


Sep 24, 2008
Hi girls,

So a friend of mine is getting married and I was talking with her and it turns out she invited a few people to the reception part of her wedding that now she is having second thoughts about and want to UN-invite them.
She asked me how she can do it.

I honestly was compeltely speechless - I couldn't even make things up to tell her. Something like this never even crossed my mind so I had no idea what to tell her.

Now having time to think it all through - I want to tell her she can't possibly do that.

I thought i would seek some advice before having to talk to her again about it. Anyway ideas on what I can say?
I don't think it is an acceptable thing to do in the least and even if she is bent on doing it, how would one even do that?? what do you say?

I don't want to be mean to her, but at the same time I am having trouble finding nicer worlds to say other then "you invited them so suck it up"

Any words of wisdom?
Unless these particular people kicked her dog, recently divorced the Maid of Honor, or called the groom a scruffy looking nerf herder, I agree that there is no graceful way to uninvite someone to a wedding.
Guilty Pleasure|1305295797|2920656 said:
Unless these particular people kicked her dog, recently divorced the Maid of Honor, or called the groom a scruffy looking nerf herder, I agree that there is no graceful way to uninvite someone to a wedding.


Yes, this exactly.
Guilty Pleasure|1305295797|2920656 said:
Unless these particular people kicked her dog, recently divorced the Maid of Honor, or called the groom a scruffy looking nerf herder, I agree that there is no graceful way to uninvite someone to a wedding.
Yep. You really cannot un-invite.
Guilty Pleasure - my thoughts exactly :)
Amys Bling|1305298917|2920708 said:
Guilty Pleasure|1305295797|2920656 said:
Unless these particular people kicked her dog, recently divorced the Maid of Honor, or called the groom a scruffy looking nerf herder, I agree that there is no graceful way to uninvite someone to a wedding.
Yep. You really cannot un-invite.

Guilty Pleasure|1305295797|2920656 said:
Unless these particular people ... called the groom a scruffy looking nerf herder...

LOL. :lol:
Haha yeah.. She's stuck inviting them. Sorry charlie!
Maybe they won't show up anyway...
As for how to tell your friend that she shouldn't do this, simply tell her that you think it would be very rude and she should only do it if she doesn't mind hurting someone's feelings and/or having the uninvited guests unfriend her or gossip about her rudeness.

That being said, if this isn't just a logistic or money issue, and these people have done something horrible (like the things I previously mentioned), then I find it acceptable to call the person and say directly, "You are no longer invited to our wedding. I'd prefer to leave this matter behind us, but do not wish to have any distractions on our wedding day. Thank you for understanding." and then end the conversation quickly without getting drawn into a dramatic confrontation.
Guilty Pleasure|1305314993|2920995 said:
As for how to tell your friend that she shouldn't do this, simply tell her that you think it would be very rude and she should only do it if she doesn't mind hurting someone's feelings and/or having the uninvited guests unfriend her or gossip about her rudeness.

That being said, if this isn't just a logistic or money issue, and these people have done something horrible (like the things I previously mentioned), then I find it acceptable to call the person and say directly, "You are no longer invited to our wedding. I'd prefer to leave this matter behind us, but do not wish to have any distractions on our wedding day. Thank you for understanding." and then end the conversation quickly without getting drawn into a dramatic confrontation.

Ditto this. Unless they did something I can't imagine why you would want to un-invite someone! What is wrong with this girl? Just don't be too blunt with her or you might end up un-invited, too. :cheeky: