
Updates, anyone?

madelise|1347946270|3270083 said:
LJL|1347916227|3269836 said:
Keep your head up and just try to have a good time Madelise! That honker will be on your hand soon enough, just have fun in San Diego!

I still havent heard anything on my ring - 4 weeks is up next week sometime...but who knows. I am trying not to think too much. But I will know when that sucker gets here because we live together (and ARE together 24/7 except for ~3 hours a week) and all the tracking/ordering has been done by me.

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Whoa, you're together all day, everyday? Do you guys have the same classes together? :confused: I'm kind of jealous. I feel so sad that I see SO so rarely. I get so upset when he has other plans on Thurs/Fri, and skips a weekend with me.

LOL, yes and yes. We have had two diff classes TOTAL since we started law school (at least 20 classes). That is max 3 hours a week. Right now, all our classes are together. I can count the hours we are apart...

1 hour every 2-3 weeks to get my nails done
He plays golf once a week or every two weeks (sometimes) - like 4-6 hours depending on what/with who hes playing
IF I workout, maybe 3 hours a week.
I do one hour of "work" at school per week.
--- so on the busiest week when all of these things collide, we are apart 11 hours in a week (out of 168 possible)

We have lived together and spent nearly every hour together for... like the last 2.5 years? Like I said, to the tune of 24 hours a day. We have never spent a night in separate beds when we were in the same city...for the last 3.5+ years. Sometimes we have jobs and thats sad because we arent together as much but that has only ever been during the summer (and not all the summers).. and then we spend ~15 hours a day together. We are, in a not-sick or at all gushy way, like two halves of the same whole.

But he doesnt rub my bare left ring finger and wink, so I guess my relationship is a failure :twisted:
LJL|1348020485|3270621 said:
madelise|1347946270|3270083 said:
LJL|1347916227|3269836 said:
Keep your head up and just try to have a good time Madelise! That honker will be on your hand soon enough, just have fun in San Diego!

I still havent heard anything on my ring - 4 weeks is up next week sometime...but who knows. I am trying not to think too much. But I will know when that sucker gets here because we live together (and ARE together 24/7 except for ~3 hours a week) and all the tracking/ordering has been done by me.

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Whoa, you're together all day, everyday? Do you guys have the same classes together? :confused: I'm kind of jealous. I feel so sad that I see SO so rarely. I get so upset when he has other plans on Thurs/Fri, and skips a weekend with me.

LOL, yes and yes. We have had two diff classes TOTAL since we started law school (at least 20 classes). That is max 3 hours a week. Right now, all our classes are together. I can count the hours we are apart...

1 hour every 2-3 weeks to get my nails done
He plays golf once a week or every two weeks (sometimes) - like 4-6 hours depending on what/with who hes playing
IF I workout, maybe 3 hours a week.
I do one hour of "work" at school per week.
--- so on the busiest week when all of these things collide, we are apart 11 hours in a week (out of 168 possible)

We have lived together and spent nearly every hour together for... like the last 2.5 years? Like I said, to the tune of 24 hours a day. We have never spent a night in separate beds when we were in the same city...for the last 3.5+ years. Sometimes we have jobs and thats sad because we arent together as much but that has only ever been during the summer (and not all the summers).. and then we spend ~15 hours a day together. We are, in a not-sick or at all gushy way, like two halves of the same whole.

But he doesnt rub my bare left ring finger and wink, so I guess my relationship is a failure :twisted:

I hope you don't get separation anxiety when you both get jobs after you finish law school! It's totally cute, though. I wish I spent MORE time with my honey. But, we work opposite schedules. Sometimes I won't see him for 3 days. That doesn't include the time he's in the sandbox and I don't get to see him for months! I miss him a lot, but then when he's on leave or at home for an extended period of time, I sort of miss my own time. It's a catch-22. Although, his schedule is excellent for our dog. She is basically never alone. She is very content with this arrangement!
audball|1348014599|3270558 said:
MBKRH|1347968882|3270143 said:
audball|1347319960|3265608 said:
ILoveSpinel|1347293498|3265242 said:
T and I tried on a few rings this weekend... just fun right hand rings though (though he always says that I need to try them on my left hand, he says he likes seeing a ring on that finger, smile).
LOVE!!! :love:

Andrew does this thing with my left hand and it always makes me swoon. He just rubs my left ring finger where a ring would go or sometimes squeezes or kisses just that finger and looks at me with a smile. I always say, 'What?' and he always says, "Have to enjoy it while it lasts...that finger won't be open forever." *melts
I just melted, too. That totally made my morning, how sweet! You've got a keeper!
Thanks MBKRH! :oops: He's a special guy and I love him very much!

