
Trying to be sneaky...

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Jan 26, 2009
Am I the only LIW who checks the Proposal threads to see if their SO has asked about or posted about a proposal?

I know my SO knows about this site, and I have found myself checking out the proposal threads to see if he posted a question or a future proposal idea incognito. I really don''t think he would do that BUT it''s kinda fun to read them and think, "what if?"
I have no idea when my SO will propose to me, so that may be part of the problem...
I check ALLLLLL the time!! A couple times there have been posts that sound like the person could be talking about me & FF but then something is said it that just totally shoots the thought down! haha.

But I still check... hoping one day I''ll find a post from him. lol.
Oh I totally do, except not on the Proposals thread and instead on the Rocky Talky thread. There have def. been posts I think could have been from him and I always get excited when I come across one like that.
Well, he knows I post here. He just saw me doing it on Sunday again. And I talk about it from time to time....on that note, yes I wonder if he looks/posts questions. In fact, there were a few times that I would post to the OP in those areas: "Are you my boyfriend?!" lol But I also know that he has [seen] and heard me tell him about the alias 'Dreamgirl' so he knows its me. Even had I not told him, he would know it's me anyway. So, sometimes I wonder if he comes around here to see what I'm talking about too

(love you Pooh
) just
i always do that! and I''m like..oh thats so me!!! untill they mention another city across the country
Date: 2/4/2009 6:52:07 PM
Author: jcarlylew82
i always do that! and I''m like..oh thats so me!!! untill they mention another city across the country
Ha if my SO were on this site, I''d be checking like five times a day.
hahaha I''m sooo glad I''m not alone!! I always get so excited and then there''s always something that''s not at all close to my relationship...
Date: 2/4/2009 6:32:00 PM
Author: laughwithme
Oh I totally do, except not on the Proposals thread and instead on the Rocky Talky thread. There have def. been posts I think could have been from him and I always get excited when I come across one like that.
I''m the same!! I know he lurks (or used to) in RockyTalky and I always check the ''newbie'' threads but they never seem to be him. I don''t think my BF would ever post in Proposals...he likes to do things his own way and not consult anyone...except me
My BF is a regular poster in other types of internet forums, so it would not surprise me if he posted on here. But I only go to RT about once or twice a week (as I spend most of my time on the colored stone forum). I kind of look for him, but could easily miss him with all the traffic that forum gets. But I am beginning to think that he won''t post on here because he knows I am a regular. So I gave him some strong "hints" this week ;-). The proposal forum is actually the only one I avoid on PS and I have two reasons for this. The first is I don''t want to know all the different ways one can propose, I feel like that may make mine less special, although I am aware that is not very good reasoning. The other is that if he were to post an idea, I would ruin his surprise.

This is so funny!

I never even thought of this.. I think it would drive me bonkers!

I kinda hesitated registering because I didn''t know how he felt about me sharing our details online but I gave in and he said it was cute :P I am not sure whether or not he would come one here. I can see him having checked it out on his own accord to see why I like it so much. We have lurked on some threads when I read a cute proposal story or see a pretty ring and I share it with him. But, I have a feeling he wouldn''t just becuase he respects that this is *my* thing?

That would be so awesome though! Especially if you posted and were like ''Are you my bf?'' and then yeah.. It reminds me of the Pina Coladas song where the couple puts personal ads in the paper and end up falling for each other.. :P :P

This thread made me giggle because I completely do this too! My SO knows that I post here, and he also posts on other forums (mostly stereo/audio related ones), so sometimes I read something and think . . . maybe - but then the details are off. I''m pretty sure he wouldn''t post here . . . but you never know!
ooh, i do think about looking but at the same time i am desperate not to spoil the suprise!!!
I do that, too. SO makes fun of me all the time for spending so much time on Pricescope and the other day he TOLD me he was on the site the night before checking out pictures of cushions.. I just think he lurks and has not registered. But yeah, I definitely check the cushion posts on RT to see if any of them could potentially be his.
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