
unique get-the-bride&groom-to-kiss ideas...

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Dec 10, 2008
Hi all... I''m sure this has been asked before, but it never hurts to start a topic fresh: new brides, more ideas.

SO... we''re trying to come up with something different than tinkling glasses for the bride and groom reception kisses...

I was at a wedding once where you had to go up to the microphone and sing a line from a love song to get the bride and groom to kiss.

At my daughter''s wedding they simply had little bells on the table.

Another wedding I was at you had to go up to the microphone and give the new couple a piece of advice...

Our afternoon reception is just going to be relaxed fun, so we are open to something fun for the kisses.

What are you all doing? Anything?
I''ve only been to about half a dozen weddings my whole life. I didn''t even know the glass thing existed until I saw it at one of them. We won''t be encouraging this practice and honestly if people did start doing it I would probably have to have someone remind me of what''s going on since I''m so unused to and unfamiliar with it. For me, I don''t want people telling me when to kiss or forcing me to "perform" for them, totally not my style.
I''ve heard about this here on PS, but I''ve never seen it in real life. (And I''ve been to a lot of weddings!)

How game are your friends and family? Would they do silly things to get you to kiss each other? And do you *want* them to be dictating your kisses at the wedding? If so, I bet we can come up with some fun ideas.
My friend had the guests come up and "act out" the kiss... Some people got up on chairs, some were upside down, or doing other silly things, and the the bride ans groom had to do the same thing. Pretty unique idea!
Is it a Canadian thing?

I''ve never NOT been to a wedding where the guests didn''t tinkle their glasses for kisses!!!

Usually a knife clinking a champagne glass, my daughter''s venue didn''t allow that, too many broken champagne glasses, so they opted for little bells -- to force the bride and groom to stand up and kiss. It''s only done during the dinner... I absolutely think it is charming and I can''t wait to kiss him lots and lots!

I went to one wedding where the bride and groom kissed each other for the first few kisses, and then with each tinkle they took turns kissing a mom, or dad, or grandparent. It was sweet.
Date: 3/21/2010 12:24:00 PM
Author: beltane
Is it a Canadian thing?

I''ve never NOT been to a wedding where the guests didn''t tinkle their glasses for kisses!!!

Usually a knife clinking a champagne glass, my daughter''s venue didn''t allow that, too many broken champagne glasses, so they opted for little bells -- to force the bride and groom to stand up and kiss. It''s only done during the dinner... I absolutely think it is charming and I can''t wait to kiss him lots and lots!

I went to one wedding where the bride and groom kissed each other for the first few kisses, and then with each tinkle they took turns kissing a mom, or dad, or grandparent. It was sweet.
Not just a Canadian thing...I''m from the Midwestern US and every wedding I''ve been to has had some sort of thing to get the bride and groom to kiss. Most of them were clinking glasses, but one was like your daughter''s venue and didn''t allow it, so they provided bells as well.

Alas, I have no other ideas for you for kisses. But I''ll definitely think about it now!
We do it in Australia too.

I went to one wedding where to get the B&G to kiss, the table had to stand up and sing a song about the bride and groom. So for example, we''d make up a cheesy little song to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star, then randomly during dinner the whole table would stand up and sing it. It was hilarious and got everyone at the table talking!

A lot of the guests were Ultimate Frisbee players, and making up songs to sing to the other team happens at the end of a lot of matches. So everyone got the concept quite quickly, and those who didn''t play frisbee figured it out when the first few tables got up and sang.
When I was growing up, the clinking glasses was very common. I don''t see it as often now due to preferences or venue policies. I have seen where a table has to answer a quiz question, or sing a song, or tell a story about the bride and/or groom, etc. One wedding I went to had crosswords set up at the table with hints related to the couple, you had to complete the crossword to get them to kiss. Lots of weddings I go to now don''t have it at all.

Personally, we decided before the wedding that if anyone tried to do any glass clinking we would give them one kiss and tell them that was IT, but we actually ended up telling everyone at the actual dinner when it came up before any glass clinking occurred (easy enough...there were only 16 guests...ha) that we would not be doing any of that sort of thing. It is just not our style or personal preference (we still kissed, just not at the urging of anyone else). I personally have always found it a little voyeuristic and have other people requesting someone kiss in front of them (especially close relatives!)!
This might not work, but I have seen this idea for destination weddings in Mexico since that is where I am getting married. The favors are handpainted maracas with a little card attached to them that say "shake for a kiss" or something like that. You could do other musical instruments if maracas don''t go with your theme.

In Russian culture, people yell the word for bitter to get the bride and groom kiss. Their kiss makes it sweet.
For our wedding (in Mexico), we had maracas with a tag that read 'Shake to see a Kiss' by each guest's plate.

All the weddings we've been to had some variation of 'how to get the bride and groom to kiss'. From clinking glasses, to rolling a giant dice, to singing a song with the word marry/marriage/wife/husband in it, to playing the operation game (two doctors got married).

ETA: nkarma, I just saw your post! Sorry to repeating!

LOL, my husband and I were constantly kissing during the reception. No encouragement needed.
I have never heard of this but for me it would be right up there with cake smashing and dollar dances.
Date: 3/22/2010 2:24:46 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
LOL, my husband and I were constantly kissing during the reception. No encouragement needed.

Us too, and I honestly think it''s a bit weird for other people to want to watch people kiss at a wedding. Just strange
DH and I are huge kissers, happy to kiss anywhere, but it''s very weird when other people ask you to do it. Like why?
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