


Dec 9, 2008
It's updates time!

Got anything you want to say but don't want to make your own thread for? Say it here!
Do you think he's got the ring? Have suspicions about when it might happen? Just moved in together? Found the perfect stone/venue/potential wedding dress? Got a serious case of LIW-itise and going bat sh*% crazy? Anything and everything you want to share, do it here!


Dec 9, 2008
Ok, so I'm still #11 on the list....... BUT things HAVE progressed.

I got a job! YUSSSS!
Not only that, thanks to PS I got a job at a jewellry shop! So I get to play with sparkly things and help other people play with sparkly things all day long! (ok so I do alot more than that but playing with and helping design sparkly things is the important part ;)) )

We are STILL waiting to hear back from immigration about BF's visa. If it's all go the next step is finding our own place.

Our own place = engagment time! :appl: :naughty: :bigsmile:

Ideally I'd like to be engaged on or before my birthday this year (3rd oct).


May 28, 2010
4ever said:
Ok, so I'm still #11 on the list....... BUT things HAVE progressed.

I got a job! YUSSSS!
Not only that, thanks to PS I got a job at a jewellry shop! So I get to play with sparkly things and help other people play with sparkly things all day long! (ok so I do alot more than that but playing with and helping design sparkly things is the important part ;)) )

We are STILL waiting to hear back from immigration about BF's visa. If it's all go the next step is finding our own place.

Our own place = engagment time! :appl: :naughty: :bigsmile:

Ideally I'd like to be engaged on or before my birthday this year (3rd oct).

Congrats on the job! It would be so much fun to work at a jewelry store!
Your birthday is the day after mine! Go Libras.

As for myself, BF wants to go ring shopping "just to look" :) So I'm waiting for him to have any time... he is in a rather busy portion of his school right now. I have however... just ordered a very cheap lab-created stone (about 10 bucks) in the size and color I'm pretty sure I want my sapphire center stone to be, just to help me clarify (for him and me!) that it will make a truely spectacular ring. Hopefully the size/shape is what I expect... I hate to admit it, but every once in a while I find myself drawing out the general shape of the stones I want and cutting it out to see about finger coverage and the like... :oops: :oops: :oops:


Dec 13, 2009
Maebelle your avatar is too precious! And I definitely make rings like that too. It really helps to get an idea of finger coverage, even if I look silly doing it.

4ever, you are so lucky that you got a job in a jewelry store! I would love to work at one!

Well, the news with me is that I am still looking for a job. I had an interview last week with a bank and it went really well. They seemed to really like me. They are still trying to make a decision. The recruiter for that bank called me last week and asked that I interview for another branch as well. So I interviewed there this morning. They also seemed to like me, but I'm still worried that I won't get it. They told me they should have a decision by the end of this week. So, I'm crossing my fingers!

BF has started working overtime. He said overtime is projected to last the rest of this year and all of next. I already told him that he shouldn't be working that much for such a long period of time (12 hours a day, 5 days a week). But, he sees it as a great opportunity for us to save money for our future. He has already decided that as soon as he has the money, he wants us to get engaged. :D Yippeee!!! He should definitely have the money by the end of the year, if not sooner. I would love a birthday proposal (Nov. 26) or maybe a proposal a few weeks before my birthday. Thanksgiving is the day before my birthday and I would love to celebrate it with BF and our families as a newly engaged couple. But, we will have to see.

I really wish we could get engaged now (of course who here doesn't wish that ;-) ) because I have found my dream diamond in our budget on BGD's inventory. It is seriously perfect and is more than I have ever dreamed of having. Maybe I will get lucky and they will either still have it later this year, or they will have another one that is similar to it.


Jun 28, 2010
I love reading all the updates! 4ever, your job must be so much fun, congrats on having a job that you love, and good luck with your SO's visa, hopefully you hear back soon. maebelle I've also been known to cut out stone sizes and with my fluency in photoshop I've actually put stones in settings and cut them out in proportion to my hand, it's good to know I'm not alone. And MayFlowers i really am sending some dust and positive thoughts your way, it does sound promising from what you say, hope you recieve that phone call early this week. I also have an SO that works crazy long hours 10am-9pm so I know what thats like, a word of advice is to just keep yourself busy in the evenings when he's out, do your nails, go to the gym, visit with friends and make amazing meals for your SO (the way to a mans heart is through his stomach :rolleyes: )

I have some SUPER exciting news!!! My SO and I just put an offer in on our dream house this past weekend and we're in the process of closing the deal with the seller, we're still bartering with the price and the close date though. But this is our perfect house, it has everything we wanted plus some and its within our budget! By the end of this week I'm thinking that house will be ours. I'm really trying not to get my hopes to high in case something happens, but I really really love this house, so if I could have some house dust I would be so thankful. My SO told me that the diamond my have to be put on hold for a while since this house may take a chunck of savings, but at this point I totally understand, I want this hosue right now more than that diamond. But as our jeweller told us, we could always through an extra $5000 into the mortgage :Up_to_something: LOL. Even our real estate agent was poking at SO to propose since we have different last names on the house application. I feel like things are moving in the right direction though, and my SO knows that I would love to have a house warming party and announce our engagement at it, so hopefully things will work out that way :appl:

~***** DUST to Everyone *****~


Jun 22, 2010
Congrats to you 4ever and Mayflowers on your new job and your interviews! I would love working in a jewelry store. So much sparkle!
Glitz- I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you both get this house and that you can announce an engagement at your housewarming party. That would be perfect! Maebelle- sooo excited for your shopping trip. Report back with the details please!!
My SO and I both want the proposal and ring process to be a surprise (so to speak. I of course helped him out with some pictures to guide him). With that said, I do know that he is shopping and narrowing in on buying a ring. AHHH! I'm feeling that its just weeks away (whether its 3 weeks or's still only WEEKS)!
All the best to all of you!


Mar 29, 2010
Great thread 4ever!! Congrats on the job!

I'm still on the search but will start to substitute teach when September rolls around and look for more part-time work until I'm certified. So right now I am enjoying my time off and waiting for the engagement!! Ring is supposed to be finished next week sometime and then I have to wait for BF to propose, so it can be a "surprise". I understand he wants this to be very special since we never really had a special/ significant day to us but I think everyday is special with him already so I think its silly plus I hate to wait! ;))

In the meantime I've been looking at dresses and venues for the wedding and showing him some things. We came to the conclusion that we want to have it at a restaurant instead of one of the more pricier venues around here (Northern NJ). We both rather it be really intimate and low key than in a grand ballroom that costs us a fortune but we still dont know costs of the restaurants either. It might turn up the same in the end so we will see. I'd much rather cut costs for the wedding since we are going to start house hunting :errrr: Eeek! So many things to do and not even engaged yet lol

Dust to you all*** Wish you luck with work, ring shopping, engagements, house hunting and having fun!


Jul 21, 2009
We just moved into a super nice "adult" apartment : ) Yay! No bugs!! But things have been crazy. I pulled two all-nighters. I also left my job as an EMT in the tiny county. They suddenly required us (EMT) to (not the paramedics obviously) volunteer as many hours as we were paid during the week. So my 40 hour week became 20 hours of paid time. I had to make a choice, and SO encouraged it. I'm starting med school very soon anyway.

I graduate with my undergrad in two weeks. Yay! Then I start med school the week after.. :oops: :errrr: :errrr:

Oh, we got a PUG : )

Congratulations 4ever on your new jobs!! (I'm a little jealous 4ever!!)
MayFlowers sending you some major dust!!!


Mar 25, 2010
congrats to all of you-- you all have such exciting stuff happening (jobs, houses, degrees- oh my!)!

I'm a bit boring because I am engaged, but I'm not getting married any time soon nor planning a wedding any time soon. So can I play over here? Sure, I proposed to my GF in June, but since I don't have a ring yet I feel like she looks engaged, and I'm don't. So, I did what any respectable girl with a 1 carat diamond just sitting around the house would do--- sent it to BGD to reset it into a new setting ;-) And although my fiancee isn't buying this ring for me and giving it to me, it will be my engagement ring. She is totally oblivious (in a cute way) to how the whole engagement process in the straight world goes, so she's totally fine with me commissioning my own e-ring. I'm just planning on selling my old setting and wedding band to offset the new setting's cost. I should be back in a few weeks with pics! But here are the specs: BGD semi-bezel platinum setting w/ a 1.0 carat F/eye-clean SI2 idea cut RB w/ our birthstones hidden inside the band. Can't wait to "look" more engaged!


Mar 29, 2009
Congrats 4ever. you job must be nice.May, im still sending dust your way for the job. No worries ladies, not the only one who designs rings.

Nothing new here expect possibly being forced to move in with the SO... and crap with family. Nothing else new to pretty boring


Mar 11, 2009
I already posted that we bought a ring, but it's actually in the house now. I even got to try it on for a few minutes on Friday. :D

Still not sure when he's gonna propose and I go back and forth between wanting it to be RIGHT now and wanting to wait until closer to xmas when I'm home with family again. He had originally told me that he wanted to get married around spring 2012 but then made a comment about next summer, to which I reminded him that it takes a long time to plan a wedding so he'd better propose soon if he wants that. Although I recently found out that his parents have agreed to continue to pay for a lot of his big expenses (primarily car payment and insurance) until he's "on his own" which I guess in their mind equates to married- they are super generous. So we do have a little financial incentive to wait a little longer to get married... which really doesn't bother me that much as I'll be planning a wedding from across the country while working full time and getting an MBA so that will be a little crazy and I wouldn't mind some extra time. We'll see though.

star sparkle

Jan 2, 2008
Congrats on the new job, 4ever!

maebelle, that's so exciting that he wants to go looking at rings with you! I remember with ex-FI, our first couple of ring-browsing trips were so fun.

Good luck with the job hunting, MayFlowers!

*house dust* to you, Glitz! I can't imagine how ecstatic you must be. And happy housewarming to kagordo!

HappyNewLife, can't wait to see pictures of your ring! You must be thrilled.

peach_tea, dawnabee, Jessie, and Callisto, thanks for the updates!

As for me and SO, we're about to hit the 2-month dating mark. So while we're still in a relatively new relationship, things are starting to feel more familiar and we're getting better used to each other's quirks and personalities. We've gotten into a couple of fights, but I was pleased with how we dealt with the issues and the way we were able to communicate (ex-FI was horrible at communicating, so this is a nice change of pace). While we haven't yet talked about marriage or the distant future, SO has made a couple of casual off-hand comments about marrying me, which of course made me feel warm and fuzzy and giddy. I'm extremely happy and content with SO and our relationship, and it's amazing to me how different and better it is than it was with ex-FI. I truly had no idea what I'd been missing out on for all those years now that I have a guy who treats me with love and respect.


Jun 30, 2010
star sparkle said:
Congrats on the new job, 4ever!

maebelle, that's so exciting that he wants to go looking at rings with you! I remember with ex-FI, our first couple of ring-browsing trips were so fun.

Good luck with the job hunting, MayFlowers!

*house dust* to you, Glitz! I can't imagine how ecstatic you must be. And happy housewarming to kagordo!

HappyNewLife, can't wait to see pictures of your ring! You must be thrilled.

peach_tea, dawnabee, Jessie, and Callisto, thanks for the updates!

As for me and SO, we're about to hit the 2-month dating mark. So while we're still in a relatively new relationship, things are starting to feel more familiar and we're getting better used to each other's quirks and personalities. We've gotten into a couple of fights, but I was pleased with how we dealt with the issues and the way we were able to communicate (ex-FI was horrible at communicating, so this is a nice change of pace). While we haven't yet talked about marriage or the distant future, SO has made a couple of casual off-hand comments about marrying me, which of course made me feel warm and fuzzy and giddy. I'm extremely happy and content with SO and our relationship, and it's amazing to me how different and better it is than it was with ex-FI. I truly had no idea what I'd been missing out on for all those years now that I have a guy who treats me with love and respect.

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Before I met my FF, I dated some real jerks. I honestly can't believe that I put up with being treated that way.

As for my updates - FFs cousin's wedding was over a week ago, and we were planning to get engaged anytime after then. Then his company scheduled a business trip for this week, so I told him that I wanted to wait until he got back, because I didn't want him to have to leave right after he asked me - so now it can be anytime after that, although who knows? He might make me wait for awhile. :/

I have been looking for a job very casually, but I'm really not sure what I want to do right now. None of the available jobs in my field are really appealing to me (now that I got out into the workforce for awhile and saw what they are really like), so I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm actually looking at some positions in doctors' offices, but I'm not getting many calls, since I don't have the exact training that they require. Some of them are willing to train, but they seem suspicious because I made more money at my last job. They don't seem to understand that I want to do something that makes me happy, and that if the pay is less, that's totally fine. Now I'm thinking that I might just go back to community college so that I can do something that I truly enjoy, or I might try to get my master's. The other option is to just be a stay-at-home housewife (although that won't be for about a year or so).

So now I am just enjoying my summer and spending lots of time with my FF, family, and dog. :)


Aug 14, 2009
BF and I picked out our diamond and setting about a month ago. I have no idea what the progress of anything is!

I have his email set up on my iPhone (at his request!) so he can easily turn it on to check his emails about job offers when we're on the go. Last Wednesday, I rode with him to an interview and he asked me to check his email on the way home. As soon as I checked it, an email from our SA popped up! He keeps asking me if I ever read it since I know his pw, but I swear I didn't! I don't want to know the details.

It's kind of surprising how much better everything has been with us since he got as excited as I was/am about getting engaged. We've been enjoying each other and the remainder of our unengaged time.


Mar 29, 2010
:-o :o Breaking News... tonight my BF definately gave away when he plans on proposing. I don't know if its for sure but theres just too many things pointing in that direction.

I've been trying to get him to tell me what he wants to do for his 25th birthday which is September 7th and he kept saying forget about my bday its not happening this year. Which is an unusual reply in the first place... anyhow I shrugged it off and said we should go to the family shore house since it'll be labor day weekend. He wouldnt really commit to doing that either since its been tough on the weekends with his mom in a physical/rehabilitation center and she doesn't like to be left alone. So tonight he texts me that he has talked to his sister to tell her we are going to be at the shore house that weekend and has to be around for his mom. Usually she sees her BF on the weekend since he lives farther away or will go to the shore house too but lately its been very unfair of her :nono: because BF and I never have a day for ourselves either. I know she wouldnt listen to him or agree if he couldnt use something else to barter with her unfortunately... so its either he told her hes planning on proposing that weekend, made some other trade off for a different weekend or really told her she was being unfair to him on the weekends like he said.

I wouldn't think he would make it that obvious to me since he wants it to be a surprise or maybe he was just excited we have a weekend finally to ourselves? Guess we will see on Labor Day weekend!


Mar 25, 2010
star sparkle said:
Congrats on the new job, 4ever!

maebelle, that's so exciting that he wants to go looking at rings with you! I remember with ex-FI, our first couple of ring-browsing trips were so fun.

Good luck with the job hunting, MayFlowers!

*house dust* to you, Glitz! I can't imagine how ecstatic you must be. And happy housewarming to kagordo!

HappyNewLife, can't wait to see pictures of your ring! You must be thrilled.

peach_tea, dawnabee, Jessie, and Callisto, thanks for the updates!

As for me and SO, we're about to hit the 2-month dating mark. So while we're still in a relatively new relationship, things are starting to feel more familiar and we're getting better used to each other's quirks and personalities. We've gotten into a couple of fights, but I was pleased with how we dealt with the issues and the way we were able to communicate (ex-FI was horrible at communicating, so this is a nice change of pace). While we haven't yet talked about marriage or the distant future, SO has made a couple of casual off-hand comments about marrying me, which of course made me feel warm and fuzzy and giddy. I'm extremely happy and content with SO and our relationship, and it's amazing to me how different and better it is than it was with ex-FI. I truly had no idea what I'd been missing out on for all those years now that I have a guy who treats me with love and respect.

congrats star sparkle! this deserves its own post! So glad you are happy!


Jun 28, 2010

I'm sooo over the moon happy about this, every time I think about it I get the chills (and I wonder if this is how I'll feel when we're engaged!). That's the great news, the other news is that we won't get possession of the house until December. I can live with that though, it will give us more time to pack and shop for furniture deals and get design and colour ideas. It literally is our dream house and has everything we wanted in a house + more! When we signed the contracts our agent told SO to go home tonight and kiss his common law wife ... it made me smile! So now I have no idea when the engagement will happen, I think our time frame will be anytime between now and new years ... but we also just found out we're going on a cruise late January, so it could be then too. I really hope it happens sooner rather than later (don't we all though :roll: ), just because I know we'll be getting tons of questions about when we're getting married when people find out we bought a house together. I also want to have a housewarming/engagement party, I just don't want people to feel like they have to buy us gifts for all these different occasions.

For now I'm just going to enjoy our new purchase and think of how I'm going to decorate and paint! that should keep my LIW'itis under wraps for a while :lol:


Mar 29, 2010
Glitz-- that is wonderful and exciting news!!! You should be sunbathing in the glow of it!! I've been watching every show on house hunting and DIY work to get some clues on what to do when the time comes. The thought of buying a house is :errrr: terrifying to me but oh so exciting since I love decorating, lanscaping and stuff. Good luck to you both!

I got another update too :mrgreen: My ring is almost complete and we should be getting it Saturday :appl: Erica at Jbeg is going to take pictures of it for me which I am forever grateful for since I know its almost impossible to capture the beauty of the ering. So I am super excited but dont know if I should debut her pictures to PS or wait until we are engaged. I know its bad but I am going to be drooling over the pictures even though BF wants the proposal to be somewhat of a surprise. I know he plans to write some vows for the time :love: So sweet and I will probably cry when he reads them so that will always be special!


May 28, 2010
Yay Glitz! That is such great news!


Jun 28, 2010
Thanks dawnabee and maebelle! I really think it had something to do with the dust :D

Dawnabee thats sooo exciting, your proposal will hopefully be coming very soon, and I know 100% I would guilty of staring at those ring photos day and night, I would probably load them to my cell phone so I could look at them whenever, wherever. As much as I love to see new bling photos I think you should wait until after your proposal, so you can have a story to go along with it. Hopefully it's very soon!


Dec 13, 2009
Ok so I didn't get any of the jobs I interviewed for. At least I'm just going to assume I didn't. They told me they would have a decision for me by the end of last week. I never received a call, but I was at my current job all day and never got a chance to call them on Friday to ask about it. So I called on Monday. It took me an hour to get ahold of the lady who interviewed me. She told me that she had given all "the information" to the recruiter and that the recruiter, Paula, should have called me. She said she would call Paula and have her call me on Monday. Well, I waited an hour and a half and I never got a call. So, I called Paula myself. Not once did she answer the phone throughout the day. I left her a voicemail and it was never returned (and her voicemail message said she would be in the office all day :roll: ). I tried to call her again yesterday and left another message. She, again, never answered the phone and didn't return my call. So, at this point I am beyond frustrated with this company and I'm just going to assume I did not get a job with them.

So, now I am stuck at my current job. With my school schedule, it looks like I will only have 7-9 hours a week, which is definitely not enough for me to cover all my bills. I am going to have to borrow money from my parents and possibly BF to get me through. Unfortunately, I also won't be able to work next Spring either because I will be student teaching full time and I simply won't have time to work. I was hoping to be able to save up money this semester to cover bills when I student teach. But, it's looking like that simply won't be possible.

What's even worse is that BF and I have decided that since I have not found a job, we won't be getting engaged any time soon. It's looking like next summer is our best bet. Though *he* is making more money now, I want to be able to afford the things I want for my wedding and I can't do that when I can't even afford bills. My parents have money set aside for my wedding, but it's a small budget, so I was planning on using my money if anything came along that I wanted to splurge on, like a nicer dress, or a better photographer, a longer honeymoon etc. Though BF and I are anxious to get engaged, I think waiting will be for the best right now. I would much rather wait a little longer and be able to have our wedding without financial stress than to have it sooner and constantly be scrounging for money.


Mar 29, 2010
Sorry to hear Mayflower ((hugs to you)). I think you are doing the smart and rational things so you should be proud of you and your BF. Wish you both good luck!


Mar 29, 2010
As for me I am just one ball of angry lately. Which is unusual for me and I feel bad taking it out on SO. I was upset at first we didnt get engaged right when we got the ring but I got over that. It'll happen when it happens. Little things just keep going wrong one after another... before the ring was sent to us it was supposed to be looked at and appraised since once its in our hands its not insured. Well we ended up getting it sent to us without that happening and now have to go back and get it done. It is such a dissapointment since everything went so well I thought this would have too ;( :devil: Then SO's mom ended up back in the hospital the other day and its just hard on everyone involved and adds more to his already full plate. His work has him staying after hours as it is and I wish he could catch a break! He takes it so well and I love him for that but I want him to be enjoying more of his time. Well I guess thats my vent for the day... try to get something more proactive done now.