What a great guy!
LJL|1348020485|3270621 said:
madelise|1347946270|3270083 said:
LJL|1347916227|3269836 said:
Keep your head up and just try to have a good time Madelise! That honker will be on your hand soon enough, just have fun in San Diego!

I still havent heard anything on my ring - 4 weeks is up next week sometime...but who knows. I am trying not to think too much. But I will know when that sucker gets here because we live together (and ARE together 24/7 except for ~3 hours a week) and all the tracking/ordering has been done by me.

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Whoa, you're together all day, everyday? Do you guys have the same classes together? :confused: I'm kind of jealous. I feel so sad that I see SO so rarely. I get so upset when he has other plans on Thurs/Fri, and skips a weekend with me.

LOL, yes and yes. We have had two diff classes TOTAL since we started law school (at least 20 classes). That is max 3 hours a week. Right now, all our classes are together. I can count the hours we are apart...

1 hour every 2-3 weeks to get my nails done
He plays golf once a week or every two weeks (sometimes) - like 4-6 hours depending on what/with who hes playing
IF I workout, maybe 3 hours a week.
I do one hour of "work" at school per week.
--- so on the busiest week when all of these things collide, we are apart 11 hours in a week (out of 168 possible)

We have lived together and spent nearly every hour together for... like the last 2.5 years? Like I said, to the tune of 24 hours a day. We have never spent a night in separate beds when we were in the same city...for the last 3.5+ years. Sometimes we have jobs and thats sad because we arent together as much but that has only ever been during the summer (and not all the summers).. and then we spend ~15 hours a day together. We are, in a not-sick or at all gushy way, like two halves of the same whole.

But he doesnt rub my bare left ring finger and wink, so I guess my relationship is a failure :twisted:
I think it's great that you can spend so much time together. I wish our schedules allowed for more time than we have. I know it'll get better after Andrew graduates in December, we should be getting on similar work schedules which will have us home more evenings than we have now.

I don't recall anyone saying that your relationship was a failure...and I know I for one didn't mean to make it sound like that. MKBRH posted something cute her BF did and I posted that Andrew does something similar. I don't know how you took that to mean that because my BF does something sweet that your relationship is bad? So sorry if you took it that way...I was just trying to share something about him that makes me melt.
BeautyQueen|1348065965|3270861 said:
audball|1348014599|3270558 said:
MBKRH|1347968882|3270143 said:
audball|1347319960|3265608 said:
ILoveSpinel|1347293498|3265242 said:
T and I tried on a few rings this weekend... just fun right hand rings though (though he always says that I need to try them on my left hand, he says he likes seeing a ring on that finger, smile).
LOVE!!! :love:

Andrew does this thing with my left hand and it always makes me swoon. He just rubs my left ring finger where a ring would go or sometimes squeezes or kisses just that finger and looks at me with a smile. I always say, 'What?' and he always says, "Have to enjoy it while it lasts...that finger won't be open forever." *melts
I just melted, too. That totally made my morning, how sweet! You've got a keeper!
Thanks MBKRH! :oops: He's a special guy and I love him very much!

What a great guy!
Thanks BeautyQueen! :) I sure think so!
Pretty excited to be able to update :wavey: SO has been pretty secretive lately and has been dropping little hints here there. Last year SO said that by around this time he would put a ring on it. Things happened here and there , SO's family needed financial help and i just couldnt see us getting engaged this year because of the lack of funds . Since summer he has been saying really sweet things and when i thought i had misplaced a ring he had got for me last year he just said " no worries you will have a new one soon enough".

I hate surprises so i might have quickly glanced at his email there was an email asking if he had found a diamond yet! :twisted: i know i know i know. I cant stress to you how much i hate surprises i like to be in control , i.e i use to open my gifts with a razor blade and then tape them back up and practice a surprise face. :wacko: Our anniversary is at the end of November so i have my fingers crossed for him to pop the question soon.

sparkle dust to all the LIW ladies
BeautyQueen|1348073024|3270961 said:
Pretty excited to be able to update :wavey: SO has been pretty secretive lately and has been dropping little hints here there. Last year SO said that by around this time he would put a ring on it. Things happened here and there , SO's family needed financial help and i just couldnt see us getting engaged this year because of the lack of funds . Since summer he has been saying really sweet things and when i thought i had misplaced a ring he had got for me last year he just said " no worries you will have a new one soon enough".

I hate surprises so i might have quickly glanced at his email there was an email asking if he had found a diamond yet! :twisted: i know i know i know. I cant stress to you how much i hate surprises i like to be in control , i.e i use to open my gifts with a razor blade and then tape them back up and practice a surprise face. :wacko: Our anniversary is at the end of November so i have my fingers crossed for him to pop the question soon.

sparkle dust to all the LIW ladies

Yay that is GREAT news! :appl: Hope it comes soon for you!
BeautyQueen|1348073024|3270961 said:
Pretty excited to be able to update :wavey: SO has been pretty secretive lately and has been dropping little hints here there. Last year SO said that by around this time he would put a ring on it. Things happened here and there , SO's family needed financial help and i just couldnt see us getting engaged this year because of the lack of funds . Since summer he has been saying really sweet things and when i thought i had misplaced a ring he had got for me last year he just said " no worries you will have a new one soon enough".

I hate surprises so i might have quickly glanced at his email there was an email asking if he had found a diamond yet! :twisted: i know i know i know. I cant stress to you how much i hate surprises i like to be in control , i.e i use to open my gifts with a razor blade and then tape them back up and practice a surprise face. :wacko: Our anniversary is at the end of November so i have my fingers crossed for him to pop the question soon.

sparkle dust to all the LIW ladies

ooooh secrets!!!! DUST that it happens for you, October is just around the corner, which means November will be here before you know it!!! remind us all again what kind of ring you are hoping for... ;))
Oh audball, I just think my sense of humor doesnt come across well in written words... I also thought that face was funnier than it actually was (I mean, isnt that face ultimately smiling??). I was being silly! Of course my relationship is not a failure and I wouldnt care if anyone thought it was :bigsmile: Sorry if I made you sad! We are notoriously NOT the romantic type so I was basically just mocking myself.... but I guess I was just being Rude Sauce Lady again....damn.

mandasand, it is very nice... and I dont think we will get separation anxiety. As long as I know hes not choosing to be away, I can deal. Plus I will be very busy working and stuff so we should be fine. Im just happy we had all this time in the beginning to really feel each other out.
LJL|1348090046|3271201 said:
Im just happy we had all this time in the beginning to really feel each other out.

I bet :love: :lickout: :lol:
LJL|1348090046|3271201 said:
Oh audball, I just think my sense of humor doesnt come across well in written words... I also thought that face was funnier than it actually was (I mean, isnt that face ultimately smiling??). I was being silly! Of course my relationship is not a failure and I wouldnt care if anyone thought it was :bigsmile: Sorry if I made you sad! We are notoriously NOT the romantic type so I was basically just mocking myself.... but I guess I was just being Rude Sauce Lady again....damn.

mandasand, it is very nice... and I dont think we will get separation anxiety. As long as I know hes not choosing to be away, I can deal. Plus I will be very busy working and stuff so we should be fine. Im just happy we had all this time in the beginning to really feel each other out.

aww lol LJL I got your tongue-in-cheek at yourself! you are silly.

as for the separation anxiety I am a little scared for the next few months...I will be out of state for rotations the next 2 months, then we have december which is our month off and I will likely be working a lot, he's not sure what he's doing. after that, he is going to be back in his home town doing rotations, not in the same city where we go to school. so lots of long distance in the months ahead and only seeing each other on weekends, which is not something we are used to. I usually see him every night or every couple of nights...the longest we've been apart is a week. :errrr:
mandasand|1348092414|3271230 said:
LJL|1348090046|3271201 said:
Im just happy we had all this time in the beginning to really feel each other out.

I bet :love: :lickout: :lol:

LJL|1348105774|3271352 said:
mandasand|1348092414|3271230 said:
LJL|1348090046|3271201 said:
Im just happy we had all this time in the beginning to really feel each other out.

I bet :love: :lickout: :lol:



BeautyQueen - sooo.. didja find anything in his emails??? :naughty:
Thank you for the well wishes pandabee and lovelikecrazy :)

I have fingers crossed for a elongated cushion and thin diamond setting , a few weeks ago i fell in love with a ring that had a unique halo and trap sides i told SO and his head spun like the exorcist and he said " when did you start wanting this " All i can think is why would he be so shocked if he didn't have something up his sleeve. :Up_to_something:
GIRL! You skipped my Q! Did you find anything in his emails?!!? What if he already has a ring! Maybe that's why he got so alarmed at the new setting suggestion! EEK! :appl: This is promising, and super exciting!
madelise|1348162132|3271732 said:
GIRL! You skipped my Q! Did you find anything in his emails?!!? What if he already has a ring! Maybe that's why he got so alarmed at the new setting suggestion! EEK! :appl: This is promising, and super exciting!

Whoops sorry madelise ! I only found the email asking if he had found a diamond and it was just the 1st sentence i was able to read and then i had to fiddle with the phone and back out lol. His reaction surprised me normally he would say " oh that's nice " but he just seemed so startled at the idea that i was steering off the path of pave and a single stone and moving to halos and three stones. We have gone shopping a few times and we loved the 1st one we tried on it was a daussi cushion and setting. The only thing he didn't like about it was the stone size he is a big bling guy who also happens to be color sensitive lol . When i think about the ring that could be my potential ring i think of the daussi and i feel like i might be right or in for a total surprise.

EEK! every time i think of us getting engaged and knowing it could be so close my brain burst into diamond dust and a high pitch EEK! Comes out and i smile like i am on my 5th pimp cup of champagne. I am so excited i will keep errbody posted

engagement dust to all my fellow LIW's
BeautyQueen|1348165311|3271773 said:
madelise|1348162132|3271732 said:
GIRL! You skipped my Q! Did you find anything in his emails?!!? What if he already has a ring! Maybe that's why he got so alarmed at the new setting suggestion! EEK! :appl: This is promising, and super exciting!

Whoops sorry madelise ! I only found the email asking if he had found a diamond and it was just the 1st sentence i was able to read and then i had to fiddle with the phone and back out lol. His reaction surprised me normally he would say " oh that's nice " but he just seemed so startled at the idea that i was steering off the path of pave and a single stone and moving to halos and three stones. We have gone shopping a few times and we loved the 1st one we tried on it was a daussi cushion and setting. The only thing he didn't like about it was the stone size he is a big bling guy who also happens to be color sensitive lol . When i think about the ring that could be my potential ring i think of the daussi and i feel like i might be right or in for a total surprise.

EEK! every time i think of us getting engaged and knowing it could be so close my brain burst into diamond dust and a high pitch EEK! Comes out and i smile like i am on my 5th pimp cup of champagne. I am so excited i will keep errbody posted

engagement dust to all my fellow LIW's

I get it, no love for the M ;) jk.

Oh darn, you didn't even get to snoop properly? :( S'ok, no snooping! I learned my lesson last month, when I ruined SO's proposal plans.

I definitely think his reaction sounds highly suspicious!!!! I always "eek" whenever anyone's stories sound suspicious! It's so exciting! :D Please keep us updated!!
madelise|1348171543|3271830 said:
BeautyQueen|1348165311|3271773 said:
madelise|1348162132|3271732 said:
GIRL! You skipped my Q! Did you find anything in his emails?!!? What if he already has a ring! Maybe that's why he got so alarmed at the new setting suggestion! EEK! :appl: This is promising, and super exciting!

Whoops sorry madelise ! I only found the email asking if he had found a diamond and it was just the 1st sentence i was able to read and then i had to fiddle with the phone and back out lol. His reaction surprised me normally he would say " oh that's nice " but he just seemed so startled at the idea that i was steering off the path of pave and a single stone and moving to halos and three stones. We have gone shopping a few times and we loved the 1st one we tried on it was a daussi cushion and setting. The only thing he didn't like about it was the stone size he is a big bling guy who also happens to be color sensitive lol . When i think about the ring that could be my potential ring i think of the daussi and i feel like i might be right or in for a total surprise.

EEK! every time i think of us getting engaged and knowing it could be so close my brain burst into diamond dust and a high pitch EEK! Comes out and i smile like i am on my 5th pimp cup of champagne. I am so excited i will keep errbody posted

engagement dust to all my fellow LIW's

I get it, no love for the M ;) jk.

Oh darn, you didn't even get to snoop properly? :( S'ok, no snooping! I learned my lesson last month, when I ruined SO's proposal plans.

I definitely think his reaction sounds highly suspicious!!!! I always "eek" whenever anyone's stories sound suspicious! It's so exciting! :D Please keep us updated!!

Ugh i know .. what were SO's plans ? Did you post about this ?

