow, maybe you guys are right. That is really weird!! But then nothing about pregnancy is normal. LOL. Funny funny.


(who wants either "maternity bands" from facets, or sapphire & diamond bangles from WF as a "baby gift". Blue for boy, pink for girl. Oooh...or Katie Holmes earrings from Vanity Fair LOL...)


Dec 18, 2004
Hahaha, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

My wife has upgrade fever too. We''ve been in the house for 3 months, she''ll randomly remark how much she loves the house, yet she still wants to upgrade in 2 years (along with a new luxury car... stupid car commercials). This is a brand new 2800 sq. ft house for just the 2 of us, and she wants to move in 2 years.
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