Aug 17, 2009
Congratulations and DUST to all!
Enjoy this exciting time in your lives.

For those who are struggling
Things will work out
They always do


Jun 30, 2010
Mayflowers, I definitely understand and feel your pain. I'm only looking for a job casually, but what I have found has been very disappointing.

I hated my first job - it was way too stressful, and my supervisor was married to my boss. I was pretty sure that she only got that job because of that, since she didn't always seem to know what she was doing. I was confused about what I was really supposed to do, and the client that I was stuck with was always complaining. I was also very overloaded with work.

I accepted another job, and after two days, I realized that I absolutely hated it. I was only in training, but they wanted me to sign a gazillion legal papers that I didn't have to sign at my first job, and it almost seemed like the employees were in a cult. They were all very strange and didn't truly seem happy at all. Soooo I left, and I've been staying home ever since (about 2.5 months).

I went for some interviews, but I hated most of the companies - the working conditions didn't seem great, and the employees were working tons of overtime. I went to one smaller place that seemed perfect. The location was great, the building was beautiful, I loved the job description, etc. Then I went inside and did not fit in at all . They asked me illegal questions, like whether or not I was married, why my boyfriend's family moved to this state, etc. They also just did not seem like the type of people that I would mesh well with (they were all older and seemed to dislike the idea of having a younger person work for them).

My FF is back from his trip, and last night, we saw each other for the first time in 10 days. It might not seem like a long time, but we like to spend time together almost every day. He came over to my parents' house and we all went out to dinner. Then he and I hung out in my bedroom, and it was actually really romantic and sweet. We had 'Teen Mom' on in the background (I know, not very, but he was telling me that he loves me so much and that he can't wait for me to be his wife. It was a great night. :)


Mar 29, 2009
O may, i am so sorry honey. That doesnt seem very professional of them. Im sorry abotu wrok and school, i kind of understand. I also understand having a full plate. Hopefully things will work out better for you after this semester.

My quick update: Doggy hurt his paw, due to damn vet. Had tot take him to another vet after raising hell to the first who hurt him. They paid but he is still hurt. SO's friends( Renters of his moms house) havent paid the rent this month, so thats stressing him out. Doggy bill was 4 bills. Im stressed about school and if im making the right decision to goo back to my school, or should i follow my heart and go into culinary. Stressed about money, work sucks. O, and mom is being nice after she told me i gotta go. That sums up my update. O, and SO mentioned us getting married soon and living together, late one night in bed. I think he's letting it slip.


Dec 13, 2009
Thanks you all for the support! I found one last job to apply to and I have decided that if I don't get it, then I will just quit my search. The last people I interviewed with finally called me back yesterday and told me both branches decided to pursue other candidates since I will begin student teaching in January and will have to leave the job. She never apologized or gave any hint as to why she never answered her office phone.

But some exciting news! BF told me last night that he is going to officially set up his "ring fund". He is going to be depositing a set amount each time he gets paid into a separate account so that when I am more financially stable, we can go ahead and get the ring and not worry about the funds for it. He even said that if he has enough money and a stone comes around online that I just love, we may go ahead and purchase it! :D So, I will continue stalking my dream stone in hopes that no one steals it from me before we have the funds for it! :devil:


Apr 30, 2010
I HAVE AN UPDATE! FINALLY! These are few and far between for me lol.

I posted this in my Legacy thread just now but I thought it really belongs in the update thread :)

Sooooo: I think FF has put a payment down on the Legacy Repro, because I sent it too him and since then has been watching the AUD vs the USD like a hawk!

Annnnd the other day he said "damnit!" with this cute little smile when the news said the Aussie Dollar had strengthened against the greenback (which is actually good news for us going to SE Asia) then he looked at me quickly, and I looked at him like he was insane and said "why?! what!?" he was like "oh, um.. .. .. we should have waited to book flights?" it was adorable! :halo:

A little while ago he also kind of mentioned an email he had sent and was waiting for a reply to in passing after I mentioned the links I had sent him (to whiteflash and GOG), and then he seemed to realise what he had said and stopped talking about it and abruptly changed the subject.

Maybe I am reading into it too much, but it seems to me he is dropping enough hints to let me know not to worry because he is up to something without really letting me know :)

I love him lol. He is so cute. And I am so excited!
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