I know i wont believe it until he is down on one knee and there is a ring on my finger! I am eeking inside my mind as i write this hahaha :loopy: I will be keeping you all posted.
^ I second this! Madelise, what were the plans! :Up_to_something:
Here's my not so exciting update: SO and I have each started very demanding jobs in different cities. Boo long distance. :angryfire:
lktx|1348193024|3271984 said:
Here's my not so exciting update: SO and I have each started very demanding jobs in different cities. Boo long distance. :angryfire:

yay to having to them being in different cities! I never see SO even though we live together. we work opposite shifts so mon-fri we see very little of each other and now that im back in school i am NEVER home and weekends are spent studying ;(
:nono: naughty, guys! I can't reveal :saint: I'm actually hoping he doesn't remember that I snooped, as I was kind of buzzed when this happened, then got drunk after. He yelled at me for ruining his plans, though. Maybe I'll reveal when he actually proposes.

lktx - awww, I'm so sorry! I hate long distance drives :( plan date nights together regularly to keep the spark alive :)) and to give you guys something to look forward to during tiring days at work!

llc - YOUKENDOIT!!!! :appl: kicka$$, girl. Suffer now for 2 years, and have an AMAZING life after! Think of all those days off you'll have! And how much bling you can buy when you're done!
lktx - I'm right there with you. LDRs suck.
princesss|1348238692|3272215 said:
lktx - I'm right there with you. LDRs suck.

Is it an LDR, or is it just that they both are working long hours, far away from home? :confused:
madelise|1348239737|3272226 said:
princesss|1348238692|3272215 said:
lktx - I'm right there with you. LDRs suck.

Is it an LDR, or is it just that they both are working long hours, far away from home? :confused:

I took "Boo long distance" to mean LDR, but it could be that they just feel like they're in one.

I stand by my point, though, haha. LDRs suck.
princesss|1348246151|3272286 said:
madelise|1348239737|3272226 said:
princesss|1348238692|3272215 said:
lktx - I'm right there with you. LDRs suck.

Is it an LDR, or is it just that they both are working long hours, far away from home? :confused:

I took "Boo long distance" to mean LDR, but it could be that they just feel like they're in one.

I stand by my point, though, haha. LDRs suck.

Yes they do :sick: I am only an hour away from my SO, and see him every weekend for a day and a half, but I constantly miss him :knockout:
I can't imagine being across country, or across the globe. :errrr:
madelise|1348248729|3272307 said:
princesss|1348246151|3272286 said:
madelise|1348239737|3272226 said:
princesss|1348238692|3272215 said:
lktx - I'm right there with you. LDRs suck.

Is it an LDR, or is it just that they both are working long hours, far away from home? :confused:

I took "Boo long distance" to mean LDR, but it could be that they just feel like they're in one.

I stand by my point, though, haha. LDRs suck.

Yes they do :sick: I am only an hour away from my SO, and see him every weekend for a day and a half, but I constantly miss him :knockout:
I can't imagine being across country, or across the globe. :errrr:

Yeah, it's not so fun. :blackeye: I'm lucky because I have a somewhat flexible schedule for the rest of the year, but starting next year I basically will only get to talk to him twice a week because of the time difference (5 hours is a lot, but it's a huge difference when he's a morning person and I won't get out of work until 11:30 PM his time and have to drive half an hour to get home). I'm not looking forward to it (and hoping we won't have to do it). I know we'll make it, but I'm really dreading it.
lktx I'm sorry that you've had to go long distance! How far away are you guys?

Madelise DRAT! I was excited to hear. SO WHEN do you think it'll happen?? Every day when I check PS I wonder if your thread will be there!

princesss Yikes, thats an annoying time difference! And quite far away too I guess, judging by it. :(( Is there an end in sight?
No real end in sight. I'm trying to move closer to him, but I'm also trying to switch industries, so I'm making things rather difficult. But it's going to come down to either me getting a job there or us getting married. And even then, since there's a visa issue, who knows? So right now I'm trying to save money so that I have a better chance of getting the visa approved. Luckily, I have good contacts and I work for a multinational, so if I decide that being close is more important than changing careers, I have a solid network.
Chewbacca|1348634179|3274734 said:
Madelise DRAT! I was excited to hear. SO WHEN do you think it'll happen?? Every day when I check PS I wonder if your thread will be there!

No idea. :errrr:

I haven't been feeling "romantic" these last few days, since my trip actually sucked. We were supposed to head out early Friday, but we didn't head out until Friday afternoon. That meant we didn't get to do anything I wanted to do on Friday. I was angry half of the day because of the delay. We left to head back early Sunday, and didn't get to do anything either. His work piled up, and he was in a sour mood the whole day. Bah. :nono: So I took a 3 day "vacation" for really only 1 day away.

It probably won't happen this week, either. We've made plans to spend this Thursday evening and Friday evening with friends, eating out at casual places.


I have an appointment on Oct 11 to update our appraisal work to include the setting, so I hope he proposes by then. He can't make the appointment times our appraiser is available, so I have to do it. I'd hate for him to give it to me just to bring in for the appraisal, then take it back from me.

I'm sad about this all, really. Sad, tired, and annoyed. Thank you for thinking of me, and being excited for me. My own excitement is wearing pretty darn thin.